Essence of War - Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Bleach 207 is up

Dark Archive

Got mine!

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Well it wasn't pretty, the whole roof comes tumblin' down probably doesn't help, but Raizen and Jahangir are back.

As for the latest episode of Bleach. What can I say... Awesome!

Again this is my favorite Arc. Short but good. It's fun to see the way the Soul Society was 100+ years ago. How layed back almost half the Captains (Urahara, Hirako, Yoruichi, Shunsui, Ukitake) were.

Hiyori kicking Urahara and Hirako in the face was the funniet thing ever. Last but not least watching the sneakiness of Sousuke from the begining.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

Well, I won't be able to post from Friday to late Sunday, so don't have the roof crush Kelgan into a fine red paste until after then.

Scarab Sages

M carbon based dice form graphic guy 10 / geek 5 / collector 6 / daddy 2 / GM 4

Hugo done got me a pick of Tarlan

Shadow Lodge

Male Human
fray wrote:

Hugo done got me a pick of Tarlan

That is awesome

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Hello all

I'm looking for 4-6 players who'd like to try playing through my conversion of Hollow's Last Hope. Mostly want to try this out before breaking out Scales of War.

Level: 1
Character Generation: Point Buy
Books allowed: Core books, plus Martial Power and feats from other sources as long as I have them.
Starting gold: 100gp
Races: Core races, plus gnomes, minus Dragonborn.
Character background: Why are you in Falcon's Hollow? Passing through. Choosing a life of adventure over a life working for the Lumber Consortium.
Rolls done on invisiblecastle

If you have any question please let me know.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5


I'm simply too busy in meatspace to sustain playing in as many PbPs as I do. Since this is a) my most recenty joined game, and b) I've been out of it for a couple of weeks already, it is the best candidate for dropping. Terribly sorry about that - it's been a blast, but I just don't have the time. Good luck with replacing old Fragos, and game on!

Shadow Lodge

Male Human
Vattnisse wrote:


I'm simply too busy in meatspace to sustain playing in as many PbPs as I do. Since this is a) my most recenty joined game, and b) I've been out of it for a couple of weeks already, it is the best candidate for dropping. Terribly sorry about that - it's been a blast, but I just don't have the time. Good luck with replacing old Fragos, and game on!

Sorry yo lose ya Vattnisse. But I know whatcha mean sometime the amount of pbps going gets a bit overwhelming!

Thanks for giving me try as your DM I appreciate it

Scarab Sages

M carbon based dice form graphic guy 10 / geek 5 / collector 6 / daddy 2 / GM 4


Totally understand... that Real Life™ can take up so much time. :)

Cya around the boards.

I'm wondering about continuing still. Most of the adventure will continue without a map, if that doesn't bug that's a plus.

Mostly the adventure drifted from what I had ready and it's taking a lot, for me atleast, to think most it up on the fly.

If the adventure were to continue it would end with you facing off against Shothragot. This battle could go either way and atleast one of you would be insane (as the spell) through the entire encounter. Also the seal over world would worsen: All conjuration spells cease to function. Divination spells that contact extraplanar beings are likewise foiled. Divine spellcasters cast all spells at -4 caster levels and when praying for new spells, they have a 20% chance per spell of losing it. Also, channel energy attempts take a -10 penalty on the DC's and damage rolls.

Dark Archive

Well ultimately if you want to continue Laz its up to you. Epic adventures are a headache to run. If you're not enjoying it than that would be a fairly strong signal I think.

Not to poach but the pbp I'm running also had a player drop out if any of you are interested take a look

3rd level to start w 3.5 rules and a little bit of Iron heroes.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Friend, Paizoans, Countrymen lends me your... character sheet...

So looks lik we won't be getting any back up. Leaving only Raizen, Tarlan, Kelgan and Jahangir. Oh, and not to forget Giorge (though he hasn't contributed much).

So I need to vote (Yea or Nea) on continuing. If we choose not to continue I have plans to use the fallout in a new campaign.

For Lazaro

After watching 211, an paragon or epic 4e campaign sounds cool.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

I vote for not continuing this game. It was fun while it lasted, but, well, it was just a bit too epic.

On a side note, I agree with Ravadel, I could use a 4e pbp at something other than 1st level.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

While I'm not quite ready to run Scales of War, I've got a couple of idea, including running King of the Trollhaunt Warrens.

Scarab Sages

M carbon based dice form graphic guy 10 / geek 5 / collector 6 / daddy 2 / GM 4

I'm with Davi... it was fun for sure though. :)

Thanks fray :)

Like I said I'm gonna try have a new 4e game up and running. And if any of you are interested just let me know.

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