General Orseidon's page

20 posts. Alias of Emperor7.


I'm a fish out of water


Jack Hammer wrote:

The D&S Tour Bus Limo begins changing shape. The dance floor and bar roll back into its side, and the front compartment separates from the back. It stands, and takes on a fairly humandoid shape.

"No parties? No dancing nekked chicks?"

"In the absence of frivolity this unit is programmed to gather conscripts to replenish the ranks."

It begins walking off.

"Is that a good thing?"

The companies sent to assist Sandreeef return once the area is secure. They return much smaller than when they left. So soon after the mass funerals more must be arranged.

The General enters the throne room

"My King! The nomad forces have withdrawn from Sandreef. Their leader was thrown down by Tempest in single combat."

A female wizard in the Pearl detachment looks on, surprise evident on her face. She takes on a visage of superiority as she gazes upon the reaction of the male troops. She pulls out a small notebook and begins scribbling quickly in its pages.

"Well, this should be interesting. He won't be thinking with his loins much longer if the histories are accurate. Nor any man foolish enough to be within a hundred yards."

After a few moments the mage takes out a crystal and looks upon the scene thru its facets. Her eyes widen in shock and her pen moves furiously in her hand as she records the scene.

Tempest, Sister of the Trident wrote:

She pulls forth an ancient banner from her saddlebags ands ties it to the center tine of her trident. The tine expands to the length of a lance. Upon a red field a creature part dragon/part mermaid swims proudly, holding a trident in one hand and a pearl of blazing light in the other. The creature's eyes seem alive, glowing with a light bright enough to match the orb.

The troops from Pearl observe the transformation and move away. Even the Knights of the Blue Eels are taken aback.

A hardened veteran in the Pearl's troops stares in awe and fear as the banner is unfurled. He begins to shake, as the water around his waist takes on a yellowish tinge.

"Tempestus Furibundus! The cult of the Sea Furies..."

apologies for the poor Latin

Knight-Captain Velantium wrote:

The number of nomads grow steadily but the seasoned veteran knows that you rarely get to choose your enemy. He musters his fastest cavalry for a probing assault against the enemy's right flank. The company's spellcasters boost the troops with spells of speed and endurance, but they hold their potent attack spells for defense of the city itself.

The attack is routed quickly. Almost too quickly. The nomad force is bolstered by dark power.

Back at the company's tents the reports of troops lost continue to pour in. The Knight-Captain sends missives describing the foe to his commanders via several sources, refusing to trust one courier, magic or otherwise.

An hour after the missives were sent, flashes of light appear within the encampment of the Knight-Captain's company. Heavily armored troops with long lances beging streaming out of the portals, interspersed with squads of archers astride giant sea turtles. At first the numbers seems endless but the streams die quickly and the portals wink out. another 200 seasoned warriors have arrived, bolstering the ground defenses. Without awaiting orders, they begin spreading out amongst the city's perimeter, setting up strange devices at regular intervals. Their armor seems to matter little to them as they swim and walk to their positions.

The dispatches from the Sandreef company have arrived. The reports of the Red Lord, this Veiled One, catch the attention of the General. He orders auguries and divinations.

From the reports it sounds like the entire nomad host is in place attacking the city. Before he reacts to the news and puts his own city at risk he calls for scrying to verify that the nomad forces aren't supplemented by illusions.

Once he has facts he will present them to the King, but it sounds like he'll lose a valued company if he doesn't act. He orders an armored company to bolster the cavalry, opting to wage a defensive war. Matching the nomad's mobility is a wasted effort.

In his study the General reviews the reports from his local forces, and those recently received from Sandreef. A nomad invasion is the last thing this city needs, but the choice isn't Pearl's to make. They prepare as best they can, trying not to draw resources from the rebuilding.

The General orders increased patrols on the outlying homesteads, fearing that the nomads will use their mobility. He regrets the King's decision to send one of the more mobile companies to protect Sandreef, preferring to leave them to their own fate. But orders are orders.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

"Greetings, Lieutenant Quiss'l. As my grandmother already stated we will do our best to arrange a meeting with the king as soon as possible. On behalf of the people of Sandreef I extend a welcome and our gratitude to Pearl for their assistance in this troubled time."

There, that should stir the pot as well, she thought. Hoping she had given just enough information. She might not be the most politically astute member of her family, but she knew that it was always better when they come to you.

She swam closer to the lieutenant. "A private word, please? There are a few...things you should know about the political landscape here."

"Certainly milady, but I am only a subordinate. The Knight-Captain would be happy to meet with you. He gives the orders. He waits by his banner. It might give you more privacy."

Nymphaea Orlbereth wrote:
With that the group finally sets out for the Sapphire Gate, arriving to see the military unit waiting patiently.

saying the following out in the open, for any residents to hear

"Lady Olbereth? I am Lieutenant Quiss'l. Greetings from King Mirathan the Third, and the peoples of Pearl. We have been sent here to assist you and your city in any manner related to any outside threats. The Knight-Captain of the Blue Eels is our ranking officer. As outsiders, we will not enter Sandreef as a unit. We will not interfere with your trade. We will respond to any threat by any organized force. With your king's permission, we would like to set up our camp and outposts so that we may begin our work."

"Is it possible that we might meet with your king to get said permission?'

lynora wrote:

If you wouldn't mind waiting here?"

The herald waits.

lynora wrote:
General Orseidon wrote:

Drums are heard througout Sandreef, heralding the approach of a battle company from the Pearl of the South. Their pennants float in the current. Light infantry and cavalry astride dolphins, archers, and 12 Knights of the Blue Eel sect riding proudly on top of their namesake dire electric eels. A few sorcerers and clerics follow along with support personnel. (No symbols of Adventurnus) This company is made for speed and mobility.

As they draw within sight of Sandreef they stop. A rider approaches.

"Greetings from King Mirathan the Third, folk of Sandreef. We come to offer our services in support of your city. Is Lady Olbereth available?"

A very confused city guard who looks a bit overawed as he views the military unit that just approached the city replies. "Probably. Which Lady Orlbereth did you have in mind?"

"Lady Nimora Olbereth."

Drums are heard througout Sandreef, heralding the approach of a battle company from the Pearl of the South. Their pennants float in the current. Light infantry and cavalry astride dolphins, archers, and 12 Knights of the Blue Eel sect riding proudly on top of their namesake dire electric eels. A few sorcerers and clerics follow along with support personnel. (No symbols of Adventurnus) This company is made for speed and mobility.

As they draw within sight of Sandreef they stop. A rider approaches.

"Greetings from King Mirathan the Third, to the folk of Sandreef and your king. We come to offer our services in support of your city. Is Lady Olbereth available?"

see posting at the Sandreef thread.

... wrote:

Four men dressed in mother-of-pearl plate mail storm towards the royal party, Melusine trailing after with as quick a dignified walk as she can manage.

The largest nomad knight belows out:


Before the nomads can get too close they are cut off by several knights.

... wrote:
A bellow sounds out from the other side of the palace

The General signals and a couple of knights head toward the sound.

The General wanders the gathering, making sure the guards are doing their duty, and renewing political connections. The guards don't react to his presence. They are the elite, and have no need for a nursemaid. But, the routine helps the General look better to the politicians. It's an old game they have perfected between them.