
Clee's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Sovereign Court

This book may be the chance i've been waiting for to use Heroes of Battle. I liked that book alot, but saw its usefulness as limited. I hope there are some elements of that book in the "down and dirty mass combat rules" that I hear are in part 5.

Sovereign Court

In OP you shouldn't fudge. The dice need to fall where they may.

Sovereign Court

Dropping a weapon is a free action that provokes attack of opportunity.

It is free to drop your current weapon and draw a new weapon as part of a move action. standard action to throw the dagger.

only dropping one hand from the spear...

this assumes the player will switch his main hand for the dagger and hold the spear in his off hand.

with two weapon fighting no new penalties.

without this feat the PC should take a -2 with the new weapon (the dagger).

Any AoO that are provoked later in the round, the pc should take the standard penalty for using a two handed weapon one handed in her off hand.

Sovereign Court

William H. Macy
was in Edmund
with Julia Styles (spelled right I hope)

Sovereign Court

Whispering Cairn sets up alastor Land and the wind duke connection. It is a must.

Hall of Harsh reflections is the adventure that was the least fun to play through and to run. I would recommend substituting an adventure of your own.

Sovereign Court

for one off adventures I'd like to see some more location based action. IE in Fiend's Embrace the first half of the adventure was traveling through an inhospitable swamp. by the time the pc's reached their destination they were relieved to be out of the swamp.

Adventures that further Golorions mysterious past.

More demon and devil action. I love what James Jacobs and Erik do with these baddies.

Sovereign Court

That you are all seriously posting on Paizo of all places about Michael Jackson and want some form of intelligent discussion about whether he was a child molester or not IS a joke.

Sovereign Court

Seriously, this is Paizo, these forums are meant for fans of Pathfinder, game mastery, and other games. Starting flash wars just because is pretty lame.

Besides, since Michael Jackson was 99% plastic he will be melted down so that kids can play with him!

Sovereign Court

I like where they are ending now. 13 to 15 sounds right. That way DM's can create their own havoc at high levels with their players. I'm excited about the upcoming Kingmaker AP ending around 10.

Maybe a high level AP that begins at 10th would work for some? I think maybe a Rovagug based AP would rock, with the Tarrasque being an epic baddie towards the end. Saving the very world from The Rough Beast is a decent adventure path...

Sovereign Court

Rovagug! Rovagug! Rovagug! Rovagug!

Sovereign Court

Lord Fyre wrote:
Tronos wrote:

You're in a Goblin market.

Tents and stalls line the streets, filled with everything from leatherwork to pots and pans. Sure, the goblin traders here drive a hard bargain, but they haven't tried to mislead, attack, or do anything ubtoward to you or your party.


Is it ok for the Lawful Good paladin to put his axe through one Goblin's head (selling potions etc) and take its' stuff on the basis that they are vermin?

Actually, I have to go with the Paladin on this one. :(


Well, a while a go I started a thread on this topic "Do Orcs = Evil?" Because, my intuition is that "Racism" is a classic "Lawful Evil" behavior. But, check out the response I got from Mr. Jacobs. :(

So, it follows that if "Goblins = Evil" then they can, and should, be slaughtered without compuction - reguardless of their current actions!

I don't like it. My very being recoils from it as repulsive. But there is a certain midset that supports that action as good and just.

good thing you never play a Paladin.

Sovereign Court

I think that there are far dangerous countries...like Geb...

Sovereign Court

Hey Erik and James, these cats are just haters is all. I liked both races art just fine, and admit that the final art is well...more polished.

People will always complain about art. My old DM hated with a passion all of Wayne Reynolds's work even though he is my personal favorite.

Plus I really like Nocticula. Any mature themed chronicles ideas brewing? I am reminded of the awesome Porphory House from Scuttlecove

Sovereign Court

My group is midway through the second adventure Seven days to the Grave. I bought the item card deck and I'd like some advice on where and when to distribute them. Some are obvious, some not so much.

Sovereign Court

My group is running this part of seven day's on Sunday. They have a shoot first ask questions later kind of attitude, so we will see if the vamp makes it. I'm rooting for him of course.

