Sean Bean heads cast for HBO's A Game of Thrones


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carborundum wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Do your gongs make slurping noises too?I thought they must have been praying in a noodle shop.

As to the spoilers above, I am going to pretend it was really subtle, because it took me three readings of the series to pick up on it.... (I know, Rainbow Guard too, right?)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

The moments that will stay with me, though...

Knife in the eye and greatsword in the neck.

"There is only one god and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to death: not today."

Very impressive episode. It really feels like the avalanche is starting and events are beginning to spiral out of control. Great stuff.

Liberty's Edge

Werthead wrote:

"There is only one god and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to death: not today."

Very impressive episode. It really feels like the avalanche is starting and events are beginning to spiral out of control. Great stuff.

If you can sign up for HBOgo, they have next weeks show already up as a bonus. Out of control is about right.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

When I saw ep 5 and the scene with Renly and Loras, I thought "well, this is a big departure from the books", not that there's anything wrong with that. But now that you mention things like "praying together" and the Rainbow Guard, it all makes sense now! I was totally oblivious!

And the show is fantastic so far - I hope they pick it up for a second series!

nomadicc wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

And the show is fantastic so far - I hope they pick it up for a second series!

I'm pretty sure they picked it up for another series right after the first episode.

Yup, Season 2 was picked up weeks ago. In fact, they're already hard at work, and some casting announcements - Stannis, Melisandre, Davos etc - should be made soon.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Werthead wrote:
Yup, Season 2 was picked up weeks ago. In fact, they're already hard at work, and some casting announcements - Stannis, Melisandre, Davos etc - should be made soon.

Good to hear! Happy times!

Well done. I felt the intensity and I knew what was coming!

The last episode didn't have Arya or Tyrion, I expect improvement in the next one, and with Syrio

Liberty's Edge

My mom wanted to know, what's wrong with the horses used by Drego and the horse people? They're about three times as long as normal horses. I'm guessing its a particular breed, but I don't know anything about them. Anyone have an idea?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Knoq Nixoy wrote:
The last episode didn't have Arya or Tyrion, I expect improvement in the next one, and with Syrio

My mom said the same thing about Arya and I said it about Tyrion.

"The Pointy End", Episode 8.

Written by GRRM himself.

"In the aftermath of Nedʼs capture, Syrio and Arya face off against Lannister guards, while Cersei manipulates Sansa to her own ends. Robb rallies his fatherʼs northern allies against Tywin Lannister and heads south to war. Tyrion forms an uneasy alliance with the hill tribes and reunites with his father. Jon lashes out at Ser Alliser Thorne and battles a mysterious attacker from beyond the Wall. Dany is forced to reconcile her desire to conquer Westeros with Drogoʼs savagery after the Dothraki raid a peaceful village."

So, yes; Ayra, Syrio and Tyrion will all be in Episode 8.

"The First Sword of Braavos does not run."

The best episode so far, busy and jam-packed but the characterisation and dialogue are so strong it works really well. It was also great to see Robb, who's been a background character for much of the first seven episodes, step up and take command.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


"Dragons feed on sheep and horses"

That whole scene gave me goose bumps.

I have lent my copy GoT to three people since the show aired so not only is it making people interested in the show but in the books as well.

The last two are my least favorite, a lot of poorly directed scenes (including Arya's first kill, Jon saving Mormont, the camera angles and movements, editing, it needs more episodes, at least twelve, and money).

I'm glad that Robb and Osha changed into better characters, most of the new characters were not good, John Umber, Miri Maz Duur, Hodor, somewhat Shagga. I don't remember Lysa so mad at the beginning, everything so grim that Alliser Thorne can't stand out.

Was disappointed at the Syrio development, much displeasure.

I keep holding out hope for Syrio. He may still be alive. I haven't seen HBO's show but if they follow the book, you never actually see him get killed.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

It was the same way in the show. They cut to Arya running down the hall hearing somebody screaming like they just got killed, but you never actually see Syrio die. I'm hoping he lives as well. "Not Today".

