Pilts Swastel

AlKir's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 156 posts (494 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.


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I am pretty sure I'd like to make it down for UCon. I'm also very interested in GMing my backside off for my second star. I've heard your have something special for crazy people interested in GMing 6+ slots. Who doesn't want 30 hrs of PFS over a 72 hr period? I wonder if I can get away with gming 6 and playing 4.... sleep is for the weak. :D

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Garringer wrote:
Diego Winterborg wrote:
At the same time I sometimes get this paranoid feeling that some posters out there have nothing better to do than argue every single statement a VC makes.
No they don't! ;)

I paid for an argument, and all you're doing is being contrary.... No, I'm not.

Dark Archive

Jiggy wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Q: does Greater Disarm also add +2 to your CMD vs. disarm attempts, just like Improved Disarm does?
The feat description for Greater Disarm wrote:
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to disarm a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Disarm. Whenever you successfully disarm an opponent, the weapon lands 15 feet away from its previous wielder, in a random direction.

I am currently playing a whip wielding Bard in the Legacy of Fire adventure path and all I can say is that at 11th level with the improved disarm and greater disarm feats paired with Improved Invisibility, Good Hope, and Inspire Courage (+3)he is a terror to behold vs. weapon wielding opponents. Even large and huge baddies pose little problem. "Oh, you weren't planning on using that +2 keen great ax of life stealing, were you... So sorry, Mr. Efreeti...."

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Mark Garringer wrote:
AlKir wrote:
The rules have clearly established the fact that you can not play up more than one tier and that you must start all PCs at level 1. So, failing sufficient GP or AP my characterless player would have the option of either playing a pregen every session till the group either TPKs or reaches level 12 and retires, or grab the reins and GM since I have an appropriate leveled character from GM credits. Although, neither of those options seem ideal in my opinion. Am I missing something?
Well, there's the choice were everyone else makes level 1 characters out of sympathy and everyone starts over. =)

You do have a point sir! This will continue to be a better and better option as more low level content is released.

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:

Here's what I hope: there'll be a way to catch up.

3-adventures-per-level might work well enough for people who play PFS at conventions. There's always some folks with similar-leveled PCs to play with.

But there are situations where everybody in a home group has 4th or 5th-level characters. And somebody needs to start a new character, either because her last character died or because she's new to the group. In standard Pathfinder, the GM can start her PC at or near the experience level of the other PCs. Even if not, the 1st-level PC will catch up to the rest of the party within a level or two.

In a home-campaign PFS game, the new PC will *never* catch up. She will always be 3 or 4 levels behind the rest of the party. And honestly, that's not much fun.

Here's hoping that there's some mechanism that allows the high-level characters to voluntarily slow down, or the lower-level character to speed up, possibly by paying Prestige.

As a GM who runs a weekly home game, I have thought about this a great deal. What do you do when your group's characters hit level 6 or so and someone dies? I know it's likely they will have AP saved up for a raise dead at that point (it's what I'm currently encouraging my players to do) and that the party likely has enough gold to pool in and buck up for a raise, but what if they don't?

The rules have clearly established the fact that you can not play up more than one tier and that you must start all PCs at level 1. So, failing sufficient GP or AP my characterless player would have the option of either playing a pregen every session till the group either TPKs or reaches level 12 and retires, or grab the reins and GM since I have an appropriate leveled character from GM credits. Although, neither of those options seem ideal in my opinion. Am I missing something?

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Doug Miles wrote:
I botched this the first time I ran it and had her go down vs a color spray (she's immune to illusions). She's an elf, which means the sleep hex would not effect her (elves are immune to magical sleep). Also, in order to kill a creature that regenerates you must use the material she's vulnerable to as part of the coup de grace delivery (Bestiary pg 303). Until the PCs figure out what stops her regeneration she will continue to heal up. Don't feel bad, it's a very long, complicated stat block. I've run it 8 times and I still can get tripped up. The players would have kept trying different ways of killing her until they narrowed it down to silver. The only silver in the scenario are the ingots found in Act 2, unless the PCs carry their own.

Yeah I noticed my own mistake minutes after posting about the sleep effect.

My gut told me that the coup de grace would have needed silver. (The PC was using a cold iron scimitar, but had a silver one in his pack) In fact, I had her play dead and then shadow walk away behind the warded door, but then a player and I had a debate about the result of the failed fort save from the coup de grace and also due to the hour being late, I caved... Now I know for sure. Lesson learned.

