Mortika runs Slumbering Tsar (PFRPG)


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But Veren's 15ft away from the male druid + falcon (otherwise I'd attack both). They are at J2 and Veren's at L4. Veren can activate Lunge, but that still doesn't cover the ground til J2. Stupid diagonal.

Well, you've never seen someone so inebriated-looking seem so dangerous, spinning around and stumbling this way and that with his blade. Veren's rapier draws blood from both the woman and half-orc before either can put up a coherent defense. The steel scrapes off the beetle's shell, not doing much damage.

The woman gasps at the pain and calls out "Deathmane!" She then spins around and fades from view as a terrible whirlwind forms where she was standing. Mikka, you hear the wind right besides you, almost deafening, and you know that the Reclaimer means to take you out of the fight first. You need to make two Reflex saving throws; the first to avoid damage from the winds, and the second to keep from being picked up bodily and suspended in the air.

The male druid casts his little falcon off at Veren, takes a step away from Artimus, and casts ice storm, centered on D8. Alia, Swiftpaws, Durnast, Chamomile, Nadeq, Rasina, and Mikka take 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 6) = 13 points of bludgeoning damage from the hail, and 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 points of damage from the intense cold, no save. (The whirlwind takes some damage, as well.) The entire area inside the effect is considered difficult terrain.

The little bird companion darts towards Veren's eyes at the commands of its master. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15; it misses, but the wing does draw a clear slice through Veren's armor, like a warm knife through butter. It arcs up, 25' in the air, right above Veren, getting ready to plunge down at him.

Mikka and Durnast, you're up, and then there might be tigers.

And I'm heading to bed. Next stop: PaizoCon.

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Reflex saves
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Raising a hand Mikka unleashes a searing bolt of flame at the male Druid.

Ranged touch1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

She moves 15 ft away from the whirlwind.

Well, you've never seen someone so inebriated-looking seem so dangerous, spinning around and stumbling this way and that with his blade.

The power of Baccus compels him!

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

AARGH! Post eaten!
For a second I thought Rasina could have countered that Ice Storm, but she only Readied against the Female Druid´s spells. DANG!
I DO think I remember that Alia was still getting a +2 Init bonus for terrain, and thus will get to act just before the tigers... I think?
It looks like Montague still isn´t placed, huh? Chris should probably just place him now,
but if he doesn´t post by his turn, whoever wants to should just play his character when Monty´s Init comes up.

Unless this Wand of Mount summons extra-ordinary light horses, 19 points of damage knocks out my Mount (@-4),
meaning Durnast has to make a DC15 check to avoid 1d6 ⇒ 4 falling dmg and being prone: Acrobatics 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
(I think Acrobatics is substitutable for Ride here, if not, subtract 4 from that roll) EDIT: Great, that should work even with my crappy Ride skill!

I´m not sure if Cam should be immune to the Ice Storm effects because he was still inside my Haversack. If not, he still has SR 12.
If he was considered outside my pack/ susceptible to the Ice Storm (and his SR 12 doesn´t cut it) he would be at 6 HP.

Durnast adroitly manages to land on his feet after his mount succombs to the Reclaimers´ supernaturally cold ice storm.
Not blinking an eye, he shrugs off the still blowing snow and frozen ground (not to mention the 19 hp of bruises and frostbite) while escaping from the storm´s area to E4 (I can ignore 5´ of Difficult Terrain). Shaking off the snow and hailstones from his sleeve, he casts some arcane gestures of his own, whose energies swirl amongst his allies, bring speed and grace to their movements.
Haste, 7 round duration: Artimus, Veren, Alia, Mikka, Rasina, Montague, & Durnast himself.

¨We rode all night to help save you guys. Let´s make it worth our while.¨

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia grunts as the hailstone rain heavily on her and the cold bites her fingers but she still tracks the falcon flight and loses a hail of arrows on the small form.

If it falls she will send the rest of them on the male Reclaimer.

1st Attack with deadly aim, manyshot and rapid shot
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 + damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
2nd Attack with deadly aim, and rapid shot 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
3rd Attack with deadly aim, point blank shot 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Hasted attack 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Edit Possible Crit with 2nd attack,
to confirm threat: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27, crit damage 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (7, 7) + 16 = 30

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I'm home (with my pockets full of "wheee" from the convention) but I have a serious day of work ahead of me. I'll post tonight.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Sorry guys. I lost my dot somehow. And I'm having trouble with this whole map thing. I wonder if when I run a PbP I could just draw it up on my battlemat, then take a picture of it and post it. ;-)

Montague is now hasted, and should have no trouble closing with the reclaimers. He will tumble in if needed.

