“Takin’ It Easy” UnThread

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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I swear to Adabar ladies, I just dropped my MARS bar...its not what you think.....

"How come nobody ever complains about Ezren using the Ladies' Bath?"

Liberty's Edge

Valeros: "wha....I thought everybody had a crown on their lil' kobold king."

Sovereign Court

"Shield maidens? How could I be so unobservant?"

Scarab Sages

"C'mon, Seoni didn't run away!"

Dark Archive

What Valeros didn't realise was he had just rolled a natural one on his spot check.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

"That bloody bath attendant told me they were all out of towels, so where did you get those?"

Sovereign Court

"Doppelganger? I don't even know her. Hooah!"

Edit: I just saw that one entry per person part. Egg on my face.

Sovereign Court

Selk wrote:

Edit: I just saw that one entry per person part. Egg on my face.

Pshaw. Rules are for losers!

"So, I said to Karzoug, well you're just gonna - Whoa Nelly! SHE'S NEKKID!"

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Ezren: <dreaming> "....mmmMMMMmmmmm Bea Arthur ....."

Merisiel and Kyra in unison: "EWWWWW VALEROS! I can't believe you just peed in the pool!"

Valeros: "Ladies c'mon! It's all chlorinated baby! Just enjoy the warmth."

Unidentified Skulking Pool Attendant with a Falchion: "I knew it. The minute that Valeros guy walked in here I took one look at him and knew he was a pool pisser. I just knew it. Chlorine hasn't even been invented yet. Do you have any idea how tired I am of scrubbing adventurer urine from the pool? They raid a dungeon, come in here to relax, and think they can just piss wherever they want.


That's it, I'm just gonna shank him."

Liberty's Edge

"We all hope that's his knee cap..."

"We're both too old to be shy, why don't you get back and we"PG-13 DAMMIT!

This restriction is so bad. The picture screams for rowdier humour.

"1..2..3! Not quite fast enough! Now we"PG-13 DAMMIT!

You're killing me!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And then Valeros woke up...

"Damnit! I was just getting to the good part!"

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My Caption

Valeros: "I assure you ladies it IS MASTERWORK... Come on! I just drank a potion of Endurance and... "

That and Still/Silent Spells cast by Ezren:

Special Variation of Reduce Person('s Lil Pecker) on Valeros [failed his save],
Invisibility and Water Breathing on Lem,
Arcane Eye in the pool,
Hand of the Frisky Apprentice on just about everywhere

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

"Aww..c'mon...You weren't all shy with Ezren!"

Dark Archive

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
joela wrote:
Cover art for Pathfinder RPG?
We'll I'm certainly glad that ISN'T it Spoiler McSpoilsalot. :P

Oh, pleaze. Don't start accusing me of anything or I'll b+#!~slap you all the way to RuPaul's new reality show. :)

This is the age of the internet. if it's on-line, it's like taking your sex tapes* to the fotoshop. tell ur artists and writers that if they wan to keep things Top Secret, keep them off-line, preferably under lock, key, and with a basilisk slumbering on top.

*speaking of which, your third volume was boring. that split over the bed was so posed!

Merisiel gets an ad-hoc award of some kind for Standing There Looking Like That.

(Seriously, the right-hand end of this pic may qualify as the Best Thing Ever.)

The more I think about Wes' response, the more it sounds like a tacit admission. If so, three cheers for Spoiler McSpoilsalot!

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

The already bloody knife makes me think:

"Relax, Harsk will be back with our fruit and wine any minute now."

Sovereign Court

joela wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
joela wrote:
Cover art for Pathfinder RPG?
We'll I'm certainly glad that ISN'T it Spoiler McSpoilsalot. :P

Oh, pleaze. Don't start accusing me of anything or I'll b@@&*slap you all the way to RuPaul's new reality show. :)

This is the age of the internet. if it's on-line, it's like taking your sex tapes* to the fotoshop. tell ur artists and writers that if they wan to keep things Top Secret, keep them off-line, preferably under lock, key, and with a basilisk slumbering on top.

*speaking of which, your third volume was boring. that split over the bed was so posed!

I thought it was artistic. The soft light, the hay bales...

Anyway, F. Wesley Shneiderblestein had to put himself through school somehow.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

blah, blah, blah, exploitive artwork, blah, blah, blah, cheesecake art leads to repression of women, blah, blah, blah

Okay, that debate's covered, on to the captioning!*

*Not by me of course. Someone with a sense of humor should be captioning. I'm only here to stir up controversy.

By the way fellow posters, at least now we have confirmation of which female Iconic Meresiel has the hearts for.

: )

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
The more I think about Wes' response, the more it sounds like a tacit admission. If so, three cheers for Spoiler McSpoilsalot!