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I ran this scenario last night and was eagerly anticipating the last encounter, only to have my players completely dominate the situation.

On the top of the first round, the party's 4th level Witch scans the room with a good perception check and exceed's the will save difficulty of the priestess's disguise self spell. Seeing the incoming ambush she lays down her sleep hex. The priestess botches her will save and takes a 4 round nap, which is plenty of time for the party to dispatch the four mite rogues and perform an anti-climactic coup de grace on the sleeping priestess. 30+ damage and a failed fort save later we have one dead shadow creature. No chance to get her fear effects off, no chance employ her wicked regeneration or shadow walk.

Oh well, I suppose it was retribution from nearly TPKing them last week with Voice in the Void...

You know it's a bad day when the your front line fighter losses in a one sided fist fight with a gibbering mouther... Luckily his companions are the giving sort and all bucked up to have him raised. :D

Dark Archive

I would assume the conversion for Season 0 faction missions would go something like: "Add X to the DC of the skill check required for the existing mission. Award 1 AP for the completion of the mission." Sounds easy to me, but I guess we'll wait and see. :D

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I'm pretty sure that spell completion items require you to know the spell that is to be cast by the item. The + to DC rules are only for non spell completion items such as weapons, armor, rings, rods and misc. magical items. A wand or a staff as a bonded item would require the wizard to know the correlating spell.

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Kelly Youngblood wrote:

Is there an official ruling on which weapon groups weapons from the APG and other non-core sources fall into for the purposes of the Fighter's Weapon Training class feature?

I'm considering creating a lucerne hammer-wielding fighter for possible PFS convention play, and would really like to know whether it counts as a hammer or a polearm for such purposes.

When it comes down to picking the hammer or polearm weapon's group for a lucern hammer, I would think picking the polearm group would be a safer choice than the hammer group. Sure you can argue that the lucern hammer basically behaves as a hammer with a really long shaft, but it's really hard to say it's NOT a polearm.

Dark Archive

There is a player with a magus character in my weekly PFS home game. We are now at 3rd level and have nearly completed enough chronicles to round out 4th. I find him to be no more disrupting than fighter in the party whipping around his zwiehander one shotting foes while decked out in full plate, or the melee witch with her sleep hex, or the cleric of Abadar with all his extra channel energies.

In fact, he flubs up his caster level check more than not to cast defensively. So sometimes yes he is Mr. Badass using the old hex blade trick of decimating the BBEG with a swing of his sword combined with shocking grasp, but others he's that under optimized guy in light armor fighting with a 1h weapon and no shield.

I understand that we all want to have our fun and we get sad when that fun is ruined by another player at the table, but I ask the OP, how many sessions have you played with a magus in the party? I'm so tired of walk away from the table statements that start with "If I ever end up at a table with a .... blah blah blah... then I'm gonna walk!" when you hardly ever see, "My friends, I have played table after table with.... blah blah blah... and since I rarely enjoyed myself I'd be willing to let Extra Guy from that 7 person table over there have my seat."

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Chris Ballard wrote:
Just was trying to come up with a way to play a druid without a domain or animal companion.

The Urban Druid Archetype from the APG selects Charm, Community, Knowledge, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Rune, or Weather domains in place of an animal companion.

All other druids to my knowledge either have the regular animal companinon or the regular druid domains for their nature's bond class feature.

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ithuriel wrote:
Yes please! It would make picking one to match a group much quicker. As is, people keep their own spreadsheets to sort out which scenario is which tier at a glance, but they really shouldn't have to do that.

I agree with this 100%. A tier designation in the modules name ore something would help a ton when selecting which scenario to purchase.

Dark Archive

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Ok, there's this new thing going around called Sarcasm? Have you heard of it? because I'm pretty sure that's what he was going for in that post. At least that's how I read it. <shrug>

Didn't you get the memo? The internet has absolved sarcasm in all forms. Everything in this thread is literal. If you haven't learned by now that Fear the Boot is a podcast full of hosts with no sense of humor who love Rifts and Larping, but abhor FASA Star Trek and Battletech. On top of that all they talk about is crunch. OMG if they would only let loose and RP a little. Geesh!

