Jack Hammer |

JH arrives at the out-of-the-way shop he had visited before, bypassing the door and even the streets of the Bazaar.
Are they ready?
The gnome craftsman starts at his voice. 'How did you...' JH interrupts...
Are they ready? I have little time.
Just a moment please. He brings out 3 boxes. JH inspects the contents of each, placing his lips upon them and closing his eyes. He nods in satisaction.
You are truly a master.
He stretches his hand out over the counter, palm downward. He then clenches his fist. When it opens three fistful piles of gems are left upon the counter. Various sizes and colors, and all varieties.
The gnome is shocked, 'You...you are a Stone Lord...'. He hastily bows on one knee, his workglasses falling from his face. 'You pay too much, Lord...'
Put them to good use Master. Take you and your kin and get them to a safe place. Darkness comes.
JH nods and gathers up his bundles, melding into the floor. In his wake a strange rune is etched within a circle.
The gnome stares in disbelief, first at the empty air then at the floor. He orders his dwarf assistants to move the workbench over the site and to begin packing up the shop. When he is done he places three large gems into each of their hands. 'Tell your clans and your king to be ready. A Stone Lord walks the Earth. The Prophecy is put into play. Prepare for War.

Spirit of Vengeance |

The skies above the Bazaar let loose their fury. Lighting smites the desert around the immense souk. The merchants look up to see the insubstantial forms of Djinn and Efreets at war in the dark thunderclouds. Something momentous occurs elsewhere.
If he had lips and could smile, he would be amused by the destruction wrought by the heavens.

Peace LVR |

I muttered to myself once...or twice....it was after a bad trip....one time I tripped and skinned my knee...it really hurt....I don't like to hurt things....once, I ran over a poor birdie with my car...I couldn't drive for three days after.....speaking of three days, I once spent four days waiting in line to see a really cool movie.....I just can't remember what move it was....

Prince Azran |

You jest, my dear. We may need to come back to the bazaar and do business here. This isn't The Abyss where everyone else is out to get you so you may as well take what you want anyway.
We'll come back for the Dead Man's Chest some other day, when the owner is likely not hiding in the corner in superstitious terror.
Although given the bloodstained history of that item, and what he no doubt had to do to get it - unless his crewmates all just 'happened' to kill themselves first leaving him the de facto owner - he has cause to be superstitious.

The Dalesman |

Good morning. :) As you can see there's a good amount of rain hitting the Bazaar at present. Guess we should get inside somewhere. Find a place here or head back to the Oasis?
I hope the vacation was a great one! :)
With everything that apparently happened, it makes more sense for them to find a place at the Bazaar. DB3 already has dialogue from Shadow Pelt noting Devlyn's absence from the Place of Winds as well.
Besides, Devlyn was planning on finding a suitably marvelous place for them to stay anyway - he's got to keep the 'perfect day' going for as long as he can manage, now doesn't he? ;D

The Dalesman |

"Sounds like a plan." She glances around. "Any particular place in mind?"
"It's a little bit of a walk, but I spied a nice looking inn while when we were shopping. I think we can get a room for the night there to stay dry - so long as nobody else has the same idea and is willing to brave the weather to get over there!"
He looks out at the rain-soaked streets and the pedestrians running for cover, then pulls up his cowl and looks back at Allura with a grin.
"Let's go!"

The Dalesman |

The doors of the Inn have been secured against the storm, but after banging on them and explaining their need to the doorman, Devlyn and Allura are allowed in. The building is well-made to withstand the elements, with stone foundations and stout timbers inside, all artfully cut and decorated.
They are able to get some seats by a grand fireplace to dry off, with drinks and small foods if desired. Devlyn talks to the innkeep while Allura is sitting by the fire, then comes back a few minutes later with a key in hand.
"They drive a hard bargain here, but I think we'll be pleased with results," he says as he sits back down next to her. "We can also get dinner here, so we don't have to fight our way to a tavern."