Pathfinder Society Rules 2.0 F.A.Q.

Pathfinder Society

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Sovereign Court

There seem to be rules for using handle animal to train. Does this mean that I'm allowed full access to the use of the skill? The entire use of it in the course of my adventuring career as a Pathfinder?

How does one keep track of the animals one has? Simple keeping it on hand, or is it tract on one of the sheets that the game uses for record keeping?

Thank you for including it at all in your Society games too. :)

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Piety Godfury wrote:
Qstor wrote:
evilvolus wrote:

Special materials except for dragonhide are permitted.

Mithril was only avaiable on the chronicle sheets. And adamantine AFAIK was NEVER available. Although I haven't played all of the Season 0 mods.


Josh said up-thread that "some" special materials were open. Though not specific, it does imply more than one.

From page 22 of the PFS guide, under Always Available Items:

"All basic armor, gear, items, and weapons from Chapter 6 (the equipment chapter) of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This does not include dragonhide under the "special materials" section of that chapter on page 154, but it does include the other special materials such as alchemical silver and cold iron."

evilvolus wrote:

From page 22 of the PFS guide, under Always Available Items:

"All basic armor, gear, items, and weapons from Chapter 6 (the equipment chapter) of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This does not include dragonhide under the "special materials" section of that chapter on page 154, but it does include the other special materials such as alchemical silver and cold iron."

Agreed, however, this is incomplete considering the access available in conversion and those available through Faction Points.

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Piety Godfury wrote:
Agreed, however, this is incomplete considering the access available in conversion and those available through Faction Points.

Guh? The special materials section is defined as Always Available. PA determines your access to items NOT listed as Always Available. Your access during conversion is the same.

From page 6:
"Please note that Max Value DOES NOT apply to those items that are considered Always Available for Purchase."

ALL special materials on page 154 of the Core Rulebook, with the sole exception of dragonhide, are Always Available.

Callarek wrote:

Now, my actual question is: Since I have 3 Prestige Award (awkward way to phrase it...), can I spend two of them during character recreation to get my new PC something in the 750 gp range? Assuming that the "free purchase X gp" is for items that you can keep, not just a temporary loaner for the one session...

Yes, you're not the only one who thinks that the "free 750 gp item" for 2 prestige points sounds too good to be true. If every module has two prestige points available, isn't that like adding 750 gp to the rewards for each module (assuming you don't save up your points for a resurrection or something)?

evilvolus wrote:
Piety Godfury wrote:
Agreed, however, this is incomplete considering the access available in conversion and those available through Faction Points.

Guh? The special materials section is defined as Always Available. PA determines your access to items NOT listed as Always Available. Your access during conversion is the same.

From page 6:
"Please note that Max Value DOES NOT apply to those items that are considered Always Available for Purchase."

ALL special materials on page 154 of the Core Rulebook, with the sole exception of dragonhide, are Always Available.

Gotcha, sorry, re-reading your other post that makes sense now, sorry.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Ooze Companion, from Dungeon Denizens Revisted. As Animal Companions now have an entirely new system, how will this feat be changed?

Callarek wrote:

Okay, some questions for/about a low mileage character.

I have played two scenarios with my PC, and acquired the 2 Prestige points possible for season 0.

He is, obviously, still 1st level.

Now, with the conversion rules, he is going to lose gold (150base + 565 + 453 for the two successful missions), but he will wind up with 3 Prestige points 3/3.

He will have a spending limit of 375 gp, which is actually less than the original charcater had already spent on one piece of equipment (a masterwork +1 Str composite shortbow).

Now, my actual question is: Since I have 3 Prestige Award (awkward way to phrase it...), can I spend two of them during character recreation to get my new PC something in the 750 gp range? Assuming that the "free purchase X gp" is for items that you can keep, not just a temporary loaner for the one session...

Page 6, table 1.1. Since you've played 2 scenarios, you convert with 750 gp and the max value of any single item you can purchase is 375. You do NOT convert with the gold from your chronicle sheets. Quoth the guide on page 6: "you will not be using your old 3.5 chronicle sheet-based wealth during the conversion, as the assumptions for wealth by level for PRPG are higher than 3.5."

You cannot spend prestige during character conversion, but you can spend prestige during a chronicle. How you choose to spend your prestige is up to you (so long as it's within the rules for spending prestige).


