What would you like to see in an adventure path?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I've been thinking about what I'd like to see in future adventure paths, and I thought it would be nice to have a thread for people to talk about what they would like.

I'm hoping Council of Thieves has a real urban campaign feel to it, because there aren't nearly enough of those. Something really political in nature. Power Behind the Throne, the old Warhammer FRP module is the best example I've ever seen.

I also want to see a planar adventure path. I love Planescape, and now that Golarion has its own planar cosmology it should have an adventure path that takes characters to the planes from book 1. I know this won't realistically happen until adventure path 7 or 8, but it really should be explored sometime.

So what would other people like to see in future adventure paths?

Dark Archive

deinol wrote:
So what would other people like to see in future adventure paths?

I would love an AP exploring under the seas of Golarion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Other planets!

joela wrote:
deinol wrote:
So what would other people like to see in future adventure paths?
I would love an AP exploring under the seas of Golarion.

Underseas would be fantastic, but my dream adv. would be something along the lines of a full epic level adv.

In my vision the path would assume characters are 15th to 17th level, and end around 30th. In a perfect world Paizo would do this as soon as the epic level handbook pathfinder edition comes out, prob. in 2011, to show how there improvments funtion in an actual adv. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want this to be a common thing, but it would be a great event. Maybe end it with a earth shattering break up of the setting. Not as drastic as FR but maybe the fall of a kingdom, return of atlantis or something along those lines. Maybe a new threat form other world, something along those lines.


Liberty's Edge

How bout a trip to the Ruins of Azlant?!
What could a group of adventurers find when poking through the ruins of the ancients? ...hmmm I wonder!

Also... I'll second the notion of a Planar Quest! Plane hoping has always been one of my favorites!


Not in any particular order:

Time Travel

More Sim-City style missions.

An entire "One-City AP" that really showcases Korvosa/Magnimar/Some other city

Psionic-based AP (perhaps the introduction of the psionic rules into the norm at this point)

Outer space exploration

the fight against the clockwork horrors (rename/refluff as desired)

a post-apocalyptic AP, where the previous PC's screwed up, and the whole world is a wasteland/desert/covered in zombies. now go out and survive and try to fix this. combine with the time travel one to get really crazy.

A really involved, thematic-based dragon hunt. (go get the shield, lance, allies, poison, etc. reconvene here at a time to go kill the big CR 20 dragon baddie.)


Liberty's Edge

joela wrote:
I would love an AP exploring under the seas of Golarion.

That would be great.

tallforadwarf wrote:
Other planets!

Cool! I can't wait. They've got to do that at some point. :)

Actually I'd like to see the rest of Golarion filled out a bit more first.

psionichamster wrote:
Time Travel

At first I was going to say hell no, but really this kind of scenario is just very very difficult to do. In my 32 years of gaming I've only seen one DM that's actually managed to run a good time travel game. If the Paizo crew can make a scenario that can make that easy, I'd like to see it.

psionichamster wrote:
the fight against the clockwork horrors (rename/refluff as desired)

That could be cool. That could work better as a standalone module or short series of modules though.

Really though, I'm seeing loads of possibilities still to be explored just in Varisia.

Oh, I've got one. I'd like to see a scenario where the PCs would have an opportunity to try to kick the Oliphaunt of Jandelay's butt. I suppose that would classify as epic... ;)


tallforadwarf wrote:
Other planets!

I don't know whether it will be done in a whole AP, but I'm certain that this will make modules one way or the other: Savage fighting on Akiton, manifold trials of both body and mind on Castrovel the Green, or a full-blown interplanetar campaign where you look for an elusve gate - maybe a different way into Sovyrian when the existing elfgates shatter after a last distress call.

Castrovel would definetly have strong psionic flavour, too.

deinol wrote:

I'm hoping Council of Thieves has a real urban campaign feel to it, because there aren't nearly enough of those. Something really political in nature. Power Behind the Throne, the old Warhammer FRP module is the best example I've ever seen.

Hard to pull off, especially for D&D, but that would be nice nonetheless. To put in my ideas, this would be a great one to pull off as an Oriental Aventure - there was talk about a PFC version of the book about Asian flavoured adventure, and some big nice adventure would be a great companion to that.

deinol wrote:

I also want to see a planar adventure path.

Oh yes, give me Hell. Give me Heaven. And everything in between. Would work especially well as something for high-level characters, maybe even high-to-epic.

joela wrote:
I would love an AP exploring under the seas of Golarion.

I think I read talk about adding in "exotic" places for adventure - like under water - one at a time, with the rules necessary and all that. Might be that they'll pair it with either an AP or at least a series of PF modules.

