monk by many names's page

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here is some REALLY bad gaming ettiquette on my part.

so my friend robert wanted to get some experience as a GM, since our regularly scheduled game tonight had gotten cancelled due to the GM being to tired. so we all meet at rob's house and he has us roll up our characters and for some reason I felt the urge to make a CE wizard.

since this was his first game as a GM, I didn't expect the game to run anywhere near as smooothly as ourusual ones but nonetheless I played along. Robert decided to make a story revolving on a shipwreck and zombies in a small desert, sothings were...dry...anyways combat started off with me casting a magic missile then a few ray of frost during my following turns...I got bored, so I took my little sociopathic wiz and copped a squat on a nearby boulder while my teammates fought the zombies valiantly...robert started to call me a coward so I replied "I'm CE, though I enjoy killing...a lot, I don't really care for the killing of undead creatures" 'cause when you think of it, it's like taking store brand frozen yogurt over ben&jerry's.

but anyways back to the battle. after a short movement I found myself at a conveniently placed ballista which led to me shooting at the zombies while cackling maniacally. then the monk went down...eventually dying because he kept rolling under 10...then I turned the ballista to my ranger teammate who had 2 hp left, shot him and he also failed to stabilize so he was kaputz. I opened a chest and their was a book within it...I said screw it and left to get water then I proceeded to desecrate my fallen party member's graves

-the end

made of wenises

Reckless wrote:

Something to consider that probably has not been suggested: allow monks to replace base weapon damage of monk weapons with their unarmed damage base.

Suddenly, you gain slashing, piercing, trip, disarm, and short ranged monk attacks that actually mean something and can be enhanced just like any other weapons.


this would do wonders for the class,but in order to balance it, keep the threat range and crit of the UA instead of adopting the weapons, unless the UA damage is lower than the weapons damage normally

what would fix monks...a creative player

'nuff said

Krigare wrote:
monk by many names wrote:

I can see why you don't think greatswords/greataxes shouldn't work as the stand alones in a flurry. While it sounds very overpowered mechanically, if you run this scenario of a monk flurryig with a greatsword in your mind, it frankly doesn't seem like it'd work, given the sheer weight of the weapon and the number of attacks in a given flurry.

for a lvl 20 monk the # of attacks is 7. this would equate to 1 attak every .86 seconds, then adding a ki strike makes an 8th attack gives you an attack every .75 seconds, then a haste.... let's just say things get more and more unbalanced as you go on

I cannot see anyone making that many attacks with a greatsword in such a concise time frame.

guisarmes,scythes and other 2HW work just fine (except for maybe greataxes) so the only problem is a greatsword

but just for humor's sake if by some perversion of strength and plausibility, monks were allowed to flurry with greatswords they'd surely need to be fatigued for 1d4 round simply based on the physical exertion....

but anyways, you've got a good system going on here, keep it up

If it was the real world, I would have to agree. On the other hand...since we are talking about some place where (at 20th level) a guy can simply wish things different and a holy man can truely conjure a miracle when he needs one, is it really to much of a stretch to imagine that a guy devoted to using a greatsword can attack that fast?

no, but in order to do that without dislocating your shoulder from swinging a 14 lb sword around that fast would be to spin with it, almost as if you were doing a hammer throw.

but to adress you point about uber powers at 20th level for other classes, they all got abilities that were both awesome and becoming of their classes while monks become "outsiders" and gain a paltry DR 10/magic thogh it should be DR X/melee

I can see why you don't think greatswords/greataxes shouldn't work as the stand alones in a flurry. While it sounds very overpowered mechanically, if you run this scenario of a monk flurryig with a greatsword in your mind, it frankly doesn't seem like it'd work, given the sheer weight of the weapon and the number of attacks in a given flurry.

for a lvl 20 monk the # of attacks is 7. this would equate to 1 attak every .86 seconds, then adding a ki strike makes an 8th attack gives you an attack every .75 seconds, then a haste.... let's just say things get more and more unbalanced as you go on

I cannot see anyone making that many attacks with a greatsword in such a concise time frame.

guisarmes,scythes and other 2HW work just fine (except for maybe greataxes) so the only problem is a greatsword

but just for humor's sake if by some perversion of strength and plausibility, monks were allowed to flurry with greatswords they'd surely need to be fatigued for 1d4 round simply based on the physical exertion....

but anyways, you've got a good system going on here, keep it up

these are beautiful, they aren't too powerful, yet balance out at higher levels to mak the class worthwhile post lvl 11.

the idea of bonded weapons is an aweesome concept that I wish I came up with and was implemented in my games, as I play a monk, who sadly isn't able to live up to his potential as master of the fist who is also surprisingly deadly with even the most mundane weapons

I've always found perfect self to be more than slightly wonky since the DR10/chaotic should be DR10/melee, since resistance to alignments only work 1/3 of the time and if any class were to have DR/ chaos it should be Paladins. but for the purpose of fillers to make this even slightly viable for a class feat, it was just thrown in there


pair of nasty pajamas!

Seldriss wrote:
Azhagal wrote:

5.[insert "it is very hot" in french]

"C'est très chaud".

At your service ;)

thanks...and Omelette de Fromage to you sir

Moorluck wrote:

Dear Emma Frost...

Cyclops, really? I mean couldn't you do any better than Scott Summers?

what, was I supposed to hook up with Beast, heck a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do..

