Jerry McMillan's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters.



Hi All,
Is there any rule (or major story/spoiler disruption) against playing the Heresy of Man" campaign arc?
Thanks, Jerry


Add me to the vehemently opposed list. For me, the game is about “character development”—exploring the world, interacting with it, and experiencing it all with a fresh sense of discovery (which is necessarily diluted with each replay, no matter how well I’m able to turn off the “player knowledge”). To me, the “character advancement” paradigm, which I think is represented by the replay option, cheapens that experience for everybody at the table. After playing a number of LFR mods with one or more replayers, I’ve come to the opinion that, if anybody at a table has played a scenario before, it reduces the level of complete-party interaction—with replayers trying not to influence first-timers’ decisions—that can be such a big part of the fun (of course, if everybody has played it before, it can devolve into a completely different type of fun, but that’s another topic).

While I agree that sometimes there is a need to “replay without credit” to allow others a chance to play, I think this is best left as an unspoken, unofficial last-resort option.



Apologies if this has been covered before. I'm converting a character with 12 chronicle sheets; Chronicle #13 will be the first post-conversion sheet. How do I record the conversion? Do I just assume I lost all my old stuff, got lots of gold, and bought new stuff offline and start with the new gold amount as the Starting GP? Or is there a specific record-keeping format that's required? (Or something else entirely?)
Thanks, Jerry