Andre Caceres wrote:

In my vision the path would assume characters are 15th to 17th level, and end around 30th.

That was talked about, too, and recently. It seems that a level range of 15-30 is beyond the scope of an AP, since it's a hellish amount of work - not only will stat blocks be longer, they will be more frequent, as the number of monsters to choose from get a lot thinner the higher you go.

I'd still very much like a solid adventure, mega-adventure, or adventure path for epic levels, one with decent rules and a great story.

psionichamster wrote:

Not in any particular order:

Time Travel

Time travel's never in any particular order. That's what time travel is all about.

psionichamster wrote:

More Sim-City style missions.

Huh? What do you mean? "Build three city blocks that advance to the highest level of population centre advancements, build an efficient transit system that handles the traffic with ease, and have an efficient disaster control in place"? ;-)

psionichamster wrote:

An entire "One-City AP" that really showcases Korvosa/Magnimar/Some other city

I'd say that Curse of the Crimson Throne is as close tot hat as it gets. The complete first half of that AP takes place in Korvosa. After that, you do take to hiking for a couple of adventures to return to the city for half an adventure or so, but I'm not sure it can take much more than that much city adventure.

The best bet for this, if they do do a 100% urban campaign, would be one in Absalom, though. City at the Centre of the World.

psionichamster wrote:

Psionic-based AP (perhaps the introduction of the psionic rules into the norm at this point)

I'm sure there will be psionic material. But I doubt that it will be a whole AP, and I'm certain that psionics will never be part of the norm. It's presence will remain pretty much the same as it is now: There is the rare manifester in the inner sea region, and other places (like Casmaron or Castrovel) where it's much more common, but beyond that, it will not gain much screen time.

The reason is simply that there's too many people who don't like psionics much, and they want it out of their world. The current system makes it easy to keep it out entirely (your average Pathfinder Chronicles campaign stays pretty much in the inner sea region, and you can just say that there are no visitors with talent in the hidden art about).

psionichamster wrote:

a post-apocalyptic AP, where the previous PC's screwed up, and the whole world is a wasteland/desert/covered in zombies. now go out and survive and try to fix this. combine with the time travel one to get really crazy.

It would have to take someplace else. Someplace far, far away. That place can be the one you mentioned: The distant future. Or maybe the distant past (replace zombies with orcs and other unsavoury things and send them to the Age of Darkness).

Otherwise, you'd have to tear down Golarion in the process. It would be nasty, and could be utterly ridiculous. I don't know, maybe something like a magic plague that changes the way magic works forever, nations, continents and even planes being destroyed and others appearing, deities dying by the dozen (often with utterly ridiculous stories behind the deaths), people playing by the thousands, and then advance the timeline a whole century.

Sounds dreadfull. And as a survivor of such a cruel event, I say NEVER AGAIN! Don't let Golarion be Forgotten!

psionichamster wrote:

A really involved, thematic-based dragon hunt. (go get the shield, lance, allies, poison, etc. reconvene here at a time to go kill the big CR 20 dragon baddie.)

That quest will fail: When you stand in front of the big dragon, you'll find that your diminutive companion has stolen the lance and you're roasted alive. ;-P

I'd like to see what can be done with war, and characters part of the armies that clash. I don't know whether that would work as an AP, but it could be part of one.

Grand Lodge

Jungle AP: either in a Pellucidar-style portion of the Darklands, in the Mwangi, or on another planet, an ERB style adventure path with dinosaurs, dire animals, and lost civilizations. Could easily be a low magic, low treasure, low level, high adventure series. Leopard pelt bikinis and loincloths on the covers.

I would like to see a Viking style AP. Or based on cold regions in general.

And an epic AP. Perhaps set in the past, when Thassilon still existed?

More than 13 levels of play....

James suggest the Council of Thieves AP (#6) is going to be all urban.

Dark Archive

psionichamster wrote:
A really involved, thematic-based dragon hunt. (go get the shield, lance, allies, poison, etc. reconvene here at a time to go kill the big CR 20 dragon baddie.)

Oh, this I could write myself!

Adventure 1 - goblins and bugbears attack local communities, driven out of their mountain homes by something they call the 'Ashen Overlord.' The party will learn that their own lands were torn apart, and the hobgoblins in their communities all taken away as slaves.

Adventure 2 - armies of strangely branded and expertly equipped hobgoblins are on the march from the sinister new 'Ashen Empire.'

Adventure 3 - the party must infiltrate the Blackforges, where an Efreeti oversees Azer smiths, who provide armor and weapons for the armies of the Ashen Overlord, in the hopes of weakening the armies backbone.

