Susan Draconis |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Seriously, are there?
Without naming names or pointing out specific encounters I have to say that I have one player, a formerly pure cleric of Iomedae, who's been grabbed, grappled, groped, lashed, strangled, and smothered by every tentacle and/or tentacle monster in the AP. By the middle of the 1st adventure she'd lost her purity, now in the beginning of the 4th she's muttering about taking the AberrationLoved feat.
We switched DMs after the 1st adventure and still the dice pit every tentacle after her. Even more so after I took over.
So, I have to ask. What would the AberrationLoved feat look like? Would it be worth taking? I thought of taking the LichLoved feat out of the old Book of Vile Darkness and tweaking it but found that unsatisfying and kind of insulting to the base LichLoved feat.

Susan Draconis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yog-Sothoth is the key, Yog-Sothoth is the gate.
They've just been through the tentacles in the 4th adventure and are heading toward the tentacles in a side quest. If she hasn't changed her mind I have one level to prelude the AberrationLoved feat with tentaclly dreams.
Hell, considering the tentacles coming up I might give her the feat for free.

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I think I would go with Mairkurion's suggestion and check out what the bloodline has to offer - take a facet of that and call it a feat - I'll look at it some more tonight. Was there nothing in the Lords of Madness book?

Susan Draconis |

I think I would go with Mairkurion's suggestion and check out what the bloodline has to offer - take a facet of that and call it a feat - I'll look at it some more tonight. Was there nothing in the Lords of Madness book?
Lord of Madness has one of those cheesy and kinda weak feat trees, the Aberrant feats. The first on the tree, Aberration Blood, grants a small racial bonus to a specific skill. After that you have 10 other feats in the tree that boil down to things like granting a bonus dependent on how many aberrant feats you have.
It's an idea to combine some of those and discuss it with my tentacle-tortured cleric.
I checked out the bloodline. The light fortification equivalent is interesting and has the added bonus of being able to hide it under clothes. I don't quite know how the church of Iomedae takes to tentacles.

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I don't quite know how the church of Iomedae takes to tentacles.
I find that kill first and ask questions later is typically in everyone's best interest when it comes to tentacles.

Susan Draconis |

Susan Draconis wrote:I don't quite know how the church of Iomedae takes to tentacles.I find that kill first and ask questions later is typically in everyone's best interest when it comes to tentacles.
Sadly true. How would this translate to a formerly half-elven cleric with tentacles, do you think?

Wolf Munroe |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rather than using a feat, you could grant her a semi-useful ability. (Not useful against tentacles but against other stuff in the area while tentacles are present.) If you make it weak enough then it need not be a feat or a level adjustment but just an "ewww" factor.
Say, for instance that the character suffers from Tentacle Trauma (which I would say would be an extraordinary ability that is always active. Tentacle Trauma would function like a beneficial bardic music ability only affecting that character while in the presence of tentacles and so long as the character isn't attacking the tentacles (the tentacles can be attacking the character). The intensity of the ability could actually increase while grappled/groped by the tentacles but only when the character is not committing a hostile act toward tentacles. Or the character gains Fast Healing (1 or 3) while grappled by the tentacles or something, but only while submissive. (Since this would aid a character to continue being grappled/groped by tentacles.)

Nervous Jester |

Perhaps the character simply has "an abberation in the woodpile," and other abberations sense it and are reacting more as if another predator is in the area.
In which case, maybe with so much experience the PC starts to get a similar sense of them and can take a feat to allow for a +1 to attack rolls and spell save DCs when used against abberations, or something else of that nature.
It doesn't even have to be a literal "abberation in the woodpile;" perhaps the character was cursed as a toddler or younger with that "taint" and isn't aware of it for some reason.

