The Oasis of Still Water

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What; all those lobsters the goblins fed him (goblins with food seldom know the meaning of the phrase 'stop', even when they're givng it to someone else) and the octopus is STILL hungry? :)

Allura wrote:
"Yes, I'm fine. I tended to the wounds of the others as best I could, and when I went to find where you had gone, you were already asleep. You looked too peaceful to disturb. I hope you don't mind that I left you there."

"Not at all, love - the others needed your healing skills. All I can do is give pep talks to make people feel better," he says with a wink as he stands up and stretches.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

What; all those lobsters the goblins fed him (goblins with food seldom know the meaning of the phrase 'stop', even when they're givng it to someone else) and the octopus is STILL hungry? :)

Well, it's been said Ethelbert is half-kraken. I believe his stomach definitely favors the kraken side. ;)

Ethelbert rips into the crate of lobsters Nimora gives him



The Dalesman wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

What; all those lobsters the goblins fed him (goblins with food seldom know the meaning of the phrase 'stop', even when they're givng it to someone else) and the octopus is STILL hungry? :)

Well, it's been said Ethelbert is half-kraken. I believe his stomach definitely favors the kraken side. ;)

Yeh but on the plus side he really likes gobbos now!

Ethelbert the Octopus wrote:

Ethelbert rips into the crate of lobsters Nimora gives him



"Hmmm - I think I'll go to the other pool for a swim, since he's going nuts in there," pointing at Ethelbert's tentacled feeding frenzy as he walks over to Allura. "Care to come with me, or do you need to get some sleep?"

The Dalesman wrote:

"Hmmm - I think I'll go to the other pool for a swim, since he's going nuts in there," pointing at Ethelbert's tentacled feeding frenzy as he walks over to Allura. "Care to come with me, or do you need to get some sleep?"

"I am quite well rested," she says with a warm smile, "and I would love to join you for a swim."

Allura wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Hmmm - I think I'll go to the other pool for a swim, since he's going nuts in there," pointing at Ethelbert's tentacled feeding frenzy as he walks over to Allura. "Care to come with me, or do you need to get some sleep?"

"I am quite well rested," she says with a warm smile, "and I would love to join you for a swim."

"Then let's get out of here before one of us gets hurt," he chuckles, sidestepping a bit of shell that comes flying out of the pool.

They'll head back to the smaller pool they went to the day that Angel was making 'icebergs' here. :P

As they are walking:
"Has there been any word from LJ or the Tree Emperor about Alaina?"

The Dalesman wrote:

As they are walking:

"Has there been any word from LJ or the Tree Emperor about Alaina?"

"No, there hasn't. And they haven't returned yet either. I must admit that I am a little concerned."

Allura wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

As they are walking:

"Has there been any word from LJ or the Tree Emperor about Alaina?"
"No, there hasn't. And they haven't returned yet either. I must admit that I am a little concerned."

He looks down the path toward the pool, then sighs quietly, taking her hand and turning around.

"Then we need to go check on them. If something else bad had happened, someobody would have gotten word to us, but we should make sure. And we need to be there for her, even if it is just for encouragement."

The Dalesman wrote:

He looks down the path toward the pool, then sighs quietly, taking her hand and turning around.
"Then we need to go check on them. If something else bad had happened, someobody would have gotten word to us, but we should make sure. And we need to be there for her, even if it is just for encouragement."

"Yes, you're right. They were at the Ancient Grove. Perhaps they are still there."

Allura wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

He looks down the path toward the pool, then sighs quietly, taking her hand and turning around.
"Then we need to go check on them. If something else bad had happened, someobody would have gotten word to us, but we should make sure. And we need to be there for her, even if it is just for encouragement."

"Yes, you're right. They were at the Ancient Grove. Perhaps they are still there."

"Well then, let's find out," he says with a smile. They head back to the main pool and the omniportal.

"Sirone, Nimora - we're going the Ancient Grove to check on Alaina. We'll be back in a little bit."