Apologies if this has been covered before. I'm converting a character with 12 chronicle sheets; Chronicle #13 will be the first post-conversion sheet. How do I record the conversion? Do I just assume I lost all my old stuff, got lots of gold, and bought new stuff offline and start with the new gold amount as the Starting GP? Or is there a specific record-keeping format that's required? (Or something else entirely?)
Thanks, Jerry


I asked Joe to ask you this question while you were at Gen-Con and he said, you said to post it and you'd answer it after the con. Thanks in advance.

one of the requirements for Pathfinder Chronicler states:

Special: Must have authored or scribed something (other than a magic scroll or other device) for which another person (not A PC) paid at least 50 GP for.

How do we fulfill this req in Society as there is no crafting other than day-job?

...Also am I going to be able to convert with levels of this P-Class or will I have to do this in game now and take it in another level or 2 (hopefully not). ;-)

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Jerry McMillan wrote:

Apologies if this has been covered before. I'm converting a character with 12 chronicle sheets; Chronicle #13 will be the first post-conversion sheet. How do I record the conversion? Do I just assume I lost all my old stuff, got lots of gold, and bought new stuff offline and start with the new gold amount as the Starting GP? Or is there a specific record-keeping format that's required? (Or something else entirely?)

Thanks, Jerry

I would spend your allowed gold value from the conversion table in the new society .pdf guide and convert your character per the new Pathfinder book. I would also mark any left over gold as current gold on your next Chronicle and maybe make a note converted on your next Chronicle. There's no conversion chronicle for Pathfinder Society like there was a "conversion AR" for Living Greyhawk if your familiar with that.


Liberty's Edge 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Quandary wrote:

Assuming a character has enough PA/ Gold,

if they die, and it's either a TPK or the other players refuse to help Resurrect them (ouch!),
is it allowed for them to buy a Resurrection with their PA/ Gold ...


Quandary wrote:

For GMs gaining partial credit for scenarios they run,

does their chosen character gain access to the Chronicle equipment from these scenarios?
Edit: Yes.

I know this may be a silly question but, If I run a Scenario & thus get partial credit for a character of mine, do I fill out a sheet for him? Add him to the session sheet?


The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Etales wrote:
I know this may be a silly question but, If I run a Scenario & thus get partial credit for a character of mine, do I fill out a sheet for him? Add him to the session sheet?


Liberty's Edge 2/5

evilvolus wrote:
Etales wrote:
I know this may be a silly question but, If I run a Scenario & thus get partial credit for a character of mine, do I fill out a sheet for him? Add him to the session sheet?

Thank you!

Sovereign Court 2/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I just wanted to double check that the Taldan Duelist feat from the Campaing Setting was intentionally left of the legal feats list. If so, too bad, it's the only thing that would motivate me to take the exotic weapon feat to use use that crazy falcata.

How do you know what the session number # or scenario chronicle number # is, for filling out chronicle sheets and for registering games on the site?

Liberty's Edge 4/5


You didn't answer part of my actual question:

When you spend the Prestige Award, either 1 for 150 gp, or 2 for 750 gp purchases, are those items permanently yours, or are they just loaners for the length of the module?

A side comment:
As to the conversion rules, I have to say that, unless the change rules for all the Season 0 modules cut the gold gained significantly, and that the Season 1+ modules give out less gold, you are, indeed, screwing over any converted character.

To be honest, this is giving me a bad taste in my mouth for the PFSOP campaign in general. And, also, your overly defensive responses to questions on the conversion rules add to that sour taste. Just something to think about.


GM_TY wrote:
How do you know what the session number # or scenario chronicle number # is, for filling out chronicle sheets and for registering games on the site?

the chronicle # is sequential, based on your character. the first adventure you've played with your character is 1, the next is 2 and so on.

as for session #, i'm assuming this question regards when you are reporting the event here? you should apply a different session # to different tables run at the same event. for instance, if you ran a game day and had 3 tables of PFS that ran, you would report the tables as session numbers 1, 2, and 3.

hope that clarifies things.


Callarek wrote:
When you spend the Prestige Award, either 1 for 150 gp, or 2 for 750 gp purchases, are those items permanently yours, or are they just loaners for the length of the module?

the handbook lists it as a "free purchase," so it's something that you keep, just like any other purchase you make. there is absolutely no indication that you only keep the item for one scenario.

