The Oasis of Still Water

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The Seductress wrote:
Allura wakes and stretches. Looking around, she smiles. "Good morning everyone," she says.

[Blink, Blink]

Ahh, the disorientation of waking up out of a hard sleep and not remembering where you are for that first fraction of a second. Whee... :)
Are we back at the central pool?

My timeline is all screwed up now :( LJ stepped away from the pool for a few minutes so as not to disturb the fun while she was getting her 'report' from the winds. She would have come back when there was a commotion, but I was away IRL. So now I'm not sure when it's supposed to be and how much my character would actually know about what was going on...

lynora-Jill wrote:
My timeline is all screwed up now :( LJ stepped away from the pool for a few minutes so as not to disturb the fun while she was getting her 'report' from the winds. She would have come back when there was a commotion, but I was away IRL. So now I'm not sure when it's supposed to be and how much my character would actually know about what was going on...

I'm right there with you. I have no idea what happened before DB3 showed back up. I don't know if Devlyn came back with Allura, or if she left him wherever they were by themselves. I don't want to jump back into dialogue if I wasn't there to hear anything...

Sorry, I had to go to sleep.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Sorry, I had to go to sleep.

No worries about that. It was late and all. But the whole good morning thing kinda threw me since some of us aren't sure now about what we do and don't know and did or didn't see.

lynora-Jill wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Sorry, I had to go to sleep.
No worries about that. It was late and all. But the whole good morning thing kinda threw me since some of us aren't sure now about what we do and don't know and did or didn't see.

Just assume you just got here. Continuity be damned.

Shadow Lodge

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Sorry, I had to go to sleep.
No worries about that. It was late and all. But the whole good morning thing kinda threw me since some of us aren't sure now about what we do and don't know and did or didn't see.
Just assume you just got here. Continuity be damned.


Okay. I'm ignoring the morning stuff and retroactively going back to the recently interrupted events.

LJ walks back to the pool when she hears the noise. She is surprised by the chaos that greets her.
Don't move, I swear I'm not attacking you, she says the the wounded eagle-man, drawing her bow and firing an arrow of positive energy into him, healing his burns.
Plantjack! You're alive!
Her eyes fall on the other two. I remember you. You wanted to tell us something, but then you got scared and left. oh! Who is this? She kneels beside the boy.
She listens to something for a moment.
You brought him from the dark carnival? The one where my sister is? What can you tell us about that place?

Alrighty, then Devlyn would still be elsewhere at the Oasis, as this dialogue was going on when he was away from the central pool. I'll figure out where Allura is when Dave logs back in.

So for the moment all I have to say is: [blub] :P

The Dalesman wrote:

Alrighty, then Devlyn would still be elsewhere at the Oasis, as this dialogue was going on when he was away from the central pool. I'll figure out where Allura is when Dave logs back in.

So for the moment all I have to say is: [blub] :P

Just have your guy come to see what the ruckus is. That's what I did :)

lynora-Jill wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

Alrighty, then Devlyn would still be elsewhere at the Oasis, as this dialogue was going on when he was away from the central pool. I'll figure out where Allura is when Dave logs back in.

So for the moment all I have to say is: [blub] :P

Just have your guy come to see what the ruckus is. That's what I did :)

I guess you're right - Allura already came back in that part of the conversation anyway. Okay, here we go:

The Seductress wrote:
"I'm a healer," Allura says as she walks out from the bushes, Taking a look at the boy as the Shadow setts him down, she frowns, "there is nothing wrong with this child."

Several minutes later, Devlyn emerges from the treeline, shaking water out of his hair.

"What's going on now? Did somebody find Alaina? And what is he doing here?" he says as he points to Oroth.

Sorry for the spotty postings but RL intrudes. As of yesterday I'm another year older. Took today off for mental health and have spent it cleaning and running errands. Getting old sucks!

JH races to the commotion. The stranger doesn't seem a threat but he feels uneasy towards him. The child is a vortex of reactions, cycling thru power, threat, and friend. He doesn't know how to react.