Susan Draconis |

Rather than using a feat, you could grant her a semi-useful ability. (Not useful against tentacles but against other stuff in the area while tentacles are present.) If you make it weak enough then it need not be a feat or a level adjustment but just an "ewww" factor.
Say, for instance that the character suffers from Tentacle Trauma (which I would say would be an extraordinary ability that is always active. Tentacle Trauma would function like a beneficial bardic music ability only affecting that character while in the presence of tentacles and so long as the character isn't attacking the tentacles (the tentacles can be attacking the character). The intensity of the ability could actually increase while grappled/groped by the tentacles but only when the character is not committing a hostile act toward tentacles. Or the character gains Fast Healing (1 or 3) while grappled by the tentacles or something, but only while submissive. (Since this would aid a character to continue being grappled/groped by tentacles.)
That is hilariously awesome.
I put forth that the attacking tentacle is then compelled to not, say, rend to shreds the character. Instead it just grapples/gropes.

Charles Evans 25 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Or the character could reach 'breaking point' and fly into a berserk (barbarian-like) rage every time tentacles appear, not able to do anything except engage in melee combat whilst tentacles remain both in close proximity and active.

Susan Draconis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Is the character coming to enjoy the tentacular attention? Or become kind of inured to it or anything? That might help inform you of the nature of the feat.
Who doesn't like a little tentacle love now and then?
The player's come to a reluctant acceptance. Not really of the tentacles themselves but of the horribly juvenile (and just plain horrible) jokes from another player.
The character started off being traumatized but constant exposure has lessened it into acceptance to almost expectance. She just knows by now that if tentacles are nearby they'll go after her.

Susan Draconis |

A certain kind of DM could make sure that obnoxious player's character found her- or himself on the ends of lots of tentacles, just to make sure they got the point...not that I advocate that kind of DMing...or anything...
Nah. This is the type of player who would enjoy it too much. It'd be like a reward for obnoxiousness. As such he will never know the sweet slimy caress of a tentacle, no matter how much he pleads. Ever.

The Dalesman |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Best. Monday. Thread. Ever. ;D
Now I have that scene from Galaxy Quest playing in my head...
"Aughhh!!! That is not right!!!" :)
That poor cleric has my sympathy, and as many cleanse cantrips as I can find...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

KaeYoss |

What would the AberrationLoved feat look like?
Prerequisites: Japanese Schoolgirl (though elves could qualify with their large eyes), must have had close enconters of the 4th kind with aberrations.
Benefits: You can call upon 1d6+2 heroes of level d100 with huge swords or.... unconventional fighting styles to save you.Tell her not to be such a crybaby. It could be worse. It could be Ebby's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion

Bellona |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What would the AberrationLoved feat look like?
Prerequisites: Japanese Schoolgirl (though elves could qualify with their large eyes), must have had close enconters of the 4th kind with aberrations.
Benefits: You can call upon 1d6+2 heroes of level d100 with huge swords or.... unconventional fighting styles to save you.Tell her not to be such a crybaby. It could be worse. It could be Ebby's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Are you by any chance referring to this? And the follow-up here?

Evil Midnight Lurker |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I didn't want to do this. All right, I did but I needed a reason to post it. Which you have kindly given me. Muahaha.
Further Uses for Havero Appendage Points
Sometimes, they're not interested in killing everything that moves...
Alien Ecstasy (Ex): Nonlethal damage dealt by a havero cannot reduce a creature to less than 1 hit point. Haveros can inflict nonlethal damage on creatures of any creature type, even those normally immune. Yes, even undead. Yes, even constructs. In any round in which a creature takes nonlethal damage from a havero's tentacles it must make a Will save of DC equal to the total amount of nonlethal damage it has sustained during the encounter so far (for these purposes, keep track of any such damage that would have been inflicted to a creature that has already been reduced to 1 hit point) or become fascinated (further nonlethal damage from the havero will not break this condition) so long as any nonlethal damage remains.
Restraining Tentacle (3): Grants the following attack - tentacle +23 (1d6+7 nonlethal); constrict (okay, "fondle") (1d6+7 nonlethal), improved grab.
Disrobing Tentacle (2): Grants the following attack - sunder +23 (2d6+14, usable on armor).
Spawning Tentacle (3): Grants the following attack - tentacle +23 (2d6+14 nonlethal). At DM's discretion, may impregnate a fascinated creature (again, of any gender or creature type whatsoever) with... something. Pseudonatural creature, half-farspawn, go nuts.
Aphrodisiac Spewer (4): 30-ft. cone, damage 6d6 nonlethal, Will DC 36 half; each additional 4 points spent adds +6d6 nonlethal damage and 10 feet to the cone’s length.
Have fun, kiddies! :)