Sovereign Court

I actually got the Beta after the test period ended so I could not add my feedback then, but so far my group has incorporated the new rules with no gripes at all because they wanted to continue full bore into the story. Even my power gamers and rules lawyers were silent on their rules changes because the AP (in this case Crimson Throne) was so interesting. They just wanted to play. It was great to see my twenty somethings acting like we were 13 again and just found the game.

If Paizo continues to make high quality adventure path products, I will shell out for the new rules, continue to buy their adventure path products, their bad ass critical hit and fumble cards (if your group isn't using these card decks, your are missing out on a lot of fun) and more. Not just a fanboy over here, I'm a DM with a group that is having a blast. They keep coming back to the table hungry for the game, so I must be doing something right. And the new stuff is just helping out.

Thanks Paizo, and hey! If I have to throw out 100% of the final edition changes, I'm buying the book because I bet it will be beautiful inside. Wayne Reynolds art and Robert Lazzeretti maps are some of my favorite things to look at.

Sovereign Court

I foolishly allowed a player to try this option and this is what happened,

early on, after the PC's aid in blackjacks rescue of Trina Sabor, the queen realizes or suspects that the pc's may be potential enemies. The PC playing the Mantis (who finally met the requirements to the class at the beginning of Seven Days to the Grave) was contacted by an agent of 'B7' and was given a reward of 200 silver pieces to be divided amongst his companions for his help during the riots of the first adventure. The PC of course, kept the reward for himself, unaware that they were

contaminated with Blood Veil
This caused him to research the origins of the events of Seven Days with the rest of the group with passion. The PC's began to suspect the queen was involved before they suspected the Red Mantis. This caused my Mantis PC to search out his contact and reveal that he suspected the queen of being behind the recent events. As the PC mantis was new to the guild, the contact (who realized the PC did not share the coins with the rest of the group), decided to show the PC the business end of a sawtooth saber.

The PC mantis was dropped to -4 and left for dead. He managed to stabilize and was discovered later by the other PC's. I was hoping that it would rally the character against the evil guild, but instead the player running the Mantis felt robbed by me the DM for trying to be bad, and soon felt is character was ruined.

Just one experience, but I'd recommend not allowing it.

Sovereign Court

The dwarf rogue in my game contracted lycanthropy from girrigz and wants to have the "gift" removed as quick as possible. And hes already LE! He's more concerned with finding his daily dose of shiver (he never kicked the habit he picked up from his youth full days with Lamm.) I would think that most good aligned pc's would want the curse removed and Knowledge about wererats and Lycanthropy should alert them to what might happen to them if they dont consult a priest quickly. With all the Abadar bankers casting cure disease, one (like tuttle) may be able to cast remove curse

Sovereign Court

My players have caught on too quickly that the coins are involved in the plague and want to head straight for the ship wreck.

Sovereign Court

Our game of knivses went great. Not only did the pc dwarf use his strength to toss the first npc combatant of the table, later two PC's played knivses as a way to get Devargo's attention. The "game" was the high light of the session with the two PC's becomming very creative in their battle to "entertain" Devargo to get an audience with him. The pc dwarf has taken to calling himself Knivses after the match.

The gambling.

First, My players played through the age of worms adventure path which has a gambling event (gladiator matches). The players were crafty enough to get the odds in their favor to the drastic 10-1 place. Then our halfling rogue bet all 5000+ gp he had been hoarding and hiding away from the party on the pc's (the fighting grasshoppers). I had a serious problem handing out all that gold but I had too. Now, I did have bandits try to steal it later, but the party was tough.

That said, heres how I handled the bets for knivses.

I made it so the two combatants on the table put up the coins (any denomination) equally 5/5

Odds are 3-1 and 2-1. 2-1 on the favorite. If more bets are placed on one combatant than the other, the odds flip in the favor of the fighter with the most "to win" bets.

This allowed for side betting on other things;
a combatant dies during the game 4-1
a SPECIFIC combatant dies in the game 5-1

I'd recommend not giving better odds than 5-1 on any side bet.

In Eels end where groups are the most likely to play knivses, I also declared that due to the majority of the gamblers being on the poorer scale, most individuals would not take bets higher than 5 gp. Gather information helps find those willing to bet up to 10 gp.