Gryphon Gold |

I'm considering running through the Pathfinder modules that take place in and around the downtrodden and eerie town of the Falcon's Hollow, and would like to know if there's a handful of individuals interested in playing. Likely parameters for the campaign would probably be Pathfinder rules, 20 point buy, standard base classes, 4-5 posts per week, run here on Paizo's messageboard.
So, is anyone interested?

Bacchreus |

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for this one.
I was thinking of the errant son of a Lumber Consortium member who has shunned his heritage and become enamoured with a fey family servant. He's logically followed this path to become a Ranger, often slipping into the Darkmoon Wood with her when he should be learning the family trade.

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im definately interested, probably Dwarf Barbarian.
just a little advice, not meaning to sound narky or anything, but if you put in your hookup thread how many players you want, and how you will select the players, it would help us who want to join.
just a thought.
will write up a character in an hour.
probably call him Dirk Strongbeard.
Peebo :D

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I'm interested. I've had a character concept for awhile that I'd like to bust out and play. His name is Binjion Franks, a Neutral Cleric of Pharasma. In his current community he fills the role of both undertaker and deliverer of babies. He has a concerted hatred for the undead as they disrupt his god's balanced view of life and death. This was fueled by the death of his brother and sister at the hand of a pack of ghouls when Binjoin was a child of 7. In fact, he has taken an oath to a secret society of Undead Hunters to pursue an eliminate any such threats to the fabric of reality. Understanding of magic and the supernatural, Binjion, however, places great trust in the powers of logic and reason. Although deeply rooted in the divine, he is a man of science. (Not that that word is in use or has been coined yet) Think Ben Franklin with divine power. He does not refer to himself as a priest and although he gives thanks to Pharasma for the healing aid bestowed, he refers to himself as a "doctor".
Stats available, of course, upon acceptance/request.

Bacchreus |

Gryphon Gold. to elaborate more of my backstory
Going with the neglected son of a Lumber Consortium boss, I found in the Guide to Darkmoon Vale, Jurin Kreed, son of Thuldren Kreed, the boss at Falcons hollow. With your acceptance i'd like to take Jurin and run him as an aspiring ranger who has fallen in love with the family maid, an elf with some relation to Namdrin Quinn, owner of Quinns Carnival.
To escape the persecution and beatings from his father he has been escaping into the Darkmoon wood with her and learning the ways of being a ranger and nature in general.
let me know what you think?

Deelin |

OK, this is what I've done so far and have added 2 traits. I haven't added too much equipment yet as I don't know if our starting gold is going to be average for class or not. I've still to add the background and am waiting on your final approval. Also for hit points are we starting with maximum for 1st level?

Gryphon Gold |

Characters will get two traits. They can be found at paizo.com/traits. I haven't decided if I'll allow traits outside of that, though.
Countmein and Peebo, your characters look good.
AlKir, I like your concept and would like to see your stats.
Torillan and John, those classes are fine. I'd like to see about your characters.
Bacchreus, Jurin Kreed isn't available to play. It's necessary that he stay an NPC.
Half-porc, it looks like I have six interested players already. If someone doesn't come through, I'll let you know in this thread.

Gryphon Gold |

thanks for the info. I'll still go with the same background concept and have changed his name to Deelin but I now need an appropriate Lumber exec to use for family. Do you have any suggestions?
I would suggest continuing with your concept while coming up with your own name for an underboss to Kreed.

Gryphon Gold |

The OOC thread is here:
I've posted there a handful of traits adapted for the campaign.

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Torillan and John, are you guys still interested?
I realize that Half-Porc is already "wait-listed" in front of me; however, I'm interested and will start making a character to fill a slot, if you think there is a chance I'll be able to fill it.
Reading through the thread, this is the roster as far as I can tell:
- Dirk Strongbeard - Dwarf Barbarian (by Peebo)
- Lacore Denmius - Human Illusionist (by Countmein/Duidelik)
- Binjion Franks - Human Cleric (by AlKir)
- Deelin - ? Ranger (by Bacchreus)
The wait list appears to be the following:
- ? - ? Fighter (by Torrilan Ellandilas)
- ? - ? Cleric (by John Spalding)
- Dorsera - Cleric (by Celestial Half-Porc
Given the roles I see already filled, I think the group might be best complemented by a Rogue, although a heavily armored Fighter or Paladin would also be a nice fit, although not as necessary with two clerics.
All of that said, I've a bit of a whimsical notion to play a female Half-Orc Monk. The poor kid was abandoned on the monastery steps in a basket one morning as a bawling babe.
She's lived in the monastery, studying and training all of her young life, never having left its walls. Now that she's become a young adult, the head monk has decided to send her into the world outside of the monastery.
For a bit of a twist, I'm thinking of her journey beyond the monastery walls as having a bit of a Rumspringa flavor to it.
Yeah, so...I'll start writing up both the Monk and a Rogue, see if I like where either goes, and check back tomorrow to confirm whether there might be a slot available.

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She's lived in the monastery, studying and training all of her young life, never having left its walls. Now that she's become a young adult, the head monk has decided to send her into the world outside of the monastery.For a bit of a twist, I'm thinking of her journey beyond the monastery walls as having a bit of a Rumspringa flavor to it.
That's a really cool character concept. I just might have to steal that one sometime.
It's odd that Rumspringa has popped up a couple of times in the past week. I was listening to a radio program where the journalist was interviewing several Amish teens undergoing the rite to capture their perspective. I was amazed to hear that the Amish claim that like 90% of their youth come back to their religion. I also found it ironic that as a whole the Amish technically encourage underage drinking in the US as experimenting with alcohol becomes a big part of Rumspringa for most teens, yet the rite ends at 21.

Torillan |

Torillan and John, are you guys still interested?
Yes! I apologize for the delay...working four 12-hour overnight shifts in a Pediatric ER at the height of swine flu outbreaks is a little exhausting!
I should have Torillan finished tomorrow. He will effectively be a front-line fighter, specializing in the bastard sword (one-handed usage) and shield.
Thanks for everyone's patience.

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Gryphon Gold wrote:Torillan and John, are you guys still interested?Yes! I apologize for the delay...working four 12-hour overnight shifts in a Pediatric ER at the height of swine flu outbreaks is a little exhausting!
I should have Torillan finished tomorrow. He will effectively be a front-line fighter, specializing in the bastard sword (one-handed usage) and shield.
Thanks for everyone's patience.
At that, it sounds like you have a full roster. Have fun!

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Gryphon Gold wrote:Is a cleric good for you? I know we already have one, just wanted to make sure as I can make something else. Maybe Paladin. For now I will work on Dorsera as a Cleric.Half-Porc, you're in.
Everyone, starting gold is max gold for your class.
In my opinion, 2 clerics would be a really swell.
Are we going to create a new thread to start the actual adventure? There's a lot of out of topic chatter in this thread already.

Gryphon Gold |

Gryphon Gold wrote:Is a cleric good for you? I know we already have one, just wanted to make sure as I can make something else. Maybe Paladin. For now I will work on Dorsera as a Cleric.Half-Porc, you're in.
Everyone, starting gold is max gold for your class.
Yes, another cleric is good.