Forums are Way Too Long!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kassil wrote:
mattdroz wrote:

Y'know... We've got lots of technology nowadays. Video games that respond on you waving a stick, phones that can identify songs you hear, devices that tell you exactly where you are, etc.

Is it too much to ask for a TV that recognizes my voice? Really?

Yes. Because then there'll be shouting wars between spouses and the police will be called for domestic violence when it's really just a war over what channel to watch.
In the Solnes New World Order everyone has their own personal tv's. So no fighting!
I will crush your New World Order!! All will submit to my offering of free internets!!

The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!

Identity theft is also a federal crime now!

Kassil wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
How churlish.
Quite uncivilized, I say.
Also summarized by...."How Rude!"
Well, if you want to be concise and inelegant about it.

You say concise and inelegant, I say Not Arrogant!

Solnes wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kassil wrote:
mattdroz wrote:

Y'know... We've got lots of technology nowadays. Video games that respond on you waving a stick, phones that can identify songs you hear, devices that tell you exactly where you are, etc.

Is it too much to ask for a TV that recognizes my voice? Really?

Yes. Because then there'll be shouting wars between spouses and the police will be called for domestic violence when it's really just a war over what channel to watch.
In the Solnes New World Order everyone has their own personal tv's. So no fighting!
I will crush your New World Order!! All will submit to my offering of free internets!!
The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!

Where is Sebastian?!

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kassil wrote:
mattdroz wrote:

Y'know... We've got lots of technology nowadays. Video games that respond on you waving a stick, phones that can identify songs you hear, devices that tell you exactly where you are, etc.

Is it too much to ask for a TV that recognizes my voice? Really?

Yes. Because then there'll be shouting wars between spouses and the police will be called for domestic violence when it's really just a war over what channel to watch.
In the Solnes New World Order everyone has their own personal tv's. So no fighting!
I will crush your New World Order!! All will submit to my offering of free internets!!

The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!

Identity theft is also a federal crime now!

Only if you can prove your existence as a legal entity, and if you bring the Law into it Sebastian will probably show up just to cause trouble.

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kassil wrote:
mattdroz wrote:

Y'know... We've got lots of technology nowadays. Video games that respond on you waving a stick, phones that can identify songs you hear, devices that tell you exactly where you are, etc.

Is it too much to ask for a TV that recognizes my voice? Really?

Yes. Because then there'll be shouting wars between spouses and the police will be called for domestic violence when it's really just a war over what channel to watch.
In the Solnes New World Order everyone has their own personal tv's. So no fighting!
I will crush your New World Order!! All will submit to my offering of free internets!!
The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!
Where is Sebastian?!

Playing with ponies, I think.

Are you having an identity crisis, or did your doppleganger get loose again?

Liberty's Edge

lynora wrote:

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Your Educational System At Work. A dead tree every school year and no functional education to show for it, unless the kids are exceptionally alert and learn by themselves.

Solnes wrote:

The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!

Identity theft is also a federal crime now!

Excuse me Mrs. Solnes, I was informed that you require legal counsel for a case involving alleged identity theft. May I be of service?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kassil wrote:
lynora wrote:

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Your Educational System At Work. A dead tree every school year and no functional education to show for it, unless the kids are exceptionally alert and learn by themselves.

ZZZZZzzzz *snort* Huh? What? 1632!!

Liberty's Edge

Sir Spitsalot: Paladin-at-Law wrote:
Solnes wrote:

The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!

Identity theft is also a federal crime now!

Excuse me Mrs. Solnes, I was informed that you require legal counsel for a case involving alleged identity theft. May I be of service?

Both of them are going to try to hire you, you know.

Liberty's Edge

mattdroz wrote:
Kassil wrote:
lynora wrote:

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Your Educational System At Work. A dead tree every school year and no functional education to show for it, unless the kids are exceptionally alert and learn by themselves.
ZZZZZzzzz *snort* Huh? What? 1632!!


Liberty's Edge

I am debating Gencon. But I think I would prefer Paizocon 2010.

you will give in, to the golem, you will give in to the golem, you will give in to the golem, now give us your money, attend and worship the golem(paizo), and bring plenty of beer. At least 3 kegs for myself.

Solnes wrote:

You give me no choice!


Who has insulted the GREAT ONE. I will shine their chaos real nice, turn it sideways, and stick it up his candy a*&

Sir Spitsalot: Paladin-at-Law wrote:
Solnes wrote:

The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!

Identity theft is also a federal crime now!

Excuse me Mrs. Solnes, I was informed that you require legal counsel for a case involving alleged identity theft. May I be of service?

Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

The Rock Poodle wrote:
Solnes wrote:

You give me no choice!


Who has insulted the GREAT ONE. I will shine their chaos real nice, turn it sideways, and stick it up his candy a*&

Well I was calling for Court Fool! I figured he may help since he and my daughter have bonded! lol

Oh analyze this suit in Jungian terms.

Solnes wrote:
The Rock Poodle wrote:
Solnes wrote:

You give me no choice!