Dark Archive

Another factor relating to the windows of the Blackros Museam durning the Pnumbral Accords scenario is that due to the nature of the planar conjunction, PCs looking into the museum from the outside would only see the aspects of each room tied to the material plane. The shadow plane elements would not be detectable to an individual who has not crossed the building's threshold.

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Midnightoker wrote:
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
AvalonXQ wrote:
Also, since crits are more luck-based than other things, there are a lot of abilities (fate and luck abilities, curses, etc) that can force the character to re-roll that critical threat.
Yeah, like high level pugwampi witches with the misfortune hex... ;)

when do those release??

I am sooooo positive its in the new bestiary 2... possibly the cover art

are they statted somewhere else already?

Legacy of Fire Adventure Path, Volume 1 has stats for the pugwumpi, an excessively annoying creature that makes all around it roll 2 d20's and take the worse result. Unspeakable evil, I tell you, use with caution.

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Please reinstate all of my subscriptions, charge my account, and ship, thanks. I appreciate your willingness to help with this manner.

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Thank you for all of the great material that has been coming out this Summer. The Gamemastery Guide has been a delight to read.

I noticed on my subscriptions page that 2 adventure paths and the Advanced Players guide are expected to ship late July. Would it be possible to hold my payment until July 30? This would help my financial situation greatly. Thank you so much.

Dark Archive

Thank you Cos. I haven't the slightest why things came up NSF the first time you ran the debit. I had in excess of $200 in the account according to my online banking. It would appear that all is well now though. Huzzah!

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Greetings. I want to start by commenting on what wonderful service I have received the past year and change I have been a Paizo subscriber.

That said, I've noticed that Council of Thieves 6 of 6 does not appear currently anywhere in my subscription schedule. I was charged and received volume 5/6 back in January. At that time part 6 of 6 was listed as a February shipments. Now February has passed and the subscription schedule for March lists Kingmaker 1 of 6, but bears no mention of Council of Thieves 6 of 6. I have been away from your message boards for a few months as work and personal issue have been taking much of my time and I apologize if I've missed an official announcement of the products delay. I just want to ensure that I have not been skipped over. Thanks in advance.

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If you read the rules very carefully you will see that the only limiting factor here is money available >100,000gp is a LOT and the appropriate spellcraft skill. Caster level does not factor in in this case.

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I'd like to take a second to expouse the virtues of MapTool. It is designed to work as a server so that many people can play online together, but it also allows you to export anything you create in an image file. This not only allows you to print your maps, but you can then upload them to a hosting site, such as photobucket, which makes it great for PbP games!

Some say it's difficult to use but there are like 20 video tutorials up on the RPTools site that hold your hand step by step. The biggest and perhaps strangest facet of maptools is that the program itself comes sans image library. Luckily the tutorials will point you towards millions of user created images for the program.

I have been using this FREE program for a PbP on these boards. I have been extremely happy with the results and my players are astonished with the map quality, not to mention the uber cool lighting effects.

Dark Archive

Carrion Hawthorne wrote:
What is Asatru? I can look it up, but I prefer it directly from the source. I have no affiliations, I am Spiritual (relgious science).

Asatru, literally means remaining true to the Ases or Asir, the ancient Gods of Germanic Folklore. It is a re-constructionist religion as only a few carved stones and woodcarvings exist into the modern age describing our sacred rites and observances after the Christian cleansing during the early part of the last millennium. I prefer to view myself as a modern day barbarian, embracing the technology and ways of the present while still honoring the traditions and beliefs of my ancient ancestors. For more information venture Here.

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Odd that this wasn't specifically addressed in a sidebar somewhere seeing as the iconic Lini, in the module is a small-sized character. Honestly, I would just rule that the spell adjusts the size of any equipment worn at the time of casting.

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Kcinlive wrote:

However, a familiar is supposed to be more important for a witch then a wizard. As it stands I can see the witch's familiar being little more then a living spellbook. I mean do you really want to risk the depository of a significant amount of your power to destruction by sending it into battle? Things will/may change once the familiar is able to do more things like cast spells.

Maybe add in the ability for the witch to take damage in place of the familiar similar to what the summoner/eidolon can do? Maybe if the familiar is about to take damage enough to kill it, the witch can take the damage instead? Or at least allow the familiar a certain amount of negative hp before it dies.

