A Few Brave Souls -- PbP


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[ooc]I'm going on vacation for 10 days starting today. Sorry.

Male Human Ranger 6(favoured Class)

Ewald looks at the crates.."If we stack two on top of each other that might work"

"It's worth a try."

I was just trying to keep some dialogue going so this thread doesn't completely collapse. With Tarren away, we are on hiatus, anyway, so perhaps we can take a headcount - who's still paying attention here?

Female Halfling Cleric 5

Still here.

Male Human Ranger 6(favoured Class)

Still here and ready to continue.

Female Half-Elf Rogue 3/ Urban Ranger 2

I am

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Are you guys STILL on your mission?

Starts organizing a search party.

DM on Vacation always a difficult time

I'm back from Disney World. It's taken me a couple days to recover. What do I need to do to make this adventure work better for you?

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
I'm back from Disney World. It's taken me a couple days to recover. What do I need to do to make this adventure work better for you?

Welcome back! You've been missed.

I like, scratch that, love your storytelling style and would not presume to tell you how to run a game. I think we have had some problems with RL keeping people away and some confusion about who should act next. Maybe one of the others has suggestions for something you might do, but I think a lot of the failings for this adventure can be placed on us (and yes, I'm including myself).

Amanda turns to Liandra, "Do you know anything about traps? Do you think pushing these crates into the way will help?"

It appears that Wicht is the only one that didn't reply to the headcount request. He hasn't posted here since the end of April - anyone know his status or have a way to contact him?

Amanda Veiled wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
I'm back from Disney World. It's taken me a couple days to recover. What do I need to do to make this adventure work better for you?

Welcome back! You've been missed.

I like, scratch that, love your storytelling style and would not presume to tell you how to run a game. I think we have had some problems with RL keeping people away and some confusion about who should act next. Maybe one of the others has suggestions for something you might do, but I think a lot of the failings for this adventure can be placed on us (and yes, I'm including myself).

Amanda turns to Liandra, "Do you know anything about traps? Do you think pushing these crates into the way will help?"

It appears that Wicht is the only one that didn't reply to the headcount request. He hasn't posted here since the end of April - anyone know his status or have a way to contact him?

Wicht and I are Facebook friends and I know that his creative work for Rite Publishing is continuing to increase. Same thing happened with Neil Spicer who was in my first PbP. I lose players to the best places! I'll poke Wicht at some point.

I poked around looking at his other aliases. I'm not sure he's posted anywhere in the last 45 days. Perhaps we should just DMPC Galadar for the time being.

Female Halfling Cleric 5

"Well nothing ventured nothing gained." Eria begins to puch a crate onto the spike

Strength check

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Eria wrote:

"Well nothing ventured nothing gained." Eria begins to puch a crate onto the spike

Strength check

1d20 + 1

The crate slides halfway across the floor holes in which the spikes hide but, after a certain point, the spikes trigger lifting the box into the air on a bed of a dozen spikes. Another dozen spikes shoot down from the ceiling and when they meet the chest, it is splintered in dozens of places. The contents--wine long turned to vinegar--splashes everywhere.

DC 15 Reflex slave or be covered in harmless but smelly red wine vinegar.

Female Halfling Cleric 5
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Eria wrote:

"Well nothing ventured nothing gained." Eria begins to puch a crate onto the spike

Strength check

1d20 + 1

The crate slides halfway across the floor holes in which the spikes hide but, after a certain point, the spikes trigger lifting the box into the air on a bed of a dozen spikes. Another dozen spikes shoot down from the ceiling and when they meet the chest, it is splintered in dozens of places. The contents--wine long turned to vinegar--splashes everywhere.

DC 15 Reflex slave or be covered in harmless but smelly red wine vinegar.


1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Eria leaps back away from the spikes and by good coincidence avoids the wine/Vinegar.

"Well so much for that idea"says Ewald "Liandra..can you disable those?"

Problems with this game.I'm not sure..I know I wasn't giving it as much attention as my other PbP's, that has changed now that I have all the games I'm playing on a list I check daily

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Galadar quite easily avoids the splash by sliding back in three quick dance steps. He smiles at Eria with bemusement.

"After you," he says to Liandra. He begins to finger his pouch of tools anticipating that he'll get a crack at the device.

Female Half-Elf Rogue 3/ Urban Ranger 2

Liandra's deft fingers seem to fly across the device with a precision attainable oonly through practice.

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Male Human Ranger 6(favoured Class)

Ewald watches the Rogue work with interest he always likes to observe professionals at work

Female Halfling Cleric 5

Eria keeps watch on the tunnel as Liandra works

Amanda looks between those working on the door and Eria and decides she can be of more aid if she watches the approaches, too. She moves over to where Eria watches and she keeps her eyes on the tunnel from the other direction. 60' darkvision

Liandra Nightwind wrote:

Liandra's deft fingers seem to fly across the device with a precision attainable oonly through practice.


Liandra spots a pair of levers hidden against the wall that allow her to bypass the trap. The doors can easily be opened.

Those watching the passage are able to make out the rubble further along the passage. Continuing along the passage would not, apparently, have been an option.

Male Human Ranger 6(favoured Class)

On being informed of the rockfall Ewald nods grimly.

"Then it seems that this is our only option . Liandra, you are certain there are no secondary surprises within the doors?"

Whispering from the edge of the platform, "What did you find? Are the doors open yet?"

"Liandra? Ewald? Are you still there?"

Stubbornly pulls the game from the archives. Again.

Sadly I think this one died on the vine. It seems to happen more when the weather is nice. Sorry guys.

It's been withering for quite a while, really. Don't know, really, what happened. It was fun!

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