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Kyle Baird wrote:pg 27: "yes, this means a GM who runs a scenario at higher level than his current character receives no extra credit for his character"3. I've read the guide and missed the answer to the quoted question. Someone help?
The question is the other way 'round, though. It's for a GM who has a character who is higher level than the scenario.

Joshua J. Frost |

Joshua J. Frost wrote:The question is the other way 'round, though. It's for a GM who has a character who is higher level than the scenario.Kyle Baird wrote:pg 27: "yes, this means a GM who runs a scenario at higher level than his current character receives no extra credit for his character"3. I've read the guide and missed the answer to the quoted question. Someone help?
Ahh! Same. No credit. I'll make this clearer in a future update.

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Josh one thing I didnt see mentioned is:
Can a player character spell caster copy a spell from another player's character's spell book that played in the same adventure? ie two wizards that have played at the same adventure.
In Living Greyhawk you were able to copy spells and just indicated at the bottom of the AR what spells they were and who you copied them from and their RPGA #.
btw thanks for all of the work you've put into the campaign.

Joshua J. Frost |

It's covered on page 219 in the PRPG Core Rulebook. :-)
From the guide:
"Pages 219–220 in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook clearly discuss how to handle a wizard and his spellbook, but Pathfinder Society makes one adjustment to these rules: a wizard does not have to purchase a scroll found during..."
I'm only discussing the additional change here. Once you have the Core Rulebook, you'll know the rest.

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Certain (magic) items legal for Pathfinder Society give bonuses to skills no longer existing in Pathfinder RPG. For example, Trackless Boots (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide) gives +4 competence bonus to Move Silently checks.
Should Move Silently checks be treated as a subset of Stealth checks? Or should Trackless Boots give +4 to Stealth checks instead?
How about all similar items and traits listed in 3.5 source books?

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I'm answering pretty rapid fire here just to get the questions answered, so nobody think I'm being rude. I'm trying to be straight to the point and just get you the answer you need. :-)
DAGNABBIT, JOSHUA!! How DARE you answer our questions quickly and succinctly! Don't you know how we thrive on cavalier dismissals and outright contempt from our RPG publishers?

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Shisumo wrote:Ahh! Same. No credit. I'll make this clearer in a future update.Joshua J. Frost wrote:The question is the other way 'round, though. It's for a GM who has a character who is higher level than the scenario.Kyle Baird wrote:pg 27: "yes, this means a GM who runs a scenario at higher level than his current character receives no extra credit for his character"3. I've read the guide and missed the answer to the quoted question. Someone help?
Also not incredibly clear:
GM has a 5th level character, runs a Tier 1-5 scenario at 1-2 sub tier. Does the GM get 50% of the gold for the 1-2 sub tier or 50% of the gold for the 4-5 sub tier?

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Joshua and team
Just finished reading v2 - had many questions on the way, but it's one of those documents that when you've read the lot it all becomes clear.
I am very pleased with how this has developed and very much look forward to continuing into Year 1 of PFS OP. So many of my wish list seem to have been included: item upgrades, spellbooks, access to kit, traits, conversion process & the vast and growing Chapter 13.
The Prestige Award change is radical and I think it should work very well.
Thank you,

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GM has a 5th level character, runs a Tier 1-5 scenario at 1-2 sub tier. Does the GM get 50% of the gold for the 1-2 sub tier or 50% of the gold for the 4-5 sub tier?
Josh's answer above strongly implies the former. So try not to eat mods that are lower level than you; if you must, however, you might consider using the XP and cash toward a low-level backup...

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With online play legal, and play-by-post listed as one of the methods allowed, are there any rules regarding simultaneous play? Given how slow PbP can be, will it be acceptable to start an online game and still play in person before completing the online game? Otherwise I can see PbP being a 'last resort' used by people who cannot otherwise find a game.

Joshua J. Frost |

Joshua J. Frost wrote:Shisumo wrote:Ahh! Same. No credit. I'll make this clearer in a future update.Joshua J. Frost wrote:The question is the other way 'round, though. It's for a GM who has a character who is higher level than the scenario.Kyle Baird wrote:pg 27: "yes, this means a GM who runs a scenario at higher level than his current character receives no extra credit for his character"3. I've read the guide and missed the answer to the quoted question. Someone help?
Also not incredibly clear:
GM has a 5th level character, runs a Tier 1-5 scenario at 1-2 sub tier. Does the GM get 50% of the gold for the 1-2 sub tier or 50% of the gold for the 4-5 sub tier?
He gets the gold for the Tier he ran, so long as his character is eligible for that Tier.