And Chad Bartlett's sleuthing found that, credit where credit is due. : D

Dark Archive

Selk wrote:
joela wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
joela wrote:
Cover art for Pathfinder RPG?
We'll I'm certainly glad that ISN'T it Spoiler McSpoilsalot. :P

Oh, pleaze. Don't start accusing me of anything or I'll b@@&*slap you all the way to RuPaul's new reality show. :)

This is the age of the internet. if it's on-line, it's like taking your sex tapes* to the fotoshop. tell ur artists and writers that if they wan to keep things Top Secret, keep them off-line, preferably under lock, key, and with a basilisk slumbering on top.

*speaking of which, your third volume was boring. that split over the bed was so posed!

I thought it was artistic. The soft light, the hay bales...

The glint of blue off the viagra....

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Step away from the keyboard and remain where you are. The desire police will be along momentarily to take your fun away.

Dark Archive

Dragnmoon wrote:

Take a look at the Pic they want the Caption for...

Hubba Hubba...

Caption: Adventure is closer than you think. -Valeros

BTW- Can that be used as page art for the page that talks about surprise rules? just a thought. :lecherous grin:

OMG! Underling!! That's just wrong, funny, but wrong. (See next post)

Scarab Sages

Valeros: "Haha, that reminds me of a story Lem told me about you, Meresiel. This one time, at Bard camp..."

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

rockfall22 wrote:
"So, I said to Karzoug, well you're just gonna - Whoa Nelly! SHE'S NEKKID!"


Sovereign Court

Le Cacahuète Galerie wrote:
By the way fellow posters, at least now we have confirmation of which female Iconic Meresiel has the hearts for.

I always thought Meresiel hearts Seelah. They're both playing on the same intellectual air hockey table, judging by their stats. They can play the "I love you more than sunshine" game while the other iconics sort through the plot.

And the Hooded Physician of the Ebon Brisk was quite distraught:

“I told that adventurer not to go into water for two days after his vasectomy and he can’t even wait two minutes … oi vay!”

Sovereign Court

Looking at the location of Valeros' hand I thought the obvious caption would be:

"Whaaaaat? I thought she'd appreciate the sneak attack!"

I have used the classic "back stab" but we are trying to keep things tasteful.

"NO! For the third time: We did NOT order the 'Bloodbath Special'!"

The Exchange

"Kyra protects her assets"

The Exchange

What? Those bubbles are the Jacuuzi, I swear!

Dark Archive

The assassin soon learned why the staff and other clients vacated the spa after the adventurers arrived....

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Valeros: Ladies, Ladies, there is no cause for alarm. Soon you too will come to love "The Titan".

Dark Archive

Valeros: "Cmon ladies, you HAD to know that 'taking off my codpiece' had nothing to do with fish!"

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

This thread made a lot more sense once I realized we weren't still talking about the dragon pic.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Ninja with bloody sword… Bare breasts… Ninja with bloody sword… Bare breasts… Bare breasts wins!

Dark Archive

My Caption:

Ha Ha! It never fails ... Lets make an example of this one <ROAR>

Valeros: "Is that the pizza delivery man I just heard coming in, Kyra?"

Valeros - "I'm only trying to up my Experience! Wouldn't you like to take it to the next Level?"

Liberty's Edge

Valeros: "Come on! I am sure I could use Grab when she provoked my AoO jumping away"
Kira: "No you can't! I am sure I read it somewhere!"

If only I didn't have a yardstick permanently grafted to my backbone, I'd make some kind of attempt at a title. Unfortunately, although I enjoy reading humor, my efforts to make it tend to come across as ponderous and forced. =(

However, I will watch your contributions with interest! :) An interesting contest all round ....


Valeros: C'mon! You're hot, I'm hot, and serve the goddess of redeption, so let's share our respective, "redeeming virtues".

Kyra: I'll redeem your virtue, you big perv!

Mersiel: (thinking) Perhaps inviting her wasn't such a good idea after all...

Dark Archive

Valeros: "Birthmark my arse, if that dagger is a birthmark my manhood is a longsword. "Bladesaholic" got a tatoo."
Merisiel: "Your mine V."
Seenah in unison: "Val, if I were you I would take my chances fighting naked against the guy hiding with the blood drenched sword, we don't have the gold to get another priest for you."

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Valeros: What? It was the bubble jets! Really!

Edit, somone beat me to it...

Valeros: "Oh, relax. What are the odds that your father's going to show up here? He's off sharpening his khopesh somewhere."

Amazing -- I actually did think of a slightly humorous title =). Next thing you know, I'll actually be cracking jokes. =P

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