Just some thoughts,


I would suggest the following, considering the relative lack of power and risk of death in a witch's familiar: 1)Take a toad familiar, place in pocket. 3)Only remove daily to be granted spells. 4)After level 7 take the improved familiar feat and get a pet that doesn't suck. After this has been done, remove familiar from pocket as desired.

IMHO a witch's familiar is no more useful than a wizards spellbook until after a point that they can be upgraded and imbued with spells.

Dark Archive

After digging I found my sidecart in my account options. Thanks again.

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One last thing....

I am having difficulty ascertaining how to remove items from my sidecart and recombine them into a single shipment, sans AP, of course. Is this as simple as temporarily checking the "never hold anything" button on my subscriptions page, or is this something customer service has to do once the orders have all been combined as I have?

Thanks again,

Dark Archive

Thank you very much Lisa and Cos. I'll go ahead and have them shipped now just to be safe.

Happy Holidays one and all!

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Greetings Fearless Paizo Staff,

I have several items I have added on to my December monthly shipment. The question I pose to you is this. Many of the items added to my order are holiday gifts. Will they be shipping before the holidays?


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Feralas wrote:

My real worry is that the elves aren't actually being really nice and grateful to the Pc's, I think they'll kind of finally snap when the get attacked by the elves in A Memory of darkness.

My PC's did not take this well either. Although this encounter did allow them to realize that the Winter Council exists and seems to be their main political adversary and not the Elven government as a whole.

Feralas wrote:
And when they have the interview with the queen I think they'll get really annoyed at that adviser guy (forgot his name)

My group took to calling him Wurmtongue. Ha ha.

Feralas wrote:
Generally they are actually really annoyed at the fact that why aren't the elves doing this all themselves? why didn't Kyonin teleport in several high level elves to smash the drow in Celwnyvian? why didn't they send more high level elves into Zirnakynin? and eventually why aren't the elves going to send in yet more powerful elves into the land of black blood?

In the end most groups will have plenty to hate in general about elves. I think one thing this AP did well is to reveal that Drow exists but as things unfolds it tends to get the point across that all elves dark or surface have the shared base nature. It may be filtered and changed through different alignments but they share a common societal root.

In the end, if it wasn't for the fact that the future of the entire world was in the balance, I don't think my PC's would have played ball at all.

Dark Archive

Clegg was one of the coolest NPC's I've run in a long time. From the get go, one of my players rolled a dual wielding rogue named Eldon... Zincher, Clegg's nephew. That put him completely within the Saul, Lavender, Zincher triangle and it was lots and lots of fun. The roleplaying quality was better in my group during the first AP than it ever was again. If I could turn back time and do it all over again, I'd start the AP using the slow advancement rules add in a ton of additonal material to Riddleport and finish the AP after AP3 and have the characters actually save the world in the Celwynvian and ignore the rest of the AP.

Once we got about half way through Zinarkaykin, my players just kinda disengaged from RP mode and I haven't been able to get them back in the mood since. The tabletop battles have been great and the overall story has been good, but the rest of the AP just seems to lack "heart", I guess.

Dark Archive

Monsters with the Grab ability pretty much have to be able to maintain a grapple as a free action. Otherwise, none of the general tactics of these monsters work. The Frogemoth was obviously designed to grapple an entire party of four simultaneously, eating them one by one each round. I don't suppose we could get an official ruling on this?

Dark Archive

Bryan wrote:
AlKir wrote:
I hail from Gratiot County in Mid-Michigan. I've lived many places about the state. Went to University at Michigan Tech for a good 6 years. Most beautiful place on earth next to New Zealand, I swear! Still game once a week. Used to game twice a week, but my Monday night game broke up to do to a good many of my gaming members in that group becoming unemployed and heading back to school after 30... I am just thankful to be employed and still have one regular gaming night each week. If you wanna see what I do IRL, check out our webpage at My Job
Cool! Another Huskie! If you don't mind my asking, what years did you attend?

I attended MTU from Fall 1997 - Summer 1999 Then again from 2003-2005.

Dark Archive

Greetings all,

I am currently enthralled with two things new to me. First is the software package maptools. I have begun using it to create detailed maps for the PbP games I run. It is magnificent. In learning the software, however, I have become ensorcelled with it's features. It honestly looks like a really awesome medium for playing RPG's online in real time.

