Caedwyr |
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I have a personal set of house rules that change a significant portion of the spells, so customizability is something I want as well. I doubt that I can get the pdfs in an adjustable format, but I do plan on making the .psd (photoshop) masters available.
Not sure what you mean about "pdfs in an adjustable format"? PDFs can be opened and edited in OpenOffice. In the 3.x releases, it actually does a fairly good job of writing them back out without toally screwing them up, too! (The 2.x versions weren't so good at it.)
Will PSDs import into open source tools such as GIMP? I've never tried...
Caedwyr |
Caedwyr wrote:I have a personal set of house rules that change a significant portion of the spells, so customizability is something I want as well. I doubt that I can get the pdfs in an adjustable format, but I do plan on making the .psd (photoshop) masters available.Not sure what you mean about "pdfs in an adjustable format"? PDFs can be opened and edited in OpenOffice. In the 3.x releases, it actually does a fairly good job of writing them back out without toally screwing them up, too! (The 2.x versions weren't so good at it.)
Will PSDs import into open source tools such as GIMP? I've never tried...
Hmm, well the .pdfs may work easier than I thought then. GIMP specifically advertises that it works with PSD format in the feature list, so it sounds like it should work.
Caedwyr |
I've done a couple of print tests and made some significant changes to the size of the cards. The cards are now full colour 2.5x3.75" in size and colour coded based on the spell school. For spells with too much text to fit on the 2.5x3.75" card, I have created double-sized 5x3.75" cards. I have turned off any lighter shadow effects on the text, as the cards are still readable for the darkest images without the shading, and the images are easier to see.
You can find sample images in my picasa photo album and a list of all the cards completed to date below in the spoiler
Acid Fog
Acid Splash
Alter Self
Animal Trance
Animate Dead
Animate Plants
Arcane Eye
Arcane Mark
Astral Projection
Breath of Life
Burning Hands
Call Lightning
Charm Animal
Charm Monster
Chill Touch
Commune with Nature
Control Water
Control Weather
Control Winds
Crushing Hand
Cure Critical Wounds
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
Deep Slumber
Delayed Blast Fireball
Detect Chaos
Discern Location
Divine Favor
Dominate Animal
Elemental Body III
Energy Drain
Entropic Shield
Find the Path
Find Traps
Finger of Death
Fire Storm
Flame Blade
Flame Strike
Flaming Sphere
Flesh to Stone
Fog Cloud
Forceful Hand
Form of the Dragon I
Form of the Dragon II
Form of the Dragon III
Fox's Cunning
Fox's Cunning, Mass
Gentle Repose
Ghoul Touch
Giant Form I
Giant Form II
Giant Vermin
Guards and Wards
Hallucinatory Terrain
Heat Metal
Holy Smite
Holy Sword
Hypnotic Pattern
Lightning Bolt
Mage's Magnificent Mansion
Magic Aura
Magic Circle Against Evil
Magic Missile
Major Creation
Meteor Swarm
Mirage Arcana
Mirror Image
Modify Memory
Obscuring Mist
Overland Flight
Owl's Wisdom
Phase Door
Planar Ally, Greater
Planar Ally, Lesser
Planar Ally
Planar Binding, Greater
Planar Binding, Lesser
Planar Binding
Plane Shift
Plant Growth
Polar Ray
Prismatic Sphere
Prismatic Wall
Produce Flame
Protection from Chaos
Raise Dead
Righteous Might
Scintillating Pattern
Scorching Ray
Scrying, Greater
Scult Sound
Searing Light
Shadow Conjuration, Greater
Shadow Conjuration
Shadow Evocation, Greater
Shadow Walk
Shocking Grasp
Shout, Greater
Silent Image
Spell Turning
Storm of Vengeance
Summon Monster IV
Summon Monster IX
Summon Nature's Ally I
Summon Nature's Ally II
Summon Nature's Ally III
Summon Nature's Ally IV
Summon Nature's Ally V
Summon Nature's Ally VI
Summon Nature's Ally VII
Summon Nature's Ally VIII
Summon Nature's Ally Summoning Table (Table 10-2)
Wail of the Banshee
Wall of Fire
Wall of Ice
Wall of Thorns
Wind Wall
The slow going is finding artwork that is in the public domain, or with Creative Commons/GNU licenses that allow me to make cards out of them, or even artist permission for non-commercial use of their artwork
I also have posted over at Enworld, and may keep a compiled list over there as it is easier to edit my posts for a working list in progress.
shieldknight01 |
Thanks for posting on ENWorld.
I'll try to quickly repeat what I said there.
I love the cards. I think you have done a magnificent job. However, I'm only looking for the template for MSE. That way I can type up just the spells I want to use as I need them. I also don't care for the artwork, even though most of it is pretty amazing.
Is it possible to just get the template? I am willing to type in info in exchange.
Caedwyr |
Caedwyr |
Some additional cards:
Animal Shapes
Feather Fall
Fire Trap
Rainbow Pattern
Speak with Dead
Wall of Iron
Caedwyr |
Another set of cards. Finding good artwork is slow.