Adventure 4 - city-based intrigue. Towns have fallen to the armies of the Ashen Overlord, but his 'ambassadors' have appeared in nearby cities to sue for peace. The party must prove that they are only stalling an organized response, allowing his forces to entrench in the lands they've already secured, and that assassins are currently working to kill any local leaders / influential sorts who would most effectively mobilize against his advance. Some of the assassins prove to be surprisingly competent Kobold Sorcerers and Rogues, of mid to high level, who operate from a secret enclave within the city.

Adventure 5 - the Ashen Overlord sends his fire giant shock troops into open war, revealing his branded hobgoblin 'mameluke' slave-soldiers to have been the equivalent of 'peasant levies.' Their leader will be a Half-Dragon Fire Giant, and their magical support will consist of powerful Kobold Adepts and Sorcerers (who literally ride on their backs, like 'tailgunners').

Adventure 6 - his armies routed in previous Adventures, the Ashen Overlord himself, a massively powerful Red Dragon, descends in a rage to raze the lands he failed to conquer. If the kingdoms will not bow before him, they will burn beneath him!

I could throw the volcanic area the dragon is calling his 'Ashen Empire' in the mountains just west of Nirmathas and Lastwall, and use them as the threatened kingdoms.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Jungle AP: either in a Pellucidar-style portion of the Darklands, in the Mwangi, or on another planet, an ERB style adventure path with dinosaurs, dire animals, and lost civilizations. Could easily be a low magic, low treasure, low level, high adventure series. Leopard pelt bikinis and loincloths on the covers.

This also sounds awesome. Some ruined city is required, something to do with awakened and / or fiendish apes, and, oh yes, dinosaurs! Ancient magical (or psionic?) relics that link to strange places or cause unusual effects to occur are also key, perhaps guarded by degenerate serpent folk?

Okay, that last bit's probably going too far. But still!

Silver Crusade

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Jungle AP: either in a Pellucidar-style portion of the Darklands, in the Mwangi, or on another planet, an ERB style adventure path with dinosaurs, dire animals, and lost civilizations. Could easily be a low magic, low treasure, low level, high adventure series. Leopard pelt bikinis and loincloths on the covers.

It sounds good to me.

#1: An AP focusing on The Land of the Linnorm Kings: complete with an epic voyage to Arcadia, fighting a linnorm, and some conflict with the ice witches of Irrisen. (I have to see what is in one of those huts, and how creepy it is).

#2: An epic level AP that wraps up at or above 20th level. Something that wraps up CotCT or RotRL would be nice.

#3: An isle hopping AP in the Shackled Isle, filled with pirates, treasure hunting, and exotic locales. (Yes, I missed out on the Savage Tide AP, and am sad that I may never play it).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Keep up the posts! I'm taking notes! :)

And yeah, Council of Thieves will be mostly urban. It's set in the city of Westcrown in Cheliax, and while there'll certainly be some dungeons and some wilderness stuff here and there... those will probably be minor parts. The idea is that we don't want to have any significant potion of the adventure take place more than a day's travel away from the city, so that "home" is never too far away.

::grins:: oo this a good question!

1. An AP that picks up at 14 level, where mos to the Pathfinder books leave off.
2. More on the underground in Korvosa. In one of the backgrounds you talked about a civillzation of vampires, and hinted at orgainized undead nations living beneath the City.
3. Exploration of the path to Divinity with the Cathedral of the Starstone.
4. A World Ending event, similar to the Githyanki Incursion.
5. Non-world Ending events for high level characters.... (I know I am horrible, asking for both).
6. The Frozen North, and explortaion of the Hollow World...
7. a Thieves Guild style Urban campaign... 1-14...
8. A Pirate campaign... perhaps exploring the Eye...
9. A Luck based core class... (from the Bumpkin to Captain Jack Sparrow...)
10. A Dragon Hunt (change from Halfdragon Firegiants to 1/2 dragon Kobolds... how do you tell, they have wings, that's about it...)
11. Vampire Goblins... (yes, I am an evil dm)
12. Exploration on the origin of Aberrations... Far Realm adventures..
13. A paladin king leads a raid on Hell... (Diablo style)
14. Tomb of the Lichking... Desert/Pyramaid campaign based on egyptian undead, and harkening back to the Tomb of Horrors...
15. Evil Druids...
16. Spelljammer, planetary exploration, exploration of the Elven homeworld.
17. Exploration into where Baba Yaga comes from...
18. two kings in countries at war are replaced, one by a pit fiend the other by a balor...
19. Redeem the Blackgaurd...
20. Capture the rogue special agent of the government...

