Shayliss Vinder's preference?

Rise of the Runelords

Liberty's Edge

Hey all. About to start our new RotRL campaign in a few days, and while planning ahead I ran into a conundrum.

My party consists of:

-female human Rogue
-female halfling Cleric of Erastil
-male human Fighter
-male dwarf Sorcerer

The fighter has a CHA of 11, and the dwarf sorcerer has a CHA of 15. My question is which one would Shayliss go after? The text says she goes for any male PC who thinks he's quite the ladies man, which is more the dwarf's personality.

So would she try to jump the reasonably handsome human fighter? Or cross the race line and go after the handsome dwarf?


Darkeyes777 wrote:

-male human Fighter

-male dwarf Sorcerer

The fighter has a CHA of 11, and the dwarf sorcerer has a CHA of 15. My question is which one would Shayliss go after? The text says she goes for any male PC who thinks he's quite the ladies man, which is more the dwarf's personality.

So would she try to jump the reasonably handsome human fighter? Or cross the race line and go after the handsome dwarf?

I'd say see how the players play it up until that point and go for the more 'ladies man' of the two.. If its the dwarf then you can have lots of extra fun

roleplaying her father's reaction with racial slurs and short jokes
RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

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Why not both? Imagine daddy when he finds her in the celler with not one but 2 heros eager to please.

Silver Crusade

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MythrilDragon wrote:
Why not both? Imagine daddy when he finds her in the celler with not one but 2 heros eager to please.

Why stop at two?

Total Party Thrill. They'll be the talk of the town for sure.

Dark Archive

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Mikaze wrote:
MythrilDragon wrote:
Why not both? Imagine daddy when he finds her in the celler with not one but 2 heros eager to please.

Why stop at two?

Total Party Thrill.

Debbie Does Sandpoint.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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Total Party Thrill.

Clever! :)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

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Ye down with TPT

Aye ye know me

Liberty's Edge

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Debbie Does Sandpoint.

haha. Nice.

I think I'll take the advice to see how the party handles it, and I have some great options now.

What I did was have her blessed with one of the players children and while she is warming that bun a certain someone in book five kidnaps her and begins a monstrous ceremony on her. They are now worried about the mother and future baby since Shayliss now has scars covering her stomach and is pretty freaked out.

Brilliant thought about Adventure #5!

I'll have to remember that!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Darkeyes777 wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Debbie Does Sandpoint.

haha. Nice.

I think I'll take the advice to see how the party handles it, and I have some great options now.

You may need some additional source material for that ...

Unfortunately, my group does not have many points in charisma, with only one hero even above a 9 (he has a 12). The player controlling him is usually not very interesting in those types of situations or role-playing, so I chose to skip the whole affair altogether. I think it only works for some groups.

For the same reason, it was a bit hard figuring out how to handle Aldern Foxglove. Only two PC's were directly responsible for "saving" him, the others were occupied down the street with Pyros. Of the two that saved Foxglove, one was the 12 charisma male sorcerer, the other was a 9 charisma dwarf fighter. I decided to focus on the dwarf mostly because that particular player really soaks in the role-playing opportunities more and will make this much more interesting. Foxglove seems enthralled with his fighting prowess and knowledge of engineering.

They turned down the boar hunt, sadly, since there were more "pressing" matters to deal with following the attack. I couldn't argue.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In my Beta playtest RotR game, Shayliss' choice was restricted to two players (the AP is being played with a 50/50 male/female player/character split - and neither of the women are interested in that kind of subplot), the high CHA sorcerer or the medium CHA rogue. Ultimately, I went with the sorcerer because that player rolls with things better, and because his character was already in a relationship that he didn't want to lose (I allowed him to take the feat from Book of Exalted Deeds where you're in a relationship with a fey creature starting out when he asked about it; he's the current lover of the fey from Hook Mountain Massacre).

As expected, he turned down her advances, and made the Diplomacy rolls to avoid the worst of the problems - so then I hit him with some more issues: 1) Shayliss was also a sorcerer (albeit untrained) of the fey-blooded type, and his relationship with the fey triggered her powers' appearance; 2) she is not the shopkeeper's actual daughter, but the child of 'some woodsy guy that Mom took up with when Dad was out to sea' (said woodsy guy being the son of the fey that the sorcerer is involved with, and an important figure in Hook Mountain); 3) her fey blood is running wild as her powers awaken, I've had her start acting more like a fey (human social conventions - don't need 'em; conversational boundaries - likewise; wild emotional swings without notice; etc); 4) also because her powers are awakening, she's unconsciously manifested Charm Person twice and zotted the party fighter and the sorcerer, asking them to help her 'get the people that were responsible for her sister's death. Then I had her walk in on one of the Varisian highwaymen guys stealing stuff from the female fighter's room for Foxglove (Shayliss got the wrong room when she was going to ambush the sorcerer and try to get him to take her out of town), resulting in the party having to look after her since she saw the guy's face and can identify him at his trial in Magnimar (scheduled for about the time of the end of Skinsaw).