Joshua J. Frost |

I didn't see any mention of the optional class features that are presented with each class in the Campaign book. Can these be used in creating characters or in conversion? There are some very interesting options with several of the classes and they could be a lot of fun.
They weren't included because they don't necessarily apply anymore with the adjusted base classes. Short answer: no.

Joshua J. Frost |

With online play legal, and play-by-post listed as one of the methods allowed, are there any rules regarding simultaneous play? Given how slow PbP can be, will it be acceptable to start an online game and still play in person before completing the online game? Otherwise I can see PbP being a 'last resort' used by people who cannot otherwise find a game.
You may only play a scenario once.

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Calixymenthillian wrote:With online play legal, and play-by-post listed as one of the methods allowed, are there any rules regarding simultaneous play? Given how slow PbP can be, will it be acceptable to start an online game and still play in person before completing the online game? Otherwise I can see PbP being a 'last resort' used by people who cannot otherwise find a game.You may only play a scenario once.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was, could you play a different scenario whilst you were participating in a PbP game or would you need to wait until the online game was completed before playing any other PFS games?

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Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was, could you play a different scenario whilst you were participating in a PbP game or would you need to wait until the online game was completed before playing any other PFS games?
I would think the later, as there would be an issue of your inventory if you use something in the table game, and then a week later use it in the PBP game, meaning you never had it for the table game to begin with..

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Calixymenthillian wrote:I would think the later, as there would be an issue of your inventory if you use something in the table game, and then a week later use it in the PBP game, meaning you never had it for the table game to begin with..
Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was, could you play a different scenario whilst you were participating in a PbP game or would you need to wait until the online game was completed before playing any other PFS games?
Yeah, and let's not even get into what happens if you die...

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Cpt_kirstov wrote:Yeah, and let's not even get into what happens if you die...Calixymenthillian wrote:I would think the later, as there would be an issue of your inventory if you use something in the table game, and then a week later use it in the PBP game, meaning you never had it for the table game to begin with..
Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was, could you play a different scenario whilst you were participating in a PbP game or would you need to wait until the online game was completed before playing any other PFS games?
That's what I figured, but it seemed quite harsh to disallow any other games for what could potentially be months. But I forgot about the possibility of using a secondary character, which makes it far less restrictive.

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That's what I figured, but it seemed quite harsh to disallow any other games for what could potentially be months. But I forgot about the possibility of using a secondary character, which makes it far less restrictive.
Also, PbP isn't the only online play method. Things like Maptools and TTopRPG allow you to game in 'real time' online using skype to talk to one another (or using built in chat features)

Quandary |

Would the Fighter Class Variant (-1 Feat, 4 skill ranks/level) from the Campaign Setting possibly be included in "Legal" options?
I can easily see how some Variants in that book might not be 'balanced' enough for PFS, but this one seems non-disruptive and facilitates a broader role for Fighters. I dislike the mechanical impetus to take Classes with flavor/abilities that I'm NOT interested in (Ranger, Barbarian, Rogue) simply because they offer ONE aspect (skills) that are important for my character concept.
...Or is there a new 1st-level Fighter-only feat in the Core RPG you don't want to discuss? :-)

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None of the class variants from the campaign setting are allowed.
I have to admit I was hoping for the fighter variasion as well. I always play my human fighters smart. (14 int) SOmetime just to get to combat expertise but I like having the otehr skills.
O well. Its going to be in my PF campaign so I am all good.....expect I am the DM so I don't get to play it :-(
Josh the #29 scenerio's and higher at GENCON won't require us to convert correct? I didn't want to play and quickly convert at GENCON until I got to read my new book.
Oh yeah. PLease tell me there is a picture of the goblins in the new book somewhere. I got to get you to sign it there ;-)

Joshua J. Frost |

Joshua J. Frost wrote:None of the class variants from the campaign setting are allowed.I have to admit I was hoping for the fighter variasion as well. I always play my human fighters smart. (14 int) SOmetime just to get to combat expertise but I like having the otehr skills.
O well. Its going to be in my PF campaign so I am all good.....expect I am the DM so I don't get to play it :-(
Josh the #29 scenerio's and higher at GENCON won't require us to convert correct? I didn't want to play and quickly convert at GENCON until I got to read my new book.
Oh yeah. PLease tell me there is a picture of the goblins in the new book somewhere. I got to get you to sign it there ;-)
Yes, you're required to convert.

