PARANOIA in PZO Sector!!!


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In the darkness, Whatt say "Hgnnnngh!"


Chuckles mumbles something about his precious pills as he slumps to the floor.

GM only:

Any ETA on how long we'll be out?


Your sight begins to recover. Though the darkness and all the black spots in your vision make it so you can make out almost nothing.


We'll see...


Your brain hurts muchly


Sorry bout your early death, wasn't my call LoL

GM Only

Whatt pushes his head harder against the wall... the cool comforting wall... the wall who's coolness can barely be felt against the raging tempest in his skull. Sqeezing his eyes shut tightly he grips a hank of hair in his left hand and pulls hard while shoving the back of his head harder into the corner where the floor and wall meet.

"Grrrreeeeahhhhfffffft!!!" says Whatt's voice in the darkness.

Waiting on a certain player's response




Oh shoot you're waiting on me aren't you? Liam is currently trying to make sure he isn't too badly wounded from the burns while trying to roll away from where the flame globe blew up. Quietly, of course. No need to let anyone else know my brains aren't dribbling out of my ears.



Your burns hurt, but they're not deadly, as your vision clears, the flame globes go out pretty quick, Whatt and Chuckles seem to be unconscious, and whoo is headless. Communications must be out, or there would be replacement clones here by now. You going to attempt to finish the others off? It is always best to be the only one alive at debriefing.



Wait, do I have that yellow crowbar with me? If so, I'll just bash their heads in while they're stunned, put the crowbar in Whoo's hand, then lay down and act unconscious, being sure to lay down relatively close to Whoo to hopefully explain the blood splatter. If not, I'll just take something from Whoo's corpse and use that instead.

Male 100 meter dash Middle class

naw its cool, all part of the fun. I cant get my web browser to minimize and I cant re-size it because I cant see the bottom of the screen to line my mouse up with it, so I am going to be stuck borrowing my friends computer off and on.


GM only:

Just waiting patiently until I come to. So no real contributions from me until then I suppose.

Chuckles, Whoo, & Whatt you have been decanted to Debriefing. Apparently there was some sort of ambush, somehow Liam survived, and is sitting at the head of the table with James-U-SSR.

"Team, it appears the Commies were too much for your group. Please file your reports, I have dispatched a Vulture Squad to clean-up after you." he says disappointedly, "I have also assigned a new unit to investigate the communication interruption. I'll see about assigning you something more simple, perhaps a milk run."

Set a spoiler with your report, accusations, evidence, etc.

Male 100 meter dash Middle class

having been freshly decanted, and still high on happy drugs, I have not the slightest clue as to what happened when we where attacked by commies.

Whoo-R-YOU wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Did you send yourself any evidence for the future on your PDC?

Male 100 meter dash Middle class

No, I died before I could

GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:

Chuckles, Whoo, & Whatt you have been decanted to Debriefing. Apparently there was some sort of ambush, somehow Liam survived, and is sitting at the head of the table with James-U-SSR.

"Team, it appears the Commies were too much for your group. Please file your reports, I have dispatched a Vulture Squad to clean-up after you." he says disappointedly, "I have also assigned a new unit to investigate the communication interruption. I'll see about assigning you something more simple, perhaps a milk run."

Set a spoiler with your report, accusations, evidence, etc.

GM only:

Chuckles stands up and blurts out, "WHERE ARE MY PILLS?"
Then he notices Liam sitting apart from the rest of the team. Without his happiness pills to keep him chipper, he automatically starts shouting accusations, "It was Liam! He did it! We failed because of him. Can't you all see? He was the only one to survive. Coincidence? I think not!!! TAKE HIM AWAY AT ONCE! AND WHERE ARE MY PILLS?"

James stands and interrupts Chuckles, All accusations and evidence must be in written form, Chuckles, you are fined 100 credits for accusing an equal ranked citizen. Now, file your accusations with evidence int he proper format.

Male 100 meter dash Middle class

James-U-SSR and Whatt-R-BTL look a lot alike... brothers maybe?? Except James looks more.... Diabolical

James glares at Whoo, and punches a few keys on his PDC.

James-U-SSR wrote:
James stands and interrupts Chuckles, All accusations and evidence must be in written form, Chuckles, you are fined 100 credits for accusing an equal ranked citizen. Now, file your accusations with evidence int he proper format.

GM only:

Chuckles straightens his jumpsuit, sits down with a defiant glare on his face, and proceeds to record his accusations towards Liam. He also adds an extra note on his report accusing Liam of somehow tampering with his slug thrower at some point.
Sorry boss, I'm really off my game lately.

People gone for the holidays?

Male 100 meter dash Middle class

either that or the post died even with my new life injected into it. thats what you get for killing me so fast lol

Whoo-R-YOU wrote:
either that or the post died even with my new life injected into it. thats what you get for killing me so fast lol

Holidays always get slow, I have one game on hold right now cuz half the people in it are away til the 4th

Hopefully we can get back into the game starting tomorrow...perhaps I can run one of the flashback missions.

Troubleshooters, please give your mission debriefing reports. I have a new assignment for you.

I'll give the game til Tuesday before I call time of death.

GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:
I'll give the game til Tuesday before I call time of death.

I'm sorry the game died away over the holidays! I tried to continue to participate. I'd be interested in any future Paranoia games that you cook up. I've had a lot of fun, especially since this was my first time doing any PbP.

And so, this particular Alpha Complex computer, on Mars, cut off from the rest of the Complex by Commie traitor hackers, went a little crazy, and ordered all of it's troubleshooters to be executed, it opened all the hatches to the surface, the sudden vacuum pulled our glorious troubleshooters straight onto the Martian surface, suddenly everything was clear, the commies had won, they had even painted good old Planet Earth of the Old reckoning days red...then, they died, no clone back up, just death...ah, how peaceful...

Alpha Complex Teachbot signing off.

I will probably run another Paranoia PbP during the next year.

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