The current upshot is that the sorcerer is training her, she's traveling with the party, she's Charmed two PCs, *still* hasn't slept with any of them, and has become the 'voice of the GM' to provide commentary on events, people, and social situations in Sandpoint. (Example: Shayliss does *not* believe in the Sandpoint Devil, and does an exaggerated rolling of the eyes every time the PCs talk about it.)

All in all, for a minor NPC at Sandpoint she's managed to become pretty darned significant to the campaign.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Darkeyes777 wrote:

Hey all. About to start our new RotRL campaign in a few days, and while planning ahead I ran into a conundrum.

My party consists of:

-female human Rogue
-female halfling Cleric of Erastil
-male human Fighter
-male dwarf Sorcerer

The fighter has a CHA of 11, and the dwarf sorcerer has a CHA of 15. My question is which one would Shayliss go after? The text says she goes for any male PC who thinks he's quite the ladies man, which is more the dwarf's personality.

So would she try to jump the reasonably handsome human fighter? Or cross the race line and go after the handsome dwarf?

Or, optionally, just make Shayliss into 'Shane' and go from there. I did that with the female ranger, who my wife's female fighter is pursuing.

Lantern Lodge

I ran into a similar problem when I was running that part of the adventure as well. I had a male ranger that preferred to stay out of town unless something happened and a male wizard. At the beginning of the session where the encounter happens, the player playing the wizard complained that it was the always the hunky fighters that got the girls. So naturally I had let his wizard get lucky once.

The Golarion standard is that everyone is bisexual unless explicitly stated otherwise. I'd either have her go for whichever of the party looks the easiest to get into bed. I don't know your party, but from the classes, I'd say that'd probably be the Rogue or Fighter.

Besides, Charisma doesn't equal beauty. They can be hot with 5 Cha. They're just bad with people. Shayliss cares more about looks for her little fun.

Just going to note she went 'after' one of my group who turned her down flat and wouldn't even follow her - it *can* be an interesting encounter but don't worry about it too much if it doesn't work out.

The party can have much more fun if you play up the NPC's that they actually show any interest in. :)

The Exchange

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I do hope that people realize that the original post for this started in 2009.

That said, our rogue has had our entire party on the outs with Mr. Vinder since about our 4th game session. We're all the way to close to the end of Skinsaw and non of us is allowed in the General Store yet because Drizzt 254875.9 is still sneaking around with Shayliss. Kind of annoying; yet hilarious.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I fully planned to use the Envy/Lust triangle during Skinsaw with Aldren/Shayliss/and a PC.

As I've already swiped Misroi's Haunts from Misgivings (and cleaned them up, adjusting them for my homebrew world, and turning them into 4.25x5.5 cards with all the info), I wanted to have Shayliss brain a goblin with a torch, so I added Shayliss to the Die Dog Die! scene.

One of the PCs was more than happy to choose himself to be the target of Shayliss by being interested in saving her and checking up on her after the invasion was over.

I heartily recommend using Shayliss in the background of one of the three invasion scenes - I think that plenty of characters will choose themselves to be Shayliss' target by showing concern.

In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.

Grand Lodge

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JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.

Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Shalelu and Hemlock? Maybe the mayor? Brodert Quint?

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Ms. Pleiades wrote:
JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.
Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Brodert Quink?

Brodert Quink (to a PC, male or female, you decide): hey baby, did i ever show what my Old Light was originally used for ;-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.
Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Brodert Quink?
Brodert Quink: hey baby, did i ever show what my Old Light was originally used for ;-)

Gaaaah! My eyes!

I need brain bleach!

It's all Cosmo's fault!

Ms. Pleiades wrote:
JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.
Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Shalelu and Hemlock? Maybe the mayor? Brodert Quint?

Oh, wait. I meant Shalelu and Ameiko. I must be tired.

And the PCs are took busy flirting with each other...