Mac Boyce wrote:

Dear Spider-Man,

Why do you only piss off powerful people in your life?? Norman Osborn & JJJ for example. I know that Norman's a jerk, but JJJ was just annoying and is now hunting you down. Good job moron.

for the same reason that my webbing comes out of my wrists instead of my *cough* butt...nobody knows

Leeroy Jenkins wrote:

Dear Superman,

How do you keep your hair cut? Isn't your hair as strong as steel and shouldn't it regenerate as quickly as the rest of your cells?

YBF (*your biggest fan*)

well, the thing is...kryptonians don't actually have hair so we get toupees surgically sewn onto us as babies

Ross Byers wrote:

I wish magic was real.


Wizards top execs amake deals with the devil to animate their cards, because of this humans are now under the control of what was once paper and ink

I wish I became an elemental

Mishi wrote:

Natalia Crow

Hope you like it and sorry for taking so long!

thats awesome!

I'd really want to be one, they are second to none in coolness....cept maybe deez nutz(bad joke) anyhow summoning seems like it'd be beyond awesome and reaaly darn fun if ya ask me!

would you want to be a summoner?

if so, what would you summon?

oooh....would you multiclass as a summoner if that were a class?
I know I would....

I am a monk with the "throw anything" skillbecause of this, I am able to use anything(within my power) as a weapon.
1. my dwarven teammate
2. silver pieces
3. gold pieces
4. a carcass
5. a torch
6. Hydra head gauntlets(oh yeah, I beheaded a hydra and had a teammate turn it's heads into weapons)
7. magic balls, when my cleric teammate give them to me.

so those are all of the alternative weapons I've had the liberty of using, what're yours?

Dragonborn Junior wrote:
"And did you? Slay it with minimal diffuculty that is."

yes...however I do not dare face the Zhedal alone

Full Name

Sergei Surtova




Gunslinger (Pistolero) 2


HP 21 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 15 | F +5 | R +6 | W +2 | Init +5 | Per +7




Lawful Neutral

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 11

About Sergei Surtova

Sergei Surtova
Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 2
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 21 (2d10+5)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Throwing axe +3 (1d6+1/x2)
Ranged Pistol +6 (1d8/x4)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Gunsmithing, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Pistol)
Traits Noble Born - Surtova, Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +2, Climb +0, Craft (alchemy) +5, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +7, Profession (gambler) +6, Ride +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +2, Survival +6, Swim +0
Languages Common
SQ deed: gunslinger's dodge (+2 ac), deed: quick clear, grit, up close and deadly +1d6
Combat Gear Alchemist's fire, Sunrod (2); Other Gear Studded leather armor, Alchemical cartridge (paper) (5), Black powder (10), Firearm bullet (30), Pistol, Throwing axe (2), Backpack (42 @ 12.741 lbs), Gunsmith's kit, Manacles, Powder horn (10 @ 0 lbs), Waterskin, 12 GP
Special Abilities
Deed: Gunslinger's Dodge (+2 AC) (Ex) Use 1 grit, immediately move 5 ft/drop prone to gain 1x/2x bonus to AC vs ranged attack.
Deed: Quick Clear (Ex) While have grit, remove the effects of a misfire. Use 1 grit to do as move action.
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Noble Born - Surtova +2 damage with light or one-handed weapons vs. flat-footed opponents
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Up Close and Deadly +1d6 At 1st level, when the pistolero hits a target with a one-handed firearm that is not making a scatter shot, she can spend 1 grit point to deal 1d6 points of extra damage on a hit. If she misses with the attack, she grazes the target, dealing half the damage anyways.


Sergei tries to maintain a dignified appearance at all times and tends to dress in dark or earth-tone clothing; though he isn't opposed to wearing lighter colors and can typically be found in them during the hotter months. It is obvious from the few scars on his hands and face that he has been in several fights which resulted in injury. He has a pistol hanging from his belt at the hip.
Sergei keeps his hair chopped short and maintains a healthy amount of facial hair. He keeps it well-trimmed through as not to look like an outrageous wild-man to be mistaken for a bandit.


Sergei spent his early life in Port Ice, but moved with several of the family to New Stetven after all of House Rogarvia vanished. He was married to one of the young widow's in a political move to bring the fractured lands of House Rogarvia under Surtova control. It was politics at the beginning but Sergei came to enjoy the company of his wife and eventually found that he loved her after a couple years. He may lived a fine life of luxury if things did not end abruptly on the southern road to a diplomatic conference with the Swordlords of Restov. Storms had washed out some roads forcing them to take an alternate route on the southern road which skimmed the Stolen Lands and his convoy was attacked by bandits who rained arrows on them killing the few soldiers that they had easily.
His wife died to a stray arrow that came through the curtains of the carriage. That bandits took everything and beat those that remained into unconsciousness to search their bodies. Either lucky or unlucky Sergei survived the beating at the hands of the bandits. He spent the next two years being arrested several times, three of the times for “keeping and being found in a house of ill-repute”. The only thing that kept him from spending extended amounts of time in jail was his connection to the Lord Regent, and even that was beginning to wear thin as the Lord Regent pushed to be recognized as King.

His family was forced to give him a purpose again or in their opinion put him somewhere that he couldn't do as much harm. He was given a commission of law enforcement in a small village for one year, and developed a solid reputation during that time as a lawman. He spent the next couple years in accepting commissions of law enforcement in villages on several border towns. His reputation as a law-man grew as did his reputation for dealing (albeit violently) with bandits.