They take the omniportal to the Grove of the Ancients
Heading there now if that's okay :)

The Dalesman wrote:

They take the omniportal to the Grove of the Ancients
Heading there now if that's okay :)

Right behind you.

*Oroth has managed to to create a shield of shadows around the boy. Easily seen through, the sand under the kid has turned into glass. Oroth can be seen whispering something, but stops when he senses anyone is close enough to here.*

Db3's Narrator wrote:
*Oroth has managed to to create a shield of shadows around the boy. Easily seen through, the sand under the kid has turned into glass. Oroth can be seen whispering something, but stops when he senses anyone is close enough to here.*

Suddenly, a raven flies in. He addresses Oroth.

"You must be must be Oroth. Here, this may interest you greatly."
He holds up a glowing orb.
"This is the boy's soul."
He looks at it for an instant, then smashes it against the ground. For a moment there is nothing, then a pale wisp flies into the boy. The boy opens his eyes.
The raven chuckles and disappears.

.... wrote:

Suddenly, a raven flies in. He addresses Oroth.

"You must be must be Oroth. Here, this may interest you greatly."
He holds up a glowing orb.
"This is the boy's soul."
He looks at it for an instant, then smashes it against the ground. For a moment there is nothing, then a pale wisp flies into the boy. The boy opens his eyes.
The raven chuckles and disappears.

Oroth is startled by the raven's gift. He lets the shadow shield down, his form flickering, and helps the boy to his feet. Happiness seems to flow through the Oasis, as he and the kid hug tightly.

The omniportal opens, and Kiba runs through. He runs around until he finally find Kaelar.

"Kaelar somthing terrible has happened. I just heard from VTPJ that Candle Lighter's back."

Kiba wrote:

The omniportal opens, and Kiba runs through. He runs around until he finally find Kaelar.

"Kaelar somthing terrible has happened. I just heard from VTPJ that Candle Lighter's back."

*Kaelar utters a very bad word in Aquan, lucky that Rio's out of earshot. With a snap of his fingers, a very large crate appears.*

"I need to make preparations. Do what you can to warn the others."
*The crate expands until its as large as the forge at the Club. Kaelar enters, and the the small building floats down to the bottom of the Oasis's deepest pool, careful not to displace any underwater denizens.*

I luv going for a nice swim. It makes me feel reborn!

Kiba lets out a howl, and minutes later wolves of all kinds swarm through the Oasis.

"Okay, I need you to take these to the people they smell like. Run swiftly, my pack."

Kiba places a small scroll case in the mouth's of each wolf. When each wolf has a case, Kiba sends them out.

Basically, every ally our side has every had gets a case, which is a call to arms at the Oasis.

Peace LVR wrote:
I luv going for a nice swim. It makes me feel reborn!

You be staying out of this water. You is being too dirty. Some of us have to breathe this water.

What is being the matter? Who is being this Candle Lighter? And why is the Water Champion being so worry about him be back?

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Peace LVR wrote:
I luv going for a nice swim. It makes me feel reborn!

You be staying out of this water. You is being too dirty. Some of us have to breathe this water.

What is being the matter? Who is being this Candle Lighter? And why is the Water Champion being so worry about him be back?

Kiba explains all about CL to Nimora, leaving out a few of the more gory details.

"Kaelar has his own reason for his actions, but he will have to tell you if he wants anyone to know."

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Who is being this Candle Lighter?

I luv candles. They make everything soooo pretty.

I is be help if I can. But I can no travel away from water. I is very good with trident in water, but *shrug* is be hard to balance on land and very hard being breathe out of water long time. I is wanting to be of help.

Peace LVR wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Who is being this Candle Lighter?
I luv candles. They make everything soooo pretty.

*More than slightly annoyed...*

"Why don't you go talk to him then? I'm sure we'll all be better off if you can talk him out off any violence he's planned."