Acrobatics (1d20+14=28)

spending a ki point for AC, he will then attempt to grapple the closest reclaimer.

CMB Grapple (1d20+10=30)

If the tigers intervene disregard the above (Including that nice 20

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Ahh the chokehold, bane of spellcasters everywhere.

Mikka, you manage to resist being pulled from the ground, but you still take 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 points of damage from being buffeted about by the winds. You hit your target with the searing blast! Into which square do you move?

Durnast's horse is not immune to the damage, but the wizard lands easily on his feet. Chamomile is safe from the hail inside the handy haversack, but not from the intense cold. The spell (1d20 ⇒ 20) easily overcomes the pseudo-dragon's spell resistance.

Alia's first volley of arrows kills the falcon, which is good. Mikka, you've seen one of these little birds in action. It had taken out a fire giant in six seconds flat once, slicing it to ribbons. But not this bird. It falls, dead, at Veren's feet, and Alia shifts her attention to its master, who goes down with 56 points of damage.

A smilodon does indeed come bounding out from the south, as your attention is focussed on the reclaimers north of you. It charges into the area of the ice storm and attacks (Alia, Nadeq, Durnast, Durnast, Rasina, Rasina1d6 ⇒ 4) Durnast.

The creature has Pounce, which allows it to charge and make a full attack, including rake attacks if it has them. This must be a special exemption to the requirement that a creature has to initiate a grapple one round, and wait to rake next round.

Left claw: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 20 = 38. Damage: 2d4 + 8 ⇒ (1, 1) + 8 = 10
Right claw: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 20 = 36. Damage: 2d4 + 8 ⇒ (4, 4) + 8 = 16
Bite 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 20 = 26 Damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (3, 6) + 8 = 17

Durnast, it tries to grab you. It takes a -10 to its CMB roll, in order to avoid gaining the Grappled condition itself (1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19. It does not manage to grab you.

Durnast, are you still up?

Another smilodon, recognizably the one that attacked Veren before, comes from deep within the forest and stands at M7, ready to leap onto Veren next round.

Montegue, the nearest Reclaimer is the flat-footed orc in L3. Consider him grappled.

The kamadan, a jaguar with long snakes bursting forth from its neck and shoulders like a serpentine corona, moves out of the forest, to stand at F11. To Durnast's relief, it seems to be no more than a magical animal. It growls softly as the central head breathes, and the scent of jasmine fills the aair in the ice storm's area. Durnast, Chamomile, Alia, Swiftpaws, Nadeq, and Rasina, you each need to make a Fortitude save against magical sleep.

Nadeq, Chamomile, and Artimus, you're up.

Chris, welcome back.

Fort save vs. Sleep 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7, does this special ability affect this save? Elven Immunities (Ex) Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Welcome back! Mikka's move is to F3 to have a good view of everything.

Rasina Songhair wrote:
Does this special ability affect this save?

It does, indeed!

Female Human Ranger 7

Fortiture save for Alia 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Fortitude save for Swiftpaws 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

M Goblin Oracle 7

Nadeqs bless and protection from evil should still be in effect on Veren
I'm a little confused about the map. Durnast said he moved to E4 before the smilodon attacked him, but he is in C9. it will affect Nadeqs action since he would have a smilodon way closer than what is healthy. Also if Durnast is in E4 i can't see how it can charge him from the south without taking AoO from Rasina and Mikka
These actions assume the positions is as the map states (Durnast in C9, smilodon in C10)

Fortitude 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Nadeq will his armor to produce the poisonous spikes.
He gets a deja vu when Durnast is allmost clawed to death by the smilodon and is torn between trying to save him or helping the group as a whole, when he remembers Durnasts little familiar who he has used to dimension door people out of harms way before.

Hoping the little dragon can hear and understand him he switches to abyssal and yells

in abyssal

Cam, get Durnast away. I will heal him when he is out of the tigers reach

And he launches into spellcasting again using the goblin tongue.

cast silence on artimus, which should also effect both the female reclaimer-turned-twister, the reclaimer half orc and unfortunately also Mikka, but she can 5 ft step out of the zone.
Nadeq moves to A6

Female Human Ranger 7

Chris, as the whole terrain south of Durnast is considered difficult terrain, can the Smilodon charge or pounce through this?