At the same time, I have also been looking heavily into Pathfinder Organized Play. Having heard of living campaigns for years, it wasn't until PFS that I have taken the time to thoroughly check the concept out. With that said I am also quite impressed. It seems to be a really neat system of tying many campains together and as a 20+ year veteran of D&D I'd really like to try on this type of gaming experience.

Now ideally, I would like to find a group that is already playing PFS organized play via maptools that has room for one more weekly player. This would allow me to get acclimated to both organized play and the maptools format gradually without the responsibility of gamemastering. However, after scouring message boards for many a week now on the topic, I am finding it to be very elusive. So as with all means of online RPG play, game masters are exceedingly difficult to come by. I'd have to guess the ratio is somewhere around 50:1. Thus, like always, if you wanna play a game online you've got to run it yourself. (Sadly)

Now, I'm generally considered an experienced and competent DM. This sort of things happens when your first RP experience was being charmed by Bargle in 1988! This being said, I'm a bit apprehensive about starting both an organized play game and a maptools game for the first time without amazingly patient players, so this is what I'm proposing...

If any of you out there play on a regular basis via maptools, I am looking for an invite to WATCH a game or two. I think this will allow me to learn more of the subtle operations of maptools without overly frustrating my first time players to be. Better yet, if you have an organized play game going over rptools that has a slot open, send me an invite and I promise that I will give 110% and you will not be disappointed. Lastly, if any of you have advice on organized play in general, it would be much appreciated.

Dark Archive

Enpeze wrote:
The Chelish Inquisition wrote:
A good depiction of a Chelish soldier is on the cover of LB1: Tower of the Last Baron. He's about to end up with a sore back.
So its primarly a kind of typical medieval soldier in a red/black surcoat? I find this a little bit unimaginative.

For a soldier? Not at all. Just a realistic portrayal. Standard issue for a common foot soldier was sparse no matter the region or the time period. Now as to officers now thing chaos warrior style or anything else outlandish and visible.

Dark Archive

jakebacon wrote:
I'd say the meteor hammer from the same player's guide is closer to being a "spiked chain replacement" than the scorpion chain; 10 foot reach, d8 damage, TWF or a shield bonus to AC, trip/pull maneuvers. It's very versatile and even has more solid roots in real-world weaponry than the spiked chain, if that's something that concerns you.

Note that the converted meteor hammer for Core no longer threatens adjacent squares and has been nerfed in the same ways as spiked chain.

Dark Archive

I would place my bet on a high level cleric of Sarenrae along with the aid of her companions. Having the help of Sarenrae's herald wouldn't hurt too.

The way I see it, if Sarenrae was capable of dealing the final stroke to Rovagug and thus ascending to godhood. It only makes sense that slaying the most powerful of his spawn is a task due to her most devout followers.

If it were my choice, I'd have the Tarrasque slay the Herald in the battle just as the PC Cleric deals the killing blow with his hard earned Burning Scimitar of the Sun artifact, and thus by doing so ascend to become the new herald of Sarenrae.

Dark Archive

Tensility&Momentum wrote:

She's lived in the monastery, studying and training all of her young life, never having left its walls. Now that she's become a young adult, the head monk has decided to send her into the world outside of the monastery.

For a bit of a twist, I'm thinking of her journey beyond the monastery walls as having a bit of a Rumspringa flavor to it.

That's a really cool character concept. I just might have to steal that one sometime.

It's odd that Rumspringa has popped up a couple of times in the past week. I was listening to a radio program where the journalist was interviewing several Amish teens undergoing the rite to capture their perspective. I was amazed to hear that the Amish claim that like 90% of their youth come back to their religion. I also found it ironic that as a whole the Amish technically encourage underage drinking in the US as experimenting with alcohol becomes a big part of Rumspringa for most teens, yet the rite ends at 21.

Dark Archive

I'm interested. I've had a character concept for awhile that I'd like to bust out and play. His name is Binjion Franks, a Neutral Cleric of Pharasma. In his current community he fills the role of both undertaker and deliverer of babies. He has a concerted hatred for the undead as they disrupt his god's balanced view of life and death. This was fueled by the death of his brother and sister at the hand of a pack of ghouls when Binjoin was a child of 7. In fact, he has taken an oath to a secret society of Undead Hunters to pursue an eliminate any such threats to the fabric of reality. Understanding of magic and the supernatural, Binjion, however, places great trust in the powers of logic and reason. Although deeply rooted in the divine, he is a man of science. (Not that that word is in use or has been coined yet) Think Ben Franklin with divine power. He does not refer to himself as a priest and although he gives thanks to Pharasma for the healing aid bestowed, he refers to himself as a "doctor".