Who has insulted the GREAT ONE. I will shine their chaos real nice, turn it sideways, and stick it up his candy a*&
Well I was calling for Court Fool! I figured he may help since he and my daughter have bonded! lol

I will only follow my leader, yap yap *runs off to find courtfool*

lynora wrote:

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Does your son also want to keep EVERYTHNG? Mine insists that every peice of homework is special!

Kassil wrote:
lynora wrote:

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Your Educational System At Work. A dead tree every school year and no functional education to show for it, unless the kids are exceptionally alert and learn by themselves.

That is an extremely astute observation. :)

Solnes wrote:
lynora wrote:

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Does your son also want to keep EVERYTHNG? Mine insists that every peice of homework is special!

Yes, he does. I have to sneak things away to throw out when he's asleep. I don't see why anyone needs to keep a vast pile of papers that show him *not* doing the work over the course of an entire school year. :)

Sovereign Court

Solnes wrote:
Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

There is no identity theft!!! I am your alternate universe doppleganger!! You have stolen MY identity!!!


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

There is no identity theft!!! I am your alternate universe doppleganger!! You have stolen MY identity!!!


Wait... Since I have a goatee, does that mean I'm from a mirror universe?

Dark Archive

mattdroz wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

There is no identity theft!!! I am your alternate universe doppleganger!! You have stolen MY identity!!!


Wait... Since I have a goatee, does that mean I'm from a mirror universe?

Yes, all people with goatees are from an evil or good alternate universe. So it was written, so it shall be.

Is that a goatee, or a soul patch that got out of hand?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Is that a goatee, or a soul patch that got out of hand?

*I* have a goatee. My avatar has a chihuahua under his lower lip.

Dark Archive

Are you sure it's not a poodle?

Fair enough!

Ninja'd: But good question!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
David Fryer wrote:
Are you sure it's not a poodle?

Pretty sure... I haven't done anything to raise their ire.

Liberty's Edge

Kassil wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I got a new wireless mouse! Callooh callay!
I need a new mouse, mine keeps sending the cursor lunging off to the side of the screen.
That was the beginning of the end for mine. Then it just locked up and refused to work. Then I was forced to use the accursed touchpad.
I don't have a touchpad, so this could be trouble. Fortunately, I've got a bunch of stray mice around the place.
I wish I had more of the machine kind and less of the kind that eat pizza that's left out on the counter in the middle of the night (and of course piss on it).
Get a cat that thinks it is a Mighty Hunter. Just be prepared for hairballs and half-eaten mice bodies left in disturbing places.

Yeah, see, we've got five cats in our house. They don't seem to notice the mice cause they're diurnal (meaning they go outside every day and are too tired to hunt at night). Plus, of course, the mice are up on the counter, where there's no space for the cat to perch with all the pizza and dirty dishes and microwave and plants without knocking something over. And the mice have lots of little holes where the cords come out of the wall to hide in.

Liberty's Edge

Kassil wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
How churlish.
Quite uncivilized, I say.
Also summarized by...."How Rude!"
Well, if you want to be concise and inelegant about it.

Don't you mean "How wude!"?

Liberty's Edge

Jack'n'Coke wrote:
you will give in, to the golem, you will give in to the golem, you will give in to the golem, now give us your money, attend and worship the golem(paizo), and bring plenty of beer. At least 3 kegs for myself.

You know, since Jacks are alcohol fueled, does that mean they're highly flammable? I hope so! A room or building of fire-drenched golems would be awesome.

Liberty's Edge

The Rock Poodle wrote:
Solnes wrote:
The Rock Poodle wrote:
Solnes wrote:

You give me no choice!


Who has insulted the GREAT ONE. I will shine their chaos real nice, turn it sideways, and stick it up his candy a*&
Well I was calling for Court Fool! I figured he may help since he and my daughter have bonded! lol
I will only follow my leader, yap yap *runs off to find courtfool*

Pack animal.

Liberty's Edge

lynora wrote:
Kassil wrote:
lynora wrote:

Gah! How does one child generate so much paperwork?!

Spent the evening sorting out the homework box. I'm throwing away about 3/4 of what was in there and am amazed by the size of the stack of what's left.

Your Educational System At Work. A dead tree every school year and no functional education to show for it, unless the kids are exceptionally alert and learn by themselves.
That is an extremely astute observation. :)

I was one of the abnormally alert kids. ;p I spent most of my free time looting the school library of any interesting information I could find, since I'm a natural speed-reader. The result? Going to US Government Class with a book on black holes, string theory, or other hard science subjects scares the hell out of classmates when it's a different book each day.

Also, would you believe there's a book called 'Weapons of Mass Instruction'?

Liberty's Edge

Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

There is no identity theft!!! I am your alternate universe doppleganger!! You have stolen MY identity!!!


You're not a doppelgänger, you're just another bloody drow.

Liberty's Edge

mattdroz wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

There is no identity theft!!! I am your alternate universe doppleganger!! You have stolen MY identity!!!


Wait... Since I have a goatee, does that mean I'm from a mirror universe?

