Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

We had a meeting yesterday discussing the role of the Pathfinder Modules line and how we can improve it. We kicked around a few ideas, but we'd like your input as well (especially subscribers and people who would become subscribers if the Modules line gave you more that you were looking for).
FYI, more than half of the existing adventures in the line are for levels 6-12, slightly less than half are for levels 1-5, and only one is for levels 13+.
Ideas we discussed at the meeting included:
* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?

Arelas |

Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
I like the idea of the one off adventure with pregens highly related to the story of the module. I find the s.o.s of my group like these type (and will play in them). Halloween we did the small Razor Coast module by Sinister adventures which did this via possesion.
I also like the idea of modules connected to an adventure path. When we cant get the actual game in, it be fun to do these side stories. Especially when the AP session ends in a spot where you need everyone for the next session.
My group rarely gets to high levels except at the end of a path which is usually the end of that campaign storyline. Not that I'm against them but I wouldn't want too many.
Of course super modules are small APs so all for them.

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We had a meeting yesterday discussing the role of the Pathfinder Modules line and how we can improve it.
Ideas we discussed at the meeting included:
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)Which of these ideas are interesting to you?
I like the ones I edited out above. I think they'd be interesting just to own personally. There couldn't be too many of them though, otherwise the fun would wear off eventually.
I know this may not sound too creative or overarching, but I find that players love weird, off the wall dungeon ideas. I did one once where I turned a normal dungeon on its side and froze it in an iceberg. The players were finding traps that didn't work the way they wanted, and a lot of skill challenges, as well as tough fights.

aeglos |

* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
since my players love nothing more than buidling charakters, the 3 last examples would not work for my groups.
Especially the mysterious device idea seems very railroad-yHigh Level add-ons for AP's on teh other hand, are good ideas.
I would love to see a good, non-stereotype fey adventure

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I'd be interested in
1) Post-AP high level adventures that could be run in or out of an AP path.
2) Parallel adventures to an AP that would let the PCs play (if they took pregenerated characters) important NPCs doing things off stage (a la Rosencrantz and Guildenstern), but could run as standalone adventures with regular PCs.
3) Wacky one-offs would be fun (BREE YARK).
We had a meeting yesterday discussing the role of the Pathfinder Modules line and how we can improve it. We kicked around a few ideas, but we'd like your input as well (especially subscribers and people who would become subscribers if the Modules line gave you more that you were looking for).

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* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
Yes this is something I think there is a need for. I am not sure how many but more than their is now.
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
Actually yes, especially if they was more sandbox style adventures. Maybe something along the size of the current AP's. But not sure how you would implement this with the subscription model.
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
Could be very interesting, but not something I would like to see a ton of.
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
All can be very cool but all are things most wouldn't use a lot. So while I think it would be nice to see some, I would have them be fairly uncommon. Holiday ones tend to be the best of these.
Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
More Planer ones would be nice as mentioned but that might go hand in hand with more high level ones anyways.
Personally i would like to see some very heavy RP adventures where there is very little combat. I know this is not something that appeals to a lot of people so maybe just something every blue moon.
And definitely some weird ones. Not all the time or even often but every now and again just something very different. Carnival of Fear is a good example of this, plus I remember a old TSR adventure that had a very Alice and Wonderland feel to it. Forget the name, just remember it was very strange but fun.

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As a student who rarely has a regular gaming group, I spend a lot of time either teaching (forcing?) new people to play or getting together whomever I can for a few-night adventure. So I would actually like lower-level adventures, particularly ones starting around level 2. I noticed I could find level 1 adventures, but then I had few options until the PCs reached level 4. Higher levels are great, but not as useful for me. I also really like the idea of one-off adventures, especially with pregenerated characters. That way, if I can't get everyone together, I don't have to churn out new characters for a bunch of new players.
In truth, I'm interested in everything Paizo puts out, but this would be more useful for me.

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* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
These, with supermodules and unusual one-off slightly rarer.
Prequels, parallel and "aftermath" adventures related to APs are most interesting to me.I'd like to see some related adventures (such as Tower of the Last Baron and Treasure of Chimera Cove) maybe even in three part story arcs, that are not so strongly tied to each other as the chapters of an AP, but that can be used together in a rather general adventuring frame - the thing that springs to my mind is the "Coming Full Cirlcle" campaign for CoC by Pagan Publishing.

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:Traveling to the other planets in the Golarion system ala those "stargates" I've seen in several of the Pathfinder products.
Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
Yeah; I reallyreallyreallyreallyreally want this. Bad.