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.
Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Brodert Quink?
Brodert Quink: hey baby, did i ever show what my Old Light was originally used for ;-)

Gaaaah! My eyes!

I need brain bleach!

It's all Cosmo's fault!

Bah! you're just Jellin' Bard!

Some people are just attracted to maturity;-)

Grand Lodge

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Brodert Quink, Lady's Man, esq. wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.
Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Brodert Quink?
Brodert Quink: hey baby, did i ever show what my Old Light was originally used for ;-)

Gaaaah! My eyes!

I need brain bleach!

It's all Cosmo's fault!

Bah! you're just Jellin' Bard!

Some people are just attracted to maturity;-)

Not when the subject matures like milk!

Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Brodert Quink, Lady's Man, esq. wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.
Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Brodert Quink?
Brodert Quink: hey baby, did i ever show what my Old Light was originally used for ;-)

Gaaaah! My eyes!

I need brain bleach!

It's all Cosmo's fault!

Bah! you're just Jellin' Bard!

Some people are just attracted to maturity;-)
Not when the subject matures like milk!


but one person's Spoiled Milk is another person's Fermented Delicacy:-p

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Brodert Quink, Lady's Man, esq. wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Brodert Quink, Lady's Man, esq. wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
JGray wrote:
In my campaign, Shayliss and Ameiko are... well, not a couple. But as close to it as either cares to come.
Well that kind of cuts into player options. Who does that leave for players interested in starting a romance? Brodert Quink?
Brodert Quink: hey baby, did i ever show what my Old Light was originally used for ;-)

Gaaaah! My eyes!

I need brain bleach!

It's all Cosmo's fault!

Bah! you're just Jellin' Bard!

Some people are just attracted to maturity;-)
Not when the subject matures like milk!


but one person's Spoiled Milk is another person's Fermented Delicacy:-p

I think I just gained the Nauseated condition.

yeah i think thats as far as i'm going with it:-)

In fact I might've taken it too far, I hope I didnt creep you out, I assure you it was all just joking:-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
In fact I might've taken it too far, I hope I didnt creep you out, I assure you it was all just joking:-)

To paraphrase Arnie from Raw Deal: "You should not drink... and post to Paizo!"

And just because this thread isn't sidetracked enough, both Julia Child and I would disagree about the whole, "No drinking and baking," thing. My friends refer to me as Drunken Chef: The drunker I get, the better the food I prepare. And let me tell you, it's rather embarrassing to have a guest walk into the kitchen and hand YOU a glass of wine!

Lol! you really know you've gone too far when its assumed you're drunk when you posted:-p

Alas no, just myself to blame, i had actually had a hilarious discussion earlier in the night with an Irish brewer friend of mine (while he waited for the snow to end, so no drinking) and we were joking about getting drunk on fermented Yak's milk, and it carried over in terrible mind-scarring ways, i am sorry.

As a former Sous Chef and Baker, boy do i have stories about cooking drunk:-p

Also when its been 10 days since the temperature has been above 10 degrees (-17 currently) you either go silly or go crazy, i choose silly:-p

Grand Lodge

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Anyway, going back to the subject, it's fine to have Shayliss not go for one of the NPCs if none of them fit the bill. There are other possibilities if romance is something the players want to deal with: Shalelu, Ameiko, etc. And that's just on the female side. On the male side you've got Hemlock and Vargus (I think they're both single).

If you want to give another shot at Shayliss later on in the adventure path, have her go for anyone who comforts her after

second book spoiler:
her sister is killed by the Skinsaw man. After the PCs kill the Skinsaw Man, she might be a lot more open to a relationship with the people who avenged her sister's death, even if they fall out what might be considered her usual range of preferences.

Another point at which she can 'drop in' on the PCs' lives is being rescued from

fourth book spoiler:
the stone giants that attack Sandpoint that are capturing and taking prisoners to Jorgenfist to sacrifice.

And finally Shayliss could be found

fifth book spoiler:
hurt and injured in the rubble of the sinkhole leading to the second level of the Catacombs of Wrath. At that point if she's rescued once more, she can get it in her head that fate must want her to settle down with someone who can keep her safe, and who better than whichever strapping young lad that's rescued and protected her on several different occasions?

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In my group she went for the half-elven bard. He certainly was not a lady's man and not the most aggressive role-player but he went along with it. He did not umm... successfully complete the transaction during the first encounter and was thrown out on his ear by her father (without coming to blows though.) And there was some ribbing from the locals for the next few days about his way with women. Eventually Shayliss got her man - he hadn't left her offended either.