Callarek wrote:

As to the conversion rules, I have to say that, unless the change rules for all the Season 0 modules cut the gold gained significantly, and that the Season 1+ modules give out less gold, you are, indeed, screwing over any converted character.

To be honest, this is giving me a bad taste in my mouth for the PFSOP campaign in general. And, also, your overly defensive responses to questions on the conversion rules add to that sour taste. Just something to think about.

honestly, it seems to me that if you have a sour taste in your mouth about things, the fault likely doesn't lie with josh or the conversion rules, but your expectations or interpretations of them.

having gone through conversion with six different characters yesterday, my own included, i have heard absolutely no complaints from anyone about their characters being screwed over, and in every case the character ended up with more gold than they had in season zero. i have to admit that i'm a little confused as to what your first sentence there means. are you implying that the season 0 mods give out more gold than the season 1 mods?

also, i haven't read any of Josh's responses as defensive. he's a pretty busy guy, and you should, frankly, be pretty thankful that he takes the time to respond to the massive flow of questions and comments here. there are plenty of campaigns where the staff rarely makes any sort of posts or replies in this kind of venue.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

I have two players each with only one scenario under their belts. Correct me if I am wrong (and apologies if this has been covered), they are unable to purchase masterwork weapons due to the 250 pg spending cap (PFSG pg 6) even if they were available to purchase from their chronicle during conversion. Are they allowed after completing their second chronicle, since the max raises to 375 gp for a single item? or are masterwork items considered basic items , and are always available (PFSG pg. 22)?

Again apologies if this has been responded to before; I couldn't find an answer in previous posts.

Arnim Thayer wrote:
or are masterwork items considered basic items , and are always available (PFSG pg. 22)?

Masterwork weapons are indeed covered in Chapter 6 (Equipment) and are therefore always available. Although, come to think of it, it's not clear what "basic" is supposed to mean.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Mat Black wrote:
the handbook lists it as a "free purchase," so it's something that you keep, just like any other purchase you make. there is absolutely no indication that you only keep the item for one scenario.

From the PFSOP CCG v2.0: Your character may “spend” her Prestige Award for temporary boons, favors, or access to spellcasting services.

So, would that 150/750 gp "purchase" be a temporary thing, or is it, despite no other reference, actually be permanent?

Mat Black wrote:

honestly, it seems to me that if you have a sour taste in your mouth about things, the fault likely doesn't lie with josh or the conversion rules, but your expectations or interpretations of them.

having gone through conversion with six different characters yesterday, my own included, i have heard absolutely no complaints from anyone about their characters being screwed over, and in every case the character ended up with more gold than they had in season zero. i have to admit that i'm a little confused as to what your first sentence there means. are you implying that the season 0 mods give out more gold than the season 1 mods?

also, i haven't read any of Josh's responses as defensive. he's a pretty busy guy, and you should, frankly, be pretty thankful that he takes the time to respond to the massive flow of questions and comments here. there are plenty of campaigns where the staff rarely makes any sort of posts or replies in this kind of venue.

Okay, I guess it is that he is only skimming posts before answering, but he keeps stressing things that are not referenced in posts he is answering.

pfs secnario 1 & 5 spoilers:
As to "screwed over", my PC has done 2 modules. He started with the standard 150 gp. He earned 480 gp for the Mists of Mwangi, plus a bonus of 85 gp in that scenario. He then earned another 453 gp for Silent Tide, PLUS a 50 gp favor. Yet, despite having therefore gained a grand total of 1068 gp beyond the 150 gp start, I now have to create my "improved" version with only 700 gp, and with a spending limit that means that he can't even recreate the same equipment that the original character had, since I used osme of that gold to buy him a composite shortbow, masterwork, Strength +1, for 405 gold.

If I had played one more scenario, the gold conversion would be even worse than that, since he already had more gold than the level 2 conversion gives...

So, my other comment must be, since the scenarios that I have experience with from Season 0 give out more than 300 gold apiece at low level, that Season 1 modules must give out lower gold than Season 0, and that the Season 0 conversions must also lower the gold given out.

