Raise of the Poodle Lords

Off-Topic Discussions

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That's fine KC. I don't like being insulted, even if you felt justified in making the insult. All I wanted was an apology. I will bury the hatchet. Remember that there are human beings behind these little avatars, and attacking people even if you feel justified is a good way of raising hackles. 'Nuff said.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
That's fine KC. I don't like being insulted, even if you felt justified in making the insult. All I wanted was an apology. I will bury the hatchet. Remember that there are human beings behind these little avatars, and attacking people even if you feel justified is a good way of raising hackles. 'Nuff said.

Okay, at teh risk of reviving the argument...

There was no insult. There was simply a joke which clearly wasn't funny, and an overreaction. Bad things on both sides.
And I wasn't attacking you. I never did. I was defending myself, and as they say, the best defense is offense. You were 'yelling' at me for posting on 'your' thread, and I 'yelled' back.
It actually hurt me that people were this mad at me. I never realized it would cause this much trouble, and I am sorry.

Communication mishaps are at the root of most ugly things in life. We can just drop this and move on.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Communication mishaps are at the root of most ugly things in life.

I disagree with that. ;)

CourtFool wrote:

Come on. Naturalism? Really? Some of that ecology was created just to screw over players who had become exactly what that system encouraged them to be. Mimics, Rust Monsters and that thing that looked like a bunny on a stump…I am looking at you.

It just made players more meta-gamey and paranoid.

Is that what you did with your time? Chew on this, or


If you really want to read up on this, the stuff's out there, some on these boards. (You can even Google Gygaxian Naturalism to find it.) Gygax, God love'im, was a bit schizophrenic. But just like he had the "this is like chess and keep your drama dept crap outta my game" side, he also had profoundly "simulationist" side. And while this gave greater randomness and danger to the game, it also provided a kind of verisimilitude (which I think is a better term than "naturalism," though I also wrote plenty of posts about Tolkien's terminology for this, too) that encouraged sandbox play and world-building. Oh yeah, E.G.G. did a lot of that too. So don't give me the "Keep On the Borderlands" or the "wolf-in-sheep's-clothing" like that's all he ever did while he was creating a complex game that was bigger than he was...not that he was small. So, all of that if you aren't yanking my chain. If you are, then...

fetch the stick!

The Exchange

CourtFool wrote:

Today is Friday the 13th. What say you that we go take some gold from a Templar.

That is so wrong.

Drones come by to adjust the reactors, take note of the trespassers and leave

A small white form comes racing in the door. He circles once, twice, three times and lies down on a nearby doggie bed (after snagging a squeaky toy)


The small poodle closes his eyes

*SIGH* <tweeeet>

A second small, white form wanders slowly through the room, head down and tail drooping. It wanders into the corner and lies down on the cold, bare floor - all alone....

Licks CDP


Drops squeaky toy for him and wags tail

Runs in yapping and sniffs Clinically Depressed Poodle’s and Dread Lord Poodle’s bums.

Oh hai! How ya doin'.

Circles CF and attempts to sniff his butt


Cold nose! Cold nose!

I was thinking of getting some new furniture in here for us to chew on. Maybe a giant squeaky toy in the living room. Oh! Oh! And one of those tennis ball launcher thingies.

Sovereign Court

What? No fire hydrants?

Callous Jack wrote:
What? No fire hydrants?

Doh! How could I forget?

Runs through thread chasing a duck.

Duck Season? Or Wabbit Season?

Wait?! What?! Rabbits?

Changes direction, casing a rabbit now.

Yap! Yap! Yap!

Frog Season!


CourtFool wrote:
I was thinking of getting some new furniture in here for us to chew on. Maybe a giant squeaky toy in the living room. Oh! Oh! And one of those tennis ball launcher thingies.

A tennis ball launcher?!?!

*starts running around excited in circles *




A tennis ball launcher thingie it is! Anyone know the exchange rate for Poodle Pounds to Dollars?

CourtFool wrote:
A tennis ball launcher thingie it is! Anyone know the exchange rate for Poodle Pounds to Dollars?

Yep. Ya gotta take the amount of Poodle Pounds, then subtract that amount. That's how many dollars/pounds/euros/anything it's worth.

Curls up on a sofa and begins chewing up a first edition Dungeon Masters Guide.

CourtFool wrote:
Curls up on a sofa and begins chewing up a first edition Dungeon Masters Guide.

The Jacks could put your destructive nature to much better uses.

CourtFool wrote:
Curls up on a sofa and begins chewing up a first edition Dungeon Masters Guide.

*grabs the other end of the book and shakes it, trying to take it away playfuly*


Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
The Jacks could put your destructive nature to much better uses.

Wow, I must have really hit a nerve for you still to be on about that. I am truly sorry.

Llamafrog wrote:
*grabs the other end of the book and shakes it, trying to take it away playfuly*

Plays tug-o-war with Llamafrog.


CourtFool wrote:
Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
The Jacks could put your destructive nature to much better uses.
Wow, I must have really hit a nerve for you still to be on about that. I am truly sorry.

Nope, it'll take more than a lowly poodle to hit one of my nerves. As always I'm on the lookout for more converts.

Oh. Well I wish you good luck with that. And if I see any likely candidates, I will be happy to send them your way.

Llamafrog and CourtFool rip the DMG in half. CourtFool hops back on the sofa and gnaws on his half.

CourtFool wrote:
Oh. Well I wish you good luck with that. And if I see any likely candidates, I will be happy to send them your way.

One candidate that I'm thinking of is the Clinically Depressed Poodle. Maybe he's depressed because he doesn't enjoy typical poodle activities and would like to try something else. A new lifestyle that might be a better fit for him. Just a thought.

Pulls a 1st edition Deities and Demigods out from under the sofa. Begins gnawing on the cover

YAP! Grrrr .....

Pages fly everywhere

Dread Lord Poodle wrote:

Pulls a 1st edition Deities and Demigods out from under the sofa. Begins gnawing on the cover

YAP! Grrrr .....

Pages fly everywhere

Hmmm, this poodle has potential as well.

CourtFool wrote:
Llamafrog and CourtFool rip the DMG in half. CourtFool hops back on the sofa and gnaws on his half.

*Gives a greedy stare to Courtfool's half...*

I would be the last one to try and keep anyone against their will. If Clinically Depressed Poodle wanted to become a Jack, I would support him. We would be here with loving licks if he wanted to return as well.

Clinically Depressed Poodle must do what is best for him.

Runs off with his half of the DMG.

*a new dog comes into the room* *begins sniffing everywhere* I know I'm not a full poodle like you guys, but I'd like to join you if you'll have me. *looks at the poodles with the saddest puppy-dog eyes*


Runs around Cockapoo and offers him a page from his mangled Deities and Demigods.

Yap! Yap!

Drops a squeaky toy at Cockapoo's paws.

Dread Lord Poodle wrote:


Runs around Cockapoo and offers him a page from his mangled Deities and Demigods.

Thank you. Grrrr! *Takes the page and rips it into pieces* *begins to sniff everybody's bums* *Licks DLP*

CourtFool wrote:

Yap! Yap!

Drops a squeaky toy at Cockapoo's paws.

*licks Courtfool* Yap! *plays with squeaky toy* SQUEAK!

*chases cars outside the poodle complex* Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap!



Watch it mutt!

... wrote:



Watch it mutt!

*startled by the horn and screeching tires* Yipe! Yipe! Yipe! Yipe! Yipe! *Runs back in the house where it's safe*

Shows Cockapoo the beloved porcelain bowl we all drink out of.


Slurps water from bowl

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