I am sure I will come up with others, but thsoe are all themes that have gone over well with my players in the past campaigns we have run. They are time proven classics, and are easilly (in most cases) addressed in Golarian. I would love to see any of them...


A voyage of discovery across uncharted seas. First contact with exotic cultures.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I love the sound of this AP idea!

Set wrote:
psionichamster wrote:
A really involved, thematic-based dragon hunt. (go get the shield, lance, allies, poison, etc. reconvene here at a time to go kill the big CR 20 dragon baddie.)

Oh, this I could write myself!

Adventure 1 - goblins and bugbears attack local communities, driven out of their mountain homes by something they call the 'Ashen Overlord.' The party will learn that their own lands were torn apart, and the hobgoblins in their communities all taken away as slaves.

Adventure 2 - armies of strangely branded and expertly equipped hobgoblins are on the march from the sinister new 'Ashen Empire.'

Adventure 3 - the party must infiltrate the Blackforges, where an Efreeti oversees Azer smiths, who provide armor and weapons for the armies of the Ashen Overlord, in the hopes of weakening the armies backbone.

Adventure 4 - city-based intrigue. Towns have fallen to the armies of the Ashen Overlord, but his 'ambassadors' have appeared in nearby cities to sue for peace. The party must prove that they are only stalling an organized response, allowing his forces to entrench in the lands they've already secured, and that assassins are currently working to kill any local leaders / influential sorts who would most effectively mobilize against his advance. Some of the assassins prove to be surprisingly competent Kobold Sorcerers and Rogues, of mid to high level, who operate from a secret enclave within the city.

Adventure 5 - the Ashen Overlord sends his fire giant shock troops into open war, revealing his branded hobgoblin 'mameluke' slave-soldiers to have been the equivalent of 'peasant levies.' Their leader will be a Half-Dragon Fire Giant, and their magical support will consist of powerful Kobold Adepts and Sorcerers (who literally ride on their backs, like 'tailgunners').

Adventure 6 - his armies routed in previous Adventures, the Ashen Overlord himself, a massively powerful Red Dragon, descends in a rage to raze the lands he failed to conquer. If the kingdoms will not bow...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Peter Robinson wrote:
A voyage of discovery across uncharted seas. First contact with exotic cultures.

. . . and Llamas. :(

Dark Archive

Gray wrote:
#1: An AP focusing on The Land of the Linnorm Kings: complete with an epic voyage to Arcadia, fighting a linnorm, and some conflict with the ice witches of Irrisen. (I have to see what is in one of those huts, and how creepy it is).

That sounds hot. (Well, cool, perhaps, but awesome!)

The linnorm being fought isn't just fought for the standard reason, but as the task required for a warrior with the group to become a ruler, but he lets the PCs do all the work and then screws them out of the prize! They end up on the run from the dude who they just killed a dragon for! Then the dragon's mate shows up all 'mother of Grendel' style and attacks the new ruler and is devastating his village, and the PCs have to go save their treacherous ingrateful behinds!

And, uh, witches get involved somehow. Yeah.

I got nuthin.'

Dark Archive

Something exploring the planes a bit I guess. Needn't be such a high level, Planescapes showed that you can do fun lower level things in those areas ;p

Being a big fan of the Arcane Age series that was published for FR, I have to say I want to see something about Azlant.

A group of PCs hires on with one of the many expeditions to try and loot the ruins of what was once Azlant, but run afoul of the elves of the Mordant Spire. They are about to be put to death, when one of their elders stops the execution. They are recognized...

Fade to some elaborate chamber hidden within the Mordant Spire that serves one purpose, and that is to send a prophesied group of heroes back to the final days of mighty Azlant, to stop an even greater tragedy than the Earthfall from occurring - one that would completely rewrite history. They must prevent the death of a young man named of Aroden...

Or maybe not...sounds a bit too hokey, doesn't it?

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

Scarab Sages

I'd like to see the following types of adventure paths.

A Super Expedition to the Barrier Peaks style adventure that ends up on one of Golarions neighboring planets.

A descent into the darkest regions of the Darklands adventure path, where the players hsould make sure they're outfitted with the right types of provisions to last months away from civilization.

An Massive pirate/underwater AP would be fun.

An EVIL Adventure Path...turn the tables.

Ah and last but not least, an exploration of an ancient ruin, and below the ruins.