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* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
These are hard to do, given that high level groups can diverge so wildly in abilities and power level, but I would love to see more modules set at levels 15+. The important thing to me is making them feel epic. Save the city or barony just does not cut it at these levels, the threat needs to feel larger than life and out of the ordinary.
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
These I definitely would like to see (Slumbering Tsar would be a great candidate for this type of treatment), providing there is some way to do them profitably. The GDQ supermodule remains one of my favorites. I find the best modules mate a good story with an interesting location (which I can reuse later). So a supermodule set in the HQ of the Red Mantis, or ancient Azlanti magic research facility, or Test of the Starstone would grab me.
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
I find a lot of Japanese RPGs and Anime use this technique. If its done well, I think I would be interested in a side story to an ongoing AP. Many of them have hooks that are left to the DM to expand, it would be interesting to see Paizo take a few and run with them.
As for the other types, I might be interested, so long as the rail roading has an interesting hook. Forced to do something for the noble/ruler/king to avoid x is old, but something like War of the Wielded, while railroady in a sense, feels fresh and something my pcs would like.

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I find almost everything Paizo does to be very usable for my regular group. We love the adventure paths but aren't really ready to let go of our characters once one ends. Self-contained medium to high-level explorations would be great for bringing characters out of retirement. I look for adventures that I can drop easily into any story I already have going. Sometimes the villain goes on to become a recurring party nemesis, but I'd like the option of wrapping the whole thing up neatly and putting it behind us. I've used Monte Cook's Banewarrens and Pythoness House from Ptolus, Gallery of Evil, and parts of Maure Castle for this purpose.
I'd love some planar stuff for very high-level characters. New and weird environments pose a fun challenge regardless of character level, and you can stage cataclysmic battles without destroying your players' home world.
I would definitely love an occasional adventure that puts my players off their game a bit or requires them to explore different skill sets. Something where you say, "I knew we should have purchased that portable battering ram." Swords of Sin was great for that.
I'm definitely up for one-off adventures with a strong premise. An occasional mystery or horror piece is great. I'm thinking of adventures where the story is almost more important than the level of the players. A good example was In Media Res. Our party agreed to find out what happened to the son of a woman in Korvosa and using powerful magic experienced her son's final moments. In a twist of Cook's story, as the adventure played out, the group began to realize that they were doing more than simply watching history unfold, they were making it. The player who actually brought about the death of the son really felt bad about it and the party then had to go back to the woman and tell the tale, leaving out that it was their fault of course.
So enough said. Basically, I'm going to continue to buy everything you make. Thanks for all the great stories, plot twists, and memorable villains and NPCs. Keep 'em coming.

M. Balmer |

In all probability, I'm the only one who is going to suggest this, but:
I would be interested in seeing the occasional adventure along the lines of "The Prince of Redhand" or the expanded "Demonskar Ball" Delvesdeep and several others have posted in the Shackled City AP messageboard here at paizo.com. Adventures featuring opportunities for characters to use social skills to advance the plot, rather than the usual format.

Sharoth |

In all probability, I'm the only one who is going to suggest this, but:
I would be interested in seeing the occasional adventure along the lines of "The Prince of Redhand" or the expanded "Demonskar Ball" Delvesdeep and several others have posted in the Shackled City AP messageboard here at paizo.com. Adventures featuring opportunities for characters to use social skills to advance the plot, rather than the usual format.
I second this one, but all of the ideas sound awesome!!!

Gray |

* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
I like the first three ideas. For one-off adventures, I can use PF Scenarios and I hope those are going to continue.

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In all probability, I'm the only one who is going to suggest this, but:
I would be interested in seeing the occasional adventure along the lines of "The Prince of Redhand" or the expanded "Demonskar Ball" Delvesdeep and several others have posted in the Shackled City AP messageboard here at paizo.com. Adventures featuring opportunities for characters to use social skills to advance the plot, rather than the usual format.
Thats part of what I meant by heavy RP adventures.

