The Slaad Thread

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Walkin' around in my banana shoes, Walkin' around in my banana shoes...

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Flute Slaad wrote:
*Responds with barrage of pollock*
*responds with a barrage of Jackson Pollocks*

*Responds with Jackson's Porridge B****cks*

Flute Slaad has 1 Porridge Point.

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*flails about on the ground like a futbol player*

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Ensirio the Longstrider wrote:
Walkin' around in my banana shoes, Walkin' around in my banana shoes...

Goin' squish squish squish!

squish squish squish!

Stop it! Those are my friends!

Gathers as much fish and sausage as he can and then returns them to Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay.

violates the thread six ways to Sunday

I haven't been this violated since Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction.

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So Potato, the news on the interwebs is that you are a big hit on Kickstarter.

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Yeah, tell us more... random strangers are going to pay you a mountain of quatloos to start kicking stuff?

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Macaroni Slaad wrote:
So Potato, the news on the interwebs is that you are a big hit on Kickstarter.

Don't know. Have something to do with where choo-choo goes. Potato Slaad only pawn in game of life.

{sets up a single lane tollbooth in the desert}

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
{sets up a single lane tollbooth in the desert}

Dammit of course I would run into a toll station...

*literally runs into the toll booth*

I charge tolls by the tonage, or was that tongue-age?

I charge trolls with flaming attacks.

I guess that make yous special.

"Yous" is a word, a vegetable, and fuzzy red by the way.

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
So Potato, the news on the interwebs is that you are a big hit on Kickstarter.

I've been informed that I must refer to it as The Kickstarter.

Isn't that right Mr. Fluffykins?

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moonwalks across thread ceiling

Watch your step, we just had that ceiling reupholstered and we might not have gotten all the voidworms out, yeeesssss.

dances on the ceiling instead


So voidworms make great toe-jam?

Adorable Fuzzball wrote:

Hmm, that sounds like a good plan as well.

*gets out a rusty spoon*

*dons a hockey mask*

*plays eerie music*

*stalks fourth first victim*

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You should definitely start by stalking your fourth victim. They'll expect you to start with the first. This way you'll take them all by surprise.

You could also start hunting another killer's victims... no one, not even the other killer, would expect that.

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I think I shall begin by finding another killer's first victim and killing them again. Certainly that would be the least expected murder of all time.

Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:
So voidworms make great toe-jam?

Not really but they make for great earls. That is if you can make them lawful enough to care about government.

You're the reason God made Oklahoma....

Mater Slaad wrote:
You should definitely start by stalking your fourth victim. They'll expect you to start with the first. This way you'll take them all by surprise.

Well, I was implying that my "first victim" was actually my fourth...that is to say first...>.>.

Look! A distraction!


Wow, Macaroni is good. Did everyone see how effortlessly he just killed that conversation?

Potato Slaad wrote:
You're the reason God made Oklahoma....

I confess, I snuck the bluprint into his office on day three.

Shrimp Slaad wrote:
Potato Slaad wrote:
You're the reason God made Oklahoma....
I confess, I snuck the bluprint into his office on day three.

That reminds me... has anyone else been getting persistent phone calls from someone shouting "RETURN THE MAP!"? The caller id says it's someone called "Supreme Being"... but I don't known anyone with a Heaven or Nirvana area code.

My phone calls usually consist more of my boss's dualistic ranting about this or that job or Ygorl's hyperchthonic reverb demanding the money I may or may not owe him from some gambling tour in Pandaemonium.

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Every time I have a feast, the old sod turns himself invisible and writes all over my wall, trying to advertise his bath accessories supply business. Many, many particular loofahs in, like I care.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Shrimp Slaad wrote:
Potato Slaad wrote:
You're the reason God made Oklahoma....
I confess, I snuck the bluprint into his office on day three.
That reminds me... has anyone else been getting persistent phone calls from someone shouting "RETURN THE MAP!"? The caller id says it's someone called "Supreme Being"... but I don't known anyone with a Heaven or Nirvana area code.

I think that's Larry.

Did someone mention food? I am hungry.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
You could also start hunting another killer's victims... no one, not even the other killer, would expect that.

Or just start hunting another victim's killer. They would expect that even less.

I once killed a box of Captain Crunch in an afternoon.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I once killed a box of Captain Crunch in an afternoon.

It deserves no better after what that cereal did to the roof of my mouth.

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Tossed Slaad wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I once killed a box of Captain Crunch in an afternoon.
It deserves no better after what that cereal did to the roof of my mouth.

I wish it had come with an LD50 warning on the label; I had a stomach ache for two days. Combining it with a 2-liter of Jolt Cola was a brilliant idea though... I swore I could see through time.

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Now try it with Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs.

I think I'll arrange so the first killer's fourth victim is the the fourth killer's third victim. And the third killer's second victim is the fifth cousin of the second killer's second victim. Meanwhile the fifth killer is the ninth victim of the zeroth killer, and the third killer is the sixth killer's eighth victim. Then the first killer's first victim's nephew is the seventh killer's fourth victim's brother's cousin's niece's aunt's lover's former roommate. Which means the tenth killer is his own first victim, and the second killer is the fourth killer.

Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed.

I ate a potato.

Ypu'll have to be more specific was it a potayto or a potahto?

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ty8s 8s a 03rfect07 stajdardj seutauce jr0iek 0jl7 b6 kj0v8mg 0je yuake 8- fr0k 9ts j0rkap qwert7 p0cat90k.


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Squirrelshades wrote:
Ypu'll have to be more specific was it a potayto or a potahto?

It was a pototo, providing tuberous nutritional delights and at the same time blessing the rains down in Africa.

It's gonna take some time to do the things we never planned.

Potato Slaad wrote:
It's gonna take some time to do the things we never planned.

That's why we need to not plan ahead.

Flute Slaad wrote:
Squirrelshades wrote:

The planets in their stations list'ning stood,

While the bright pomp ascended jubilant.

Open, ye everlasting gates, they sung,

Open ye heavens, your living doors; let in

The great Creator from his work returned

Magnificent, his six days' work, a world.

I really prefer to plan behind. It's a lot easier.

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