Dark Archive

The Dalesman wrote:
Being a big fan of the Arcane Age series that was published for FR, I have to say I want to see something about Azlant. [snip]

That's way cool. Plus, with time travel, all sorts of other wonkiness could come into play, as the party ends up having overshot or undershot their target date and have to escape a Serpentfolk civilization that predates human / elven civilization, or whatever.

Pathfinder X wrote:
An EVIL Adventure Path...turn the tables.

With special new 'Iconics!' Gnoll, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Bugbear, Kobold and / or Lizardfolk Iconics!

1) I'd love to see a good, old-fashioned war campaign.

2) The APs so far (even back to the Dungeon days) have been about stopping the powerful, ancient evil from conquering/destroying the world. I'd like to see an AP that turns this around — evil has conquered/ravaged the world and the PCs have to liberate/restore the world. The Original Trilogy of Star Wars, and more recently the Mistborn novels, do a decent job of this with minimal backstory. I'd love to see what the creative team at Paizo could do with this type story.

3) Less concretely, I'd like to see more variety in the types of campaigns each AP delivers. If the PCs stop the powerful, ancient evil in AP A, AP B should be about something different and AP C should be different from A and B. So on and so forth. While I recognize that "Save the World" is probably the easiest campaign to produce and sell, it's gotten repetitive. The Cagewrights, Kyuss, Demogorgon, Karzoug, Queen Ileosa, the Drow ... hasn't the world been pretty well saved by now?

The Exchange

Sharks with Frickin' Lasers on their heads!

Ok, really, Journey to the center of the earth in Pathfinder AP. You could even have them pop out into another dimension only to find they are in China (crack out the oriental rules). A lot of puns intended. Naturally there would be dinosaurs underground...naturally. Fiendish T-Rex's that hunt by sound b/c their eyes are empty white pupils.


Scarab Sages

Zuxius wrote:

Sharks with Frickin' Lasers on their heads!

Ok, really, Journey to the center of the earth in Pathfinder AP. You could even have them pop out into another dimension only to find they are in China (crack out the oriental rules). A lot of puns intended. Naturally there would be dinosaurs underground...naturally. Fiendish T-Rex's that hunt by sound b/c their eyes are empty white pupils.


They wouldn't need to, in the deepest caverns, there are vaults with their own mini-suns...hot steamy alien jungles with frogemoths and cthulhulings...MWUAHAHAHAHA

1) Plane hopping, preferably in LE territory. Devils always get the AP shaft!

2) Stop the big bad organization rather than the big bad villian. Slave rings, evil merchants (like the Lumber Consortium in Darkmoon Vale), or circle of wizards.

3) Invasion! I loved the githyanki idea in Dungeon #100 and Red Hand of Doom but a full path would be great. Maybe sea-born invaders, mayber interstellar, maybe planar, it doesn't really matter (though, the drow in second darkness may fill this bill - I'm still working through part 2).

4) Undead. I have a soft spot for scheming undead with creepy minions.

5) Dinosaurs. Just 'cuz.

Scarab Sages

rugbyman wrote:

1) Plane hopping, preferably in LE territory. Devils always get the AP shaft!

2) Stop the big bad organization rather than the big bad villian. Slave rings, evil merchants (like the Lumber Consortium in Darkmoon Vale), or circle of wizards.

3) Invasion! I loved the githyanki idea in Dungeon #100 and Red Hand of Doom but a full path would be great. Maybe sea-born invaders, mayber interstellar, maybe planar, it doesn't really matter (though, the drow in second darkness may fill this bill - I'm still working through part 2).

4) Undead. I have a soft spot for scheming undead with creepy minions.

5) Dinosaurs. Just 'cuz.

Unfortunately I think Gith*****, are Wizards IP, Same with the the tentacle faced fellows that like brains...Course I guess monsters with large cerebellums and an unhinging jaw could fill the roll of the vacated Mind flayers, I wonder if Minfdlayer would work as a knock-off LOL

And yes a Master Vampire or Lich AP would great! The lich one could be in Osirion, making the Lich just a different mummification process...

Personally, I would love an AP that centers around the Worldwound where the party starts at a small garrison on the border of the warped areas. As the AP progresses, the PCs have to help evacuate settled areas before they get overrun by the demons, fighting a number of rearguard actions. Eventually, they hear of a unique artifact that can close the Worldwound and have to retrieve it before the demons destroy the entire world. (An "allies in unexpected places" subplot where a powerful lawful evil entity, who doesn't want Golarion falling to the demons, helps the PCs.)

Sure it's cliche, but cliches are cliches 'cause they're fun!

