
MacGardun the Brewer's page

16 posts. Alias of BluePigeon.


Clan Surveyors report the opening of two more salt mines and MacGardun has wisely collected the mining rights and land deeds to them. Business is very good indeed.

MacGardun with the aid of clan surveyors discovered a untapped and pure source of groundwater. Able to tap the pool with dwarven pumps and other mechanisms, MacGardun is able to tweak the family beer recipe. He's then able to expand his line-of-products in wines and oddly enough purified bottle waters.

with several grants he's obtained form the Bazaar's merchant council, he soon expands into foodstuffs like chicken, eggs, sausage, and cattle for a better line of cheeses.

The destruction inflicted upon the Bazaar has created a demand for housing and building labor. MacGardun, seeing an opening, has already positioned his business at the head of a lucrative business enterprise.

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
MacGardun the Brewer wrote:

"Well met lass," he says cheerfully. I'm MacGardun. I own the finest breweries here in the Bazaar. If its adventuring work ye seek, then try any tavern in the Bazaar. But, I'd stay from the Ranger and the Dryad, it's a bit of the rough and tumble, not that you can't take care of yourself."

"Well, I do appreciate the advice, MacGurdun. I'll keep looking. At least I know where to go if I get thirsty," she adds with a smile.

"I tell ye what, if you be needin' work. Look up again in the future. I may have something in outsite the Bazaar for ye in a week or so. It will be caravan work, so I hope ye long legs are up for walkin."

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
MacGardun the Brewer wrote:
Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
A young swordswoman wanders the bazaar, looking into various shops and making the occasional purchase.
An dwarven merchant bumps into Rowan in the Bazaar. "Ooff. Pardons my lady but you look lost ratehr lost. Can I help you with directions?"
"Oh, thank you, that's very kind of you. I'm not so much lost as somewhat at loose ends at the moment. The adventuring group I was with broke up recently, and I still haven't found anything else. So if you know of anyone who's looking for a sword for hire, I'd sure appreciate it. Oh, goodness, I'm being rude. My name's Rowan, Rowan Bladesinger."

"Well met lass," he says cheerfully. I'm MacGardun. I own the finest breweries here in the Bazaar. If its adventuring work ye seek, then try any tavern in the Bazaar. But, I'd stay from the Ranger and the Dryad, it's a bit of the rough and tumble, not that you can't take care of yourself."

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
A young swordswoman wanders the bazaar, looking into various shops and making the occasional purchase.

An dwarven merchant bumps into Rowan in the Bazaar. "Ooff. Pardons my lady but you look lost ratehr lost. Can I help you with directions?"

Avatar of John Wayne wrote:
I used to love a good beer pilgrim. Or maybe some whiskey.

"Aye, now it all flows through you like cheap cloth. I won't be wastin' any good liquor on you. Now bugger off!"

The Dwarven brewmaster opens the doors to his shop on the new day.

"I wonder what customers the day will bring," he says to no one in particular.

"Secure those doors," he roars! "And get inside! Arms yourselves for the Gods of War and Death the Bazaar tonight."

"This is getting bad for business," he mutters.

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:
She seems a touch chaotic, Berholm harrumphs, and obsessed with keeping to the spirit of an agreement rather than the exact letter, but I would prefer that over the most 'law abiding' baatezu who will stick you whilst keeping to the letter. I am prepared to rely on her to pass your goods on to me, and if there are any failings in deliveries I will review the situation. The shortage of stone-folk traders in these parts is unfortunate, but not something which can be easily remedied, and even a king must make do with what is to hand in a pinch.

"Pinching puts my reputation on the line. I can have the cargo warded with dimensional anchors, hidden of course. That will prevent any unwarranted magical theft. Actually, I prefer it with no additional cost."

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:
I have arranged payment for her, separately. If you are happy with the arrangement, this he gestures at the electrum filled strongbox, is to cover however much of your finest ales you can send me for the next couple of months; if it is insufficient at any point, please send word to my stronghold, of Evsteirim as the taller folk know it - Uthaz Ydgraf in our own tongue - and I shall see that further funds are made available. Whether or not you feel this place is dangerous enough to require an armed escort to the Countess' yard, I trust entirely to your judgement.

"The amount of electrum is good and well enough. I never send out my employees unarmed or unguarded with magic. The goods will be delivered to the agreed location and without tampering. I will send word via a separate as how to deactivate the wards and anchors."

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:

The dwarven lord returns to MacGurdan's store, having added a couple more retainers to his entourage since the previous visit, these ones carrying a small strong box between them, which measures about a foot and a half along each side. He leaves four of his guards outside, and brings the other two into the venue with him, as on his previous trip, but is also accompanied by the dwarves with the strong box.

He signals to them to put the strong box down on the counter and they do so. One of them produces a key, and raises the lid, revealing that the box is full of gleaming electrum pieces.
Can you manage to deliver to the Countess Almathrada's planar transport service on the other side of the bazaar? Berholm asks MacGurdan. I don't like having to use a non-dwarf, but she is, apparently, highly reliable and always as good as her word. If you can convey your wares to her yard, she can arrange shipment to anywhere I require them.