Both Nadeq and Alia are correct.

Nadeq: You're right, I'd missed reading Durnast's move. It makes little sense for the smilodon to ignore several other targets and go for him.

Rerolling the target (Alia, Swiftpaws, Rasina; 1d3 ⇒ 1) the smilodon attacks Alia, not Durnast, who is suddenly feeling much better.

Alia: you're right. ice storm doesn't lay down a sheet of ice, but rather deep snow and sleet.


Hampered Movement: Difficult terrain, obstacles, and poor visibility can hamper movement. When movement is hampered, each square moved into usually counts as two squares, effectively reducing the distance that a character can cover in a move.
You can't run or charge through any square that would hamper your movement.

The smilodon intended to charge, still has enough movement to reach you on a single move action, but can only get in a single attack, and doesn't get the +2 attack bonus from charging. this round, Alia takes 10 points of damage from the smilodon.

Hey Chris, welcome back! How was P-Con?

It looks like the Smilodon´s Pounce has been amended (thank goodness for difficult terrain)
If it HAD been able to Pounce, that would have brought Durnast to -CON (-12) HPs, which I´m not sure if that would kill him outright immediately or allow 1 round to possibly stabilize or for Cam to feed him a Potion... (PHEW)

Cam is Immune to Sleep and Paralysis anyways,
but I thought Durnast had moved out of the area of the Sleet Storm (to E4),
so if the sleep effect is truly identical to the Sleet Storm, Durnast should be outside it´s effect
(though the Kamadan should be able to judge that, or at least have a 50/50 chance as we decided for Area Effects earlier with the Fireball vs. Demon Swarm).
If the Sleep Area of Effect DOES include Durnast, here is his Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 (if considered Poison, add +5 from Anti-Toxin)

Cam flits out of the Haversack which didn´t prove to be an entirely safe refuge against the frost, and takes in the situation (possibly including a sleeping Durnast):
If Durnast is sleeping, Cam tries to wake him as well as pour a Potion of CSW down his throat (3d8 + 5 ⇒ (8, 2, 3) + 5 = 18).
If Durnast is not sleeping (outside Area of Effect or passes Save),
Cam decides that helping the party deal with the horde of monsters surrounding them is the best strategy, and continues his movement to G12 where he can Flank the ¨Kamadan¨ with Rasina.
He will play it safe by Tumbling when he approaches the ¨Kamadan¨, though Invisiblity might normally make this superflous. Taking 10, that is a 28 on Tumble.

He is still Invisible, and Taking 10 on Stealth with Invis (+20 when moving) = 49 (52 in forest),

Male Human Paladin 7

Definitely welcome back! Good to have you around again, Chris.

Artimus will raise his sword, bringing it down on the half-orc beside him, swinging with 3 power attacks and hoping to bring him down quickly.

He recognizes that the primary threats seem to be closer to the rest of the group, however, so whether the orc goes down or not he is 5-foot stepping to J3 in order to line himself up with the reclaimer female.

If the first or second attack drops the half-orc, then I am going to take the 5 foot step and the remaining attacks will be focused on the reclaimer male

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22Attack roll
1d8 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Damage

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20Attack roll
1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 Damage

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25Attack roll Haste
1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 Damage

The Kamadan did in fact include durnast's revised position in its breath attack.

Durnast and Swiftpaws both fold, due to the somnambulent vapors the Kamadan pours forth.

Chamomile tries waking Durnast. Durnast, give me another save, at +2.

Artimus, you'll need to make a Reflex saving throw if you want to avoid being silenced.

Artimus moves over to the orc (not half-orc) reclaimer that Montegue has grappled and attempts to hack away. It would appear that there is no modifier, in any way, to attack a foeman who's wrestling someone else, except that the Reclaimer is denied his Dexterity bonus. All three hits land. The Reclaimer is now covered in wounds and blood from the paladin's sword blows, but he is still kicking.

And Artimus, the Reclaimer female has assumed the form of a great whirlwind of air.

The orc says something to Artimus. (We'll check to see whether Artimus made his saving throw to see if you can tell what the orc says.) He then turns into a small being of elemental fire. Montegue, you can choose to let go as soon as you see him change. The intense fire causes 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7 points of damage, Reflex save (DC 17) to avoid half of that.

