Hopeless's Legends are Made, not Born


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So the group have found and rescued the captive villagers from the waystation, a captive guard willing to lead them out and a lab that has yet to be fully searched as well as the other room you haven't looked at yet unless you want to head out of here asap?

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Well, what do you think gang? Boggo's kind of torn. His paternal side what's to protect Dale at all costs at all costs and get her out of tehre ASAP. But then there's his averiscious Dwarven side that can't stand the idea of leaving any treasure behind.

I'm thinking for sure we'll grab the chest of silver and other loot from the Ogre's den, but are y'all up for searching the lab and other room too? Think we have time?

Keep in mind, the more time we spend here, the greater the chance of re-enforcements arriving...

Although we do have a bunch of healing potions now...;-)

Speaking of that, how are you doing for HP Willy? Help yourself to some more potions if ya need them. Plus Tenna still has those other healing herbs we got at the beginning from Carter, right?

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Willy is currently at 4 hp. Without more healing, if we continue onward he will likely go down again.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Well then take some man! : ) Bogorin doesn't have any healing spells yet but he does have a couple more uses of his Channel Positive Energy. However I figured I'd save those for when more people are injured.

Hopeless, if it's not too much to ask, would you be so kind to to be able to make a complete list of Everything we have picked up/were given since the adventure began? If you can do so, I will copy it and save it to my PC and from now on keep track of it myself and make updates of it in the OOC thread when necessary.

But for now Willy, I am sure there are at least two more potions of Cure Moderate available to you. so bottoms up buddy. We'll be needin' Willy and his axe in top shape before too long I am sure.

PS, what's your's and everyone else's vote on the What To Do Next issue?

While I don't really consider Boggo the leader(because he wouldn't), I guess he's kinda fallen into that roll. Hopeless, if we don't don't from the rest of the gang say in the next couple days on what to do next say I'll just make a decision for the group so as not to hold things up to long. If that's ok with you?

I was wondering if this conversation shouldn't be occurring in the OOC forum?

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

"Might I remind you there is an invisible demon lurking around here who has killed the mage dwarf from behind . If we go on , we take the risk he could do so to Miss Dale here ... Let's go back to town at this was our main mission . We'll come back afterwards ! "

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

"Okey dokey, hervey."

Willy guzzles a potion.

Cure moderate wounds: 2d8+2=11

The Corridor

The Corridor

The above are links to the same map but the first is mediafire the second is photobucket so let me know if you can see either of these

The corridor stretches ahead and you can barely see the alcove your captive indicates where the secret door that leads to the surface is hidden however beyond the alcove to the left hidden from view is the double doors marking his Boss's inner sanctuum where the last misisng captive might be being held and quite probably where he was exposed to whatever ailment the others had witnessed.
He also points out that the quarters to the north are the imp's where the broom Herve fought had been left on guard.

Working on the treasure list as requested

Ack! My apologies all, I thought I had been posting all that in the OOC thread, that's why I posted as Khaladon :P

Speaking to all in general Bogorin says "Ok, I'm fer seein' about this last captive fer I won't be leavin' behind a kinsman tae these devils if I kin help it. But then we're back out and up that ladder quick as kin be! N' Dale my dear, ye make sure tae stay at the back! (n' ye kin keep n' eye on that shifty Gnome while yer at it). But, if'n any o ye's would rather head back now, I won't be thinkin' any less o' ye. N' ye'll have me gratitude fer takin' Dale back tae safety with ye."

Next, the old Dwarf turns to the captive guard and says "Lad, ye've seemed tae have been true tae yer word so far, if'n ye keep doing so I give ye me word I'll do me best tae see ye get the fairest treatemt when we head back tae town. Mayhap this kin even be yer chance tae steer yerself on the path o' right from now on."

Finally Boggo turns to Willy saying "I know yer not one tae say no tae a fight lad, but ye best be gettin yer fill o' these healin' draughts while ye can. I'll not be wanting ye tae have another faintin' spell if we comes across any more baddies" he finishes with a wink.