Kiba wrote:
Peace LVR wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Who is being this Candle Lighter?
I luv candles. They make everything soooo pretty.

*More than slightly annoyed...*

"Why don't you go talk to him then? I'm sure we'll all be better off if you can talk him out off any violence he's planned."

Do not be minding that one. It is not right in head.

Db3's Narrator wrote:
Oroth is startled by the raven's gift. He lets the shadow shield down, his form flickering, and helps the boy to his feet. Happiness seems to flow through the Oasis, as he and the kid hug tightly.

"I'm glad your alright lil'... guy. What's your name anyway?"

The Shadow wrote:
Db3's Narrator wrote:
Oroth is startled by the raven's gift. He lets the shadow shield down, his form flickering, and helps the boy to his feet. Happiness seems to flow through the Oasis, as he and the kid hug tightly.
"I'm glad your alright lil'... guy. What's your name anyway?"

*Smiling weakly, the kid seems confused.*

"My name's Aidan, but you know that br-"

*He's cut off by Oroth*

"Why don't we get you something to eat, huh?"

*The two walk off(though Aidan needs help), to find something to eat.*

Good Morning All! :)

The omniportal flared to life and Devlyn returned to the Oasis, jaw set, fists clenched. He knew that he needed to get away from the Grove and get back to the calming influence of his new home. No good would come of allies falling to bickering and coming to blows - not after recent events.

He crouched by the main pool, looking down at his reflection. "A few years ago, you wouldn't have put down an argument like that and just walked away," he said to himself. "Looks like you've finally grown up a bit, huh?"

He laughed at himself and splashed some water on his face. It felt good, soothing."Alright, time to make the rounds."

Devlyn looked back at the portal. "Allura must still be talking to Alaina..." Letting out a sigh, he went and made a circuit of the Oasis to make sure all was well, then returned to the pool for a long-overdue swim. He then got something to eat and parked under a tree, waiting for the others to return.

The omniportal flares to life as Alaina, JH, and LJ emerge. Those that knew her can see marked changes in Alaina's form. She seems a bit calmer and quieter than before, almost zen-like.

Alaina walks to the pond and dangles her feet in it. She still wears the clothes that Devlyn lent her. Surprisingly, her new demeanor seems to blunt the salacious thoughts that her previous persona would generate among the males in her presence. The shadow of the lust goddess has disappeared from her features.

"I'm going to have to see how the Solar Temple is doing soon," She says as the waters lap against her brown legs.

Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote:

The omniportal flares to life as Alaina, JH, and LJ emerge. Those that knew her can see marked changes in Alaina's form. She seems a bit calmer and quieter than before, almost zen-like.

Alaina walks to the pond and dangles her feet in it. She still wears the clothes that Devlyn lent her. Surprisingly, her new demeanor seems to blunt the salacious thoughts that her previous persona would generate among the males in her presence. The shadow of the lust goddess has disappeared from her features.

"I'm going to have to see how the Solar Temple is doing soon," She says as the waters lap against her brown legs.

Devlyn's eyes are still closed as he speaks from under the tree:

"Solar Temple? Oh, right. Sorry, mind was elsewhere."

Kaelar senses the presence of friends, and decides to let them relax before he tells them about Candle Lighter. Even if CL were to come before he told them, he'd know, and be able to prepare everyone. Besides they may already know. He continues his work.

Alaina smiles at the dalesman.

"Hello Devlyn. Are you OK? You look tired."

Alaina looks tired herself, and her eyes are red rimmed as if she was crying recently

*Alaina senses new fire, burning within someone at the Oasis, but she can't tell who it is.*

Alaina casts about, using her Greensight and her tie to the Sun to determine where this new energy is coming from

Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote:

Alaina smiles at the dalesman.

"Hello Devlyn. Are you OK? You look tired."

Alaina looks tired herself, and her eyes are red rimmed as if she was crying recently

Devlyn opens his eyes.