Stats available, of course, upon acceptance/request.

Dark Archive

Hartbaine wrote:

So... just make a Shifter Prestige Class for Pathfinder.

Use it to further augment the shifting powers a druid already has.

I'm halfway there. I have a player who is really, really wanting to take the Master of Many Forms from the Complete Adventurer. He, however, understands the changes to wildshape introduced in Pathfinder and knows that in combat he will be a support fighter similar to a rouge, monk, bard, or ranger (Debatable wether or not its a front line fighter now). I've included it below. Major drawbacks include the need to design a whole new slew of sorcerer/wizard polymorph spells to support things.

Master of Many Forms(A Work in Progress)

Master of Many Forms
Hit Die: d8
Feats: Alertness, Endurance
Special: Wildshape Class Feature
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Knowledge Nature, Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth, Swim, Survival
Skill Points at each level: 4 + Int Modifier

Level Base Atk Fort Ref Will Abilities
1 +0 +1 +1 +0 Shifter's Speech, Wild Shape(Alter Self).
2 +1 +2 +2 +0 Wild Shape (Beast Shape II), Wild Shape (Elemental Body I)
3 +2 +2 +2 +1 Fast Wildshape (Beast Shape III)
4 +3 +3 +3 +1 Wildshape ( Elemental Body II, Form of the Fey I)
5 +3 +3 +3 +1 Wildshape (Vermin Form I)
6 +4 +4 +4 +2 Wildshape (Abberation Form I, Elemental Body III, Form of the Fey II,
7 +5 +4 +4 +2 Extraordinary Wildshape, Wildshape (Plant Form I, Vermin Form II)
8 +6 +5 +5 +2 Wildshape (Ooze Form I, Abberation Form II, Form of the Fey III, Form of the Dragon I )
9 +6 +5 +5 +3 Wildshape (Giant Form I, Plant Form II, Vermin Form III)
10 +7 +6 +6 +3 Evershifting Form, Wildshape (Ooze Form II, Abberation Form III, Form of the Dragon II)

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Masters of many forms gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Shifter’s Speech (Ex): A master of many forms maintains her ability to speak normally (including verbal components of spells) regardless of the form she takes. Furthermore, she can communicate with other creatures of the same kind while in wild shape, as long as such creatures are normally capable of communicating with each other using natural methods.
Improved Wild Shape (Su): A master of many forms may use her wildshape class abililty an additional time per day per each class level gained.
Fast Wild Shape (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a master of many forms can use her wild shape ability as a move action, rather than as a standard action.
Extraordinary Wild Shape (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a master of many forms gains the extraordinary special qualities of any form she assumes with wild shape.
Evershifting Form(Su): A 10th-level master of many forms has reached the pinnacle of her shapechanging abilities. She gains the shapechanger subtype and becomes immune to any transmutation effect unless she is willing to accept it. In addition, she no longer takes ability penalties for aging and is not subject to magical aging, though any aging penalties she already may have taken remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and a master of many forms still dies of old age when her time is up

New Spells

School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a mushroom or a fresh picked wildflower)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)

You assume the form of any small sized creature of the Fey subtype. You gain a +2 size bonus to Dexterity and a +4 dodge bonus to AC.

School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a mushroom or a fresh picked wildflower)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)

You assume the form of any small or tiny sized creature of the Fey subtype. You gain a +4 size bonus to Dexterity and a +4 dodge bonus to AC.

School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a mushroom or a fresh picked wildflower)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)

You assume the form of any small sized creature of the Fey subtype. You gain a +6 size bonus to Dexterity, a -2 size penalty to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Constitution and a +6 dodge bonus to AC.

School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a dried insect husk, or bit of carapace)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)

You assume the form of any small or medium sized creature of the Vermin subtype. You gain a +2 size bonus to Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus to AC.

School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a dried insect husk, or bit of carapace)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)

You assume the form of any large sized creature of the Vermin subtype. You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus to AC.

School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a dried insect husk, or bit of carapace)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)

You assume the form of any huge creature of the Vermin subtype. You gain a +6 size bonus to Strength, -2 size penalty to Dexterity, +2 size bonus to Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus to AC.