Maybe it is an abberation at very low levels/number of modules played, but at that point, the loss of gold and equipment purchasing power is going to be felt more by the PC. YMMV.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Callarek wrote:
He started with the standard 150 gp. He earned 480 gp for the Mists of Mwangi, plus a bonus of 85 gp in that scenario. He then earned another 453 gp for Silent Tide, PLUS a 50 gp favor. Yet, despite having therefore gained a grand total of 1068 gp beyond the 150 gp start, I now have to create my "improved" version with only 700 gp, and with a spending limit that means that he can't even recreate the same equipment that the original character had, since I used osme of that gold to buy him a composite shortbow, masterwork, Strength +1, for 405 gold.

Can't say much about the gp's, but you CAN buy the bow, as it is a right out of chapter 6 in the rulebook - along with other masterwork items, most special materials, +1 weapons and armor - and is considered "always available" equipment. The gp max is for magic items not regularly available for purchase. (see ch 10 of the society guide for a list of "always available" items.)

EDIT- Okay, I'll ask after all. 480 is the max gold for Magwni. how did you get a bonus of 85gp? Max gold for Silent tide is 453. Where does the 50gp favor come from? Granted, even w/o these awards, 150+480+453 = 1083 [double check your math :)], which is more than the 750 you got at conversion.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Hogarth wrote:
Masterwork weapons are indeed covered in Chapter 6 (Equipment) and are therefore always available. Although, come to think of it, it's not clear what "basic" is supposed to mean.

So what about the purchasing cap... the cheapest masterwork weapons still start at 301 gp! A conversion character with one scenario would not be able to purchase a masterwork scimitar unless he was 2nd level or had 4 PA.

If I am misunderstanding or interpreting this, please feel free to respond.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Mosaic wrote:
Callarek wrote:
He started with the standard 150 gp. He earned 480 gp for the Mists of Mwangi, plus a bonus of 85 gp in that scenario. He then earned another 453 gp for Silent Tide, PLUS a 50 gp favor. Yet, despite having therefore gained a grand total of 1068 gp beyond the 150 gp start, I now have to create my "improved" version with only 700 gp, and with a spending limit that means that he can't even recreate the same equipment that the original character had, since I used osme of that gold to buy him a composite shortbow, masterwork, Strength +1, for 405 gold.

Can't say much about the gp's, but you CAN buy the bow, as it is a right out of chapter 6 in the rulebook - along with other masterwork items, most special materials, +1 weapons and armor - and is considered "always available" equipment. The gp max is for magic items not regularly available for purchase. (see ch 10 of the society guide for a list of "always available" items.)

EDIT- Okay, I'll ask after all. 480 is the max gold for Magwni. how did you get a bonus of 85gp? Max gold for Silent tide is 453. Where does the 50gp favor come from? Granted, even w/o these awards, 150+480+453 = 1083 [double check your math :)], which is more than the 750 you got at conversion.

My math was done with a calculator, and the 1068 gp did not include the 150 gp (I guess I should have been clearer on that), so both of us are correct, just differenced by the 150 gp starting gold and the 85+50 bonus gp...

Mwangi & Silent Tide stuff:
The 85 gold has a reference as "bonus gold for Sulka", I think our party terorized the NPC we found hiding in the office and he paid us gold to leave him alive or something like that; and the 50 gp in Silent Tide is annotated as "Favor of Grandmaster Torch" if I am reading the GM's writing correctly.

It says 50 in the box, should that, like items sold, be worth only 25 gp, halved like the little box says for items sold?

Scarab Sages 2/5

The new GP limit does screw the characters. Through 15 mods my bard had +2 Mithril Chain Shirt, Amulet Natural Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Ring of Protection +1, a Handy Haversack, a wand of Cure Light Wounds, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, and several scrolls and potions. And add in another 5000gp...

Under the conversion rules, he can only afford the +2 Mithril Shirt, Headband of Charisma +2, a Cloak +1, and 2 potions of Cure Lt Wounds.

Arnim Thayer wrote:
Hogarth wrote:
Masterwork weapons are indeed covered in Chapter 6 (Equipment) and are therefore always available. Although, come to think of it, it's not clear what "basic" is supposed to mean.

So what about the purchasing cap... the cheapest masterwork weapons still start at 301 gp! A conversion character with one scenario would not be able to purchase a masterwork scimitar unless he was 2nd level or had 4 PA.

If I am misunderstanding or interpreting this, please feel free to respond.