Jack Hammer wrote:

Sorry for the spotty postings but RL intrudes. As of yesterday I'm another year older. Took today off for mental health and have spent it cleaning and running errands. Getting old sucks!

JH races to the commotion. The stranger doesn't seem a threat but he feels uneasy towards him. The child is a vortex of reactions, cycling thru power, threat, and friend. He doesn't know how to react.

Happy belated birthday then! :)

*Sending to all*

The Fire Flower battles the evil ones in their own lair.

The child's soul is trapped in a Carnival of Pain. He is torn.

Choose your path heroes.

The Dalesman wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:

Sorry for the spotty postings but RL intrudes. As of yesterday I'm another year older. Took today off for mental health and have spent it cleaning and running errands. Getting old sucks!

JH races to the commotion. The stranger doesn't seem a threat but he feels uneasy towards him. The child is a vortex of reactions, cycling thru power, threat, and friend. He doesn't know how to react.

Happy belated birthday then! :)

[Elvis]Thank you. Thank you very much.[/Elvis]

Jack Hammer wrote:

Sorry for the spotty postings but RL intrudes. As of yesterday I'm another year older. Took today off for mental health and have spent it cleaning and running errands. Getting old sucks!

Happy Birthday!!! :) (I'm one of those annoying people who still thinks birthdays are cool even though I'm in my thirties. Getting older is no big deal.)

lynora wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:

Sorry for the spotty postings but RL intrudes. As of yesterday I'm another year older. Took today off for mental health and have spent it cleaning and running errands. Getting old sucks!

Happy Birthday!!! :) (I'm one of those annoying people who still thinks birthdays are cool even though I'm in my thirties. Getting older is no big deal.)

Thanks. You're only as old as your avatar. Oh crap, my main one is an ancient tree!

Emperor7 wrote:

*Sending to all*

The Fire Flower battles the evil ones in their own lair.

The child's soul is trapped in a Carnival of Pain. He is torn.

Choose your path heroes.

"WHAT!?!? Okay - I assume between all present we now know how to get to both of these places? If so, what are we dealing with, foe-wise, in each location?"

"And do we think we have the stuff to hit both at once...?"

Emperor7 wrote:

*Sending to all*

The Fire Flower battles the evil ones in their own lair.

The child's soul is trapped in a Carnival of Pain. He is torn.

Choose your path heroes.

LJ looks up at the mysterious visitor who brought the child here. I will try to help him as best I can, but right now Alaina can't wait. She is in danger and I must help her. After I will try to help this one. My sister is part of this dark carnival, and that tells me that they are dangerous enemies, to be approached with care and caution. Wait here.

She stands up and looks over at JH.
I am going to help Alaina now. We need to hurry so I am going to use the speed of the wind. I fear the ground there may be tainted. Will you allow me to convey you there through the air?

The Dalesman wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

*Sending to all*

The Fire Flower battles the evil ones in their own lair.

The child's soul is trapped in a Carnival of Pain. He is torn.

Choose your path heroes.

"WHAT!?!? Okay - I assume between all present we now know how to get to both of these places? If so, what are we dealing with, foe-wise, in each location?"

"And do we think we have the stuff to hit both at once...?"

*Sending replies*

Both locations are filled with foes, some old some new. The evil I feel, the paths are blocked to my senses.

The Dalesman wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

*Sending to all*

The Fire Flower battles the evil ones in their own lair.

The child's soul is trapped in a Carnival of Pain. He is torn.

Choose your path heroes.

"WHAT!?!? Okay - I assume between all present we now know how to get to both of these places? If so, what are we dealing with, foe-wise, in each location?"

"And do we think we have the stuff to hit both at once...?"

Yes, the winds gave me a report on each. No, there isn't time for a full explanation now. No, we don't have enough to hit both locations at once. Beware the dark carnival. There's a lot I still don't understand going on there.

Emperor7 wrote:

*Sending replies*

Both locations are filled with foes, some old some new. The evil I feel, the paths are blocked to my senses.

"Got it. Alright LJ - since I knew you were going to go after Alaina, we probably need to concentrate our effort to make sure a strike there succeeds."

lynora-Jill wrote:

She stands up and looks over at JH.
I am going to help Alaina now. We need to hurry so I am going to use the speed of the wind. I fear the ground there may be tainted. Will you allow me to convey you there through the air?