The beetle attacks Artimus. Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20. If that bite attack hits, the beetle delivers 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 1) + 3 = 8 points of damage, but 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 fails to grab the paladin in its deadly jaws.

And we're back to the top of the round. Rasina and Veren.

Male Human Paladin 7

I was going to accept the silence spell on me, I won't be casting any further spells and if I am radiating silence I will be able to mess with the spell casters some.

Also, I did realize she turned into a whirlwind, but I didn't have a better way to refer to her then the 'female reclaimer', I still was planning to line up with her, seeing that she appears to be the biggest threat at the moment.

The Beetle's attack would miss even without the barkskin and Haste bonuses to my AC. Can you tell me just how good of an AC bonus the barkskin gave?

Female Human Ranger 7

Chris, the smilodon facing Alia should also make a save vs sleep, I think. I know there's little chance for it to sleep but you never know.

Wow. I had 24 hours of no internet - and then "this" welcomes me. Seriously busy - I love it!

Veren tumbles, almost unsteadily, on his feet - first away then back to the orc fire elemental, thrusting the rapier at the center of the swirling mass of fire; before continuing his warbled movement towards Artimus.

Veren spring attacks the fire elemental - moving about without provoking from the fire elemental; returning to the starting position to flank with Artimus and attack - then proceed upwards to L2.

Attack, with Combat Expertise 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 15 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 20 Damage 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Rasina realizes the Kamadan is a serious threat to the party with its sleep breath, so she decides to keep it occupied.

Full Attack on Kamadan, MW rapier 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 1 = 19, damage 1d6 ⇒ 2

Dagger +1 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8, damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Hasted attack, MW rapier 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 = 21, damage 1d6 ⇒ 6

2nd Save for Durnast: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 ...ZZZZZZZZZZZ.......
I added the HPs from the CSW Potion, so he´s now at 40/51 hp. (Cam @ 19/25)

Cam can see that the Potion improves Durnast´s condition, erasing the deepest bruises and most of the frost-bitten tissue, but no matter how he´s shaken Durnast doesn´t awake. ¨C´mon, wake up!, you´ll miss being the first to discover the para-arcana-whatzit!¨, he telepathically yells into Durnast´s head to no effect.

The map looks like it´s still missing Monty (who is grappling the Fire-Orc) and one of the Smilodon´s should be adjacent to Alia (whom it attacked). I kind of wish somebody had used one of those Beads of Force on the melee opposition (Smilodon´s, Kamidan?).... Oh well, Durnast is enjoying his beauty rest :-)

M Goblin Oracle 7
Chamomile wrote:

I kind of wish somebody had used one of those Beads of Force on the melee opposition (Smilodon´s, Kamidan?).... Oh well, Durnast is enjoying his beauty rest :-)

I thought of doing it, but then again. With a reflex save of only 16 i don't think it possible that some agile cats are going to get caught in the sphere, and i thought it likely that Nadeq could see that too. Besides everyone in a 10 ft radius takes 5d6 damage, so they can't be used against engaged foes without hurting a friend also

I vote for declaring beads of force a monk weapon, then give them to Montague and flurry 4 of them in succession. Even an agile cat will have trouble dodging that many, and it'll still add up to 20d6 damage or so. Who's with me?!

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Montague releases the being as it turns to flame and steps back looking for a more solid target. He will take care to keep at least 20 feet from any of the cats, as he has seen what closing to melee has done for them.

Hold action till one of the cats moves towards him. Gesturing, and yelling to try and attract their attention...and limbering up his throwing arm. Montague will spend a ki point for defense, and fight defensively as a full round action. If after the tigers act they do not close with Montague he will then try to move to a more solid target and attack. NOTE: Chris...without a real constantly updating battle mat, it's very difficult to consider combat tactics with a warrior like Montague who relies so much on mobility, and tumbling quick strikes, so please take the liberty to position Montague where he can do the most good. He typically would like to wait for the enemy to come to him so he can get his (4) flurry of blows attacks (Haste), but if not then he will tumble and move quickly to attack where most needed. If I need to make perception checks to determine where needed please do so.

AC 31 for this round

Rasina: attacks the kamadan. Two attacks hit; it's still up.

Veren: attacks the fire elemental; you seem to disrupt his fire momentarily; he's flickering, but still up.

Male Human Reclaimer: dying.

Female Reclaimer: cannot seem to lift Mikka, so tries to take Alia out of the fight. Alia, I'll need two Reflex saves from you, to avoid taking damage from the whirlwind, and to avoid losing your footing.