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I was going through and creating a document for my own use to combine all the traits and feats and things together for easier perusal and I've come across a couple feats that I'm not sure were intentionally left in.
Black Marketeer (Osirion, Land of Pharoahs page 28)
allows a 100gp pool for finding and purchasing illegal or illicit items in osirion.
Heightened Trap Sense (Osirion, Land of Pharoahs page 29)
this seems to be only available to rogues since it requres trap sense +1, and it seems to allow automatic Perception checks to notice traps within 5 feet. Which unless I'm mistaken rogues already get to do in the final rules which would make this feat redundant.
Not sure if it was your intention to leave these in or not but they seemed a bit strange.
EDIT: another feat I've found Experienced Vagabond has as one of its prerequisites being a member of an underclass. How in the a PFS game does a player do this?

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Heightened Trap Sense (Osirion, Land of Pharoahs page 29)
this seems to be only available to rogues since it requres trap sense +1, and it seems to allow automatic Perception checks to notice traps within 5 feet. Which unless I'm mistaken rogues already get to do in the final rules which would make this feat redundant.
It's only redundant for rogues who take the trap spotter talent; technically, a rogue character might theoretically decide they'd rather burn the feat than the talent for some reason.
In more practical and likely terms, however, you're forgetting that barbarians also get trap sense, and the changes to trapfinding in Pathfinder - i.e., anyone can do it, regardless of DC - mean that it is, if anything, more valuable to a barbarian in Pathfinder than it was in 3.5. It's basically a barbarian-only feat, but it's not a bad one for them, especially if they happen to be in a group that doesn't include a rogue.

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Tilquinith wrote:Heightened Trap Sense (Osirion, Land of Pharoahs page 29)
this seems to be only available to rogues since it requres trap sense +1, and it seems to allow automatic Perception checks to notice traps within 5 feet. Which unless I'm mistaken rogues already get to do in the final rules which would make this feat redundant.It's only redundant for rogues who take the trap spotter talent; technically, a rogue character might theoretically decide they'd rather burn the feat than the talent for some reason.
In more practical and likely terms, however, you're forgetting that barbarians also get trap sense, and the changes to trapfinding in Pathfinder - i.e., anyone can do it, regardless of DC - mean that it is, if anything, more valuable to a barbarian in Pathfinder than it was in 3.5. It's basically a barbarian-only feat, but it's not a bad one for them, especially if they happen to be in a group that doesn't include a rogue.
Ahh, I was under the impression that Rogues automatically gained the ability to do the passive search as their boon over all other classes that can do and active search. And I forgot about the Barbarion trap sense.

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First off the new rules look awesome! I did (like so many others have a couple of questions:
My Character will have completed 2 episodes before the 13th of August...
1.Once i convert my experience will reset to 0?
2.Will still be allowed to purchase items that dropped during my first two episodes? (There was a nice pair of bracers that i had my eye on)
3. The new wealth amount, does it include the 150 you start with or not?
4. if a train leaves chicago.... oh wait wrong list of questions :)

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Hello, Josh.
I have a couple of questions regarding seating players at a table.
1) Table size. On page 4, the rules limit legal table sizes to between 4 and 6. On page 24, the rules state "If there are six or more players at your table, add +1 to your APL."
Question 1: Or more? Under what circumstances in Season 1 is it acceptable to hae a table of fewer than 3 or greater than 6 PCs?
2) Page 25 addresses the question of one person with a PC substantially lower-level than everyone else's. The rule: "Normally, Bob [with his Level 1 PC] wouldn't be able to play "up" [in a Level 4-5 sub-tier] but he can in this instance because it's the only option for him to play."
Question 2: Could Bob end up in another tier entirely? (Playing his 1st Level character with a bunch of 7th-Level PC's?)
The rules continue: A player may always refuse to play "up" if that's his only option."
Question 3: What does this mean? Of course, any player is always free to refuse to play under any circumstances. My clear reading of this is that Bob, with his 1st-Level PC, may choose to make the rest of the party play "down" at his level.

