Sebastian says Heathansson associates with Ice Weasels

Off-Topic Discussions

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Seeing as the user of the computer alter-ego hereafter referred to as Sebastian is already a legal professional, I'd like to offer my own services to the user of the computer alter-ego hereafter referred to as Heathansson.

My motto is: Nothing says "guilty" like Smite Evil.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.

I'd endorse that. And then I'd endorse it again.

Sovereign Court

The One True Heathansson wrote:


He's the biggest celebrity of these boards. he ready to lead?

With magical plagues brewing, Sebastian says, "No," to Vancian magic?!

And says he'd impose a Forum posting tax...

Forum taxes...more spellplagues...

That's the real Sebastian.

I'm the One True Heathansson, and I approve this message - but I don't approve of that guy - he's a poophead.


*announcer guy*

Heathansson claims to be a decorated war hero, but was his service really what he claims?

*old guy*

I served in the Paizo Reserves from 2008-2009 and I remember seeing heathansson running scared when the WotC lovers stormed our base.

*different old guy*

Heathansson makes a big deal about his service, but whenever active duty came up, he stayed behind to watch "I'm a monster clips"

*another different old guy*

I served from 2000-2008 and heathansson never once participated in an active 4E bashing. He was wounded at base, not in active duty, ignore what the actual reports say, I remember it.

*Announcer guy*

Is this really the type of man we want leading our nation?
paid for by the swiftbeastiary veterans for truth and not sponsored in any way by sebastion's party, reall it isn't.

I'm a member of Dinosaurs for Sebastian.
We claim tens of thousands of supporters, but as far as I know it's just me and a dummy corporation set up by Sebastian. But still, Heathansson doesn't speak for all of us!

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
I love your ploy to overshadow the fact that neither of you realize that Shemp was a hack; that Curly was the true genius behind the Stooges.

You must be talking about the Fake Shemps.

Liberty's Edge

Crimson Jester wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I love your ploy to overshadow the fact that neither of you realize that Shemp was a hack; that Curly was the true genius behind the Stooges.
You must be talking about the Fake Shemps.

That's an oxymoron.

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:
That's an oxymoron.

MUDSLINGER! You saw it here folks, Heathansson is willing to play partisan politics and call his opposition oxymorons. Isn't it time we put the politics of character assasination aside and vote for real change, or do we really want 4 more years of dirty political chicanery

Dark Archive

A phone rings in the middle of the night...

A DM is needed...

Who do you want answering that phone?

Lets look at the Facts.

Heathanson is still mired in first edition,

He still thinks THACo was a good idea.

Meanwhile Sebastian is ready to lead us into...

A brave new world where we hope for change.

And be it Pathfinder or 4th Edition...

You can be sure that Sebastian is up for the challenge.

A phone rings in the middle of the night...

And Sebastian will be there to answer it.

Paid for by Fuzzy Mammals for Sebastian

lastknightleft wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
That's an oxymoron.
MUDSLINGER! You saw it here folks, Heathansson is willing to play partisan politics and call his opposition oxymorons. Isn't it time we put the politics of character assasination aside and vote for real change, or do we really want 4 more years of dirty political chicanery

I'll take the 4 more years of dirty chicanery please.

Dark Archive

Information recently uncovered shows that Joe the Ice Weasel doesn't make anywhere near enough money to be effected by Sebastian's tax on ice weasels making over $250000 a year. Further, records seem to indicate that not only does Joe the Ice Weasel not make enough money to matter in the discussion of Sebastian's tax plan, he is not even licensed as an ice weasel. Don't listen to Heathansan's propoganda. Joe the Ice Weasel is not being discriminated against, he isn't even an ice weasel.

Liberty's Edge

I wish that Sebastian's ice weasel bards would quit badgering Joe the Plumbumceratops.

Sebastian is, like, older than that elf guy in Lord of the Rings, you know the one that was Liv Tyler's dad.

I just want the Paizo board to know I'm totally ready to lead.

I don't know what ice weasels are, but that doesn't matter 'cause I'm hot.

Now I want to give you my plan for solving the edition wars, but first I want to find out where to get the best tan...

...oh, Athas. Loves it.

Anyway, 3e focuses on the traditions of D&D while updating the rules set. 4e bunks tradition for playability. How about this...we play whatever rules set we are in the mood for. That way everybody is happy.

I'll see you at the debates, b+!~~es.

Oh, and I may change this board's skin to pink. I hope that's okay.

Sovereign Court

Labradoodle wrote:

A phone rings in the middle of the night...

A DM is needed...

Who do you want answering that phone?

Lets look at the Facts.

Heathanson is still mired in first edition,

He still thinks THACo was a good idea.

Meanwhile Sebastian is ready to lead us into...

A brave new world where we hope for change.

And be it Pathfinder or 4th Edition...

You can be sure that Sebastian is up for the challenge.

A phone rings in the middle of the night...

And Sebastian will be there to answer it.

Paid for by Fuzzy Mammals for Sebastian

Hehe, that was good.

Liberty's Edge

The fundamentals of 1e are sound.
Damn ice weasels.
Drink the ice weasel koolaid.
Don't come crying to me when a yellow ice cicle wedges in your throat.
You won't have tricky dick to kick around any more.

Dark Archive

Paris Hilton wrote:

Anyway, 3e focuses on the traditions of D&D while updating the rules set. 4e bunks tradition for playability.

Careful Paris, this is still primetime, and safe harbor laws still apply.