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One-off, non-path adventures of various levels. Give them the Golarion touch, of course, by locating them in specific, named areas.
Just a thought:
Since goblins have become an iconic monster for Pathfinder, I would like to see an adventure featuring them.
Instead of just a typical "party raids the big, open, cave lair" kind of dungeon-crawl, though, I'd like to see something more like the infamous "Tucker's Kobolds" scenario.
The goblin lair should be set-up something like Viet Kong tunnels. Most characters (except gnomes and halflings) should be hunched over and perhaps even crawling in some areas. There should be several tactical areas - tunnels lined with holes at various levels that spears can be thrust through fom cover, dead-end tunnels that can be filled with smoke from burning leaves, perhaps even weakened tunnels propped-up for quick collapse. Any large, open areas should be designed specifically as an ideal ambush point, where the party can be hit from all sides.
The goblins should be just goblins - no surprise goblin barbarian/cleric with zombie bodyguards as a BBEG at the end. Just lots of goblins - mean, merciless, relentless goblins.

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for one off adventures I'd like to see some more location based action. IE in Fiend's Embrace the first half of the adventure was traveling through an inhospitable swamp. by the time the pc's reached their destination they were relieved to be out of the swamp.
Adventures that further Golorions mysterious past.
More demon and devil action. I love what James Jacobs and Erik do with these baddies.

blackcat |

Ideas we discussed at the meeting included:
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
I am more interested in the adventures above as well as more lower level adventures. Any that deal with 1st-5th levels. If there are higher level adventures could they be part of a say, a 3 parter series that goes over 3 modules dealing with adventures that start at low level in one module and then end high in the last one? e.g. Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King. (obviously Revenge didn't end that high but hollow and Revenge were both only half modules for free RPG days, I assume they could end on a higher level if they were both a full 32 pages)
Cheers, thanks for asking!

BenS |

Ideas we discussed at the meeting included:* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
YES! Either related to an AP or independent would be awesome.
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
Hell yeah! Test of the Starstone. One of those siege towers outside of Absalom. The Whispering Tyrant (he is on your CS cover after all). Kaer Maga. The list goes on.
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
Sounds great.
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
These are pretty much what you have now. What I like about them is exploring new areas on the map not necessarily covered by a pre-existing AP.
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
Honestly, I don't care for this idea at all.
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
This particular example doesn't excite me, but I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, so I'd need more information.
Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
Other suggestions: "red & green planet adventures", but those probably need an actual Chronicle book to come out 1st before setting adventures in them.
Adventures tied to ancient Golarion history, the Azlanti, etc.. FOR EXAMPLE: How about an adventure that takes you back to ancient history to attempt to do something, which gives the PC's a chance to actively interact w/ this ancient history rather than just passively read about it in a product?
The First World is of tremendous interest, and more planar adventures in general.
Thanks for asking!

etrigan |

I would really like to see hight level 3 part story arcs like Greg A.Vaughan "Abyss" triology. So far, in most 6 parts pathfinder story arc there is alway one or two modules that I dislike and make all the rest of the modules almost unusable...
More intrigue/Investigation/horror mid-to-high level adventures (The Styes, Chimes at Midnight, Steel Shadows, Mellorn Hospitality, Tammerauts' Fate, the prince of red hand, etc)
Less dungeoncrawl.. more roleplaying opportunities...

hedgeknight |

I like the idea of playing "monsters" - goblins, gnolls, duergar, orcs, etc. They don't all have to be evil but...it sure is a hell of a lot of fun!
I also like mega-modules like Red Hand of Doom - gives the players and DM's a campaign to sink their teeth into.
And I like the idea of having a trilogy of adventures instead of an adventure path of six 20 dollar books - to me, that's just too much. Give me a trilogy or even a mega module that I can work flesh out into a longer campaign. Keep it simple.

Steve Geddes |

Ideas we discussed at the meeting included:
Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
I am not a typical subscriber, I suspect. Nonetheless, my comments on your list:
* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
Very interested - and would pay more if necessary to ensure they were done justice.
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
Very interested again. I know you dont need business advice, but I'm going to give it anyhow - I'd amend the subscription so that one per year was 64 pages (and more expensive). That way people could opt-out for a month if they really resented paying for the extra pages, however wouldnt require you to divert too many additional resources from what you have planned. This might be a good way to test the market for the high-level adventures, which would probably need more pages also.
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
Very low down on my list of priorities - the APs already contain more than my players are going to discover (given the set pieces and so on). It wouldnt affect my subscribing though if this became part of the line.
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
Very interested - I think this would provide an excellent change-of-pace option.
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
No interest at all. I don't see the point in doing something completely knew, yet tying it to the current ongoing campaign. Personal preference, of course, and not something which would make me resent my subscription.
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
Very interested again. For essentially the same reasons as above. A short three or four session complete break from a campaign is a great way to energise a tired group imo.
One comment I'd make is a request for more Event style adventures. I dont know if it's just me, but I can make a dungeon adventure easily. When I try the 'events happening behind the scenes' style adventure I inevitably fail miserably to balance things. I forget the exact names now but Carnival of Tears (?) Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale (?) (Something like that...) were fantastic for someone like me (whereas dungeon crawl adventures are a dime a dozen).