Shadowborn |

I know which encounter we're speaking of. The tension during the combat was repeatedly broken by not-so-subtle hentai references. Of course, my PCs fled. My players hate to flee. I'll be repeatedly rubbing it in while simultaneously reminiscing about the last time the party fled (Temple of Jubilex in Night Below) and how they never went back...even after taking on an entire city of tentacles.
They hate the tentacle. They fear the tentacle. (Though apparently not nearly so much as the aforementioned cleric. Poor gal.)

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Seriously, are there?
Without naming names or pointing out specific encounters I have to say that I have one player, a formerly pure cleric of Iomedae, who's been grabbed, grappled, groped, lashed, strangled, and smothered by every tentacle and/or tentacle monster in the AP. By the middle of the 1st adventure she'd lost her purity, now in the beginning of the 4th she's muttering about taking the AberrationLoved feat.
i think the poor (ok not so poor) cleric has some kind of unamed flaw: victim... in every hentai meaning you can find.

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DitheringFool wrote:Sadly true. How would this translate to a formerly half-elven cleric with tentacles, do you think?Susan Draconis wrote:I don't quite know how the church of Iomedae takes to tentacles.I find that kill first and ask questions later is typically in everyone's best interest when it comes to tentacles.
i won't give her tentacles... i think she just got a kink or soemthing
i would say she has DR against them, or that they don't hurt her as much feeling her love to them...but that and transforming her into another thing... i think its beyond the call of her goddess, she is a cleric of justice... but i don't think Iomedae's looks kindly on her become one of them, like i don't think she will take kindly in her becoming an undead creature... (maybe accept that while there are evil undead... there are also non-evil undead, yeah my cleric is having a hard time since her new husband is a necromancer who wishes to create non-sentient undeads and maybe transform into a lich)

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Wolf Munroe wrote:Rather than using a feat, you could grant her a semi-useful ability. (Not useful against tentacles but against other stuff in the area while tentacles are present.) If you make it weak enough then it need not be a feat or a level adjustment but just an "ewww" factor.
Say, for instance that the character suffers from Tentacle Trauma (which I would say would be an extraordinary ability that is always active. Tentacle Trauma would function like a beneficial bardic music ability only affecting that character while in the presence of tentacles and so long as the character isn't attacking the tentacles (the tentacles can be attacking the character). The intensity of the ability could actually increase while grappled/groped by the tentacles but only when the character is not committing a hostile act toward tentacles. Or the character gains Fast Healing (1 or 3) while grappled by the tentacles or something, but only while submissive. (Since this would aid a character to continue being grappled/groped by tentacles.)
That is hilariously awesome.
I put forth that the attacking tentacle is then compelled to not, say, rend to shreds the character. Instead it just grapples/gropes.
exactly my thinking

Susan Draconis |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So I discussed tentacles with my clerical player. In her case, the final ruling is that every time she gets grabbed by a tentacle she makes a Will save, DC probably varying depending on what I feel like, never less than 15 nor more than 25.
Success means she can act normally and that the tentacle acts normally. Failure means that she does not and nor does the tentacle. I left whatever groping, exploring, undressing, and/or molesting it might do unspoken, to be described during the actual combat. After all, each tentacle is going to work different. A mohrg's tentacle is going to want to do different things than a havero's, a displacer beast's, or even an otyugh's.
After a save is failed she can make another save the round after. Once she succeeds both parties act normally and she doesn't have to make a save against that tentacle for 24 hours.
I expect the first failed save within the current side quest.

