
Mikka's page

367 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).




Mooncaller Druid 4




Medium 5'6 140lbs




Neutral Good


Goddess of The Moon and Weather (Gozreh aspect)

About Mikka

Max HP:28 Current HP:28
STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 19 (+4) CHA 12 (+1)


AC: 16
Touch: 12
Flat footed: 14

+1 Hide Armor,

Speed: 40


BAB:+3 CMB: +4 CMD 14

Melee: Scythe +3 Damage 2d4 x4
Melee :
Ranged: longbow +5 1d10 40 arrows
Stormburst +5 (ranged touch) 1d6+1 non lethal / -2 to attacks for 1 rnd
Wand of Produce Flame +5 1d6+4 fire 23 charges

Initiative +2 (3)

Fort: +6 Reflex: + 3 Will: +8 (+10 charm/compulsion)(+12 confusion, daze, feeblemind, and insanity)

Conditions :


Special Abilities


Nature Bond, Nature sense, Orisons, Wild empathy, Night sight, Storm Domain (Storm burst), Trackless step, Resist call of the wild, Wild shape 1/day.

Languages: Common, Druidic,Sylvan

Skills: (4+Int)


Climb + (1)
Craft +8
Handle Animal +5
Heal +7
Knowledge Nature +12
Knowledge Geography +7 (8)
Knowledge Religion+
Perception +10 (11)
Sense motive +4
Ride +2
Spellcraft +10
Stealth +2 (3)
Swim +
Survival +13 (14)



Self sufficient, Weapon focus scythe


Birthmark: You were born with a strange birthmark
that looks very similar to the holy symbol of the god you
chose to worship later in life (Moon phases on lower stomach). This birthmark can serve
you as a divine focus for casting spells, and, as a physical
manifestation of your faith, increases your devotion to
your god—you gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws
against charm and compulsion effects as a result.

Resilient: Growing up in a violent neighborhood
or in the unforgiving wilds often forced you to subsist
on food and water from doubtful sources. You’ve built
up your mettle as a result, and gain a +1 trait bonus on
Fortitude saves.

0-4, 1st -3+1, O-level(DC 16)
Create water, Light, Purify food and drink, Detect poison
1st (DC 17/18)
Cure light wounds,Remove sickness , Obscuring mist*, Tar ball ,Ray of sickening
2nd (dc 18/19)
Soothing word, Fog Cloud*, Burning gaze, Frost Fall

Weather Domain
Granted Powers: With power over storm and sky, you can call down the wrath of the gods upon the world below.

Storm Burst (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The storm burst deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. In addition, the target is buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Associated Domain: Weather.

Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the lightning lord power of the Weather domain.

Gale Aura (Su): At 6th level, as a standard action, you can create a 30-foot aura of gale-like winds that slows the progress of enemies. Creatures in the aura cannot take a 5-foot step. Enemies in the aura treat each square that brings them closer to you as difficult terrain. They can move normally in any other direction. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—call lightning, 4th—sleet storm, 5th—call lightning storm, 6th—sirroco, 7th—control weather, 8th—whirlwind, 9th—storm of vengeance.


Equipment (lbs)


Belt pouch



Light: lbs
Medium: lbs
Heavy: lbs



Born to her Druid mother in her secluded grove at midnight on the eve of the spring equinox, Mikka’s already auspicious birth was made more notable by the fact that the first light to touch the child was that of a monumentally rare hunter's moon. It is said that the moon herself reached out to welcome the child, a belief supported by the silvery white of her hair.

The next in a line of Druidic women devoted to the Goddess aspect of Gozreh, the girl marked with the sign of the Goddess' favor,was raised with a veneration of the natural order and a fierce desire to protect that which is pure.





Mikka 1.
Mikka 2

A beautiful young woman in excellent condition, Mikka carries a bearing of one with authority wherever she goes, her storm grey eyes sharp and alert, indicating one who smiles often, yet has seen enough sadness to learn wisdom.

Her flawless dark skin and white hair grant her a cool appearance,reminicent of a statue in moonlight.

Often dressed in hide armor cut for freedom and to display the birthmark across her stomach, and draped in a gossamer green mantle bearing druidic symbols, she presents an alluring almost fey profile. When hoping to draw less attention she drapes herself in a voluminous deep green cloak edged in protective markings.

Pale against her skin tone, is the birthmark that is one of her most memorable features, centered around her navel four individual marks manifesting in the form of the four phases of the moon,the first and last crescent to the left and right, a full disc above and below, a dark shadow visible only due to the pale ring around it, a blessing of the Mother of Moonlight.



Action: Standard action; no AoO.
Duration: 1 hour per druid level.
Disguise +20 to pass as the animal.
Other abilities as granted by the spell up to the form's maximum ability.
Attacks: Natural attacks of the form modified by character's BAB, Str & Dex
Size change: Modifiers applied to AC, attack, CMB, and Stealth skill
Gear: Melds into body; constant bonus that don't need activation still count (excluding armor).

Large Creatures
+4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 natural armor
-1 AC & attack, +1 CMB, and -4 Stealth

Medium Creatures
+2 Str, +2 natural armor

Small Creatures
+2 Dex, +1 natural armor
+1 AC & attack, -1 CMB, and +4 Stealth

Tiny Creatures
+4 Dex, -2 Str, +1 natural armor
+2 AC & attack, -2 CMB, and +8 Stealth
Reach: 0 feet



pp gp sp cp



Resist Call of the Wild (Ex)
At 4th level, a mooncaller gains a +4 bonus on saving throws to avoid confusion, daze, feeblemind, and insanity effects. She also gains a +4 bonus against the exceptional (Editor's Note: We assume they meant to say "Extraordinary"), spell-like, and supernatural abilities of creatures with the shapechanger subtype.