Magic Mouth
Phantasmal Killer
Protection from Energy
Resist Energy
Summon Monster V
Summon Monster VII
Summon Monster VIII
Unholy Aura
Caedwyr |
More cards completed
Mind Blank
Incendiary Cloud
Chain Lightning
Flame Strike (New artwork)
Endure Elements
Call Lightning (New artwork)
Call Lightning Storm
Black Tentacles
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![Rust Monster](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/rust-monster.gif)
Here is potentially an off-topic question.... What if the GM uses the spell cards to introduce the "only known" spells to the players?
Gary Gygax used to have wizards "acquire" new spells by meeting other magic users, or copying found scrolls into their spellbooks.
Hmmmmn. This would certainly put a stop to any min-maxing done using the Spell Compendium, and harken back to an age of Core Rulebook playing. Methinks there is potential at my table for this...
My players are between 9th-11th level now, but traveling to different worlds in this year's campaign story. So now might be a good time to have fun with a spell "reset" button, and only use the spells provided in the Pathfinder RPG core rulebook. Further........... this morning I am thinking the devious GM idea of ceasing all arcane spells from functioning, and requiring the players to find them anew for each "world" they traverse upon (if done expediently and interestingly) might be a novel 'twist' using Cadwyr's cards.... Hmmmmn.
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A3_Longtooth-the-Red-Dragon.jpg)
Here is potentially an off-topic question.... What if the GM uses the spell cards to introduce the "only known" spells to the players?
this morning I am thinking the devious GM idea of ceasing all arcane spells from functioning, and requiring the players to find them anew for each "world" they traverse upon (if done expediently and interestingly) might be a novel 'twist' using Cadwyr's cards.... Hmmmmn.
Are you planning on making the Fighter relearn all his feats? Or the Cleric their spells and channeling? I always see folks smack the arcane's around with stuff like this. Sadly in 2nd ed I could see it as the wizard was the king of the game. But come on, the new spells and the 3.x DC system have left the arcane enough frustrations that I think it highly unfair to inflict this kind of thing on them alone. [/rant] [/threadjack]
Caedwyr |
Bear's Endurance
Mass Bear's Endurance (If anyone knows the artist, please tell me who painted this.)
Cloak of Chaos
Detect Undead
I have about 50 more pieces of artwork selected for specific cards, so the updates should be a little faster for the next while as I work through them.
Also, as before the entire selection of cards can be viewed at My Picasa Album. If a card does not have an artist listed and you know who should be credited, then please let me know.
Caedwyr |
Animal Growth
Beast Shape IV
Bull's Strength (Artist unknown, please tell me if you know)
Bull's Strength, Mass
Caedwyr |
Cat's Grace
Cat's Grace, Mass
Cause Fear
Chaos Hammer
Circle of Death (Artist unknown, please tell me if you know)
Command, Greater
Contact Other Plane
Create Undead
Caedwyr |
Air Walk
Disrupting Weapon
Comprehend Languages
Eagle's Splendor
Enlarge Person
Unseen Servant
I have images for another 73 spells so I should be able to produce them more rapidly (when I have time)
Caedwyr |
356 Cards remaining to complete.
100 Spell images already selected, but cards not made yet.
267 Cards currently completed.
You can view the current list of spells to be completed here. Spells highlighted in yellow are ones that I have artwork already chosen, but have not finished making the card.
The album is viewable here.
Beast Shape III
Beast Shape IV (Typo correction)
Bestow Curse
Calm Animals
Calm Emotions
Command Plants
Dancing Lights
jreyst |
cool stuff
Hey Caedwyr, I'd like to host your cards for download on d20pfsrd.com. Would you be interested in making them available there? If so I can make you a collaborator and you can post zip files with all images on the downloads page etc.
Caedwyr |
As I mentioned previously I am still a fair ways from being finished. My eventual plan is to make all the cards available in a .pdf of all the different spell lists that is formatted for printing. However, I'd be happy to work out some sort of method by which people can access the cards that I have completed so far, even if it is just a link to the .jpeg version I have in my Picasa folder. Shoot me an email at Myname @ gmail . com and we can discuss things further.
Caedwyr |
Dispel Magic, Greater
Divine Power
Dominate Monster
Fire Shield
Gust of Wind (Artist unknown, please let me know if you know who painted this picture)
Caedwyr |
Caedwyr wrote:I am currently working on creating 4x6 spell cards as a game aid.The text can be a little difficult to read over the background images.
Actually, I did some experimenting and tried printing the cards out, and the easiest to read was the cards without any special background/text outline. Also, printing the cards showed that I could get away with 2.5x3.75" cards and 5x3.75" cards instead of the larger sized cards I was considering.
When you say that the text can be a little difficult to read over the background images, are you referring to a printed card, or just the one on your computer screen?
Heal, Mass
Heroism, Greater
Ray of Frost