Hail to the 2009 SUPERSTAR

RPG Superstar™ 2009 General Discussion

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Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Congrats to the esteemed Mr. Spicer, long may he game!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

Grats Neil, I can't wait to go gnome golfing.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7

Congrats, Neil!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy

Hear Hear!

Congratulations Neil, didn't vote for you but I know you'll make it a great adventure!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 , Star Voter Season 6 aka raidou

Congratulations, Neil!

You put together a solid, professional and fun adventure proposal and this recognition is well-deserved. Thanks to you, Matt and Kevin for a very strong and exciting final round. I sincerely hope to meet (and game with) many of you guys in person someday (Gencon '10?)

Best wishes and good luck on Fellnight Queen!


Congrats Neil.

What was the final tally and will Paizo publish it's final percentages/scores?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 aka Tarren Dei

Congratulations, Neil. I'm proud to say I voted for you every round. Thanks for making it easy to be a supporter.

Congratulations! :)


Congrats Neil! Let me say that I absolutely adore your module idea (and the First World in general). I -love- the concepts to play with there, and I have no doubt that I'll be giddy once I get to read through what you come up with. :)

And now if UNC wins the NCAA championship, I'll have two awesome victories to come out of my home state. Something about NC that's just filled with awesome. ;)

Congrats Neil!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 9 aka Zynete

Congratulations Neil!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Way to go, Neil!!!

And, hey folks, you can meet him at PaizoCon 2009!!


That's my DM!
Bring on the Gnomish Fellnight stuff, but keep Gulga far far away.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka JoelF847

Congrats Neil! I'm looking forward to your module (even though it didn't snag my vote - I know it will be awesome!), as well as other future published work. Is it too early to lobby now for Gulga to show up in a Paizo product?

Congratulations, Neil!

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll echo the many before me... Congrats Neil. You were a favorite of mine from earlier rounds, and I'm very glad to see that you have won this year's RPG Superstar 2009. And also like the many others I'm sure you'll make Realm of the Fellnight Queen an adventure to remember. And as I am a Pathfinder Modules subscriber, I know I'll have "her" in my hot little hands come January 2010. Yay!!

And a Huzzah and Hail and Well Met to all the RPG Superstar top placers. I'm sure that you'll each have opportunities for contributing to Paizo and Golarion in the future.

So... when does RPG Superstar 2010 begin? I wanna "bone-up" on my skills so that I can make it past the open call submission. :)


Dean; The_Minstrel_Wyrm

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

Good work, Neil.

I've learned a lot about game design by watching what you've done in this year's competition.

Sovereign Court

Congrats Neil...now I get to play with the 2009 Superstar....

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka Mark Thomas 66

Congratulations Niel. As I said before, you were the one to beat, and none of us was quite up to the task. Excellent work!

The Exchange Kobold Press

Excellent work and well deserved. Congratulations!

Liberty's Edge

Great work Neil, well done.

Dark Archive

Congratulations Neil

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

inue wrote:

Congrats Neil.

What was the final tally and will Paizo publish it's final percentages/scores?

They didn't last year and I doubt that will change this year.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Todd Stewart wrote:

Congrats Neil! Let me say that I absolutely adore your module idea (and the First World in general). I -love- the concepts to play with there, and I have no doubt that I'll be giddy once I get to read through what you come up with. :)

And now if UNC wins the NCAA championship, I'll have two awesome victories to come out of my home state. Something about NC that's just filled with awesome. ;)

I think one win for NC is quite enough these days - Go Zags!

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations, Neil!!! I'm impressed, and not at all surprised. You earned it. :)

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Congrats, Neil. Can't wait to read & run your module. Also looking forward to whatever other Paizo asignments you can pick up.


Congratulations, Neil! I have to say, I'm not surprised

although, I didn't look to see how the poll was looking until after I voted, and I thought, OK, I purposefully read no community feedback, and only read the judges feedback after I had already made my own notes on the proposals and my own decision with an eye to "can the judges talk me out of my decision," and yet all my attempts to march to my own drummer amounted to very little!
--but I am looking forward to the feyness!

Sovereign Court

Congratulations! Can't wait to see the final module!



Take a week off to rest on your laurels, then GET BUSY WRITING YOUR ADVENTURE.

So says your developer.

Liberty's Edge


Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Good job Neil.

Hey Neil! Congratz!!!!!! Felicidades señor :D

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32


Congrat's Neil! Well earned!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka flash_cxxi

Grats Neil.

Can't wait to read your adventure.


