If you could rename Pathfinder, what would it be?

General Discussion (Prerelease)

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Some people. myself included, have stated that they like Pathfinder but prefer it to have a better name. In trying to get people to try it, a common misconception is that it is based on that Viking movie of the same name.

We all know "Dungeons & Dragons" and other names have been taken, so what would you rename it?

I like the name myself. Really not sure on anything that would give it that same feel.

Scarab Sages

Let's see....

Nope, can't think of a thing.

The name is great as it is!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I think the name is perfect. The awareness of the bad viking movie is very low within my circle - there's no danger of anyone making that mistake.

Sebastian wrote:
I think the name is perfect. The awareness of the bad viking movie is very low within my circle - there's no danger of anyone making that mistake.

Same in my group. If they have heard of it or even saw it, they have already forgotten about it because it was so bad (or repressed their memory of it). I don't think people will confuse Pathfinder RPG with the movie in a few years, as no one will remember it or at least they won't even care.

Liberty's Edge

I thought Dungeons and Dragons was based on that bad Dungeons and Dragons movie.

The branding has already been put in for a year now. Changing a brand's name is a dangerous and risky strategy. Brand recognition is the Holy Grail of marketing, and by changing the name of a flegeling brand you risk confusion among the customer base, which can lead to decreased sales.

Pathfinder it is, and Pathfinder it will stay I am certain. If someone can't get over the name then there really is no winning them over.

I'm telling ya Mazes and Monsters is the way to go. It just screams out "credibility".

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I think "Alleys and Allipps" would be best!

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
darth_borehd wrote:
... so what would you rename it?

I guess the World of Greyhawk people would not appreciate World of Golarion, would they?

Pathfinder is fine with me. "Pathfinder" does not immediately evoke images of a medieval fantasy game setting. But, it works. Those unfamiliar with Paizo's setting will figure it out.

Binky Farsworth wrote:
I'm telling ya Mazes and Monsters is the way to go. It just screams out "credibility".

Hey, maybe we could get Tom Hanks to do the publicity then!

Grand Lodge


How about Dragons & Dungeons!

Pathfinder rocks fine with me.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder = finding the adventure path

I like the name just fine. It doesn't conjure up images of a movie or a vehicle to me. Rather, I think of a ranger trailblazing and exploring.

As for newbies, yeah, a few have asked me if it was based on the movie, but as soon as I tell them that it's not, they forget about it.

Also, Pathfinder doesn't have the geek/devil worship associations to it that Dungeons & Dragons may have. I don't have to feel uncomfortable wondering what people are thinking when I say that I'm playing a game called Pathfinder.

Not 4

Liberty's Edge

I think the name is fine.

Sovereign Court

damnitall22 wrote:
I think "Alleys and Allipps" would be best!

Bridges and Bullywugs!

darth_borehd wrote:

Some people. myself included, have stated that they like Pathfinder but prefer it to have a better name. In trying to get people to try it, a common misconception is that it is based on that Viking movie of the same name.

We all know "Dungeons & Dragons" and other names have been taken, so what would you rename it?

Bridges and Bullywugs definitely. Damned I'd buy that in a second. I love that name. Awesome!

Well, seriously though, Pathfinder Chronicles RPG sounds sweet. Pathfinder is a car, bad viking movie, or an old indian guy. In any case, I have no idea what it has to do with fantasy roleplaying. Oh yeah, there is that magazine that "is SOOO much better than just a magazine *anime style knee-knocking and tittering*" that I don't subscribe to and never will because I don't use adventure paths or extra fluff.

Seriously though, change the name to something relevant. We can't possible be stuck with a bad name just because the pre-fanboys are used to it. Come on, if its soooo popular, it can only get more popular if you change the name. The pre-fanboys may get mad, but seriously, they'll buy it no matter what at this point.

BTW, take me with a grain of salt people. I am a satyrist at heart. I have the best intensions, really.