A AP that was a journey across the Crown of the World would also be welcome.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:

Jungle AP: either in a Pellucidar-style portion of the Darklands, in the Mwangi, or on another planet, an ERB style adventure path with dinosaurs, dire animals, and lost civilizations. Could easily be a low magic, low treasure, low level, high adventure series. Leopard pelt bikinis and loincloths on the covers.
Set wrote:

This also sounds awesome. Some ruined city is required, something to do with awakened and / or fiendish apes, and, oh yes, dinosaurs! Ancient magical relics that link to strange places or cause unusual effects to occur are also key, perhaps guarded by degenerate serpent folk?

1. Savage World - OH YES! Something resembling the SAVAGE LANDS from Marvel Comics. Concentrate heavily on Monstrous Humanoids (Gnolls, Lizard Men, Catfolk, etc.) and have them at represent Warring factions, similar to the elements in Temple of Elemental Evil. Lots of dinosaurs! Perhaps another plane where magic is quirky and has a chance of being corrupted somehow making the characters rely more heavily on stats and skills. I'm thinking levels 10-20 give or take.

2. Giant World - (ex: Jack & the Beanstalk)

3. Parallel World - (ex: Alice in Wonderland)

4. Gothic Horror World - (Ex: Ravenloth, Castlevania)

5. Egyptian based Adventures given the Osirion Faction and all, like 'Pathfinder X' mentioned above. It would likely be trap heavy, undead heavy and treasure heavy!

6. More use of the 'skill check card mechanic' such as the one used in Curse of the Crimson Throne.


I'd love to see some more of Casmaron's interior.

I'd also adore seeing celestials as antagonists for non-evil PCs in some manner.

Tieflings. Doesn't matter in what capacity (just not 4e style tiefers, because they suck, stylistically speaking).

1) I want to see an AP that deals with a war between some of the major nations, preferably with potential for long-lasting setting consequences. I agree, that blowing up BBEGs to preserve the status quo for six APs in a row is a bit too repetitive. And, considering, how many nations of Golarion are really unpleasant, the setting just asks for an AP, dedicated to taking down/radically changing some of them.
1.1) For that matter, I would have liked to see either a setting with non-advancing official timeline and APs being big "what if?"s or a setting that makes very wide allowances for different possible outcomes of various APs. Better the former, as it is technically easier to do. I guess, I'm really burned by Forgotten Realms-style metaplot and multiple ways it can screw your game.
2) I support the call for an "evil" AP, as long as PCs will have an option to be just selfish and mercenary (i.e. technically neutral or evil, but not extreme), instead of truly vile. Playing monster races PCs that beat up human and elves, and, I don't know, build a new kingdom for themselves, instead of thwarting others' attempts to do so, like your typical adventurers, can be a lot of fun; CRPG-style string of atrocities, cannot, at least not for me.
3) A city-based AP that grows into a nation-based AP. If it is confined to a sinlge city (unless that city is an enormous, very highly magical metropolis), then, IMO, a question "why all of those extremely powerful enemies haven't totally destryoed/controlled the city before, when we weren't around". CoCT tries to avoid it by making the BBEG grow in power in parallel with PCs, mostly successfully, but there still are some "???" moments, such as ecology of numerous human-eating monsters that infest Corvosa and particular NPCs (Grey Maidens come to mind as a group example) with as much levels as the PCs abilities demand.

I like dancing girls. How about a musical?

Get Logue on that, JJ.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kruelaid wrote:

I like dancing girls. How about a musical?

Get Logue on that, JJ.

ewww, creepy cannibal ogre ghoul dancing girls isn't my idea of fun.


My favorite issue of Dungeon was the Maure Castle issue. I would
love to see a path devoted to one large dungeon. Every campaign world
should have a Greyhawk scale dungeon.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

A Red Planet AP as close to ERB's Barsoom as possible (this will save me having to do it myself one day). The Dead Sea bottom the six limbed barbarian tribes. The shrinking civilization... Ah...

A city of the Dead thing would be awesome.

Grand Lodge

KaeYoss wrote:
I'd like to see what can be done with war, and characters part of the armies that clash. I don't know whether that would work as an AP, but it could be part of one.

I think War of the Burning Sky has to do with something like that, from EN World. I haven't played it and have only read some of the free first adventure.

Grand Lodge

I guess the AP I would most like to see is an AP set in the Land of Linnorn Kings with conflict with the White Witches. Almost a Beowulf and Lion, Witch and Wardrobe combination.

Lots of good idea's on this thread


Something I'd really like to see are an exploration of Mwangi type AP. Particularly if Mwangi is African flavoured as there really is not much in that vein around and what there is is basically background material. Whats really needed to use this sort of material is a great adventure.