"Always available" stuff doesn't come under the cap. The cap is for everything else that's limited in availability. At least that's my reading of it.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Arnim Thayer wrote:

So what about the purchasing cap... the cheapest masterwork weapons still start at 301 gp! A conversion character with one scenario would not be able to purchase a masterwork scimitar unless he was 2nd level or had 4 PA.

If I am misunderstanding or interpreting this, please feel free to respond.

As I understand it, max value from table 1.1 DOES NOT apply to those items that are always available, i.e., those in Ch 6 of the PRPG book and Ch 10 of the Society Guide.

From the Society Guide, p4 "Please note that Max Value DOES NOT apply to those items that are considered Always Available for Purchase, it only applies to additional magic items and equipment."

And after conversion , the new prestige-referenced Max Value will still only apply to magic stuff not always available and not on your chronicle - basically it only applies when you go shopping in the magic items section in the back of the book.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

I have a big problem. I thought i did not have a pathfinder # so I made a character at gencon and played 2 sceniros and lived and then did the battle interactive Sat my group got second place and now comes the problem. I have a # ,but all the stuff I did and got is under the unregistered # what do I do? Seems all that would need to be done is just switch the number on the event card, but who do I talk to or e-mail with the right number? thanks for any help you can give.
-Corax- "the honest rogue"


I don't want to sound unsympathetic, but I guess people getting really worked up about losing some gold pieces and equipment in conversion is kind of like getting upset that an ability that a given class had in the Beta didn't make it into the final PFRPG rules.

In other words, it was very clearly stated, over and over, that Season 0 was a playtest season (hence the name). While I know people have probably grown attached to certain items and the way they may have developed their characters, it was always pretty clear that things were going to change and get retooled, and on top of that, Josh had actually said fairly early on that the "conversion" process was probably going to be more of a "rebuild but keep X, Y, and Z the same" process.

The Exchange

are all the gods (and demon lords)from the Pathfinder campaign setting usable in pathfinder society? and if not, which ones are? (if any)

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

James Apostolou wrote:
I have a # ,but all the stuff I did and got is under the unregistered # what do I do? Seems all that would need to be done is just switch the number on the event card, but who do I talk to or e-mail with the right number?

James, you've posted in the right place. Give Josh a couple of days to get back from Gen-Con and input all that, and I'm sure he'll be able to help you.

Sneaksy Dragon wrote:
Are all the gods (and demon lords) from the Pathfinder campaign setting usable in Pathfinder Society? And if not, which ones are? (if any)

On the whole, they are. Pathfinder Society is set in Golarion, and those are the divine powers there.

Having said that, player characters in Pathfinder Society play cannot be evil-aligned. For most PCs, this hardly affects a devotion to deities. If you're not a cleric, then go ahead and be a Neutral Good supporter of the CE Rovagug. Clerics have it a little harder.

PFRPG, page 39 wrote:

Alignment: A cleric’s alignment must be within one step

of her deity’s, along either the law/chaos axis or the good/
evil axis (see Chapter 7).

So, you can play a Lawful Neutral priestess of Asmodeus, or a Chaotic Neutral lama of Lamashtu. So far as I can tell, you can also be a True Neutral priest of Norgorber (This is a change-by-omission from 3.5, which required True Neutral clerics to worship a True Neutral god.)


Branding Opportunity wrote:

How will the "Sacred Conduit" trait from the web supplement be handled in Season 1? As written it gives a +2 trait bonus to Turn/Rebuke Undead checks. Should it be omitted like "Sacred Touch"?

EDIT: Same for "Magical Talent"


Sacred Conduit is now a +1 trait bonus to the save DC against damage/turning.

Magical Talent now gives 1/day use of a 0-level spell.

Updated Traits document is here:


Sanakht Inaros wrote:

The new GP limit does screw the characters. Through 15 mods my bard had +2 Mithril Chain Shirt, Amulet Natural Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Ring of Protection +1, a Handy Haversack, a wand of Cure Light Wounds, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, and several scrolls and potions. And add in another 5000gp...

Under the conversion rules, he can only afford the +2 Mithril Shirt, Headband of Charisma +2, a Cloak +1, and 2 potions of Cure Lt Wounds.

I hear that you're feeling screwed, but I think it's worth mentioning that it's great that characters now can purchase items like the Headband of Charisma +2 without having to be in the correct faction or play the correct chronicles.