"Aye, with no problem at all. I can have deliver the goods under armed escort if it suits your needs. What do you know of her reputation and standing. Is she a woman who will honor he word?"

Muulsh the Merchant wrote:
MacGardun the Brewer wrote:
"Brew, aye, I have a wide selection and variety. Name your brand. And, that be Double Rostland with buscuits, both fresh within the day. Is this a personal order or do ye wish to purchase in bulk for a tavern or feasthall?"

Muulsh smiles, his small eyes bright

Well, my fine sir, I'll take a nice Andoran lager, perhaps an Arthfell Forest Amber? For now, I am just looking for personal consumption, but as the Secretary of the Bazaar Merchant's Council I am always interested in new victuallers for our occasions.

Muulsh looks over MacGardun's stores with a keen eye

The Dwarven merchant taps his thick hammer-head cane twice and in rushes a stout dwarven lass.

"See that this man's order is complete and readied."

She nods and bows courteously. She takes a basket and proceeds through the shop. "Ah, a member of the council I see. Then I shall be ready when the council requests my goods and services. I retain several cooks on staff as well."

The dwarven lass retunes with Muulsh's order ready and wrapped for sale.

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:

(To MacGurdan, the Brewer)

I am interested in placing as large an order with you for good quality ale as you are able to conveniently fill, but the shipping may be problematic; I prefer visitors to my hold not to rely on omniportals, which appear to best suit your delivery methods.
I shall make enquiries elsewhere in the bazaar as to reliable agents able to assist with shipping, and return later.
My thanks for your time.
Berhold passes MacGurdan a small purse of gold coins, and leaves the shop, collecting hs retainers and heading off elsewhere in the bazaar.

"Thank you sir. Your merchandise will be ready upon your return." He caresses the purse of gold coin with one hand. And looks to his assistants and staff. "We have a job men, Aye, by the Dwarven Fathers, let's get cracking."

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:
MacGardun the Brewer wrote:
Turning his attention towards the Dwarven lord, MacGardun replies in a respectful and very candid voice. "I've been recommended by none other than the Blue Pigeon himself. And as for efficiency I can gate any barrel sized products with a sizeable labor pool. And again with pact animals. I can supply up ten taverns in a month and deliver good with a day's time. Given the write directions and motivation. I, however, only supplies cities and communities with two days riding time."

It sounds like you might be able to keep one of my regiments supplied, but the limitations of how far you can deliver are a problem, the dwarf lord considers. Are there more dwarves in this bazaar in the same business as yourself, or are you the only one?

"I am the only one that I know of."

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:

Travelling with his entourage of retainers direct from the Sanctum via the omniportal, rather than weary himself with travel across the sands, Berholm pays the toll-keeper of the portal at the bazaar with a platinum coin, then proceeds across the bazaar to the store of the dwarf MacGardun. He enters, leaving four of his retainers outside, to watch for trouble, and bringing the other couple in with them. It is obvious to MacGurdan that Berholm is either an illusionist of some skill and trickery, or a dwarf of great importance and means.

I have heard you to be a dwarf able to supply victuals on an impressive scale, Berholm strokes his beard thoughtfully.
What references as to your character and the efficiency of your service can you provide?

Turning his attention towards the Dwarven lord, MacGardun replies in a respectful and very candid voice. "I've been recommended by none other than the Blue Pigeon himself. And as for efficiency I can gate any barrel sized products with a sizeable labor pool. And again with pact animals. I can supply up ten taverns in a month and deliver good with a day's time. Given the write directions and motivation. I, however, only supplies cities and communities with two days riding time."

Muulsh the Merchant wrote:
MacGardun the Brewer wrote:

Barrels and kegs, like the pyramids of Osirion, are stacked neatly around his large warehouse and before it is stands a stout dwarven merchant. Smaller crates and displays show jams, jellies, spiced honeys. The scent of fresh cheeses wafers from his shop. Robust and red of cheeks, the black-beard dwarf eagerly awaits customers to sample his brews, lagers, and ales.

He eagerly awaits his first customer.

The rotund man waddles up to MacGardun

I say good brewer, your product looks excellent today! Let me have a long pint of your best brew!

Peers over a wheel of cheese

Is that cheese Double Rostland? A slice of that with some biscuits as well my good fellow!

The porty merchant licks his lips in anticipation

"Brew, aye, I have a wide selection and variety. Name your brand. And, that be Double Rostland with buscuits, both fresh within the day. Is this a personal order or do ye wish to purchase in bulk for a tavern or feasthall?"

He turns his attention towards two young dwarven lads, assistants or employees judging by the short lengths of their whiskers. They jump to attention, ready to his bidding.

Barrels and kegs, like the pyramids of Osirion, are stacked neatly around his large warehouse and before it is stands a stout dwarven merchant. Smaller crates and displays show jams, jellies, spiced honeys. The scent of fresh cheeses wafers from his shop. Robust and red of cheeks, the black-beard dwarf eagerly awaits customers to sample his brews, lagers, and ales.

He eagerly awaits his first customer.