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So I discussed tentacles with my clerical player. In her case, the final ruling is that every time she gets grabbed by a tentacle she makes a Will save, DC probably varying depending on what I feel like, never less than 15 nor more than 25.
Success means she can act normally and that the tentacle acts normally. Failure means that she does not and nor does the tentacle. I left whatever groping, exploring, undressing, and/or molesting it might do unspoken, to be described during the actual combat. After all, each tentacle is going to work different. A mohrg's tentacle is going to want to do different things than a havero's, a displacer beast's, or even an otyugh's.
After a save is failed she can make another save the round after. Once she succeeds both parties act normally and she doesn't have to make a save against that tentacle for 24 hours.
I expect the first failed save within the current side quest.
That's awesome! Now, I would be worried if the cleric visits the apothecary for a vial of Grick Musk or something...

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So I discussed tentacles with my clerical player. In her case, the final ruling is that every time she gets grabbed by a tentacle she makes a Will save, DC probably varying depending on what I feel like, never less than 15 nor more than 25.
Success means she can act normally and that the tentacle acts normally. Failure means that she does not and nor does the tentacle. I left whatever groping, exploring, undressing, and/or molesting it might do unspoken, to be described during the actual combat. After all, each tentacle is going to work different. A mohrg's tentacle is going to want to do different things than a havero's, a displacer beast's, or even an otyugh's.
After a save is failed she can make another save the round after. Once she succeeds both parties act normally and she doesn't have to make a save against that tentacle for 24 hours.
I expect the first failed save within the current side quest.
jajaja ok
sounds interesting enough
Susan Draconis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So after five successful will saves my cleric finally failed two. Both turned out to be fairly advantageous. Both happened during the Expedition to Demonweb Pits as translated to fit into the Pathfinder cosmology.
The second failed save came about because translating Demonweb Pits into Pathfinder removed Obox-Ob from the fray and replaced him with Dagon. Yes, Dagon. Who brought a Star Spawn of Cthulhu as his second.
Only a nat 20 would have saved her. She rolled a 1.

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Quite frankly, no, there aren't enough tentacles. If only one person is being tentacle-violated, that is clear evidence that the tentacle to orifice ratio in the AP is dangerously low.
I suggest adding some random encounters with Tentamorts, Darktentacles, Ropers, Stone Ropers, and a Black Tentacles spell with the "Living Spell" template from Eberron.
Thank you, and drive safely.

Bellona |

So after five successful will saves my cleric finally failed two. Both turned out to be fairly advantageous. Both happened during the Expedition to Demonweb Pits as translated to fit into the Pathfinder cosmology.
** spoiler omitted **
The second failed save came about because translating Demonweb Pits into Pathfinder removed Obox-Ob from the fray and replaced him with Dagon. Yes, Dagon. Who brought a Star Spawn of Cthulhu as his second.
Only a nat 20 would have saved her. She rolled a 1.
** spoiler omitted **
Was the "unique item" mentioned in spoiler #2 by any chance his offspring? ;)

Susan Draconis |

Susan Draconis wrote:Was the "unique item" mentioned in spoiler #2 by any chance his offspring? ;)So after five successful will saves my cleric finally failed two. Both turned out to be fairly advantageous. Both happened during the Expedition to Demonweb Pits as translated to fit into the Pathfinder cosmology.
** spoiler omitted **
The second failed save came about because translating Demonweb Pits into Pathfinder removed Obox-Ob from the fray and replaced him with Dagon. Yes, Dagon. Who brought a Star Spawn of Cthulhu as his second.
Only a nat 20 would have saved her. She rolled a 1.
** spoiler omitted **
Nah. More like an opportunity to pick up the Innsmouth taint/template.
Shh. I was gonna build up to that little 'gift' later. ;)

Wolf Munroe |

Susan Draconis wrote:That's awesome! Now, I would be worried if the cleric visits the apothecary for a vial of Grick Musk or something...So I discussed tentacles with my clerical player. In her case, the final ruling is that every time she gets grabbed by a tentacle she makes a Will save, DC probably varying depending on what I feel like, never less than 15 nor more than 25.
Success means she can act normally and that the tentacle acts normally. Failure means that she does not and nor does the tentacle. I left whatever groping, exploring, undressing, and/or molesting it might do unspoken, to be described during the actual combat. After all, each tentacle is going to work different. A mohrg's tentacle is going to want to do different things than a havero's, a displacer beast's, or even an otyugh's.
After a save is failed she can make another save the round after. Once she succeeds both parties act normally and she doesn't have to make a save against that tentacle for 24 hours.
I expect the first failed save within the current side quest.
How come the monsters don't get a chance to make a save as well? Surely a mohrg has better things to do than get all freaky when it just happens to grab a willing victim. Same with a otyugh or a mind flayer, or Dagon.