Hopeless, as Val's seems to be away for an unknown length of time, maybe for now you could have Tenna take Dale and Jonas back up to the Ogre's lair at least? With instructions that if we don't return soon she's to head back to town with all speed and let them know what's gone on here?

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Hopeless, as Val's seems to be away for an unknown length of time, maybe for now you could have Tenna take Dale and Jonas back up to the Ogre's lair at least? With instructions that if we don't return soon she's to head back to town with all speed and let them know what's gone on here?

Okay hope things improve for Val

Because I'm moving home around the 19th of October I'm letting you know now as it will probably mean I won't be able to post for a couple of weeks until I can get back online. This is so you know I'm not prematurely ending this game thread

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Ok thanks. See everyone after the 'break' ;-)

I don't really have any more time for this game so I guess I will say good bye and good luck.

Knock Knock, anyone still home??

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Still there .

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5


Female Sylph Magus (Staff Magus & Cabalist) / 9| HP 72/72 AC 23*or more*, T 14, Flat 18- F+9 R+8 W+9 Init +4; Senses: Darkvision 60ft; Per +9(+11))

DRA only:

No worries bro, I completely understand where you're coming from. This is your game and your are well within your right to have your rules and regulations respected and followed.

Like I said, the only reason I went ahead with it without getting your express permission first is that I hadn't been looking at it as a retooling, but just a simple re-tweaking of a brand new character. That won't happen again.

I can't really see how a re-tooling would make any sense though, game wise, as her having a sorcerous bloodline would be something she'd have had from birth and how she learns and uses her spells would have been different. But I dunno, maybe there's some way to work it out we can discuss after the battle. It wouldn't have made much difference in the battle at all anyway, the changes being so minor.

And whoo-hoo! We're up! Slaughter time! heh heh!

Round 1, Init 11
AC 25/(27 vs evil), HP 60/60
Altitude 150'
Buffs: Protection from Evil, Haste, Aid, Message; Special: Duck & Cover (Bonus to AC from D& C and from wielding quarterstaff included)

AC 25 HP 60/60; Buffs: Haste
Special: DR5/evil, SR 10, Cold, Acid, Elec Resistance 5, Fire resistance 10, Duck & Cover; Fly 150ft.(perfect)

Her heart lurching to see her new friend so grievously wounded and her anger surging at these foul once celestial beings the magus calls out "Mai! Go! Aid your wife! My companions and I shall take care of these two and we can easily catch up!

Without need of command from her the mighty Pegasus Lord, Tora'an, performs a perfect 180' turn and dives right between the evil pair, preventing them from using their bows without putting themselves at risk. Then rounding on the Erinyes Mai has already wounded, he attacks furiously. His hatred of these blasphemies just at great as his rider's he lashes out smiting the devil with all of his celestial power, intent on nothing less than it's destruction.
Tora'an'smite attack & damage: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27
Tora'an Fly check for 180' turn: auto

With long years of practice battling astride her Andaeu (Life Partner) Aylaeth seamlessly co-ordinates her attacks with Tora'an, adding her magical and melee might to the battle. Using in inner arcane reserves to charge her staff with power and potent electrical energy, she then uses her incredible training and ability to both attack and cast at the creatures at once, hammering her foe with her staff charged to bursting with electrical energy and sending a bolt of force at the same time.

Concentration check DC17:1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
Spell Strike Attack:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
Hasted extra melee attack:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29

Spell Strike attack with shocking burst and shocking grasp damage:1d6 + 4 + 1d6 + 7d6 ⇒ (5) + 4 + (4) + (6, 4, 6, 5, 1, 6, 4) = 45
CL Check for for shocking grasp vs SR19:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Magic Missile Damage:4d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 1) + 4 = 11
CL Check for for magic missle vs SR19:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

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