Bikis |
I was reading the new magic item stuff last night and was excited.
I already came up with the idea for a used-magic item vendor who sells slightly cursed magic items and sounds like a used car salesman.
"Look, you can buy this new +1 longsword, or, I'll sell you this one for %10 less. And that's hard for me, I'm barely making any profit."
"What wrong with that longsowrd?"
"Nothing, its fine"
*Diplomacy check*
"Ok, its....quirky. Here, try it out."
*character's skin changes color*
"Oh, I see."
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
I was reading the new magic item stuff last night and was excited.
I already came up with the idea for a used-magic item vendor who sells slightly cursed magic items and sounds like a used car salesman.
Heh—"slightly cursed." I like that. Though I think a used-car salesman might use the term "gently cursed" instead.
Robert Brambley |
Gently cursed...I think I had a used car like that once...
And then of course there's the "Previously Cursed" items.
"Why is that so cheap? Is it cursed?"
"It used to be."
"Used to be?"
"It got better."
"What's wrong with it now?"
"Nothing as far as we can tell."
"Have you inspected it for problems"
"Of course. All of our Previously Cursed inventory goes through a 5 point inspection."
"Ah, how much?"
"200 gp, + 10 gp doc fee."
"Doc fee?"
"Of course.....unless you don't want the documents that show our findings on the 5 point inspection.....we're trustworthy enough I suppose."
"I'll pay the doc fee."
"Good thought.....Here's your item. Please wait till you get home before you try it out...."
Dave the Barbarian |
Having played the game for 27 years, I cannot tell you how happy I was to see Pathfinder. I tried the 4.0 but it was not my cup of tea. Not to mention I have no desire to purchase all of the same stuff all over again. I appreciate a new fresh campaign setting and the adventures are top notch! I am still excited and I am looking forward to all of the new material. Thank you Paizo!
Montalve |
i usually hate magic-marts
but i might like to use that salesman :P
Having played the game for 27 years, I cannot tell you how happy I was to see Pathfinder. I tried the 4.0 but it was not my cup of tea. Not to mention I have no desire to purchase all of the same stuff all over again. I appreciate a new fresh campaign setting and the adventures are top notch! I am still excited and I am looking forward to all of the new material. Thank you Paizo!
i agree
Roman |
I am also still excited about the Pathfinder RPG. There are some changes I don't like, but that is inevitable, we all have slightly different preferences and house-rules can address most of these. Overall, I am happy about how the Pathfinder RPG is shaping up.
Rage points... I liked them, but I liked the alternate rage system posted later even better! As such, I hope it is the alternate system that makes it into the final product, rather than the rage point system, although (apart from some supernatural powers) I prefer either of them to the vanilla 3.5E rage system.
Robert Brambley |
I am also still excited about the Pathfinder RPG. There are some changes I don't like, but that is inevitable, we all have slightly different preferences and house-rules can address most of these. Overall, I am happy about how the Pathfinder RPG is shaping up.
Rage points... I liked them, but I liked the alternate rage system posted later even better! As such, I hope it is the alternate system that makes it into the final product, rather than the rage point system, although (apart from some supernatural powers) I prefer either of them to the vanilla 3.5E rage system.
I second all of Roman's thoughts here.
I am really excited and cannot wait for the official release of PfRPG. I have thoroughly enjoyed the playtesting and sharing and posting and critiquing on these forums. It's a wonderful venue to share ideas with other creative people, and it's very rewarding to see some of those ideas be taken seriously by the developers, and even implemented for the system. It's been wonderful.
It will be a little bittersweet when the playtesting is over and the product of our efforts is done. But that is countered by the ever increasing admiration for the authoring and creativity being dumped into the APs, and modules and chronicles lines.
Pygon |
I'll be DMing a 16th level scenario soon, more than willing to do my part to playtest.
Sure, there are some things I'm not certain if I like or agree with, but the track record and mileage Paizo has with 3.5 makes me trust their judgment more than an infant ruleset built from the ground up with little to support it currently.
xorial |
I still very excited. Planning on starting a new campaign based on the PFRPG rules, leading into a converted Red Hand of Doom. I have looked at 4e very hard. It looks to be a nice system, BUT it doesn't FEEL like D&D to me. I plan on stealing some things from it, but hey, doesn't every good DM do that? LOL
Mairkurion {tm} |
I still very excited. Planning on starting a new campaign based on the PFRPG rules, leading into a converted Red Hand of Doom. I have looked at 4e very hard. It looks to be a nice system, BUT it doesn't FEEL like D&D to me. I plan on stealing some things from it, but hey, doesn't every good DM do that? LOL
You look new to me Xorial....if so, welcome!
Disenchanter |
I'll throw my I'm still excited in here as well.
And I know at least two others that are excited, but not forum posters.
I won't lie and say I am in love with every change so far... But nothing is set in stone - or hardbound print - yet.
The class tweaks are mostly wonderful. The Fighter has become a much more attractive class, and at the same time, the other class / race tweaks have taken my need of the Fighter away. (No need for my CotCT Rogue to take a couple levels of Fighter to get a couple of feats - thanks Rogue Talents. No need for my SD "barbaric" Ulfen Abysal Bloodline Sorcerer to start with a level of Fighter to be proficient with an Earthbreaker - thanks Human Weapon Training.)
All in all, it is a much more "flavourful" D20 ruleset. Even if it is all left as is.
It is a bit of a shame that a few are disheartened by some of the choices made so far...