I escaped from Paris Hilton.

Beaver Cleaver wrote:
I escaped from Paris Hilton.

Sounds like a South Park episode.

Beaver Cleaver wrote:
I escaped from Paris Hilton.

Do you happen to know the Beverly Hills Chihuahua or where I might find him? He took my sanity and I need it back.

Whimsy Chris wrote:
Beaver Cleaver wrote:
I escaped from Paris Hilton.
Do you happen to know the Beverly Hills Chihuahua or where I might find him? He took my sanity and I need it back.

You don't need to be saddled by the notion of sanity.

Cheshire Cat wrote:
Beaver Cleaver wrote:
I escaped from Paris Hilton.
Sounds like a South Park episode.


Wait, I think the real important issues are getting left behind.
Can we get back to the cute scifi ladies in bikinis, please?

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.

Evilturnip wrote:

Wait, I think the real important issues are getting left behind.

Can we get back to the cute scifi ladies in bikinis, please?

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.

I think we all endorse Starbuck. The question is, who does she endorse in return?

Evilturnip wrote:

Wait, I think the real important issues are getting left behind.

Can we get back to the cute scifi ladies in bikinis, please?

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.

Wait, some sci-fi ladies are worse than Ice Weasels.... (See wiki entry, *Dude, where's my car?*)

Whimsy Chris wrote:
Evilturnip wrote:

Wait, I think the real important issues are getting left behind.

Can we get back to the cute scifi ladies in bikinis, please?

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.
I think we all endorse Starbuck. The question is, who does she endorse in return?

She can endorse me any day...

Sovereign Court

Evilturnip wrote:
Whimsy Chris wrote:
Evilturnip wrote:

Wait, I think the real important issues are getting left behind.

Can we get back to the cute scifi ladies in bikinis, please?

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.
I think we all endorse Starbuck. The question is, who does she endorse in return?
She can endorse me any day...

I endorse this message.

lastknightleft wrote:
Evilturnip wrote:
Whimsy Chris wrote:
Evilturnip wrote:

Wait, I think the real important issues are getting left behind.

Can we get back to the cute scifi ladies in bikinis, please?

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.
I think we all endorse Starbuck. The question is, who does she endorse in return?
She can endorse me any day...
I endorse this message.

I endorse the concept of endorsement.

I endorse.

Silver Crusade

I endorse this endorsement.

Gary Teter wrote:
My vote goes for whoever endorses the real Starbuck.

I was away all day and missed this....

I just have to keep looking again and again.

Scarab Sages

I endorsed myself last night and had to go to the ER.

Ubermench wrote:
I endorsed myself last night and had to go to the ER.

TME = To Much Endorsement

Dark Archive

In an old redneck voice, "As Heathansson's neighbor, I can't tell you the dedercation he has to dis here game. I recone I dont like dem slick city folk trying to sell me on their ponies or dinersores and der new game. Yup I like me a man who can stand up fer his ice weasel and old ways. Let me tell ye about that Heathansson, he has dem crazy half naked weasel folk going in and out of his face with that fancy plumbing. He still a DM of the people, and that there I tell ya is the type of man ye need...."

My friends, I'm a maverick.

You people do know that endorse comes from 'end horse', an early term for equine bestiality, don't you?

Thus, 'really getting behind something you believe in' was illustrated through this bawdy metaphor.

You're all rear ending horses. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

struth, nuncle!

That's it, I'm voting for the lycanthrope.

Happy birthday, Mr. President.....


Sovereign Court

Do you realize that the majority of this thread has been Heathansson talking to himself?

lastknightleft wrote:
Do you realize that the majority of this thread has been Heathansson talking to himself?

Do you realize that Heathansson is actually every other poster on Paizo except for you lastknightleft?

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
My friends, I'm a maverick.

<Takes another swig.>

lastknightleft wrote:
Do you realize that the majority of this thread has been Heathansson talking to himself?


The Jade wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
Do you realize that the majority of this thread has been Heathansson talking to himself?

Do you realize that Heathansson is actually every other poster on Paizo except for you lastknightleft?

Cue Twilight Zone fadeout to commercial music.

Liberty's Edge


There's a guy, in a bomb shelter;
all alone;
he's got a PC tied to a Cs-137 battery;

6 months later on a lark he pings his chatroom on the internet...
there's all this traffic on the chatroom....


cue Rod Serling soliloquy, fade to commercial...

Their names are Alvin, Simon and Theodore; they told heathy that they were albino chipmunks.
So, everybody chill aiight?

Liberty's Edge

Who was that?
Spanky....where are you? Are you in the U.S.A.?

cue Twilight Zone music


Sovereign Court

I think this thread has become one that frequenting will lead to needing psychiatric help.

Liberty's Edge

Aye, this...thread, this thread that should not be.

If the board regulars will excuse the threadjack, but there is a petition requesting recognition for the super-duper-awesomeness of Lilith *here*, in case those potentially interested had not yet noticed it...
Uhh, back on topic, Ice Weasels, Dinosaurs, they all go extinct when Summer Glau ignites the war on climate change. Uhh, against the daleks? Uhh, against Skynet? Ohh, what were we talking about again? Russia? Yes. I could certainly see that from my window. If I lived right on the coast of Alaska. And it weren't snowing. Or raining. Or you, know, there was a sea fog. But I could definitely see it one day a decade. Uhh, wait a moment, which way does my office face?

This whole election is about a little four-letter word: ICE. I-C-E.

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