Susan Draconis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DitheringFool wrote:How come the monsters don't get a chance to make a save as well? Surely a mohrg has better things to do than get all freaky when it just happens to grab a willing victim. Same with a otyugh or a mind flayer, or Dagon.Susan Draconis wrote:That's awesome! Now, I would be worried if the cleric visits the apothecary for a vial of Grick Musk or something...So I discussed tentacles with my clerical player. In her case, the final ruling is that every time she gets grabbed by a tentacle she makes a Will save, DC probably varying depending on what I feel like, never less than 15 nor more than 25.
Success means she can act normally and that the tentacle acts normally. Failure means that she does not and nor does the tentacle. I left whatever groping, exploring, undressing, and/or molesting it might do unspoken, to be described during the actual combat. After all, each tentacle is going to work different. A mohrg's tentacle is going to want to do different things than a havero's, a displacer beast's, or even an otyugh's.
After a save is failed she can make another save the round after. Once she succeeds both parties act normally and she doesn't have to make a save against that tentacle for 24 hours.
I expect the first failed save within the current side quest.
By not dictating beforehand what tentacles do when the will save is made (and I haven't, not with the player and technically not with these boards) I can tailor their actions. A mohrg can try to suffocate its victim for easier eating later, an otyugh or displacer beast can drag off its prize to use it as bait, food, or something else. A tree might keep the cleric occupied until things around kill her and it can use the body as fertilizer. And frankly I see no reason why Dagon wouldn't take any opportunity to defile beyond repair the cleric of a LG goddess; the cleric's failed save just puts tentacle antics as the option Dagon thinks of first. Tentacles don't have to fully get jiggy with it to be creepy tentacles. They just have to be tentaclly.
Besides, if the cleric fails her save and say the mindflayer makes it then not only do we have a dead cleric but it's a dead cleric who didn't fight back. And then I have stuff thrown at me. Better to have the cleric make the only save; that way if she fails the mind flayer decides to take the time to savor his meal by slowly petting, tasting, and feeling her head to find all the best parts before actually going in to eat brains. And the cleric's party members have an extra round, maybe two to save their friend.

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By not dictating beforehand what tentacles do when the will save is made (and I haven't, not with the player and technically not with these boards) I can tailor their actions. A mohrg can try to suffocate its victim for easier eating later, an otyugh or displacer beast can drag off its prize to use it as bait, food, or something else. A tree might keep the cleric occupied until things around kill her and it can use the body as fertilizer. And frankly I see no reason why Dagon wouldn't take any opportunity to defile beyond repair the cleric of a LG goddess; the cleric's failed save just puts tentacle antics as the option Dagon thinks of first. Tentacles don't have to fully get jiggy with it to be creepy tentacles. They just have to be tentaclly.
damn... i would complain but i am almost sure my DM would havetried to do the same with my own cleric of Iomedae :S
Bellona |

So after five successful will saves my cleric finally failed two. Both turned out to be fairly advantageous. Both happened during the Expedition to Demonweb Pits as translated to fit into the Pathfinder cosmology.
** spoiler omitted **
The second failed save came about because translating Demonweb Pits into Pathfinder removed Obox-Ob from the fray and replaced him with Dagon. Yes, Dagon. Who brought a Star Spawn of Cthulhu as his second.
Only a nat 20 would have saved her. She rolled a 1.
** spoiler omitted **
Was the "unique item" mentioned in spoiler #2 by any chance his offspring? ;)
Nah. More like an opportunity to pick up the Innsmouth taint/template.
Shh. I was gonna build up to that little 'gift' later. ;)
Hmmm, I see some options here for the "little gift", depending on your own campaign plans ...
"Tainted womb": first child (or all children, if feeling nasty) produced by said cleric will automatically gain some aberration- or fiendish-related characteristics (template, bloodline, whatever).