Dogbert |
I'm Still excited about Pathfinder!
I LOVE it, with bolds, and capitals. Pathfinder is the best thing that has happened to Sword&Sorcery since Arcana Unearthed. Sure, I still hate PF's spells, but all I do is switch them for 3.0's and I love it back just the same. =D
This beta test is great, so is contributing in the forums, listening to the writers and editors and knowing they listen to us in turn. Sure, they can't please everyone, but you can't have everything.
You know what I love the best about it? Pathfinder was written with love. You don't need to delve far into a book to find out whether it was written with the coldness of a product, or whether it was written with love, as something you really want to do. Pathfinder has love in every page. Furthermore, it's an alternative, when some famous giant thought he had everyone else by the balls, subdued to just bow their heads and do their bidding, you guys stood tall and said "thanks, but we're going our own way". My support (and my money) is with you guys all the way.
To everyone in Paizo, I salute you. Thanks for standing tall as a proud alternative. I really mean it.
Patrick Curtin |
I haven't been this excited about RPGing in years. Paizo has come up with a game system that builds on the legacies of the past with a bold vision of the future. It's not about the cash, it's not about the market share (though I realize those are important). It's about the game, and the love of the game. I feel the busy goblins at Paizo LOVE the game, and that's all I need to feel to trust my few discretionary dollars with them.
Yep, still excited!
Asgetrion |
Kevin Mack wrote:Erik Mona wrote:So has the rage system been changed again? (Or are you referring to the design focus rage one? Just please don't tell me that its gone back to the way it was with the rage per day mechanic.)I am excited they got rid of rage points, too (sorry Jason!).
I think he's referring to this Alternate Rage System thread - it was news to me, too! So many things to keep up with ...
ps, yes I'm also still very excited about Pathfinder!
Although I (and the barbarian's player in my group) think the 'Rage Point' system was far more elegant than X/rounds per day (which seems to be just points disguised under a *different name*), I'm still excited!
WarmasterSpike |
Put me down for excited. I may question or debate certain specific changes at times. But the over all product is full of overwhelmingly positive alterations to 3.5 in my view. I also cant stress enough how cool it is to feel like you are playing a part, no matter how small in shaping the course of the game. Sure none of my ideas probably made it in, but at least some of them were heard. I was the one most open to looking at 4th of my current group and I can say at this point with resonably strong conviction that I am glad we went this route instead. I would still try 4th as another RPG but I dont really consider it to be "D&D" anymore. Pathfinder is the spiritual decendant of the game I grew up with.
Haldir |
I'm still excited about the rules, thou I will admit I'm not as excited as I was while reading the first adv path. I guess it was the newness of the world, the way things were going & other things.
I'm looking forward to it & will try to get it when it first comes out (won't be by amazon--that's for sure, ha ha). Looking forward to the next AP as well, as I love gnolls. I hope that AP does justice to gnolls as the 1st AP did for goblins!!
ayami |
Just a lurker here, but I am still quite interested and excited about Pathfinder. I have designed an extensive Campaign Setting and am already planning how to make the appropriate changes for Pathfinder. I also quite like most of the changes (although I have already done my own re-write of fighter which I will be using :p) and so far all looks good. Come August '09 we will almost certainly be changing our current game to Pathfinder. Until then I am just taking some bits and pieces from the Beta to play around with.
Keep up the good work!
Hot Elfy Chick |
Whether you want to give your reasons for your continued excitement or just proclaim it, sound-off here:
When fourth ed. came out, I was worried. I couldn't believe how it had taken away the glory of what is was to be a true gamer. Suddenly you didn't have to be involved in your character or your group. You copied down a few numbers and had a repetative, boring few hours of time that you spent with third graders who could do nothing more than appreciate the fact that you were sharing your pizza with them (shed's a tear).
But then came Paizo! And the Gods of gameing smiled! The gamers were suddenly vidicated! All of the prestige that had so suddenly been stripped away from us was now being showered down in a glorious rain that would quench the thirst we all had for real nitty gritty details! Our charachters flourished back into life and we were elated!
I truely speak for all of my gaming troop when I say that we are etarnally grateful to you Paizo, and forever in your debt!
Bagpuss |
As I said in the other thread, I think that it's a better game than 3.5, despite a couple of decisions I think are really bad (as I have mentioned fairly often, Power Attack's nerf being the worst), and I like 3.5 a lot so I like PFRPG, so far, more. I also feel pretty confident about converting to and from 3.5. So, all in all, pretty happy (although as I am British, I shan't get excited in public).
toyrobots |
Am I allowed to post here after what I said in the other thread?
Sure I am!
Expressing your reservations is part of playtest. I certainly wouldn't put the time I do into playtesting the game, and I wouldn't waste the effort griping on this forum is I wasn't still excited!
Pathfinder RPG is poised to become an incredible thing... I think the sheer greatness of the undertaking is what has the more conservative 3.5 players apprehensive about the outcome. Everyone senses the potential here, and some are more cynical than others. But they're still on board.
I count myself placated after Erik and James's responses in the "losing interest" thread. Sometimes we forumites just need to know that someone is listening...
*sniff* We just needed a hug.
Montalve |
*sniff* We just needed a hug.
point taken
we all want to be answered or at least placated... and we know they do their best, just there is not always the choise :)but its good when they do, that is one of the ebst things of Paizo, they try to give part of their time (time not spent on designing better games) to answer our doubts
as you and others i am grateful of this