So having this be some sort of expedition that involves making alliences and possibly trying to find the lost artifact which is buried under myths and legends of locals before the BBEGs get their hands on it and do yukky stuff would be very interesting. Obviously the deeper you get to the heart of the mystery the more dangerous the locals you explore and the closer you get to the BBEGs own search party.


Another similar themed AP I'd love is one based aroudn a specific caravan. The Caravan acts as a kind of 'city on wheels' so you get continued growth of NPCs as the AP carries forward. Maybe have the caravan be delivering a prince/princess his/her exotic wife/husband in far off distant lands (say to cement trade relations. Beyond the varous hazards that the PCs encounter transporting the goods they face increasingly dangerous opposition from factions that don't want to see these two united in matrimonial bliss. Bonus role playing scenes if 'matrimonial bliss' is not actually the expected outcome - maybe the wife/husband is a bigot and becomes ever more horrified as customs and people change and become ever more foreign during the travels. I think this would be a great way to introduce Golarion's version of the 'orient'.


Pathfinder X wrote:
Zuxius wrote:

Sharks with Frickin' Lasers on their heads!

Ok, really, Journey to the center of the earth in Pathfinder AP. You could even have them pop out into another dimension only to find they are in China (crack out the oriental rules). A lot of puns intended. Naturally there would be dinosaurs underground...naturally. Fiendish T-Rex's that hunt by sound b/c their eyes are empty white pupils.


They wouldn't need to, in the deepest caverns, there are vaults with their own mini-suns...hot steamy alien jungles with frogemoths and cthulhulings...MWUAHAHAHAHA

one word: Sold! How many caps u want?


also, so as not to clutter with extra posts:

A second (third?) for the "Morally Neutral" AP, where the PC's are a merc-based organization (possibly working for the Orc-King, or actual Pathfinder-Sponsored Mercs)

would be a good place to shine with non-normal-pc's (goblins, orcs, etc.) and morally ambiguous type character concepts (kinda hard to play a Necromancer to it's utmost when you're shackled with "Good" NPC's to deal with/buy from/receive quests from).

Set it far from the current inner-sea region (or based on ship registered from Riddleport) and you can have evil-pirate-AP to the nines.

Also: to clarify on my "Sim-City" style comment; more adventures like Tides of Dread, where you get to really make use of the surroundings (the village itself, the resources in the jungle, go get these ancient artifacts type stuff, etc..) and the locals. This is exactly what my group and myself gravitate towards when playing home-brew stuff, so setting up guilds, political shenanigans, establishing buildings and bases, that kind of stuff would be amazing in a whole AP.

(if not possible in such a grand scale, perhaps some modules, loosely connected, that would let you really take control of a sizable community.)

If possible, some more mass-battle-style adventures, as well. The Storming the Beach part of "Prince of Demons" was awesome, with a nice, fast-paced, dangerous feel. Perhaps not at 19th lvl, as the enemies are either crazy complicated or useless, but around the 7-9th lvl mark would be spectacular.


deinol wrote:

I've been thinking about what I'd like to see in future adventure paths, and I thought it would be nice to have a thread for people to talk about what they would like.

I'm hoping Council of Thieves has a real urban campaign feel to it, because there aren't nearly enough of those. Something really political in nature. Power Behind the Throne, the old Warhammer FRP module is the best example I've ever seen.

I also want to see a planar adventure path. I love Planescape, and now that Golarion has its own planar cosmology it should have an adventure path that takes characters to the planes from book 1. I know this won't realistically happen until adventure path 7 or 8, but it really should be explored sometime.

So what would other people like to see in future adventure paths?

I also would love to see something in the spirit of power behind the throne for Council of Thieves. It would be especially cool if the entire AP actually managed to avoid dungeon crawls.

At some point in the future, i would really like to see a slow Exp progression based AP, based around the low lifes and underside of sociaty, primarilly with Human antagonist.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
Something I'd really like to see are an exploration of Mwangi type AP. Particularly if Mwangi is African flavoured as there really is not much in that vein around and what there is is basically background material.

The Mwangi Expanse is definatly something that screams AP. It is a huge area and has a lot of hidden potential.

The Silverback King and his Gorilla Minions would make a great BBEG for one of the Chapters.
One of the Chapters could also centre around The Shackles, The Sodden Lands and the Eye of Abendego. Actually the Mystery of the Eye of Abendego could very easily be what drives the AP, culminating in facing what lies at it's centre.
AP 1-3 Travel to different parts of the Expanse. By 3 you now have a definate goal to the adventure.
AP 4 Visit Usaro and defeat the Silverback King to gain the final piece to the puzzle.
AP 5 Visit the Sodden Lands and the Shackles for information and help.
AP 6 Travel into the Eye of Abendego and your goal.