Alright, Devlyn and anyone else who is coming stand near to JH. We are leaving now.

Once everyone who is coming has assembled she will use the winds to quickly transport everyone to the Palace of Skulls.

Devlyn stands next to JH and then fades from view
Stealth Mode engaged :P

"Sirone - time to bring those wards up for the Oasis. We'll be back as soon as we can!"

A portal rips open in the air - the result of ancient and powerful Thassilonian magic - and dozens of goblins begin to tumble through, shouting and screaming. A couple of them set up a booth where the others start tossing aside their weapons and armour, before running towards the pools shouting something about a 'summer holiday'. A couple of them have buckets brim full of lobsters which they start to toss to the octopus if he surfaces...

I'm away from the computer for several hours now. Assume the goblins are a nuisance, but don't cause any serious trouble, unless something bad shows up, in which case they will be trying to hastily re-arm and fight it.

Happy birthday!
And to Charles: I'm guessing Spring Break?

*Oroth chooses to stay and protect the child. Letting his illusion when none but the goblins and Sky remain. He trusts the shapeshifter for some reason. Sky returns to his tree.*

Jack Hammer wrote:
Sorry for the spotty postings but RL intrudes. As of yesterday I'm another year older. Took today off for mental health and have spent it cleaning and running errands. Getting old sucks!

Yes Happy Birthday! You always have to look at the upsides of things. You might be older and full of chores, but no one can tell you how to spend your income! (well, maybe your wife, but hopefully she's nice about it:)

Also I am in and out doing the inevitable cleaning chores meself ..

Spring break? That sounds a distinctly US institution, and I post from the UK....
No, that was pure Friday night television dramas, followed by some analysis of Axis & Allies. Back to business, however....

Throughout the afternoon the goblins splash around in the pool and feed the octopus, annoy the other oasis residents generally or lie around on the edges of the pool wearing very little. Hmmm. I wonder what colour a green skinned goblin sunburns??? By evening some of them are shouting, arguing, shrieking, and accusing one another of being 'silly dumbass goblin', usually the latter whilst applying some sort of salve from crude white clayware pots to one another's areas of sun-crisped skin.
Some of them get campfires going and start to toast some sort of puffy white fungus on sticks over them.
Eventually they finish eating, and most of them eventually settle in for the night.

Speaking of which, I believe that I will too. Goodnight.

Assuming this is the heroes destination.

:: The Fire Flower is badly hurt and is at the Ancient Place.

*Rio and Kaelar stumble into the Oasis after being transported there by LJ's winds. Rio lets his pokemon out so they can have a well deserved rest.*

"You dropped something a few days ago," Poetry says handing Rio the box with the Pokeballs. "I've been trying to find you to give them back."

"So who are we going after," Allura asks LJ. "Assuming of course that we don't split our forces and deal with both problems at the same time."

LJ fires a few arrows of positive energy into JH as soon as they arrive at the Oasis, healing his wounds from fighting the undead. She looks exhausted.
In answer to Allura'a question, "The Palace of Skulls has destroyed itself. The evil ones have taken themselves off someplace else. I don't know where. We lost Alaina again."
Listening to the wind that came to report from where it had been guarding Club Calistria.
"Alaina and Serafina got into a showdown at Club Calistria. The Club has been destroyed."
Finally registering the words of the treant. "Alaina is badly hurt and at the grove. I must go to her."

"Okay, I can do this," she says with a tired sigh, closing her eyes for just a moment. As she does, her body becomes translucent, glowing with sparkling points of light like stars in the night sky. When she opens her eyes they are once again filled with a galaxy of stars going on into infinity. Then she is once more her normal self only looking much less tired.
"I am going to fly to the grove. Alaina needs help."

She effectively just cast restoration on herself. The display is all flavor text.