Obviously the next thing to do is to study the abilities granted by the various polymorph spells to determine which types never become available, and those that do with what progression in the chain. If anyone has witnessed one such thread from a Paizonian where the philosophy behind the which abilities are granted and which are not, I'd be most appreciative.

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
What exactly is the purpose behind Alistraxia's inclusion in the adventure? I think it can be used for plot hooks to build off of, but it seems rather weak.

Reply contains spoilers for the Second Darkness AP:


In my opinion, the nefarious marilith was included in the final adventure to show the PC's that even with the power they have honed and amass, they are still no match for a Demon Lord of Golarion. Going into the final part of the AP, my character's chests are puffed up so large they are about to float. Just about everyone has an AC over 30 now and our archery focused fighter can dish out over 100 points of damage dependably each round.

So they fight valiantly against Allevrah and her forces, come out the other end victorious to find a demon lady that they cannot and should not kill. And what does she do? She explains that her evil masters are all powerful and that they are amused by todays events. Basically telling the PC's hey, you guys put on an entertaining show! What? Why am I not upset? Because all that you've done doesn't matter one iota in my master's plan. And oh by the way if you feel like giving up and joining the wining side, take the formula for plucking stars and hide it in a major library. All will be forgiven and hey, maybe we can hang out some time. mwuhahaha.

Okay, I digress, but Paizo makes use of this tactic twice in the AP. Once at the end to show the party that the Demon Lord hasn't been stopped, hell hasn't even missed a step. The other time is in AP 4 when they confront Alcanviss Vonnarc. She plays the same game but with the angle of the omnipotent power of the drow race.

I honestly, see the purpose for both encounters, but don't expect them to make your PC's happy. Their intended purpose is quite the opposite.

Dark Archive

Garen Dayle wrote:
And holy crap that compass is 30 bucks? Seems like a stick and string could accomplish the same thing.

You would think it would, wouldn't you? We tried just that and got horrible horrible results. Eggs was the best we could do. Not one true circle to be had.

Dark Archive

lostpike wrote:
Ughbash wrote:
On a side note, dire weasels were just nasty...especially when you advanced them to large, and gave them a few druids to back them up with animal growth...just scary how powerful and how many you could have at a low CR...

Indeed! There was an adventure published in the latter days of Dungeon Magazine that featured a tribe of dragon worshiping kobolds and their pack of vicious, advanced, large Dire Weasels. Having a large sized creature that can squeeze through tunnels built for small characters is truly frightening. Not to mention what happens to your medium sized tin can fighter when he gets flanked by two said beasts in one such tunnel. It ain't pretty...

After being nearly routed by a pack of kobolds with weasels at 12th level had my players less than amused. :D

Dark Archive

Garen Dayle wrote:
You could also probably just make your own battle grid on a sheet of posterboard and have it laminated at kinkos or something. They actually have those big drafting printers.. you could probably even just go there and tell them you need a 1-inch grid pattern in whatever dimension and then have them laminate it. I can't imagine it would be more than 10-15 bucks.

Which is the same price as a Paizo flipmat after shipping charges in most cases. FYI.

Also, since we're on the subject... Is there any chance we could get the cartographers from the Second Darkness AP rounded up by the Spanish Inquisition and made to sit in the comfy chair while beat with pillows until the relent and promise never to draw a circle again. You insane people drove us to buy a white board compass by the third volume of the adventure path. My characters have grown to hate golarion elves because of their alien, self-centered, xenophobic behavior. I have come to hate Golarion elves, as a GM, because of their insane, arc-obsessed architects! By the end of the 3rd installment we thought we were pretty smart with our handy compass... only to move on to Endless Night and find everything transformed to ovals and tear drops in Zinarkaykin. Damn, damn you to hell! J/K

Seriously, Paizo makes some of the most attractive maps in the industry. Now if they'd only send me a digital projector for the holidays.

Dark Archive

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Dennis da Ogre wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Man I love the new druid. This is quickly becoming my favorite class. One of my fave is to encase all enemies in a circle-shaped Wall of Thorns, shifting into Huge Triceratops form, and then crossing through the thorns to TRAMPLE THEM ALL!!! (finishing the round outside the circle of course, MUHAHAHAHAHA!)

You do know that you can't use your Woodland Stride ability to move through a wall of thorns don't you?