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1.Once i convert my experience will reset to 0?
Nope. You should still have 2 XP after the conversion.
2.Will still be allowed to purchase items that dropped during my first two episodes? (There was a nice pair of bracers that i had my eye on)
Not during creation, unless the bracers fall under the max gold cap. You get to hold on to your chronicle sheets, however, so my understanding is that you would still be able to buy them as usual after your third adventure as part of the standard "current or last two chronicles" equipment availability.
3. The new wealth amount, does it include the 150 you start with or not?
That's the whole kit and kaboodle. The 150 gold is already in there somewhere.

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Certain (magic) items legal for Pathfinder Society give bonuses to skills no longer existing in Pathfinder RPG. For example, Trackless Boots (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide) gives +4 competence bonus to Move Silently checks.
Should Move Silently checks be treated as a subset of Stealth checks? Or should Trackless Boots give +4 to Stealth checks instead?
How about all similar items and traits listed in 3.5 source books?
The beta, and presumably the final game as well, seems to imply that skills are converted as is. That is, items/feats/traits that gave bonuses to, say, Move Silently, would now give bonuses to Stealth.
This is just my take, though. I'd rather wait for an official answer to this one.

Joshua J. Frost |

First off the new rules look awesome! I did (like so many others have a couple of questions:
My Character will have completed 2 episodes before the 13th of August...
1.Once i convert my experience will reset to 0?
2.Will still be allowed to purchase items that dropped during my first two episodes? (There was a nice pair of bracers that i had my eye on)
3. The new wealth amount, does it include the 150 you start with or not?
4. if a train leaves chicago.... oh wait wrong list of questions :)
1. No. Your XP does not change.
2. Yes, so long as you're following the rules for purchasing off chronicle sheets.
3. Yes.
5. 1,235 hours. It's a trick question, though.

Joshua J. Frost |

Hello, Josh.
I have a couple of questions regarding seating players at a table.
1) Table size. On page 4, the rules limit legal table sizes to between 4 and 6. On page 24, the rules state "If there are six or more players at your table, add +1 to your APL."
Question 1: Or more? Under what circumstances in Season 1 is it acceptable to hae a table of fewer than 3 or greater than 6 PCs?
4 is the hard floor.
6 is the soft ceiling.
7 is the (rare please) hard ceiling
8 is two tables of 4
2) Page 25 addresses the question of one person with a PC substantially lower-level than everyone else's. The rule: "Normally, Bob [with his Level 1 PC] wouldn't be able to play "up" [in a Level 4-5 sub-tier] but he can in this instance because it's the only option for him to play."
Question 2: Could Bob end up in another tier entirely? (Playing his 1st Level character with a bunch of 7th-Level PC's?)
It's possible, but should be rare and avoided whenever possible since Bob will likely die horribly.
The rules continue: A player may always refuse to play "up" if that's his only option."
Question 3: What does this mean? Of course, any player is always free to refuse to play under any circumstances. My clear reading of this is that Bob, with his 1st-Level PC, may choose to make the rest of the party play "down" at his level.
That's not what it says at all. It says that Bob cannot be forced to play up if that's his only option. Had I wanted to write a rule wherein a low-level PC could force a high level PC to play down, I would put that in there. :-)

hogarth |

This may be covered by the final PFRPG rules, but does a wizard (or sorcerer) with an Arcane Bond object need to pay for the object when she begins play (e.g. a masterwork amulet, ring, staff, wand or weapon)? If not, then is there a maximum value for the weapon she chooses (e.g. can she choose a 600 gp masterwork minotaur double crossbow)? If so, what is the cost of a masterwork amulet/wand/ring? Is an arcane masterwork staff masterwork on both ends?