Excellent job, Neil!! I can't wait to see the finished module.

Congrats dude!

Liberty's Edge Contributor , Star Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Congratulations, Neil! You had me hooked at Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad. :)

Dark Archive

Congratulations, Neil. :D

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

* Cross-posted from the submission entry thread *


A big thank you to everyone. Really. I mean everyone.

-- To Paizo for hosting such an innovative contest. I really do think this is one of the best things for the gaming industry. Throughout this entire contest, I wanted to keep doing my part to make it successful...while hopefully also being successful in my own bid to win votes and catch the eye of a publisher I've always wanted to write for...

-- To the judges for...well, the spot-on analysis, the encouragement and support, the honest feedback and critiques that made me want to work harder and go further. I observed you guys in action last year (except for Sean and the guest judges, of course), but never really understood how awesome it is to get direct feedback on so many elements of game design until it's actually my stuff under the microscope. It's just been really educational, fun, nerve-wracking, stressful, and wonderful...all at the same time.

-- To the voters...both those who supported and panned my stuff...all of you added value to this experience for me. When I doubted my work, you guys often lifted my hopes. And when I felt comfortable in my work, you guys often gave me a healthy dose of reality where it was weak. All that is super valuable to me. And I sincerely thank you for your comments, feedback, critiques, and suggestions.

-- To all my gaming friends...for their support and encouragement...and votes. ;-D

-- To my co-workers...for taking such an active interest in the contest and cheering me on.

-- To my wife and my family...for putting up with the amount of time I invested in each submission. They probably think I'm crazy for pursuing this...but they love me anyway. :-D

-- And to my girls...for inspiration, really. Much of their fascination with fairy tales fed into my decision to do this type of adventure proposal. They're certainly not old enough to understand gaming just yet. But maybe one day they will and maybe I'll get to run this adventure for them. That would be truly awesome!


Scarab Sages

Congratulations Neil! Your submissions were great in each round. I'm looking forward to running your module for my gaming group.

Rock on Neil! Gratz n' stuffs!

*makes the WINNAH batch of cookies for Neil*

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

Congratulations, Neil.

Every round you instantly got me hooked with your ideas and writing. I hope that Gulga won't fade into the twilight ;)

I love the fey (and one reason why I love the Falcon's Hollow area), and I really look forward to your adventure.


Hail??? Such freak weather must be an omen of an impending dimensional crossover resulting from a disrupted abjurational warding, and a sign that a high level artistocratic fey tyrant is about to TPK....

But in case you missed it on the other thread, congratulations.

Dark Archive


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

And now, for some individual thanks...

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Excellent work and well deserved. Congratulations!

Thanks, Wolfgang. I really appreciate your participation in RPG Superstar as a judge, your absolute dedication to the hobby, and the sheer professionalism you bring to the craft of game design. And I always have this strange mix of intimidation, respect, and admiration everytime I read your critiques and advice. Thank you, too, for the effort you put into Kobold Quarterly and Open Design. They're clearly your passion. And I think you serve as an inspiration for everyone.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Congrats!....Take a week off to rest on your laurels, then GET BUSY WRITING YOUR ADVENTURE....So says your developer.

Yes, SIR! ;-)

And thanks, Sean...for all of your support and feedback in the competition. There were times when I really wanted to defend or explain my work during certain rounds of the contest. And in my silence, you almost always seemed to raise the exact point I would have made. It's been really amazing having you and the other judges critique my work. I know your strong opinions and excellent mastery of the rules quite well. And I've been crazy nervous in every round of the competition. But thanks for keeping the bar high. It brings out the best work in everybody.

Jason Nelson wrote:
Congrats to the esteemed Mr. Spicer, long may he game!

Thanks, Jason...and thanks for setting such a great example to follow from last year. It turns out you actually were contractually obligated to vote for me. I've got some folks in Cheliax who confirm it. ;-D

TheTwitching King wrote:
Grats Neil, I can't wait to go gnome golfing.

Heh. Thanks, Matt. And thanks for being such a great competitor.

raidou wrote:
Congratulations, Neil!....You put together a solid, professional and fun adventure proposal and this recognition is well-deserved. Thanks to you, Matt and Kevin for a very strong and exciting final round. I sincerely hope to meet (and game with) many of you guys in person someday (Gencon '10?)....Best wishes and good luck on Fellnight Queen!

Thank you, Eric. I liked your Last Ride of the Mammoth Lords proposal, too. Best of luck in all your future design products...as you and I both know they'll come your way for sure! And if I make it out for GenCon 2010, I'd be happy to meet (and game) with you in person anytime.