Another is something in the North. It would involve the Land of the Linnorm Kings for sure, possibly including a trip across the Arcadian Ocean to Arcadia and Valenhall. It could also include the other Northern Countries (Irrisen, Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Mendev and The Worldwound. Maybe stopping the Worldwound from expanding could be the goal of the AP. (I'm not saying close the Worldwound, but definately halting any further spread would mean that Golarion's World State isn't totally screwed up by radically changing the Northern Countries).
AP 1 Starts in Irrisen, where you discover something about the Worldwound's Expansion.
AP 2 Travel to The Realm of the Mammoth Lords to further the plot.
AP 3-4 Travel to The Land of the Linnorm Kings and then on to Arcadia to gather things needed to halt the Wordwound's Epansion.
AP 5 Back to Mendev and prepare for the final push.
AP 6 Confront the Masters of the Worldwound and halt it's Expansion.

My last suggestion would be something involving either Tian Xia and/or Vudra, the closest of the Avistani neighbours.

Dark Archive

flash_cxxi wrote:

The Mwangi Expanse is definatly something that screams AP. It is a huge area and has a lot of hidden potential.

The Silverback King and his Gorilla Minions would make a great BBEG for one of the Chapters.

Another one I'd love to see. Since Demogorgon is not available (he was my first choice!), the Demon Lord Angazhan will be the one responsible for the CE Awakened Fiendish Dire Gorilla King Barbarian 8, and his Awakened Fiendish Gorilla Barbarian, Adept and Sorcerer retinue (and their Awakened Fiendish Monkey Rogue assassins...).

First awakened as overseers for the non-awakened gorillas that had been 'domesticated' for use as menial labor by a decadent Mwangi civilization, the Awakened Overseers listened to dark whispers in the savage heart of the jungle, and learned the secret lore of sorcery and divine spellcasting necessary to overthrow the soft humans who had enslaved them, and also, to awaken more of their kind. They now have an even more decadent (if such a thing is conceivable!) kingdom in the decaying ruins of the kingdom where they once served as slaves, ruled by demon-blooded priests of Angazhan, and terrorizing all around their 'Gorilla City.' The Apes are ruled by Adepts and Sorcerers (fiendish bloodline only) in service to Angazhan, who are the only ones who can invoke the power of the unholy artifact they use to Awaken more of their kind, and most of the 'rank and file' are Barbarians and Rangers.

Set wrote:

First awakened as overseers for the non-awakened gorillas that had been 'domesticated' for use as menial labor by a decadent Mwangi civilization, the Awakened Overseers listened to dark whispers in the savage heart of the jungle, and learned the secret lore of sorcery and divine spellcasting necessary to overthrow the soft humans who had enslaved them, and also, to awaken more of their kind. They now have an even more decadent (if such a thing is conceivable!) kingdom in the decaying ruins of the kingdom where they once served as slaves, ruled by demon-blooded priests of Angazhan, and terrorizing all around their 'Gorilla City.' The Apes are ruled by Adepts and Sorcerers (fiendish bloodline only) in service to Angazhan, who are the only ones who can invoke the power of the unholy artifact they use to Awaken more of their kind, and most of the 'rank and file' are Barbarians and Rangers.

Good idea though I'd think this would be just part of an adventure. One has to be careful with something like Fiendish Gorilla's. A few encounters with them and its really cool but too many and it grows dull.

One of the really interesting thing about using an African style setting is that its a great opportunity to go with some African themed monsters. Dragon Magazine had some examples way back and they were often pretty interesting. One can also, of course, riff off of idea's based on this sort of thing. Tauric Rhino's for example probably don't exist in actual African lore but they'd make a good D&D style African encounter. Centaur like creatures are pretty standard D&D fare and Rhino's are clearly African, mix and match and see what one gets that might spark the players imagination.

Any way an AP on this topic with a good mix of combat and non-combat encounters sure piques my interest.

rugbyman wrote:

And yes a Master Vampire or Lich AP would great! The lich one could be in Osirion, making the Lich just a different mummification process...

I'd too like to see a vampire or lich as a final boss of an AP with a strong gothic tone


32-point font and like 400 words a page. Who's with me! ...Anyone? ...hello?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
32-point font and like 400 words a page. Who's with me! ...Anyone? ...hello?

Does that make the AP 524 pages long, or mean we get a Side Trek as an Adventure? ;)-

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