Grumbling slightly at the early morning return of the travelers so soon after sunrise, the goblins rouse themselves, and start to clear up. There are many squabbles over who has 'borrowed' someone else's sword, and complaints about mushroom wine the previous night, as they clear up, and regird themselves.
A portal tears open again, and the Runelord stands in the entry, watching sternly as the goblins file past back to where-ever it is that they came from.

You have a problem.
The Runelord addreses the assassin.
We all have problems but you have perhaps more than most. Your past may be coming to catch up with you.
The Runelord turns and departs, behind the last goblin, and the portal closes again, winking out as if the tear between the planes had never been.

Make of that what you will; Poetry can take that anywhere that she wants... It could be related to one of the current arcs, or something completely different.

The Assassin wrote:
"You dropped something a few days ago," Poetry says handing Rio the box with the Pokeballs. "I've been trying to find you to give them back."

*Rio grasps the box gently, and places it in his pack.*

"Thank you."

*Those nearby see something large fall from the sky, causing a large cloud of sand to fly into the air. It's followed by a much smaller object. A minute later, the man in red from the Club Calistria walks over a dune. He settles in the shade of a nearby tree after giving a nod of greeting to Rio.*

Please see my comments on the OTD OCC thread please.

Okay, I think I'm up to speed now. I'll have him just waking at the Oasis:

After the maelstron that was the battle at the Palace of Skulls, Devlyn was just able to get back to LJ in time and return to the Oasis with the others. The news of Alaina's battle at the Club, and its final destruction, is still difficult to fathom. Then news came of Alaina's reappearance at the Grove of the Ancients, with LJ and JH going to try to help her.

Not being able to help at all with Alaina' healing, and with his own injuries from the battle to tend to, Devlyn remained at the Oasis to heal, and in case anyone else returned here. He greeted the new arrivals (Rio, DBJ, and any others who came), then made his way to one of the clearings nearby the pool to gather his thoughts and process everything that happened. As his wounds started to heal, sleep claimed him for a few hours.

He wakes up, lying on the soft loam, and spends a moment taking in the sights and sounds (and scents) of morning at the Oasis...

A large pupilled eye greets Devlyn at hand's length as he awakes. Ethelbert, ever curious, has wandered over to see what's going on, and if there are any lobsters to mooch

Ethelbert the Octopus wrote:
A large pupilled eye greets Devlyn at hand's length as he awakes. Ethelbert, ever curious, has wandered over to see what's going on, and if there are any lobsters to mooch

Devlyn starts at the sight of the octopus on his chest looking at him. Not the worst way to wake up in the morning, but damn sure not the best either... :D

"Morning Ethelbert. Please tell me you can breathe air, and that I don't need to be panicking about you suffocating up here. The underwater portal's secure?"

Ethelbert blinks, then slides back down, heading for his post. (which he had forgotten in his hunger)

Nimora swims up with a crate full of lobster.
Bad Ethelbert! I is trust you to be watching gate while I is catch your food! I is thinking you no deserve delicious lobsters.

"Good morning," Allura says with a smile. "I trust you slept well?"

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

Nimora swims up with a crate full of lobster.

Bad Ethelbert! I is trust you to be watching gate while I is catch your food! I is thinking you no deserve delicious lobsters.

Ethelbert gives Nimora sad octopus eyes

Ethelbert the Octopus wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

Nimora swims up with a crate full of lobster.

Bad Ethelbert! I is trust you to be watching gate while I is catch your food! I is thinking you no deserve delicious lobsters.
Ethelbert gives Nimora sad octopus eyes

Oh, alright. But I is being very cross with you. You no guard gate, I no more give you lobsters.

She tosses him the crate.

Shadow Post #7 - let's try that reply again... :P

Allura wrote:
"Good morning," Allura says with a smile. "I trust you slept well?"

Devlyn is half smiling and shaking his head as Ethelbert get reprimanded by Nimora. At the sound of Allura's voice he turns and smiles gently back at her.

"I think so, though I hadn't intended to sleep at all. I guess the body had other ideas," he says as he sits up, verifying that his wounds have healed. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I tended to the wounds of the others as best I could, and when I went to find where you had gone, you were already asleep. You looked too peaceful to disturb. I hope you don't mind that I left you there."

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