Sneaksy Dragon wrote:
are all the gods (and demon lords)from the Pathfinder campaign setting usable in pathfinder society? and if not, which ones are? (if any)

I can't find his response currently, but I think Josh mentioned that demon lords, archdevils, and the like are not valid choices for PFS characters.

His response upthread regarding other gods:

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Crow81 wrote:
Any chance the minor gods from Gods and Magic will make it in?
Yes, they should all be listed in Chapter 13. Go ahead and make that character and I'll modify Chapter 13 in a future update to include them all.

Derek Poppink wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:

The new GP limit does screw the characters. Through 15 mods my bard had +2 Mithril Chain Shirt, Amulet Natural Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Ring of Protection +1, a Handy Haversack, a wand of Cure Light Wounds, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, and several scrolls and potions. And add in another 5000gp...

Under the conversion rules, he can only afford the +2 Mithril Shirt, Headband of Charisma +2, a Cloak +1, and 2 potions of Cure Lt Wounds.

I hear that you're feeling screwed, but I think it's worth mentioning that it's great that characters now can purchase items like the Headband of Charisma +2 without having to be in the correct faction or play the correct chronicles.

Don't forget that he can exchange two prestige points for a (fully charged) wand of CLW, as well.

Sczarni 4/5

Callarek wrote:
As to the conversion rules, I have to say that, unless the change rules for all the Season 0 modules cut the gold gained significantly, and that the Season 1+ modules give out less gold, you are, indeed, screwing over any converted character.

are your calculations taking into account the gold spent on consumables such as potions and scrolls of CLW, flasks of acid and achemist's fire that are one shot, and the like? How about bribes and things you bought during the adventure that you didn't get to keep? Those one use 50 gold piece drains add up quickly.


Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Callarek wrote:
As to the conversion rules, I have to say that, unless the change rules for all the Season 0 modules cut the gold gained significantly, and that the Season 1+ modules give out less gold, you are, indeed, screwing over any converted character.
are your calculations taking into account the gold spent on consumables such as potions and scrolls of CLW, flasks of acid and achemist's fire that are one shot, and the like? How about bribes and things you bought during the adventure that you didn't get to keep? Those one use 50 gold piece drains add up quickly.

i was going to bring this up as well. that's the main reason why all the characters i helped convert this past weekend ended up with more gold.

there are certainly characters out there who have never had to spend a single copper on potions or scrolls or any of those other really useful items, or if they have, they haven't had to use them. i have a feeling, though, that those characters are likely in the minority.

the group that i run averages using about 2 and a half potions of clw per scenario per character (more if none of the clerics are present), and they at least replenish what they use.

also, i don't see any of it as getting "screwed over" since everyone is basically being restarted on a level playing field. viva la playtest!

In Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting many of the eligible feats require “’X’ affinity.” I assume this independent of Faction? I also assume that you can have only one affinity? Is this correct?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Derek Poppink wrote:

I hear that you're feeling screwed, but I think it's worth mentioning that it's great that characters now can purchase items like the Headband of Charisma +2 without having to be in the correct faction or play the correct chronicles.

After buying all that, I couldn't afford to buy a masterwork weapon. A 5th level character without a masterwork weapon? that seems a bit strange to me.

Yes, I'm glad I have the Headband but it was going to be one of my next purchases anyway. It's why I was saving up all that gold. But with Faction Points as they now written, I'll be able to change that.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Mosaic wrote:

As I understand it, max value from table 1.1 DOES NOT apply to those items that are always available, i.e., those in Ch 6 of the PRPG book and Ch 10 of the Society Guide.

From the Society Guide, p4 "Please note that Max Value DOES NOT apply to those items that are considered Always Available for Purchase, it only applies to additional magic items and equipment."

And after conversion , the new prestige-referenced Max Value will still only apply to magic stuff not always available and not on your chronicle - basically it only applies when you go shopping in the magic items section in the back of the book.

I would agree if the PFS Player's Guide to not specify that it applies to magic and mundane equipment... Joshua, what is the true intent here. Sorry for the continued questioning.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Thanks I also sent an e-mail to paizo customer service as well with all the info. was not sure what to do. Thanks for the fast reply and help. Should I just repost this in a week or two?
I have pics of the DMs & Volunteers at gen-con I held them hostage Sat night during clean up for a couple of pictures. Is there A place were I can post them?