Only if you live by Central Casting Rules.

Liberty's Edge

mattdroz wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Are you sure it's not a poodle?
Pretty sure... I haven't done anything to raise their ire.

It might be a spy for them, just in case they need to 'deal' with you.

Liberty's Edge

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I got a new wireless mouse! Callooh callay!
I need a new mouse, mine keeps sending the cursor lunging off to the side of the screen.
That was the beginning of the end for mine. Then it just locked up and refused to work. Then I was forced to use the accursed touchpad.
I don't have a touchpad, so this could be trouble. Fortunately, I've got a bunch of stray mice around the place.
I wish I had more of the machine kind and less of the kind that eat pizza that's left out on the counter in the middle of the night (and of course piss on it).
Get a cat that thinks it is a Mighty Hunter. Just be prepared for hairballs and half-eaten mice bodies left in disturbing places.
Yeah, see, we've got five cats in our house. They don't seem to notice the mice cause they're diurnal (meaning they go outside every day and are too tired to hunt at night). Plus, of course, the mice are up on the counter, where there's no space for the cat to perch with all the pizza and dirty dishes and microwave and plants without knocking something over. And the mice have lots of little holes where the cords come out of the wall to hide in.

That could, indeed, be problematic. Get some glur traps, and rearrange things a little so you can fit them under the holes in the walls or behind things where they like to run. Amazingly effective things, sited properly.

Liberty's Edge

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
How churlish.
Quite uncivilized, I say.
Also summarized by...."How Rude!"
Well, if you want to be concise and inelegant about it.
Don't you mean "How wude!"?


Oh, I'm sorry.

Kill da wabbit?

Kassil wrote:
Jack'n'Coke wrote:
you will give in, to the golem, you will give in to the golem, you will give in to the golem, now give us your money, attend and worship the golem(paizo), and bring plenty of beer. At least 3 kegs for myself.
You know, since Jacks are alcohol fueled, does that mean they're highly flammable? I hope so! A room or building of fire-drenched golems would be awesome.

Hey! That doesn't sound awesome at all!

Liberty's Edge

lynora-Jill wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Jack'n'Coke wrote:
you will give in, to the golem, you will give in to the golem, you will give in to the golem, now give us your money, attend and worship the golem(paizo), and bring plenty of beer. At least 3 kegs for myself.
You know, since Jacks are alcohol fueled, does that mean they're highly flammable? I hope so! A room or building of fire-drenched golems would be awesome.
Hey! That doesn't sound awesome at all!

Sure it does.

Of course, I have a pyro streak, so my opinion might be skewed.

Liberty's Edge

Kassil wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Jack'n'Coke wrote:
you will give in, to the golem, you will give in to the golem, you will give in to the golem, now give us your money, attend and worship the golem(paizo), and bring plenty of beer. At least 3 kegs for myself.
You know, since Jacks are alcohol fueled, does that mean they're highly flammable? I hope so! A room or building of fire-drenched golems would be awesome.
Hey! That doesn't sound awesome at all!

Sure it does.

Of course, I have a pyro streak, so my opinion might be skewed.

Nah, totally awesome!

The Exchange

mattdroz wrote:

Can I be the White House Chef? I envision my culinary skills impressing the heads of state and celebrities from the world over.

Not too mention, it's a great 'Sitcom' role!

If you can make a kick a** burger, consider the job yours!

The Exchange

Sir Spitsalot: Paladin-at-Law wrote:
Solnes wrote:

The use of the name Solnes is copyright infringement and you WILL be hearing from my lawyer!!!

Identity theft is also a federal crime now!

Excuse me Mrs. Solnes, I was informed that you require legal counsel for a case involving alleged identity theft. May I be of service?

geez, how much is this gonna cost me?

The Exchange

Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

There is no identity theft!!! I am your alternate universe doppleganger!! You have stolen MY identity!!!


I can solve this one. Since you want her identity you must be willing to do everything she does here in this world..... and I don't think you wanna go there. ;p

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Moorluck wrote:
mattdroz wrote:

Can I be the White House Chef? I envision my culinary skills impressing the heads of state and celebrities from the world over.

Not too mention, it's a great 'Sitcom' role!

If you can make a kick a** burger, consider the job yours!

What kind are you looking for? A half-pound california cheese burger with fresh lettuce, tomato and onion? Maybe a jalapeno burger with pepper jack cheese? Or silver dollar sliders?

Now that this thread has passed into the fifty page zone, do any of you want to declare another goal for it?

Liberty's Edge

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
Now that this thread has passed into the fifty page zone, do any of you want to declare another goal for it?

Goal 1: See if the guy who started the thread will ever post on Paizo again.

Goal 2: Reach 1,000 pages.
Goal 3: Recruit the "ayuppies" from the Untitled II thread to help increase page limit.
Goal 4: Make another goal.
Goal 5: Confirm White House cabinet members of Solnes/Moorluck (and VP).

Dark Archive

Sounds good to me. Just ha to do my part before heading off to bed.

Come back, IsaacX!

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