untitled, II

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Liberty's Edge



Vinnie Grett Dretching wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Ya got thet raht Froggie!

My pappy once told me that those dadburned hippehs eat froggie-legs! Every durn hippeh could use a round of buckshot in da butt.

{giggles quietly to self} **Yes! I could subvert these country folk into an army against the poodles... an army immune to the poodles' aura of stupidity!**

Not dese froggieh legs!


Dang hippeh!

Liberty's Edge


:: snakes out from behind a bunch of boxes in the alley. Keeping low, all action-style, and looks around this thread.

"What is going on here??" I scream.


Geeeyit ye hippeh commie!

Offa mah lawn raht now!

Liberty's Edge


You didn't see my gun, did you?

:: your ribbons. with flecks of stuff. what is that?

Edit: this is the alley scene in Highlander. gah.

Nasty Pajamas wrote:

:: snakes out from behind a bunch of boxes in the alley. Keeping low, all action-style, and looks around this thread.

"What is going on here??" I scream.

Them ain't no boxes, them thar's Heathy's projeck cars. That ain't no alley neither, that thar's the privy.


Might wanna go set in thar a spell, you ain't smellen right, what with those nasty hippeh payjamas on

Liberty's Edge



Big Mammy Grillz wrote:
Nasty Pajamas wrote:

:: snakes out from behind a bunch of boxes in the alley. Keeping low, all action-style, and looks around this thread.

"What is going on here??" I scream.

Them ain't no boxes, them thar's Heathy's projeck cars. That ain't no alley neither, that thar's the privy.


Might wanna go set in thar a spell, you ain't smellen right, what with those nasty hippeh payjamas on

omg! Reverse beer goggles.

Liberty's Edge












pair of nasty pajamas!



Scarab Sages

Whut inna hell's goin on roun heer!! Ah go tuh sleep fer uh spell, ah come back, n'thuh threds crawlin with hippehs!! Dang it fellas, ain't nobuddy got uh shotgun?

I gave mine to Squiddley, but he went out back to get another jug o' corn squeezins.

Opens up big garish-colored purse, pulls out large twig with inlaid opal handle and several etched runes.

Listen up hippehs! I gots me great-granmama's wand here, an' I reckon Froggyboy'll have a lot of new playmates on the lilypads lessin' yew all make tracks


Scarab Sages

Goddang hippehs! Yew tellum Mamma!

This thread has jumped the shark.

Scarab Sages

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
This thread has jumped the shark.

Ain't thet whut thet Fonzee feller did inna TV show uh cuple yeers back. Ah shur did think thet wuz kinda funneh. So yer sayin we're as cool as Fonzee?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Fonzee ain't no hippeh, thet's fer shor.

Scarab Sages

Ayup. Korse, thet Lizerd Boah ain't nevuh lahk us nohow. Ah think its cuz we knowed fer uh long tahm they he's one uh them dang hippehs.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Ah alluhs suspekted.

*opens PBR*

Dadgum Kobaldt hippehs.


*pops open anothe PBR*

[advertizing]Hey buddies, Wolfgang Baur's Halls of the Mountaing King will be released next week and this is the last chance to join and get it. After its released, it won't be up for sal. Its a patrons-only project. This baby is a 170+ pages adventure and patrons get the gazetteer for free, thats another 30+ pages of goodies. I'm advertising this because I was honored to participate with around 12 pieces of art :D. So if you like Wolfgang's products and my stuff, this one Adventure is a good option :D [/advertizing]

*Drinks up all the PBR and pops up another one*


Sovereign Court

Big Mammy Grillz wrote:

I gave mine to Squiddley, but he went out back to get another jug o' corn squeezins.

Opens up big garish-colored purse, pulls out large twig with inlaid opal handle and several etched runes.

Listen up hippehs! I gots me great-granmama's wand here, an' I reckon Froggyboy'll have a lot of new playmates on the lilypads lessin' yew all make tracks


<staggers back in with a jug in one hand and Sarajuana in the other, shooting into the under growth as well>

Gitcher dirty hippeh hindquarters outta hyar, ya dang hippehs!


Mammy, it wer horridble! Ah done went ta th' still and them hippehs was everwhar! Ah done tolt em to scoot er ah'd let Sarajuana givem a good talkin ta. When ah done sed Sarajuana, they done got all eagerlike an' askt to git a hit from good ol' Sarajuana. It skairt the bejeesis outta meh! Hippehs not skairt ofa shotgun!? Whut in tarnation's wrong wit tha wirlt?!

Soes ah done hit 'em wit Sarajuana, but they dinnit like thet too much soes they done run off. Ah done fillt their hindquarters with 'bout 10 pounds a lead as they was runnin' off in th' woods.



Here be yer shotgun Mammy, an a fresh jug frum down yonder.

<hands over Sarajuana and a fresh jug to Mammy>

Sovereign Court

Kruelaid wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:


"Yer jes plain unAmerican boah."


(I just wanted to shoot Kruelaid)



KC gave me $5 to do it.

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Dark Archive

zylphryx wrote:
Gitcher dirty hippeh hindquarters outta hyar, ya dang hippehs! <BLAM> ...DANG HIPPEHS!!! <BLAM>

Call me a hippeh?! Them's dangerously close to feuding words, boy. Just for that, y'all can't have none of meh 'Lightning, brewed fresh in meh ole '57 Chevy radiator. {sips deeply from lead glazed mug} Yep, that's mighteh good.... {sips} with just a shotglass of diesel for a twist.

Scarab Sages

Ya cain't fool us hippeh. Evybuddy roun heer knows whut kinduh hippeh yew is. We kin tell from yer funneh way o'tawkin. Yer probly wun uh them Eyetalyun citeh hippehs, judjin by yer name.

Pulls from fresh jug, wheezes and points Sarajuana downrange

Thankee sai Squiddley. Why use magic when buckshot will do? Naow you hippehs SCRAM!

*click click*


Scarab Sages

Yew tellum Mammy. Goddang hippehs.

Dark Archive

Aberzombie wrote:
Ya cain't fool us hippeh. Evybuddy roun heer knows whut kinduh hippeh yew is. We kin tell from yer funneh way o'tawkin. Yer probly wun uh them Eyetalyun citeh hippehs, judjin by yer name.

I kant help howah wah named, it were my mammah (durn succubus, rest her sole). We Dretches are from a long line of Southerners... from the deep, deep, way deep down South. We bin dere sins da original war wit o' Northern Ahgresson!

Ah ain't no goldurned hippeh and ah ain't no darnblasted Northerner from New Yawk City!

Aberzombie wrote:
Ah reckon so.

Why so glum?

Scarab Sages

Nasty Pajamas wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Ah reckon so.

Why so glum?

Whut thuh hell're yuh tawkin bout hippeh? An whut inna hell didja call me? Glum? Sounz lahk sumthin wunna them french hippehs'd cook iniz kichen.


Sovereign Court

reckin' so

Scarab Sages

Reckin'ed ya'll sill be here.

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