Hmm... never mind there is a specific exception Hmm..

Yes.. indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! :)

Yep I have a druid and a ranger/dervish in my Second Darkness game and they quite often make use of this tactic. The ranger ties half the battlefield up with Wall of Thorns. The druid then concentrates his spellcasting on the enemies not in the thorns along with the Wizard, Cleric, Monk, & Fighter. Meanwhile, the ranger/dervish uses her woodland stride to slip into the wall and begins dancing and chopping everyone inside to bits over the next few rounds. Very effective against all opponents who lack above average strength for their level or have the woodland stride ability themselves.

Dark Archive

A Man In Black wrote:
Lots of stuff about a shape shifted druid taking on a creature of equal CR to druid level in single combat.

I just wanted to take the time to point out that your analogy is horribly flawed. I must remind you that a CR5 is meant to be a _challenge_ for _four_ characters of 5th level or equivalent. It is meant to be a _challenge_ for _six_ characters of 4th level.

Telling me that a druid is weak and useless because it can't shape shift and whip the backside of a creature meant to be a challenge for him and 3 of his companions makes me really wonder what kind of game you're playing. Would a single 5th level fighter have a chance against a dire lion in single combat? His AC may be higher but his HP won't be much different and the CMD is spot on too.

Lets look at this from something more balanced. Let's pit the same druid against your average CR3. Now I'm not going to say that facing off against an Ogre with an AC of 17, 30 HP, a CMD of 18, and the ability to hit about 50% of the time for an average of 16 dmg is much better but it will be a much more even fight. As, it's supposed to be! The crocodile druid has more HP, an equivalent AC, a better chance of hitting the Ogre than the other way around, and most likely a higher CMB.

A group of 4 such Ogres is an EL of 7, which is extremely challenging for a group of four 5th level characters and the druid has a good chance of holding his own until more help arrives when the first party member kills their foe.

Just my $0.02

Dark Archive

lastknightleft wrote:
Countmein wrote:

As far as I know, yes.

Don't think of it as bleeding blood. Think of it more as recurring damage. Like a crack that is tearing open more and more of a skeletons bones or whatever.

and if it's an incorporeal undead?


Check the incorporeal listing, I'm pretty sure its immune to bleed and everything else a physical body has to worry about.

Dark Archive

Spacelard wrote:
Countmein wrote:
Nope. Tanglefoot bag just gives a dex penalty. The target also still has his full dex bonus, there is just a dex penalty that is added afterwords.

Tanglefoot bag: An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move.

If you are unable to move you're classed as flatfooted surely?

Not necessarily, there are several spell effects in the game that rob a character of the ability to move but still grant a full dex bonus. Daze and Hideous Laughter come to mind right away.

Dark Archive

Mikhaila Burnett 313 wrote:
Vaahama wrote:

i'm not too sure i understand CR rules about NPC with core class.

What would be the CR for a Kobold level 2 sorcerer => CR 1 or 2?

As I've seen in AP's, it would seem to be CR 1. Not sure why, but I think that's part of the Paizo rebuild of the CR system. CR is no longer equal to Class Level (what used to be ECL)

Would be very interested to hear something from one of the devs. *peers about*

In the strange world of RPG math, I think it works out to CR 3/4. I have not looked at the Core book in this regard, but in beta the CR of a creature with class levels was clvl-2 if that class was a PC class or clvl-3 if the class was and NPC class. So your CR 1/4 kobold with 2 level of sorcerer would work out to CR 3/4. 2Lvls of sorc-2=CR 1/2 + 1/4 for kobold= CR 3/4. It gets odd because CR 1 -1 = 1/2, while CR 1 - 2 = 1/4 CR1 - 3 = why bother...

Dark Archive

I hail from Gratiot County in Mid-Michigan. I've lived many places about the state. Went to University at Michigan Tech for a good 6 years. Most beautiful place on earth next to New Zealand, I swear! Still game once a week. Used to game twice a week, but my Monday night game broke up to do to a good many of my gaming members in that group becoming unemployed and heading back to school after 30... I am just thankful to be employed and still have one regular gaming night each week. If you wanna see what I do IRL, check out our webpage at My Job

Full Name

Angela Summoner







Special Abilities

Summons her mother to fight with her.









About angela summoner

Born in heaven. Summons her mother, a Ghale or a Lilliend, to fight with her.