"I think the more important question is why you've been crying," as he looks at her and then LJ to see if she's in the same shape. "What happened after I left?"

Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote:
Alaina casts about, using her Greensight and her tie to the Sun to determine where this new energy is coming from

As Alaina talks to Delvyn and searches for the new flame, shadows darken her scrying, covering the Oasis in her mind's eye.

You didn't think I'd make it easy, did you?

The Dalesman wrote:

Alaina looks tired herself, and her eyes are red rimmed as if she was crying recently

Devlyn opens his eyes.

"I think the more important question is why you've been crying," as he looks at her and then LJ to see if she's in the same shape. "What happened after I left?"

A rude little flunkie of the Witch Hunter General brought up some bad memories in a very rude manner. Between him and KC's orb we decided a relocation was in order.

Allura walks over to Devlyn and sits beside him.
"There was a small green creature who decided to make everyone feel bad. First he asked impertinent questions about Alaina's transformation, then added some more impertinent questions about Lynora's transformation, and decided to cap it all off by letting them find out in the most awkward way possible that Acme Robot died destroying the Records Room, and accused the Jacks of causing his death. I don't know if I've ever seen another creature with such an enormous lack of tact as that one."

On the up side, Alaina is hotter than ever, Lyn really became the girl with faraway eyes, and Spring Sapling's gonna make every elf lord's head spin.

Down side, Lyn decided to return the everfull cooler to SunnyG.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Down side, Lyn decided to return the everfull cooler to SunnyG.

Is that why Jack is crying? :P

The Dalesman wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Down side, Lyn decided to return the everfull cooler to SunnyG.
Is that why Jack is crying? :P

Yep. It's a crime against nature.

Allura wrote:

Allura walks over to Devlyn and sits beside him.

"There was a small green creature who decided to make everyone feel bad. First he asked impertinent questions about Alaina's transformation, then added some more impertinent questions about Lynora's transformation, and decided to cap it all off by letting them find out in the most awkward way possible that Acme Robot died destroying the Records Room, and accused the Jacks of causing his death. I don't know if I've ever seen another creature with such an enormous lack of tact as that one."

"Well, it sounds like yesterday was just a peach of a day for all of us..." Devlyn says as Allura sits down. "I vote that we keep bad news to a minimum today. All in favor?"

He holds up his hand to her with a mischevious grin, then looks at the others.

Works for me.

Anyone have a catapult for launching peasants? That always makes for a fun day.

Jack Hammer wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Down side, Lyn decided to return the everfull cooler to SunnyG.
Is that why Jack is crying? :P
Yep. It's a crime against nature.

Nothing a few dozen shots of sake can't cure. You'll be fine ;)

LJ smiled and shook her head at the exchange.
I'm giving it to Alaina since she's SunnyG's herald now, not me. So she should have the relic. And I'm sure she'll still let you make use of it. That is, after all, what it is for.
Nimora, would you happen to have any more of that sake? Now seems like an appropriate time for it.

Nimora brings a net full of sake bottles to the surface.
I is get these when I went to hunt for lobsters early. I is notice that our group getting more big, and no less thirsty.

lynora-Jill wrote:

I'm giving it to Alaina since she's SunnyG's herald now, not me. So she should have the relic. And I'm sure she'll still let you make use of it. That is, after all, what it is for.

So I should be dating Alaina now? JH winks Since she has the source for never-ending booze...

Oww, just teasing.

Allura wrote:

Allura walks over to Devlyn and sits beside him.

"There was a small green creature who decided to make everyone feel bad. First he asked impertinent questions about Alaina's transformation, then added some more impertinent questions about Lynora's transformation, and decided to cap it all off by letting them find out in the most awkward way possible that Acme Robot died destroying the Records Room, and accused the Jacks of causing his death. I don't know if I've ever seen another creature with such an enormous lack of tact as that one."

"I can take care of the goober if you like," Poetry says.

First day of the new job went great. Just popped in to let you know I haven't died of paper cuts yet.

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