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

That was a good episode. I love the Imp's golden tongue.

Silver Crusade

Miltos Yeromelou is God Tier.

Silver Crusade

Inevitable cover of the main theme

To complete the effect

Just don't bother reading the comments, because SPOILERS and typical YouTube derp.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

My wife, who hasn't read the books, was so mad after the conclusion of the episode tonight. ;) She didn't believe that they would actually kill off the main character and spent last week telling me they couldn't do it, just because he was the main character.

Rhothaerill wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Angry in a good way as in she will continue watching the show...or angry in a bad way? As in not watch the show anymore

Liberty's Edge

Rhothaerill wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I don't really see him as the main character. He's a huge supporting one, but not the main character. I think we follow his children more often than we do him, although what happens to him helps us understand the future events, I'm sure. Although, you might remind your wife that all good stories generally start with a bad ending.

This was the best episode, my only regret is that they did not show Jaime's fight and Bronn commenting about Gregor being the most noticeable target

Liberty's Edge

This guy did not take it very well. I am curious to see the reactions of people that did not read the book. NSFW.

Dark Sasha wrote:
I keep holding out hope for Syrio. He may still be alive. I haven't seen HBO's show but if they follow the book, you never actually see him get killed.

If they follow the book, him not being killed on-screen doesn't mean squat. Lots of main characters get killed off-screen. And it still sticks. Maybe not always, but neither never.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:

This guy did not take it very well. I amy curious to see the reactions to people that did not read the book. NSFW.

For idiots like him I have this to say: People, shut up, read the books, and if you cannot stand stuff like that, go watch cartoons. Western. And not Bambi. Otherwise, you'll end up crying time and again.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
KaeYoss wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:

This guy did not take it very well. I amy curious to see the reactions to people that did not read the book. NSFW.

For idiots like him I have this to say: People, shut up, read the books, and if you cannot stand stuff like that, go watch cartoons. Western. And not Bambi. Otherwise, you'll end up crying time and again.

Dude, don't diss Larry Williams. He's been doing great reviews of the show every week, has not read the books and is quite well liked in the fan community. He has a right to be upset at something he didn't expect. Really, not a nice thing to diss someone for feeling upset about losing a character he liked.

You should watch his initial reaction to the ending of ep 9, though. :D

Liberty's Edge

I have a feeling these vids will be a hit.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I have a feeling these vids will be a hit.

I would be shocked if we won't get some T-Shirts with "They killed my n***a Ned!" out of this. :p

Knoq Nixoy wrote:
only regret is that they did not show Jaime's fight and Bronn commenting about Gregor being the most noticeable target

Agree, I'm pissed off cause they didn't show Gregor and Jaime's skill with a sword, that's all he is at the moment, the scene would be no cost for their budget and cut a bit of Tysha's

Bronn was north of the Wall? Aerys is Egg's son?

Miri's ritual had excellent creepy sounds

As for people crying, valar morghulis

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Lotsa internet tough guys out here today, I see. So, how did you react to Neds death when you read the book? I was pretty damned shocked for a while, I can tell you.

Liberty's Edge

When I read the book I was in shock and have same reaction others are having that did not know it was coming.

I was twelve when I read it, it was shocking and sad, I did not believe it was the end of the world like this guy. It's a pleasant surprise that people are be so attached to the TV characters, cause you cannot have the the depth the book has.

Second book spoiler

Personally, Cersei and Joff not getting a dose of Stannis' justice and Tywin's victory at the end was much more frustrating. Then I wanted to kick things around. Ned's and Cat's stupidity makes you feel that they are partially guilty for the tragedy.

magnuskn wrote:
. So, how did you react

I didn't expect it at all and caught me unaware. Then I knew I loved the series as it wasn't always going to go where I thought it would.

Liberty's Edge

I was pissed and I knew it was going to happen.

I was pissed 13 years ago, on a cold January night on battalion staff duty, 18 miles from the DMZ. I literally threw the book across the room and sat there, miffed and angry, teary-eyed and incredulous, so sure had I been that something would happen, someone would come through, because something always happens to turn the tide; someone always saves your favorite character in these kinds of books. It's just the way it is.