Tarren Dei wrote:
Congratulations, Neil. I'm proud to say I voted for you every round. Thanks for making it easy to be a supporter.

Thanks, Trevor. You are by far one of the classiest people I've yet encountered (in the virtual world or otherwise). It was great fun having a friend like you along for the ride in the competition. I loved your stuff. I still do. And I think Paizo (or any other publisher) should be beating a path to your door with freelance opportunities to take advantage of your creativity and professionalism.

Christopher West wrote:
Congratulations, Neil!!! I'm impressed, and not at all surprised. You earned it. :)

Thanks, Chris. And thank you especially for your encouragement. It served me well I think.

Timitius wrote:
Way to go, Neil!!! .... And, hey folks, you can meet him at PaizoCon 2009!!

Thanks, Tim. Glad I could help out with the marketing campaign for PaizoCon. ;-)

Dawsjax wrote:
YEE-HAW Neil! .... That's my DM! .... Bring on the Gnomish Fellnight stuff, but keep Gulga far far away.

Thanks, Dawson! And even if I keep Gulga far away from you, who's to say I don't come up with something far worse for our gaming table instead? ;->

ChristinaStiles wrote:
Excellent job, Neil!! I can't wait to see the finished module.

Thanks, Christina! And thanks for your encouragement. I think you already know I dedicated Sharina's lair to the memory of your own bard from Rise of the Runelords. I hope you liked it.

Lilith wrote:
Rock on Neil! Gratz n' stuffs! .... *makes the WINNAH batch of cookies for Neil*

Many thanks, Lilith. And thank you too, once again, for being the first to let me know I made the Top 32. I look forward to the cookies. :-D

Todd Stewart wrote:
Congrats Neil! Let me say that I absolutely adore your module idea (and the First World in general). I -love- the concepts to play with there, and I have no doubt that I'll be giddy once I get to read through what you come up with. :) .... And now if UNC wins the NCAA championship, I'll have two awesome victories to come out of my home state. Something about NC that's just filled with awesome. ;)

Thanks, Todd. And go 'Heels!!!

JoelF847 wrote:
Congrats Neil! I'm looking forward to your module (even though it didn't snag my vote - I know it will be awesome!), as well as other future published work. Is it too early to lobby now for Gulga to show up in a Paizo product?

Thanks, Joel. If people want to lobby Paizo for something involving Gulga, be my guest. I don't know if they'd ask me to write anything for it. But I'd certainly jump at the chance. :-D

Darkjoy wrote:
Hear Hear!....Congratulations Neil, didn't vote for you but I know you'll make it a great adventure!

Thanks, Darkjoy. And it's okay that you didn't vote for me. There were a lot of great entries by the Top 4 and throughout the whole competition anyway. I'm still stunned to reach the end. And thank you for your comments.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
I'll echo the many before me... Congrats Neil. You were a favorite of mine from earlier rounds, and I'm very glad to see that you have won this year's RPG Superstar 2009. And also like the many others I'm sure you'll make Realm of the Fellnight Queen an adventure to remember. And as I am a Pathfinder Modules subscriber, I know I'll have "her" in my hot little hands come January 2010. Yay!!

Thanks, Dean! I appreciate all the support you gave me throughout the competition. It'll be real interesting to see what kind of art order goes through for Rhoswen. She'll be another "hot chick"...I'm sure. ;-)

Epic Meepo wrote:
Good work, Neil....I've learned a lot about game design by watching what you've done in this year's competition.

Thanks, Eric! And thanks too for your commentary, especially in the later rounds of the competition. I paid careful attention to the points you raised and your overall feedback. I learned a lot last year by watching how Jason, Christine, Boomer, and Rob went about their designs. And the judges' commentary, more than anything else, really helped. If anything I've done in this year's contest helps others with their game designs...well, I think that's really the whole purpose of RPG Superstar. Everybody comes out better in the end, whether you win the whole thing or not...and I'm just happy to have been a part of it.

Wellard wrote:
Congrats Neil...now I get to play with the 2009 Superstar....

Thanks, Wellard. I very much enjoy playing alongside you in the PbP's as well. And I appreciate your support and encouragement throughout the competition.

Mark Thomas wrote:
Congratulations Niel. As I said before, you were the one to beat, and none of us was quite up to the task. Excellent work!

