The Bard |

** spoiler omitted **

The Banker |

Within a matter of hours, rumours of the new king's imperial designs spread their way from the Bazaar back to the Pearl of the South.
Some of the senior figures of the city are immensely pleased by this 'positive action' and declare that it makes sense for the new king to engage upon such a program.
They say that the old king (the gods rest his soul) was perhaps a little too soft and kind for the harsh modern times, and that the Pearl would never have been attacked, had it been the proud capital of a powerful empire.

The Banker |

Let's see...Mirathan the Unlucky, Mirathan the lovestruck, Mirathan the Bride-stealer, and now Mirathan the Expansionist. How 'bout Mirathan the Victim of Coicomstance, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk?
Actually I was thinking you'd like 'Grand Emperor Mirathan, lord of the seas'. You may as well give in and accept that it's going to happen. I always get my way. And my profit.

Mirathan |

Mirathan wrote:Let's see...Mirathan the Unlucky, Mirathan the lovestruck, Mirathan the Bride-stealer, and now Mirathan the Expansionist. How 'bout Mirathan the Victim of Coicomstance, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk?Actually I was thinking you'd like 'Grand Emperor Mirathan, lord of the seas'. You may as well give in and accept that it's going to happen. I always get my way. And my profit.
I can hear Nimora's mom counting up the bonus points if that happens. *sigh* ;)

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"My thanks."
The Bard's flesh ripples and a strange sea-elf now stands before Mirathan. He's wearing only a simple set of dark clothes, and his hands seem to end in claws.
"Your welcome, m'lord. Balthus, at your service."
Balthus sets off to find a way into the Black Pearl orginization.
Any chance this is going to be easy(boring)? I at least expect the need to kill someone to prove myself or something.

Mirathan |

Mirathan wrote:"My thanks."The Bard's flesh ripples and a strange sea-elf now stands before Mirathan. He's wearing only a simple set of dark clothes, and his hands seem to end in claws.
"Your welcome, m'lord. Balthus, at your service."
Balthus sets off to find a way into the Black Pearl orginization.
Any chance this is going to be easy(boring)? I at least expect the need to kill someone to prove myself or something.
Doubt it. You're up against Patrick and Charles, and anyone else that jumps in. Just try not to destroy the city, or cause widespread panic. Yeah, you'll be challenged.

Mirathan |

Oh I think you'll have a chance to prove your worth. I figured a big nomad battle, perhaps with a guest appearnance by everyone's favorite clown ..
DB3 is going after the Black Pearl, but I'll take any help I can get on the other fronts too. Besides, the Giggler can be killed easily with...dry humor.

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Oh I think you'll have a chance to prove your worth. I figured a big nomad battle, perhaps with a guest appearnance by everyone's favorite clown ..
Not to mention a sea-elf werewolf who is a master of aquakinesis and hand-to-claw combat. Who can say 'Extract (blood red)Water Elemental'?
DB3 is going after the Black Pearl, but I'll take any help I can get on the other fronts too.
Who is this DB3 you speak of? I am Balthus the Sea Wolf!
I have a feeling I'm going to like this alais a little too much... ;)
Patrick Curtin |

... wrote:Oh I think you'll have a chance to prove your worth. I figured a big nomad battle, perhaps with a guest appearnance by everyone's favorite clown ..DB3 is going after the Black Pearl, but I'll take any help I can get on the other fronts too. Besides, the Giggler can be killed easily with...dry humor.
Kewl! Thank you for reminding me, I shall have to create Don Corleonedemar for that aspect of the fun ...

Mirathan |

Mirathan wrote:Kewl! Thank you for reminding me, I shall have to create Don Corleonedemar for that aspect of the fun ...... wrote:Oh I think you'll have a chance to prove your worth. I figured a big nomad battle, perhaps with a guest appearnance by everyone's favorite clown ..DB3 is going after the Black Pearl, but I'll take any help I can get on the other fronts too. Besides, the Giggler can be killed easily with...dry humor.
like you need an excuse to come up with another alias, or three ;)

Don Corleonedemar |

Deep within the heart of the Sandflea District, the hidden opulent headquarters of the Black Pearl Guild seethes with activity. Members run to and fro spreading rumors, cementing alliances and storing weapons in safe houses.
At the center of the spiderweb of intrigue an old sea elf grown to a bloated size sits among his lieutenents and ponders war.

Nameless Narrator |
... wrote:The envoy from Muulsh arrives at Mirathan's court. He requests a meeting with either King Mirathan or his Royal Exchequer.After a day or two you can get an appt with the Regent.
The envoy meets with the Regent, and pledges his master's services: Basically food, money and armaments for a reasonable interest rate. If interested, supplies can begin shipment at any time.