But not this time. This time was different; and that made it special in a way no other fantasy novel had done.

Then I walked across the room, picked up the book, found my page and read the night through.

I was positive it was the greatest single piece of fantasy fiction every written.

I think it's amazing that guy can react like it's an actual death. Really illustrates how well Martin's characterization is and what a fine job they are doing with the TV show.

I remember being shocked and a little numb when I read that part in the books. And then the chapter with Sansa and Joff on the wall, as if the execution wasn't bad enough. Martin is relentless.

It also makes me reflect on all those public executions back in medieval ages. Things like hanging, drawing and quartering, burned at the stake, or broken on the wheel and watching a family member go through that ordeal. When you read about them in the history books, it's one thing. But get to know the people, their family, their character and you realize how brutal an age it was.

It definitely had smackings of the Braveheart execution scene which left me feeling the same way.

The first thing Ned does is beheading a deserted from the Wall. The end of the first book needs to happen as it does. Plus, as Ned says: The one pronouncing the judgement should always be the one holding the sword. I know no better way to show that he was exceptional, and that those who had him killed were not.

Tangible Delusions wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
. So, how did you react

I didn't expect it at all and caught me unaware. Then I knew I loved the series as it wasn't always going to go where I thought it would.

+1. That's exactly the way it was for me too.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

CapeCodRPGer wrote:

This guy did not take it very well. I am curious to see the reactions of people that did not read the book. NSFW.

This reaction is priceless.

And it shows that this is a series that stands your expectations on its head. Some folks aren't down with that.

Wander Weir wrote:
Tangible Delusions wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
. So, how did you react

I didn't expect it at all and caught me unaware. Then I knew I loved the series as it wasn't always going to go where I thought it would.

+1. That's exactly the way it was for me too.

+1000 - Finally I could read books and expect to be surprised again! Fantasy is so often built on a predictable pattern I almost had lost my taste for the genre... Thanks G.R.R.M!

Ed Stark death I did not like, but it was a readingasm.

magnuskn wrote:
So, how did you react to Neds death when you read the book?

I was shocked.

When I read it, my first thought was to simply stop reading the books.

"Why the hell am I reading this?"

But I stuck with it, and was very glad I did. :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Finally home on R&R, and my wife and I marathoned the first seven episodes. I can't wait to watch the latest.

And yes, I was stunned at Ned's death, and I hated Cersei and Joffrey with a passion. The show hasn't shown them as the complete monsters they are, is the feeling I got, and I can even admit that they are a product of their environment. I'm sure this next episode will rekindle my hatred however.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

@John Kretzer - she will continue watching. She likes the show a lot, and as with me her favorite characters are Tyrion and Daenerys. I'm not sure if she'll read the books, but she might. She tends to prefer lighter fantasy, but she also really likes some meatier fantasy like the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman.

As for the other question about reaction upon reading about his death for the first time - I was shocked. I didn't expect it at all.

Liberty's Edge

I had a good laugh when I saw this title's thread way back. The OP definitely intended it :)Just another month till the 5th book, can't wait!

edit: started watching that guy's youtube review. Definitely a wtf for people who've not read the books. I don't have HBO so I'm not watching the series but I plan to catch it on netflix or on dvd.

hmm, need to look up that thread about hook mountain massacre where Logue and I kinda talked about SoF&I.

magnuskn wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:

This guy did not take it very well. I amy curious to see the reactions to people that did not read the book. NSFW.

For idiots like him I have this to say: People, shut up, read the books, and if you cannot stand stuff like that, go watch cartoons. Western. And not Bambi. Otherwise, you'll end up crying time and again.

Dude, don't diss Larry Williams. He's been doing great reviews of the show every week, has not read the books and is quite well liked in the fan community. He has a right to be upset at something he didn't expect. Really, not a nice thing to diss someone for feeling upset about losing a character he liked.

You should watch his initial reaction to the ending of ep 9, though. :D

F*ck the blond man!

/those are great.

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