Thanks, Mark. But I disagree with you. There were plenty of folks in this competition capable of taking the title. I felt the pressure and heat from all of them in each round. And even at the very end, it's really all more about which adventure the voting public would most like to see in print. Mine just happened to strike a certain chord right now that found favor, I think. Eric's was right there, too. Kevin had some amazing stuff. And Matt really brought his A-game, too. Even those from the Top 8 who didn't advance really had great stuff. I'm someone who really wanted to see everyone succeed in the course of RPG Superstar. Of course, to me, "success" is actually more than just winning. It's about what you learn and discover along the way. And that's another reason why I really value what Paizo has done with this RPG Superstar event. It's energized the hobby in a very unique way.

Hugo Solis wrote:
Hey Neil! Congratz!!!!!! Felicidades señor :D

Thanks, Hugo. And thank you so much for the awesome renderings of the last leaves and Gulga Cench. You're a fantastic artist. And I wish you all the best with your commissioned work.

taig wrote:
Congratulations, Neil! You had me hooked at Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad. :)

Thanks, taig. You've been a supporter in every round. I appreciate your loyalty and enthusiasm.

Lopke wrote:
Congratulations, Neil....Every round you instantly got me hooked with your ideas and writing. I hope that Gulga won't fade into the twilight ;) .... I love the fey (and one reason why I love the Falcon's Hollow area), and I really look forward to your adventure.

Thanks, Lopke. I hope Gulga makes his presence felt again sometime, too. The good news is I still have an alias for him so I can trot him out for various commentary on the Paizo boards from time to time. ;-D

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Hail??? Such freak weather must be an omen of an impending dimensional crossover resulting from a disrupted abjurational warding, and a sign that a high level artistocratic fey tyrant is about to TPK.... But in case you missed it on the other thread, congratulations.

Thanks, Charles. And I appreciate your attention to detail in analyzing my entries from round to round. You really know how to keep a guy on his toes. Hopefully, I can meet that high expectation you keep telling me I've set for you. :-D

Lots of people wrote:

Ross Byers: Congrats, Neil!

inue: Congrats Neil.
Mishi: Congratulations! :)
Eric Tillemans: Congrats Neil!
Joshua Blazej: Congratulations Neil!
Joshua J. Frost: Congratulations, Neil!
Mothman: Great work Neil, well done.
Kevin Mack: Congratulations Neil
Reckless/Stratton: Congrats, Neil. Can't wait to read & run your module. Also looking forward to whatever other Paizo asignments you can pick up.
Nameless: Congratulations! Can't wait to see the final module!
Mr. Baron: Congrats!
cwslyclgh: Good job Neil.
Mike Speck: Congrats!
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper: Congrat's Neil! Well earned!
Craig Johnston: Grats Neil....Can't wait to read your adventure.
Mairkurion: Congratulations, Neil! I have to say, I'm not surprised....
Kruelaid: Congrats dude!
Radavel: Congratulations, Neil. :D
Dr. Gradgrind: Congratulations Neil! Your submissions were great in each round. I'm looking forward to running your module for my gaming group.
baron arem heshvaun: HUZZAH Neil !

Thanks, guys! I appreciate all your comments and support. I've gotten to know many of you via the boards, the DMTools chatroom, or through your feedback during each round of the competition. Thanks for taking such an active interest in RPG Superstar 2009. And thanks for leaving a comment here, too.

Whew! Okay. I know that's probaby a bit of overkill in trying to respond to everyone. But I wanted to make sure I thank ALL of you. Seriously. You made this competition immensely enjoyable for me. And I hope the final product can deliver in a way that makes everyone happy they voted for Realm of the Fellnight Queen.


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka Lord Fyre

Do we get to vote on this round? :D

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 aka Gamer Girrl

Congratulations, Mr. Spicer :) May the ride continue long and proud, if a little less roller-coastery than the past couple of months ::chuckle:: And I, as others have said, hope to see Gulga Cench in all his glory some day!

And a congratulations to all the contestants, what a great ride this has been!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 aka Tarren Dei

NSpicer wrote:
Thanks, Trevor. You are by far one of the classiest people I've yet encountered (in the virtual world or otherwise). It was great fun having a friend like you along for the ride in the competition. I loved your stuff. I still do. And I think Paizo (or any other publisher) should be beating a path to your door with freelance opportunities to take advantage of your creativity and professionalism.

Very nice of you to say, Neil. I feel the same way about you. I think it is great that even when we were competing against each other, we were able to keep gaming together. Also, sorry about back stabbing your mount and drugging your character. ;-D

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development , Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Well done, Neil!

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