Durnast: asleep
Swiftpaws: asleep
Dire tigers:
The Kamadan
Male Orc Reclaimer:
Giant beetle:

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia sees the whirlwind coming to her and tries to dodge the buffeting winds.

Reflex save to avoid damage 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 1 = 20
Reflex save to avoid being captured by the wirlwind 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 1 = 22

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

I may need an updated map to not incinerate any of our side

Mikka, I'll get to that today.

Again, welcome back Chris!

Does Mikka get an AoO? I presume she`s wielding her staff...?

As it turns out, a whirlwind does not provoke attacks of opportunity by moving.

I think the map is updated now. Mikka, and Alia. (Alia, even though you've kept your footing, archery from inside the whirlwind would be very difficult.)

Female Human Ranger 7
GM Chris Mortika wrote:

As it turns out, a whirlwind does not provoke attacks of opportunity by moving.

I think the map is updated now. Mikka, and Alia. (Alia, even though you've kept your footing, archery from inside the whirlwind would be very difficult.)

From the map, the smilodon should be in B7 and not in C10 as it attacked Alia last round and Alia is still in B6 with the whirlwind. People, from where Alia is, whatever she does, she'll go down this round. Let's make them pay.

From her B6 position, Alia moves out of the whirlwind to B5 with a 5 foot step. Knowing she won't escape the whirlwind or the tiger's teeth, she screams defiantly and tries to take at least some of them down with her.

Firing 5 arrows on the female reclaimer, provoking an AoO from her (AC is 25). If the reclaimer falls, any arrow left will go on the Kamadan

1st Attack with haste, deadly aim, point blank shot manyshot and rapid shot
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26, damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 + damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
2nd Attack with deadly aim, point blank shot and rapid shot 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24, damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
3rd Attack with deadly aim, point blank shot 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12, damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
haste attack 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17, damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Perhaps Mikka can take down the smilodon before it can kill Alia.

Alia, you cannot take a 5'-step in difficult terrain, and the ice storm is still creating that condition. But if you wanted to strike at the air elemental herself, situated at the heart of the whirlwind, you could do that without penalty. You would take an Attack of Opportunity from the smilodon.

The druid who became the air elemental does know how to cast spells in her altered form. Alia's drawing her bowsting is the triggering situation for the readied spell the female Reclaimer was holding: Warp Wood. Alia, you need to succeed in a DC 17 Will saving throw, with a +1 modofier due to the bow's dwoemer, in order to get off your attacks.

With the Reclaimers assuming elemental forms, this battle is a lot less chatty than I had originally planned.

Female Human Ranger 7
GM Chris Mortika wrote:

Alia, you need to succeed in a DC 17 Will saving throw, with a +1 modofier due to the bow's dwoemer, in order to get off your attacks.

Will save 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 1 = 24

Edit: yeah, take that.

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Is the male orc reclaimer still up or dropped?

Female Human Ranger 7
Mikka wrote:
Is the male orc reclaimer still up or dropped?

It's still up.

Mikka wrote:
Is the male orc reclaimer still up or dropped?

He's a flickering creature of elemental fire, heavily damaged but not yet dropped.

The western smilodon takes a swipe at Alia. 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31; it hits, for 2d4 + 8 ⇒ (1, 1) + 8 = 10 points of damage.

Alia, your arrows take down the female Reclaimer. She reverts to her human mortal self and, demonstrating her belief in the circle of life, dies.

The winds die down, and the upward pressure ceases. As you settle to the ground, an empty bow in your hand, you look to your thigh and see a fresh wound from the dire tiger, now standing in the snows only a foot or two away from you, the size of a bison. You hear a deep growl in its throat as it makes ready to attack.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Chris. Any chance you could put the link to the combat map in your profile so I don't have to go thread jumping to find it? Also this combat has dragged on so long, I'm not sure what is happening, so a quick recap of everybody's status, and position would be great. If that's too much trouble, then Montague will just attack the flame elemental.

Go Mikka... Go Mikka...!
Just a reminder, I glanced at Alia`s profile and didn`t see the Haste AC bonus, which is a +1 dodge bonus that stacks (like with the Dodge Feat she has) - same goes for everybody else that`s Hasted, along with it`s other effects (extra attack when full attacking, +1 to-hit, +1 reflex, +30´ speed).