Of course, charisma wasn't the real reason she went for the bard. What could possibly annoy Dad more than an unemployed musician?

Went for Summoner in my group (20 Charisma). But in his greed, he wanted only to clean the basement from pests and receive monetary reward. Of course, with the support of party members in this dangerous job. She tried very hard to invite only him... So he said "No". Plus, attributed her to kind of womens, who work at night, at city docks for cheap. After some hours, unhappy Ven banned summoner from his shop and went to sheriff for a chat.

I ended up skipping that encounter as I don't think it would have gone that well with my group.

Aside from comic relief though the only point of the encounter is to set Ven Vinder up as a red herring in the Skinsaw murders. Another way to do that would be to have the party deal with the fallout between Shayliss and an NPC friend who Ven beats the crap out of. Shayliss comes to them teary-eyed asking them to intervene because she's afraid her father will kill the NPC. Ven issues a bunch of serious-sounding threats but they end up talking him down or subduing him.

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I decided to play the situation for laughs, since I knew no one in the party would be interested in a sexual encounter with Shayliss. Also, I wanted to try my fancy new "Social Combat" card deck from Paizo.

Step 1: I had the group roll raw Charisma scores. The male human swashbuckler and the female gnome alchemist rolled highest so Shayliss went for both of them.

Step 2: Shayliss lured the swashbuckler and the alchemist to the basement of her family's shop. Along the way she fed them the gossip about her sister and Banny Harker.

Step 3: Once in the shop Shayliss used one hand to tear open her bodice and grabbed the swashbuckler's belt with the other all the while throwing herself onto the gnome for kisses.

"I've never been with a hero! Or a gnome! Or two people at the same time!"

Step 4: Ven came downstairs. I broke out the Social Combat cards. Over the next four turns, the swashbuckler and the alchemist convinced Ven that the gnome was suffering from a strange, alchemically induced ailment, complimented his cat (after the gnome contemplated setting it on fire) and convinced Ven that they would soon be taking a trip and need to spend a large amount of gold in his store (he IS a merchant, after all). They managed to escape unscathed.

I did learn an important lesson, though. If you're planning on making this an encounter with any depth, be prepared to have something for the players not involved to do in the meanwhile. Especially if you are playing online via a medium like Roll20. This incident took the entire evening to run through. The other players were amused but ended up bored in the end. In hindsight, I wish I had run them through the Goblin in the Walls encounter while the swashbuckler and alchemist were dealing with Shayliss and Ven.

I look back at these simpler times with fondness.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Were 2009 or 2015 that simple though? :'D

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

CorvusMask wrote:
Were 2009 or 2015 that simple though? :'D

If you were white and/or male (and heterosexual), it was simpler (By the way, I am a hetero, white, CIS & male). If it was anyone else, it likely wasn't.

While it is a bit late new, but … what orientation does she need for your player group? What makes the most interesting story? etc.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For game purposes Shayliss is attracted to the highest Cha stat character.

Spoiler for Sandpoint book:
Eventually Shayliss becomes a Vigilante of Calistria with a male outward persona who targets abusers and cheaters to help women.

So my headcanon is that they are a lesbian or bisexual switch

Zapp wrote:
I look back at these simpler times with fondness.

You're supposedly to verbally cast Raise Thread when you do this.

Grand Lodge

There's basically any number of ways to interpret her preferences. The Shayliss I ran in my game is, like most characters, defaulted to bisexual unless stated otherwise, with a preference for people she can 'run circles around' as a self-esteem booster. I typically interpret Shayliss as transmasculine and/or genderfluid by the time Stroud comes into the picture as well. Like almost all the NPCs in this game, Shayliss can have whatever sexual or romantic orientation or gender identity serves your game and players.

I personally like the interpretation that Shayliss's sexual behavior at this point has more to do with seeking the attention of her family than her genuine preferences. I think learning to be authentic with people could make for a really good character arc. Given the canon re: her self-hatred and Stroud's creation, I don't think that's coming soon unless a party takes a keen interest in her.

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Truth be told? Go with the player most likely to have fun with it. Ignore charisma and the like. Instead, indulge in having fun with a player who is going to enjoy this side-plot. I've done that twice now. Each time the group had an absolute blast watching this play out (and play interference as each time someone else came along and intercepted the father).

The only time I've seen this encounter played out, it was extremely awkward.

You really need the right group. Ours was not. My character (CHA 7 wizard) was thankfully not involved.

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