lojakz |

* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a back story tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
All of the above I'd be very interested in. They high-level adventures, I would also be interested in, but those that haven't been edited out above I have high interest in. (Which is pretty much everything you've put down).
I would also like a few 2 and 3 module story arc's, not unlike the Last Baron/Chimera Cove story arc, or even Hollow's Last Hope/Kobold King set in Darkmoon Vale, and the upcoming first Pathfinder set of modules (the name escapes me at the moment).
And this is something you've been doing, and I hope to see you continue doing, which is continuing to publish modules that are set in the same regions (Absalom, Darkmoon Vale, Osirion). Some of these are small regions (Absalom and Darkmoon Vale) while others are large. I assume you'll, obviously, that you'll keep exploring new regions, but I very much want to see regions that have had adventures already published see a few new ones here and there.
The large "mega adventures" should probably not be part of the subscription honestly. I don't imagine you'd do more than one or two a year (if you opt to do any), and I wouldn't want to see more than that. This would be something I would hope to see Necromancer Games do (and now that the release of the actual RPG is imminent, they will announce a few products, I dunno.) Over all though, if you do opt to do this, please keep it an uncommon event. (One thought, these mega-adventures would be perfect for planar adventures and adventures that take the PC's off world. That is something I'd be in high favor of.)

newless cluebie |

* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
I like this, just as long as we're still talking about modules here and not part of the AP itself.
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
If the pregens came with new "iconics" art, I would love this SO much.
I would be interested in seeing the occasional adventure along the lines of "The Prince of Redhand" or the expanded "Demonskar Ball" Delvesdeep and several others have posted in the Shackled City AP messageboard here at paizo.com. Adventures featuring opportunities for characters to use social skills to advance the plot, rather than the usual format.
I find adventures like these to be some of the most fun and memorable I've ever played. As with Demonskar Ball, I feel they have the greatest impact if they are side adventures to an existing AP.
What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play
More Richard Pett adventures.

estergum |

We had a meeting yesterday discussing the
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
Not too sure how this would work with the existing AP's but a parallel adventure where the adventures are working cross purposes of the adventurers in the AP.
They don't have to be working for the bad guys, just against the adventurers or their patrons, and would have to be distanced enough that they directly effect each other but can colour the tapestry of the back story.

Readerbreeder |

OK, my take...
* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
Great idea... not that they need to take over the line, but more than the zero we curently have would be nice.
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
I'm not sure how they would fit into the line either, but I can tell you I'd buy 'em.
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
I'd go for that. I love the AP's, so more is good.
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
I like this idea, even if it isn't paired with an offbeat premise. Anything to make it easier to get your gaming fix when a couple guys in the group can't make it that night...
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
My game group usually doesn't go for the characters getting pushed around in that way, but if it was a one-off, maybe...
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
Sure, as a once-in-a-great-while thing.
Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
Something on the red and green planets, please!

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* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
I like all your ideas, except the two listed above. As I belong to an group of gamers which is happy to play twice a month (in good times), I know that my players would hate it to play characters in one of the two scenarious quoted above.
I have bad memories when I think of an old Ravenloft module (AD&D) where all the players had to start as wooden puppets. We hated it, it was boring, and not at all fun!I would like to see a modern version (Golarion version as well) of X2 - CASTLE AMBER. I really loved the story and the province of Averoigne. That was a great module, but it needs to get a stylish lift.
Huge Mega-Adventures would be cool as well, if they focus on a special Golarion topic. I would love to see such an adventure evolving around VIPERWALL in Varisia, for example.

concerro |

We had a meeting yesterday discussing the role of the Pathfinder Modules line and how we can improve it. We kicked around a few ideas, but we'd like your input as well (especially subscribers and people who would become subscribers if the Modules line gave you more that you were looking for).
FYI, more than half of the existing adventures in the line are for levels 6-12, slightly less than half are for levels 1-5, and only one is for levels 13+.
Ideas we discussed at the meeting included:
* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)Which of these ideas are interesting to you? What other suggestions do you have for the line that you think would be cool to play?
If supermodules means things like AoW, and SCAP then I want more of these. Since they take such a long time to complete, one a year should be sufficient. I would say two at the most.

