A big Thank You! to everyone for their service.
I am an 11B with 4 years in and I run a game with another army recruiter and two air force guys (some type of coumpter nerds). To be fair the high military concentration in my group is because we are near a rather large US Air Force base in Germany.
The 12B is now changed to the 21B Combat Engineer.
Dark_Mistress wrote: Army reserve 88M myself and no not going to list my term dates. :) What is that? Seems we had some guys in my basic unit that were going 88M. I'm kind of remembering "Petroleum Distribution Specialist" or some such? I am woefully uneducated about MOS designations outside of the 98 series.
I guess I should give a shout-out to two of my group members who also served. One (female) is ex Air Force and the other (male, joins when he can) is in the Navy Reserves - recently back from the Gulf and (I think, but hope not) going back again at some point soon. He's about the best minis painter I know...when he can focus on it, that is.
mearrin69 wrote: Dark_Mistress wrote: ...88M... What is that? Truck driver (Motor Transport Operator).
Joshua J. Frost wrote: (former) US Army 12B here Were you the one who had to remind 11Bs what "Face This Side Towards Enemy" meant?
US Army 5 Years; Light Infantry (with all the right fixins)
Nice to see some other 11 series out here though I am a bit dissapointed at the lack of light fighters and airborne...
Warlord09100302 wrote: US Army 5 Years; Light Infantry (with all the right fixins)
Nice to see some other 11 series out here though I am a bit dissapointed at the lack of light fighters and airborne...
Air Assault
Last posting 172d SBCT (now 1-25 SBCT) :-)
Andrew Turner wrote:
Air Assault
Last posting 172d SBCT (now 1-25 SBCT) :-) Ah ha! I new there was more than just some dirty nasty leggs out heres!
Ya got me beat; got the middle two; had to reenlist for a shot at going to #1 and chose to ETS instead
Ain't the SBCT up in Alaska?
Andrew Turner wrote: Last posting 172d SBCT (now 1-25 SBCT) :-) Warlord09100302 wrote: Ain't the SBCT up in Alaska? That's right; and AK is my home, also.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
mearrin69 wrote: Dark_Mistress wrote: Army reserve 88M myself and no not going to list my term dates. :) What is that? Seems we had some guys in my basic unit that were going 88M. I'm kind of remembering "Petroleum Distribution Specialist" or some such? I am woefully uneducated about MOS designations outside of the 98 series.
I guess I should give a shout-out to two of my group members who also served. One (female) is ex Air Force and the other (male, joins when he can) is in the Navy Reserves - recently back from the Gulf and (I think, but hope not) going back again at some point soon. He's about the best minis painter I know...when he can focus on it, that is.
As Ungoded said it was truck driver. Though I ended up driving a humvee mostly and driving our units commander around and playing secretary more often than not. But considering we was a construction unit it got me out of the harder work so not complaining.
As for what Warlord asked. I game with a PJ aka Parajumper the airforce rescue SpecOps guy. Not sure what the MOS is for them.
to all who serve and play...
May God and Gygax watch over us all ;)
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AD USMC. Comin up on 5 years. Started off at DLI (Chinese Mandarin), now an 0861 JFO with 1st ANGLICO.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
well folks I learned to play D&D (3rd)onboard the USS Kearsarge while deployed in the USMC, I find military players are the funnest to game with, they are used to strangers.
In my first permanent duty station, Hawaii, our artillery unit had a slogan that seems appropriate now.
It was "Heleon". It was ancient Hawaiian supposedly and was supposed to mean "Drive On".
So I say "Heleon" To the past, present, and future military members and gamers.
10 years Army Reserve, and counting...
8 years active duty Army (5 yrs 13B field artillery and 3 yrs 92Y unit supply 2004-2012)
4 years, 6 months, 2 days USN/R-AD.
I was chosen to stay in last year in February during the cuts, but then I got hurt bad in March, and couldn't.
Over the course of my career I had the following MOSs:
05E Voice Qualified Radio Operator
36K Field Wireman
26B Q-4 Radar Repairman
63T Mechanized Vehicle Mechanic
Army medic and air force intel analyst. Between 1997-2007. Approximately 5 years each. The service was all guard/reserve respectively
1 person marked this as a favorite.
12 years Active Army service, primary 25B Information Technology Specialist, secondary 89B Ammunition Specialist.
5 years Active Army, mighty fine 14J. Air assault qualified, Recondo schooled and NBC trained as hobbies.
Dating an Air Force brat. Her pops is whatever you flyboys call the sergeant majors there. Air Master Chief Squadron Sergeant, or something.
8 years active duty Army Field Artillery officer, most of it in the AA. AIRBORNE!
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote: Army medic and air force intel analyst. Between 1997-2007. Approximately 5 years each. The service was all guard/reserve respectively So you served when Don't Ask, Don't Tell was in force? You missed its removal.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
5 Years RCN (Royal Canadian Navy)and counting, Marine Systems Engineering officer (with a brief stint as a warfare officer first). All in HMCS Vancouver .
Ready Aye Ready!
USN Corpsman 83-87, 87-93 USNR, called up for 90-91 Desert Shield/Storm got out as HM2/E5
Meet my wife, who also games, on my ship and have to sons that are also gamers
USN 1999-2006, PS2
4 years on the USS Carl Vinson, we were on station before OEF started. My second deployment we participated in Foal Eagle, the semi-regular military exercises with Japan and Korea, during the run up to OIF. Turning a carrier around within 12 months for a second deployment is a lot of work.
3 years at NRD Minneapolis as the PSD Liason. I told my Master Chief that I was going home, so when he spotted that billet I was happy to take it.
I am surprised there aren't more Signal geeks in here...
31S/25S since '95 and still active duty.
Being Active Duty makes it difficult to get groups together, and when you do they die sudden horrible deaths: PCS/ETS/Deployments/Field... *poof* group is dissolved.
Been a while since I saw this thread. Looks as if all of us MI geeks weighed in early. Thanks to everybody who's out there keeping us safe. :)
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