I think after Mikka, then the 2 Smilodons, Monty is going next JUST before the Kamadan.
Depending on Alia`s condition (still standing after the Smilodon, bleeding out),
he may want to deal with the Kamadan who could attack her again, or otherwise help her not die.

However it ends up, I think Alia made a good show of it...

With the Reclaimers assuming elemental forms, this battle is a lot less chatty than I had originally planned.

Yeah, that Silence on Artimus snuffing out the Orc`s banter didn`t help either :-/

The map link is here... I think it is useful if somebody reposts the map link occasionally, having to flip back to a previous page in the discussion thread is a drag. Indicating dead/dying bodies with a different color would be cool too...

The female and male reclaimer (rf and rm) are now dead, the Orc reclaimer is in fire elemental form and looking shaky, Durnast and Swiftpaws are Sleeping (Swiftpaws isn`t on the map), and I think that`s about it until the Smilodons do their thing. (please correct me if there`s anything else)

Alia shot the extraordinarily lethal little bird dead, too.

Most members of the party have sustained some damage.

Montegue, you still have a held action.

Having Held his action means Monty can act before the Smilodons?

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Montague takes a five foot step to flank,thinking that the Orc needs to go down, Montague disregards the flames and attacks with a flurry of kicks, and punches.

Flurry of blows hasted (1d20+10=22, 1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=11)Flurry of blows (1d20+5=14)

Damage (1d8+3=6, 1d8+3=4, 1d8+3=7, 1d8+3=8)

Wow that sucked

Female Human Ranger 7

If I may suggest for Chamomille. she should take an action to automatically wake Durnast. that should help everyone.

Alia's AC versus the smilodon is 25: 26 +1 from haste, -2 as she does not get her buckler shield bonus while firing her bow.

Great shooting Alia, pity about the flurry Montague - let's hope that it is just enough. Isn't Montague hasted? That is another +1 to attack I think.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14
Veren Baccus wrote:

Great shooting Alia, pity about the flurry Montague - let's hope that it is just enough. Isn't Montague hasted? That is another +1 to attack I think.

Yeah. He used it. that's why he had 4 attacks instead of three. Could have used a Ki point for an additional one, but had already used one for AC this round.

I think LoreKeeper was reminding that Haste grants a +1 to-hit bonus to ALL attack rolls, ON TOP OF the additional attack roll (which also benefits from the +1), yet that bonus didn`t seem like it was factored in... Whether that makes much difference this time, who knows.

BTW, I found Monty`s profile very hard to read, it`s apparently listing single combined attack roll numbers (BAB+STR/DEX+etc) for unarmed/x-bow, right adjacent to the (un-marked/differentiated) pure unmodified BAB for his flurry of blows... which is pretty confusing when the FoB numbers don`t remotely match what you rolled (correctly including STR and Flanking, but apparently not +1 from Haste). There is also a +1 AC bonus to Haste which I mentioned, I`m not sure if you added that in. If I was you, I would list the Flurry of Blows ¨base BAB¨ right next to your raw BAB score, and list the combined bonuses (str, enhancement, weapon focus, etc) for your weapon/attack routines, including FoB/ Unarmed Full Attack.
At this point, it looks like we`re waiting for Mikka...
If Mikka doesn`t say otherwise before Chris lets events take their course, I`m going to say that Mikka probably will try to cast a Fireball on the Sabertooh Tiger just about to shred Alia, since I can`t see much else she could do to help Alia. She would have to catch Rasina in the Fireball`s blast if she also wanted to hit the Kamadan, and I don`t think Rasina can stand a failed Save right now. +5´ step to F5. Only other tactic I can see is her Horn of Fog, to give a 20% miss chance on attacks against Alia...?

If Cam could automatically wake Durnast up, that would be great (and that`s how I thought it would work from my reading of the spell), but apparently Chris is just giving Durnast another Saving Throw to wake up, though with a +2 bonus from Aiding. Trying to wake Durnast up (even if not automatically) is probably what Cam will do on his turn.

Female Human Ranger 7
Quandary wrote:

If Cam could automatically wake Durnast up, that would be great (and that`s how I thought it would work from my reading of the spell), but apparently Chris is just giving Durnast another Saving Throw to wake up, though with a +2 bonus from Aiding. Trying to wake Durnast up (even if not automatically) is probably what Cam will do on his turn.

That's because Chamomille used her action to make Durnast drimk a potion, not to wake him up.

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