Kajehase |

One thing I'd really like to see are adventures written for groups with only 2 or 3 players (yes, it's not that hard to convert the current ones, but there's the whole time-thingy). Not as something regular, but once a year perhaps?
And I'm sure there are people who'd like to see the occasional adventure written for groups of 6, 7 or even 8 players.

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* more high-level adventures
Not exactly my cup of tea, but I can see how this would appeal to a large number of people.
* larger adventures, like "supermodules"
I'd rather see a 3-adventure story arc with lots of DM info in the back. Maybe use it to detail a minor area of the world that isn't going to get developed otherwise. I remember the old 1E days when there were no campaign setting books and you discovered info about the world (politics, new monsters, new magic) one module at a time.
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
Cool idea, especially the prequels. Use them like flashbacks but make sure they could have some impact on the actual AP. It would be hard to engineer, but maybe one per AP would work. I'm thinking like players could play a prequel adventure with specific pregen NPCs. In the real AP there might be a note: "If you played the prequl adventure and defeated the demon, add such and such minor artifact (that can be used to kill the BigBad) to this room." Kind of like how in Age of Worms players could have done side treks to pick up objects - the Sphere of Annihilation - that could have been useful in dealing with Kyuss. Or in Pathfinder Society, were always looking for a previous Pathfinder who got into trouble. What about an adventure with pregens that is set up for them to fail and a follow up adventure where people use their real PCs to rescue them, but what the pregens accomplished in the first adventure affects how hard the second adventure would be. Okay, that's be pretty tough to write.
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC)
These would be fun about once per year.
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
Again, once in a great while. Dungeonland or Beyond the Magic Mirror anyone? An adventure where you use pregens to hide something and protect it with traps, etc. And then a follow-up where PCs have to go in and get it might be interesting, although it would be hard to not use meta-knowledge.
* I love the adventuring in the past adventures ideas. Either with historic pregens or PC who've somehow traveled back in time. Or are just interacting with the past in some sort of a dream, yet can gain knowledge to use in the present to accomplish some goal.
* A mini-game like the old 1E Dragons of War adventure where you've got rules for a large scale combat and you're working at the level of a unit or army rather than PCs.
* An occasional supplement that goes into lots of detail about something generic but useful, like a ship and it's crew - maps, stats, history, etc - that can be dropped in anywhere, and then a few encounters and adventure hooks. Or a detailed tavern with flavor text to stick it in several places around the world (and some rules for running a business...).
* I agree that events are harder for me to create than dungeons. Some really detailed social or political adventures would be fun. Not much combat but lots of skill use. Dare I say it... something like 4E skill challenges.
* An adventure that actually focused on exploration and mapping a truly unknown area. Exploring land for a new colony, a recently discovered island or ruins, leading a group of refugees through the mountains and looking for the best path. A lot of these would be adventures with story awards rather than combat XP.
* An adventure like the one in Savage Tide where PCs had to fortify a town and then defend it, giving PCs a chance to use rules on building and construction and using siege weapons. It might be really fun to find a way for a small group of players to play the defenders and another group play the attackers - more head-to-head opportunities.
* One the topic of player-vs.-player, there are some classic scifi and fantasy stories where, for some reason, main characters are forced to fight one another. I have no idea how this could be done - gladiator fights where healing and revification, or bouts where some players play PC and others play monsters, and then switch, so everyone stays engaged, and then in the final it turns out to be PC vs. PC (unless they've figured out that this is the likely result and come up with an escape plan or something).

Grimcleaver |

The modules line is my primary window into the other parts of Golarion you never get to see. Whenever there's one that shows off a new part of the setting I typically gobble it up. Were you to do what you're talking about and make brand new, adventure specific pregens with a personal stake in each adventure, I would likely begin to subscribe.
Likewise ANYTHING set on another of the worlds in the Golariverse would immediately earn a sale--particularly if like the adventures above, we were talking about a game with a list of pregen characters actually from that particular world.
Don't get me wrong. I love the APs for nice saturated exposure to different areas, but if I want to do games anywhere else in the world that hasn't been covered in an AP, I can't exactly wait around for it to come out--they take six months a pop. The modules are what help fill in the holes. So for me the adventures serve as game setting suppliments, with a cool adventure going on to boot.