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4 is the hard floor.
6 is the soft ceiling.
7 is the (rare please) hard ceiling
8 is two tables of 4
If nine people assemble for a session at a game store, would you want a table of four players (and a GM) and a second table of three players (and a GM running a GM NPC)? Or should they send one player home and run a table of 7?
The rules continue: A player may always refuse to play "up" if that's his only option."
What does this mean? Of course, any player is always free to refuse to play under any circumstances. My clear reading of this is that Bob, with his 1st-Level PC, may choose to make the rest of the party play "down" at his level.
That's not what it says at all. It says that Bob cannot be forced to play up if that's his only option. Had I wanted to write a rule wherein a low-level PC could force a high level PC to play down, I would put that in there. :-)
Then, I'm afraid I don't understand the plain meaning of the rule.
Are you saying that these circumstances permit Bob the right to refuse to play? There's never a situation under which anyone is forced to sit don and play a session, is there? (To me, this text feels akin to writing a rule stating, "If Bob doesn't like rolling purple dice, under these circumstances he may choose a different color.")

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Then, I'm afraid I don't understand the plain meaning of the rule.Are you saying that these circumstances permit Bob the right to refuse to play? There's never a situation under which anyone is forced to sit don and play a session, is there? (To me, this text feels akin to writing a rule stating, "If Bob doesn't like rolling purple dice, under these circumstances he may choose a different color.")
I think that it is to prevent a "you signed up, so you have to play" situation. Especially if people sign up weeks/months ahead of time, and play some scenarios in between.

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Joshua J. Frost wrote:If nine people assemble for a session at a game store, would you want a table of four players (and a GM) and a second table of three players (and a GM running a GM NPC)? Or should they send one player home and run a table of 7?
4 is the hard floor.
6 is the soft ceiling.
7 is the (rare please) hard ceiling
8 is two tables of 4
Ideally the GM would run the game twice

Joshua J. Frost |

This may be covered by the final PFRPG rules, but does a wizard (or sorcerer) with an Arcane Bond object need to pay for the object when she begins play (e.g. a masterwork amulet, ring, staff, wand or weapon)? If not, then is there a maximum value for the weapon she chooses (e.g. can she choose a 600 gp masterwork minotaur double crossbow)? If so, what is the cost of a masterwork amulet/wand/ring? Is an arcane masterwork staff masterwork on both ends?
This is covered on page 78 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. So I can't tell you yet. :-)

Joshua J. Frost |

If nine people assemble for a session at a game store, would you want a table of four players (and a GM) and a second table of three players (and a GM running a GM NPC)? Or should they send one player home and run a table of 7?
I'll leave that to the discretion of the coordinator. That's not a level of micro-managing that I want to achieve.

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Samuli wrote:Certain (magic) items legal for Pathfinder Society give bonuses to skills no longer existing in Pathfinder RPG. For example, Trackless Boots (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide) gives +4 competence bonus to Move Silently checks.
Should Move Silently checks be treated as a subset of Stealth checks? Or should Trackless Boots give +4 to Stealth checks instead?
How about all similar items and traits listed in 3.5 source books?
The beta, and presumably the final game as well, seems to imply that skills are converted as is. That is, items/feats/traits that gave bonuses to, say, Move Silently, would now give bonuses to Stealth.
This is just my take, though. I'd rather wait for an official answer to this one.
Could we get an answer on this one, please?

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This may be covered by the final PFRPG rules, but does a wizard (or sorcerer) with an Arcane Bond object need to pay for the object when she begins play (e.g. a masterwork amulet, ring, staff, wand or weapon)? If not, then is there a maximum value for the weapon she chooses (e.g. can she choose a 600 gp masterwork minotaur double crossbow)? If so, what is the cost of a masterwork amulet/wand/ring? Is an arcane masterwork staff masterwork on both ends?
I did have the exact same thoughts. Especially if I got it right that there was quite some penalty for casting a spell without the bonded object.
Therefore - if you don't want a familiar (which is free as far as I'm aware) what kind of sensible bonded object can a wizard purchase at the start - or does he just start without any and then doesn't gain advantages or penalties until later when he can afford such an object.
Armour (wouldn't make sense) is 150 extra - so you would need something free and no money left, weapons are 300 extra - so way out of reach. And a wizard wielding a Masterwork Thiefs tools as bonded object for 100 GP as this is all he can afford sounds ridiculous.
Tool, masterwork and manacles masterwork for 50 gp are the cheapest I could find - not that they would be carried by a repescting wizard.
PS: Just read the answer above. Not sure how I missed that. Didn't take me 20 minutes to write the question ...