Wood Golem

Alpha Complex Teachbot's page

10 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

About Alpha Complex Teachbot

Continuing education course (Clearance RED):

Acceptable Behavior!


The following behaviors are acceptable (non-treasonous) anywhere in Alpha Complex:
Understanding of this chart and the Treason, Insubordination and Meritorious Conduct charts and their contents.
(Drummed into every INFRARED fromdecanting onward.)

Knowledge of the current Year of The Computer (214) and general awareness the Computer hasn’t always been here; knowledge that a corrupt, destructive Old Reckoning culture existed before the rise
of our friend The Computer. (However, curiosity about that benighted time is very impolite.)

Mere knowledge of the existence of specific secret societies, mutant powers, the Outdoors or Outdoor plant and animal life. (None of this is polite conversation, but it’s not treasonous.)

Mere knowledge of various kinds of real food and drink; expressions of
envy and the general living conditions of higher-clearance citizens. (Portrayed daily on glamorous vidshows.)

Expressions of ambition; desire to rise in clearance, get rich, live in luxury, etc. (The Computer encourages aspiration to greater service, though blatant greed is impolite.)

Casual joking or warnings about service firms, service groups, or higher clearance citizens in general, as opposed to specific individuals or agencies. (Impolite and likely to draw suspicion, but
not technically insubordinate.)

Unauthorized vandalism or destruction of property of equal or lower clearance, in line of duty. Asking questions directly relevant to
a mission or duty (these questions are grudgingly condoned).

Asking whether a particular hypothetical question would be considered directly relevant to a mission or duty.

Insubordinate Behavior!



This is a set of guidelines, not an exhaustive list. Lots of other things are treason and insubordination, too.

Asking a question irrelevant to a mission or duty.

Asking whether a particular hypothetical question unrelated to a mission or duty would be considered insubordinate or treasonous.

Asking whether a particular hypothetical question, if it were hypothetically directly related to a mission or duty, would be considered insubordinate or treasonous (nobody likes a smartass).

Being out of uniform or sloppy.

Being unhappy.

Bringing bad news.

Curiosity about or postulation of supposed virtues of Old Reckoning

Curiosity in general, undue.

Evading Internal Security or Computer surveillance.

Excessive impoliteness.

Failing a hygiene inspection.

Jokes, insolence, or disregard for the importance of a mission or duty.

Jokes, insolence, or disrespect for a specific higher-clearance citizen.

Jokes, complaints, or warnings about a specific service firm or group.

Questioning the ability or judgment of a higher-clearance citizen.

Questioning the ability or judgment of The Computer.

Turning off one’s PDC (communicator) during a mission.

Unauthorized vandalism or destruction of property of equal or lower clearance, not in line of duty.

!!!Treasonous Behavior!!!


Accusations of treason
-Being accused of treason.
-Falsely accusing a citizen of treason.

Conduct and bearing
-Arguing with the Gamemaster.
-Assaulting a citizen.
-Being present in a location of higher security clearance.
-Damaging, destroying, or losing assigned equipment.
-Demonstrating knowledge of the PARANOIA rules above your own clearance.
-Failure to defer to a citizen of higher security clearance.
-Framing a citizen of lower clearance for a crime.
-Lying to the GM.
-Possessing a treasonous skill.
-Possessing unauthorized food, information, or equipment.
-Refusal to take a prescribed drug.
-Theft of equipment, possessions or files, including filesharing.
-Threatening the physical or financial safety of another citizen.
-Unauthorized destruction of higher clearance property.

-Disobeying an order.
-Failure to complete a mission or service service, or failure to file a proper report of the completion.
-Refusing the assignment of a service service.
-Refusing to accept a mission.

-Banned mutation registration.
-Suspicion or proof of mutation possession.

Secret society membership
-Confessing to, suspicion of, or proof of secret society membership.
-Knowledge of Communist doctrine.
-Being a Communist.

Terminating a citizen without sufficient evidence.

Meritorious Conduct!


This is close to an exhaustive list. It includes entries an Alpha Complex citizen would not actually see; we leave identification of these lines as an exercise for the reader. A given act may qualify for more than one reward. The GM will probably use the lowest. Nyaah.

Acts deserving rewards

Being extremely happy.

Completing a mission.

Completing it successfully.

Completing a service service and filing a report.

Doing a favor spontaneously for a higher-clearance citizen.

Doing a favor for a secret society friendly to your own.

Risking your life to serve or rescue a higher-clearance citizen, to save Alpha Complex or to serve The Computer.

Terminating a traitor with sufficient evidence.

Mandatory Bonus Duties:


Team Leader:
Offers guidance and sound advice to other team members; acts as tactical situation commander in combat

Loyalty Officer:
Discourages treasonous thoughts; looks for early warning signs of Commie sympathy.

Hygiene Officer:
Monitors the personal hygiene level of other team members, preventing poor morale, substandard performance and halitosis. CPU performance tracking statistics show [CLASSIFIED] percent of Troubleshooter missions fail due to poor hygiene.

Communications and Recording Officer:
Chronicles the mission using advanced video technology, extremely sensitive microphones and gripping color commentary. Good lighting and innovative camera angles produce excellent training material and possibly even footage for popular evening vidshows like Bake That Commie!

Happiness Officer: Ensures everyone has fun on the mission; knows jokes, sings, leads citizen-instruction games; authorizes and administers biochemical supplements needed to guarantee a fun time is had by all.

Bots/Weapons/Vehicles/Sundry Equipment Repair and Maintenance
Officer (Equipment Guy):

Controls bots and vehicles assigned to the team; monitors each Troubleshooter’s equipment maintenance level. The Equipment Guy is responsible for assigned mission equipment that gets lost, stolen or damaged.