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* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)

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I’d love to see more high and epic level content. It’s an area that my players and I love that I currently see a dearth of support for overall. I’d be extremely happy to start buying Paizo-quality high level stuff. I’ll echo the sentiments of earlier posters that I’d prefer it to be suitably epic in scope and location.
I’d also love to see supermodules or megadungeons. I’m open to buying both of these. I’m not sure if they should be dropped into the regular subscription since they’d likely be much more expensive than the standard fare, but I’d certainly like to see them. They probably wouldn’t be a huge intrusion into the subscription if they were infrequent.
AP tied adventures would be interesting. I’d be up for them, but I’m not going to specifically request them since there are so many areas of Golarion and the surrounding universe that haven’t been tapped into much yet that I’d love to see more information about, and modules are one way of seeing said information.
For the pregen-based / forced-circumstances modules, I’d probably read and enjoy them. My players would probably want to avoid them, though, so I’m not sure how much use I’d get out of them beyond setting enrichment.
Quirky modules where you play as goblinoids or undead or some other unorthodox character type would probably be fun as one-shots. I think my players would be up for them, particularly if they allowed for customization within the parameters of what can be played (i.e. you can actually roll up your goblin character instead of having to be Glark the Dog Hacker, for instance) as one shots or short side-series. I don’t want to see too many of these fill up the line, but a few would certainly be interesting.
I’d love to see more modules (and other information) about the other planets in Golarion’s solar system.
I’d also very much like to see more planar modules. I greatly enjoyed reading The Great Beyond (kudos to Todd Stewart and everyone else who worked on that excellent supplement), and I’d like to see more modules that take place in the various planes. I think that both this and the other planets would make interesting setting for higher level material, though I wouldn’t be averse to lower-level content for them either.

Vigil RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |

* more high-level adventures (especially ones you could run after finishing an Adventure Path)
Yes, please.
* larger adventures, like "supermodules" (though we aren't sure how we'd fit that into the line, which currently only has 32-page adventures)
Yes, please.
* prequels or parallel adventures relating to an AP, so your players (who may or may not be playing the same PCs you have active in that AP) get additional information or another perspective on the events of that AP
Yes, please.
* one-off adventures, such as "here are pregenerated PCs specifically built with a backstory tied to this adventure, and you'd play them instead of your current PCs" (such as a murder mystery adventure where some PCs actually dislike each other and have motives to frame or discredit another PC, or an adventure on a ship in a storm where all the PCs are sailors trying to get the ship back home)
No, thank you.
* similar to the previous item, but tied to your PCs (such as "you activate a mysterious device and find your souls transported into the bodies of these other people, and you can't return to your own body until you've resolved the adventure with the possessed bodies")
No, thank you.
* even more unusual one-off adventures, like "everyone plays a goblin" (whether you're defending your lair or going on a raid)
No thank you.
The last three concepts seem forced and, well, hokey. The soul-switching in particular strikes me as a poor plot device.
I want unusual locales and fantastic dungeons. A dungeon made out of clouds of solid fog that have to be navigated while flying, or the aforementioned sideways dungeon would be fantastic.
Of course, the interesting npc's, tight plots, and gorgeous art Paizo is known for are always important.

Brian Carpenter |

I've noticed the lack of high-level (13+) modules and wished there were more available. I'd also like to see a sequence of linked modules. As an example, I've always been a fan of the Desert of Desolation series published by TSR and I fondly recall the Istvin series of adventures from the Paizo Dungeon Magazine days.

KnightFever |

Count me as a supporter of "supermodule". I am fond of building stories, characters, villains, etc. and 32 pages module are too short to do that. AP are fine but sometimes real time is lacking for such long term adventures.
So occasionally series of linked modules a la D0/D1 would be appreciated.
And I'd love to see a "remake" of "The Jingling Mordo Circus" (Dungeon #7).

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It takes my group so long to play through a AP that we don't typically look for modules... I do like the idea of modules that occur in the same region as the APs - that don't necessarily have to tie into the AP.
I played Seven Swords of Sins as an insert to Rise of the Runelords for example. We also had some excursions around rebuilding Fort Rannick - and in our campaign we spent a good amount of time researching the location of the final city. Like a good TV show, not every episode needs to tie into the main storyline...
I could see our group using modules that were accessible from locations in the AP. I don't know if it's already available - but I'd love to see a listing of all the modules and scenarios that includes their level, location, and a short description to see what could be slotted in.
I like the idea of higher level modules - but then I think that gets into motivation. Most groups I've played with have 'settled' in the region after the AP and aren't necessarily going to go somwhere else unless they have a good reason in character to do so...