Sovereign Court 2/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Arnim Thayer wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
From the Society Guide, p4 "Please note that Max Value DOES NOT apply to those items that are considered Always Available for Purchase, it only applies to additional magic items and equipment."
I would agree if the PFS Player's Guide to not specify that it applies to magic and mundane equipment... Joshua, what is the true intent here. Sorry for the continued questioning.

Careful. YOU added the word "mundane" to the explanation. The guide says pretty clearly "magic items and equipment," i.e., magic items and magic equipment. Not mundane-ity there. You could technically buy a galley at 30,000gp any time you have enough money as it is listed in the equipment section of Ch 6 and thus "Always Available." The limit is strictly for magic stuff not in Ch 6 of the PRPG book or that short "Always Available" list in Ch 10 of the society guide - +1 weapons and armor, basic potions and scrolls.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Callarek wrote:
As to the conversion rules, I have to say that, unless the change rules for all the Season 0 modules cut the gold gained significantly, and that the Season 1+ modules give out less gold, you are, indeed, screwing over any converted character.
are your calculations taking into account the gold spent on consumables such as potions and scrolls of CLW, flasks of acid and achemist's fire that are one shot, and the like? How about bribes and things you bought during the adventure that you didn't get to keep? Those one use 50 gold piece drains add up quickly.

Here I wrote an answer, and these boards ate it by logging me out in the background. Posted, and it went up in vapor.

Short answer:
433 gold in gold remaining, two masterwork items owned that would sell for over 300 gold total (chain shirt and Str +1 comp shortbow), not counting any remaining mundane, original purchase items left.

In short, 700 gold is a loss to my character, whether off of money earned or money available after selling off everything owned.


The Exchange

yoda8myhead wrote:

I am curious about bonus languages. Does a human with an ethnicity different than Taldane or Chelaxian gain the language of their ethnicity, or must it be taken as a bonus language with either a rank in Linguistics or a high INT at character creation?

Was this ever answered? I'd really like to know about this as well.

My Qadiran Paladin has an int of 7, which means he would only get 1 language as a human. But in Golarion, that makes no sense if he speaks Taldane, but not Qadiran? does he get both, or just Qadiran or just Taldane, despite the fact he was born in Qadira?

This is really a campaign specific thing, because unless you're in Golarion, it's irrelevant. Human=common tongue, but not so for Pathfinder games.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Josh was answering this question at Gen-Con: every human starts with Common. Humans of far ethnicities need to buy their home languages.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Chris Mortika wrote:
Josh was answering this question at Gen-Con: every human starts with Common. Humans of far ethnicities need to buy their home languages.

I remember this answer on the boards a while back, too. With each rank Linguistics bestowing 1 language, it only costs 1 skill point. But I hear ya', with a -1 modifier, that may be the only skill point you get.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


Which of the traits from the new Pathfinder RPG Character Traits doc are allowed in Pathfinder Society play? I'm guessing that the list of disallowed traits from p. 28 of the Version 2 guide refers to the old "Pathfinder Character Traits Web Enhancement" doc.

I'm also guessing that "Hedge Magician" and "Rich Parents" are still out, as the former deals with crafting and the latter just gives bonus gp at character creation and was disallowed in the first doc.

Are Adopted, Focused Mind, Magical Knack, Natural-born Leader, and Sacred Touch still on the no-no list?

Many thanks,


EDIT: In related news, I am also wondering about the new "Magical Lineage" trait from the PRPG Character Traits doc. Does it have the ability of lowering a spell level adjustment to 0?

Piety Godfury wrote:


I asked Joe to ask you this question while you were at Gen-Con and he said, you said to post it and you'd answer it after the con. Thanks in advance.

one of the requirements for Pathfinder Chronicler states:

Special: Must have authored or scribed something (other than a magic scroll or other device) for which another person (not A PC) paid at least 50 GP for.

How do we fulfill this req in Society as there is no crafting other than day-job?

...Also am I going to be able to convert with levels of this P-Class or will I have to do this in game now and take it in another level or 2 (hopefully not). ;-)

Spend the 50 gp for it and note it on a chronicle sheet. You can convert with levels of this PrC, just spend the 50 gp during conversion.

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