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...interesting stuff...
I have my beautiful, Pathfinder RPG book. I love it. I really appreciate the effort of everyone at Paizo, including all the great people in the warehouse whose names I don't even know.
Showing my appreciation is simple. I'll keep buying Paizo products. I think that's the best way to say it.
Also, I'll be running a Pathfinder game at Dragoncon, under the 3E category. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to introduce some new people to the game. Or maybe, everyone there will already know about the glory that is Pathfinder.

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Coridan wrote:I think the post office was just giving me a birthday present (turned 25 yesterday ;) ).Happy Birthday, Coridan! What a weird 25 years it's been. Hope you're well!
Also, it was my lovely lady's birthday yesterday!
Belated happy birthdays to Coridan and Daigle's lady friend!

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Daigle wrote:Coridan wrote:I think the post office was just giving me a birthday present (turned 25 yesterday ;) ).Happy Birthday, Coridan! What a weird 25 years it's been. Hope you're well!
Also, it was my lovely lady's birthday yesterday!
Belated happy birthdays to Coridan and Daigle's lady friend!
I see how it is. No respect. :)

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Did you have a b-day?
Actually, mine is tomorrow. This year I share a birthday with the Pathfinder RPG. :)
And I only mentioned once in this thread. Why can't you people recognize my vague and unimportant throwaway statements. <places hand on forehead> Does that go back to this thread? :)
In all seriousness, I was mostly being sarcastic (parse that, if you will). I'm turning 33 so I am hardly excited about this year's "celebration". Not passing a milestone or anything.

xorial |

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Did you have a b-day?Actually, mine is tomorrow. This year I share a birthday with the Pathfinder RPG. :)
And I only mentioned once in this thread. Why can't you people recognize my vague and unimportant throwaway statements. <places hand on forehead> Does that go back to this thread? :)
In all seriousness, I was mostly being sarcastic (parse that, if you will). I'm turning 33 so I am hardly excited about this year's "celebration". Not passing a milestone or anything.
Be excited. It is still the PFRPG b-day, too. Besides, as I mentioned, I turned 43 the 8th, so be VERY excited at just 33. :P

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alleynbard wrote:Be excited. It is still the PFRPG b-day, too. Besides, as I mentioned, I turned 43 the 8th, so be VERY excited at just 33. :PMairkurion {tm} wrote:Did you have a b-day?Actually, mine is tomorrow. This year I share a birthday with the Pathfinder RPG. :)
And I only mentioned once in this thread. Why can't you people recognize my vague and unimportant throwaway statements. <places hand on forehead> Does that go back to this thread? :)
In all seriousness, I was mostly being sarcastic (parse that, if you will). I'm turning 33 so I am hardly excited about this year's "celebration". Not passing a milestone or anything.
Sorry I missed that, happy belated birthday!
43 is a good age. I don't mind growing older and I never see anyone, of any age, as "old".

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Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Yeah, I'd be excited if PfRpG had been released on my birthday!
Happy Early Birthday, Alleynbard.
I got my shipping notice yesterday so I am really excited. I can't wait to give my group their books.
Well mine arrived today (Columbus) so yours should be there soon.

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

I got mine on Monday and was frankly not that surprised--happy, yes, but not surprised, as San Jose is a major transportation/distribution hub, and shipment from Seattle shouldn't take that long. If I lived in Oakland, I might have even seen it on Saturday. (That said, I'm glad I don't live in Oakland.) That it showed up in Jersey on Saturday? The major transportation hub of the East Coast? Not surprised in the slightest.
This is a really laudable launch, with excellent customer support and response. The early deliveries are like preview showings of a movie before its official launch. Some people get lucky. This is not a bad thing, especially when the luck isn't more than a 5-day preview.
Looking forward to the PDF download tomorrow as well.

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Just received my copy today via USPS (it arrived in perfect condition I might add thanks to the wonderful staff there at Paizo's PFRPG HQ)! It is indeed a beautiful book. And it is just a monster... While it's not as thick as the Ptolus "Brick", it sure as heck comes close!
-That One Digitalelf Fellow-

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Mine arrived this evening as a big surprise. Living in another freakin' continent, I didn't expect it to arrive before next week or so.
The foam inserts were a hugely nice detail, too. The book arrived in perfect condition, although I don't know if it'll endure my constant drooling all over it :D
So, thank you for all your effort, seriously. I've always thought highly of your customer service, but this was absolutely terrific. Buying from you is worth every cent.

kijeren |

Why can't you people recognize my vague and unimportant throwaway statements. <places hand on forehead> Does that go back to this thread? :)
<hands Alleynbard a stapler> Your arm is gonna get tired. Try this.
~grin~UPS says they left my box on my doorstep in Mountain View CA two hours ago.
~watches clock~
Can I go home and get it now? Pretty please?

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I was at my FNGS today and they had 4 copies sitting out for sale!
I pre-ordered mine and it hasn't even shipped yet :(
Aww well, I am not going to get my wolf tail in a bundle. It was nice to look over a copy they had and I must say it is impressive! I can patiently wait for mine. It will be worth the wait and I really don't "need" it right now, but it sure will be nice when I have my own copy in hand :)

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Just received my copy today via USPS (it arrived in perfect condition I might add thanks to the wonderful staff there at Paizo's PFRPG HQ)! It is indeed a beautiful book. And it is just a monster... While it's not as thick as the Ptolus "Brick", it sure as heck comes close!
-That One Digitalelf Fellow-
I wrote on another forum elsewhere that I will need a lackey to carry both my Ptolus & Pathfinder tomes and turn to the appropriate pages as I order them to!

Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Three hefty happy copies arrived mostly safely in Poway, California today!! (Just outside San Diego)
Looks like my local postal carriers are living down to my expectations still ... they managed to break two of the foam inserts and dinged (minorly) the front upper corner of the front cover. Box had a definite bend look to it. But the damage they would have done without those glorious inserts would have been horrific!
Thank you a bajillion times, Paizo, for these wondrous tomes (they are too lovely and hefty to be called mere books) and for all the hard work you did in making them and sending them out to us!! My co-workers will be especially happy, since I'll prolly shut up about it now, and spend all my spare time nose buried in the book <G>

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Posted this on my Facebook (former classmate's a postal worker) but I thought I'd repost it here, after reading Gamergrrl's post.
Ok, we all hate the postal service. Even the President pointed out it sucks compared to FedEx and UPS. They even have a stamp that reads "Discovered in machinery thought empty."
But I need to shout out to my mailman.
My Paizo shipment came in (More addictive than crack, and more legal) In it were two copies of the Pathfinder RPG, and my monthly goodies. Donna and I have been waiting on pins and needles for the book, but she was going to catch hell from me if she lifted it (way above her weight max, it's a Big Damn Book). She was up, and at the door when the postman knocked.
He commented on how heavy it is (boy is he lucky I had to cancel two copies) and offered to put it on the couch for her. Now that's service.
So it's true, despite being federal employess, not all postal workers suck.

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My brother would thank you for that Matthew.
I got mine today so it seems the local USPS is right on average with delivery.
Amazing book I have flipped through once and read a bit here and there but for now I am going to read the other stuff in the shipment.
(Slightly OCD they were made first and in my Cart the longest so they get a free pass to the bedside table.)

Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Just to clarify, I am not down on the USPS or their folks in general. Most of them have been great, and except for one years ago that thought they had to shove all magazines, even those that were specially wrapped and told not to fold, through a tiny mail slot thoroughly mangling them ;p, I have had fantastic relationships with my mail carriers.
Unfortunately, that has not been the case in my current homestead. I have been told we're on a trainer route, then told no, we're not on a trainer route, but regardless, I've had packages left at the bottom of the steps (they couldn't walk up one step to set it on the porch? You can reach from the bottom step!) in the rain and sun; left perched on TOP of the mailbox; had items that clearly had stamped in red saying DO NOT FOLD, folded and the rest of the magazines set on top to reinforce the fold; ad naseum. And every few months, there's a new face behind the wheel of the mail truck. Once in a while we get a really good one, but we never get to keep 'em.

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taig wrote:I see how it is. No respect. :)Daigle wrote:Coridan wrote:I think the post office was just giving me a birthday present (turned 25 yesterday ;) ).Happy Birthday, Coridan! What a weird 25 years it's been. Hope you're well!
Also, it was my lovely lady's birthday yesterday!
Belated happy birthdays to Coridan and Daigle's lady friend!
I'll have to wait until tomorrow to wish you a belated birthday. :)
Sorry I missed your post.

R_Chance |

Posted this on my Facebook (former classmate's a postal worker) but I thought I'd repost it here, after reading Gamergrrl's post.
Ok, we all hate the postal service. Even the President pointed out it sucks compared to FedEx and UPS. They even have a stamp that reads "Discovered in machinery thought empty."
... edit
Sigh. Everybody bags on the USPO. Disclaimer: I am not, and never have been, a postal employee. I just did some research on mail / package delivery a while back :) I hate to break it to you people but the USPO is the most efficient mail delivery organization in the world. More efficient than anybody. They deliver more mail, more accurately, to more locations and (relatively) quickly than anyone. The volumes of mail / packages handled by UPS, DHL and FedEX combined (about 24 million daily combined in 2008) would get lost in the US mail (703 million pieces of mail handled a day) and not make a noticeable ripple. The package delivery boys handle relatively (by US Mail standards) small volumes of high value mail that people pay a premium rate for. They often only deliver to select areas (depending on the service) and don't have to worry about the huge bulk of low value and outright junk snail mail. The USPO does a great job of handling huge quantities of stuff, from your PFRPG Core book to some lowly mailer on sale prices.

Charles Evans 25 |

I have it! I have it! I popped into Spirit Games in Burton and there it was. At last, I have it! Oh happy, happy, joy, joy.
I opened a booster packet of Shards of Alara, and there she was:
I mean:

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A disturbing post in the customers service threads guys..
I received the PFRPG Core Rulebook yesterday, and almost immediately came across an error. Pages 169-184 are missing; in their places are copies of pages 329-344 (the latter pages are also in their proper place later in the book). Below are links to pictures of the error, both the first page break and the last:
Any one else had this...I'd hate to think the whole batch would have to be pulped.

redamm |

Mine arrived yesterday and my girlfriend totally bookblocked me by making me drive on a two hour trip. Her cramps won out so she got first crack at it. She timed it to work out this way. I just know it.
I hope she reads this and makes me sleep on the couch . That way I can read my book without any interruptions.
The book is amazing from start to finish and the construction is absolutely top notch. Great job.