Patrick Curtin |

So how is Balthus going to be in the nomad fight? I'm thinking he may go into a bar with detect thoughts up and going and then pick a fight with a Black Pearl or a nomad while a Black Pearl is watching and be asked to join the orginization.
He should probably stick to the Black Pearl. There wont be any nomads in the Pearl. They will be off riding about looting and pillaging.

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He should probably stick to the Black Pearl.
Walking into an underwater car, Balthus(Kaelar) begins to search peoples thoughts for any connection to the Black Pearls. Normally he wouldn't do this, but his hand(or in this case, his mind) has been forced. When he does find one, he begins to stealthly search that person's mind for the way to join the orginization...

Nameless Narrator |
Patrick Curtin wrote:He should probably stick to the Black Pearl.Walking into an underwater car, Balthus(Kaelar) begins to search peoples thoughts for any connection to the Black Pearls. Normally he wouldn't do this, but his hand(or in this case, his mind) has been forced. When he does find one, he begins to stealthly search that person's mind for the way to join the orginization...
Several folks are discovered by 'Balthus' to be low-level footsoldiers. A gathering place is gleaned from their thoughts: The Drunken Crab. A tavern deep in the Sandflea District run by the Black Pearl, it is a place that those interested can go to get indoctrinated.

Regent Sertil Aeras Hestle |
Regent Sertil Aeras Hestle wrote:The envoy meets with the Regent, and pledges his master's services: Basically food, money and armaments for a reasonable interest rate. If interested, supplies can begin shipment at any time.... wrote:The envoy from Muulsh arrives at Mirathan's court. He requests a meeting with either King Mirathan or his Royal Exchequer.After a day or two you can get an appt with the Regent.
The Regent denies the expansionist rumors, but thanks the envoy for his offer.

Alisha, Champion of the Pearl |
A number of minor government officials with links to rival criminal organisations turn up dead, and a polite note is dispatched to the authorities saying that if they want the Black Pearl to 'admit' responsibility for the deaths of the nomads, the price will be eighty thousand gold pieces and early parole for several affiliates of the Black Pearl who have had the misfortune to be arrested and imprisoned over the years.

Mirathan |

A number of minor government officials with links to rival criminal organisations turn up dead, and a polite note is dispatched to the authorities saying that if they want the Black Pearl to 'admit' responsibility for the deaths of the nomads, the price has just doubled.
Hey! I remember the thought about blackmailing (preparing to) the govt, but don't recall it put into action...

Regent Sertil Aeras Hestle |
A number of minor government officials with links to rival criminal organisations turn up dead, and a polite note is dispatched to the authorities saying that if they want the Black Pearl to 'admit' responsibility for the deaths of the nomads, the price will be eighty thousand gold pieces and early parole for several affiliates of the Black Pearl who have had the misfortune to be arrested and imprisoned over the years.
[Thinking to himself] Hmmm...let these characters weed out corruption within the govt for us, leaving only their own agents? Possibly arousing the ire of other organizations that will counter?...hmmm...

Regent Sertil Aeras Hestle |
Regent Sertil Aeras Hestle wrote:The envoy apologizes if he had presumed. He was merely letting His Excellency's Government know that if there was ever a need for anything the House of Muulsh stands ready to serve.
The Regent denies the expansionist rumors, but thanks the envoy for his offer.
"Certainly. Certainly. Unfortuantely, due to a breakdown of dilplomacy, we have other concerns right now. We may need your consortium's assistance dealing with the Free Companions, defending ourselves and our peoples."

Nameless Narrator |
"Certainly. Certainly. Unfortuantely, due to a breakdown of dilplomacy, we have other concerns right now. We may need your consortium's assistance dealing with the Free Companions, defending ourselves and our peoples."
I and my master stand ready to assist His Majesty's Government in any capacity he should wish. We are the main factors in armaments from the Smith's Guild, grain from the Corn Consortium, and my master is Treasurer of the Bazaar Merchant's Guild and a well-known banker in his own right.

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Sorry bro, RL threw me a curve. Yeah you can go in and scope it out, it is a public venue..LOL good catch on Drunken Crab..
From your OTD OOC post it seems more likely it threw you a 'curb'! ;p
Leaving the bar, 'Balthus' searches the underwater city for the Drunken Crab. Once he finds it, he enters casually, and begins to search the minds of those here to see who to talk to in order join the Black Pearl. While searching he sits at and empty booth.
How do you order a drink in an underwater bar?!?

Nameless Narrator |

Nameless Narrator |
After ordering an 'alcopod', Balthus gets up and walks over to one of the Black Pearl members.
"I was told you might be part of a 'club' I'd like to join. What do I have to do to get in?
He holds up a small black pearl as he says club, then hides it quickly.
A small weaselly-faced man looks up at Balthus
Yeh want to swim with the sealions yeh have to have teeth. How's yer trident arm?