Sovereign Court

What's a pre-fanboy?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I'd name it Damn Near Perfect RPG


Zootcat wrote:

Pathfinder = finding the adventure path

I like the name just fine. It doesn't conjure up images of a movie or a vehicle to me. Rather, I think of a ranger trailblazing and exploring.

As for newbies, yeah, a few have asked me if it was based on the movie, but as soon as I tell them that it's not, they forget about it.

Also, Pathfinder doesn't have the geek/devil worship associations to it that Dungeons & Dragons may have. I don't have to feel uncomfortable wondering what people are thinking when I say that I'm playing a game called Pathfinder.

No pathfinders associations are much less relavent, but also not that great:

1. A fairly low rated SUV by Nisan.
2. A very low rated Viking movie.
3. A non-profit family planing organization. Free condoms!
4. A malfunctioning Mars lander.
5. A Socialist Publishing Company (No really, Pathfinder Press is dedicated to the socialist movement)
6. Hundreds of little companies that use the name because its very COMMON.
7. And finally, it ultimately conjures up images of a poor old native american guy being duped into leading early settlers into more land they could later "aquire".

Zootcat wrote:

What's a pre-fanboy?

A fanboy of something before its even out of alpha.

The Exchange

darth_borehd wrote:
Some people. myself included, have stated that they like Pathfinder but prefer it to have a better name.

I think it's fine, but what would you suggest?

I'm happy with it as well, but if I had to suggest another name it would be: Trailblazers.

Pathfinder is in the passive voice, whereas Trailblazers is in the active voice.

That said, I'm fine with Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

I wouldn't mind switching it all to Pathfinder Chronicles. But I'm just as happy with just simply Pathfinder.

I think in the case of the fluff that Pathfinder is completely relevant.

oh and...hands up who has IMAGES of an old Indian man leading settlers to more land and his tribes eventual doom conjured in their mind by the name of the Pathfinder RPG? I mean...really?

Something more related generic fantasy. Keep the campaign setting and the adventure paths named Pathfinder but change the RPG rules to something not connecting to them. (Sort of like the relationship between "Eberron" and Dungeons & Dragons".)

I don't really have a better name though. Some of the ones I thought of are:

Fantasy Heroes
Swords & Spells
Fantastic Stories

Scarab Sages

darth_borehd wrote:
so what would you rename it?


Seriously. I love the name. Pathfinder.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I think any name that is "something and something" is cheesy to include Dungeons and Dragons. Granted that D&D has a long history and is established but if they name of the game was something like Pathfinder I do not think it would have some of the funky associations it does for those that are new to the game or have never played it.

I think Pathfinder is a fantastic name and I think the OP is asking about an issue that does not exist.

Maybe translate it, it is a awesome name. But I agree that D&D and spin-offs themselves have mostly very cheesy or lame names.

Scarab Sages

tunnels and trolls is taken, so maybe;

Snootchy Bootchy and the Goblin Gobsmackers.

OGL Revisited

darth_borehd wrote:
Something more related generic fantasy. Keep the campaign setting and the adventure paths named Pathfinder but change the RPG rules to something not connecting to them. (Sort of like the relationship between "Eberron" and Dungeons & Dragons".

I agree; using the name Pathfinder for everything is overkill, IMO.

My suggestion: Paths & Perils

Scarab Sages

Kyrinn S. Eis wrote:
Pathfinder is in the passive voice, whereas Trailblazers is in the active voice.

How is the word "Pathfinder" passive voice?

Gonna have to say again I love the name pathfinder for the game it gives it a good feel I think.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
cinderember wrote:

4. A malfunctioning Mars lander.

As I unnderstand it the Pathfinder mission was a success and lived out beyond it's planned lifetime. As stated from NASA's report to the press

Launched on December 4, 1996, Pathfinder reached Mars on July
4, 1997, directly entering the planet's atmosphere and bouncing on
inflated airbags as a technology demonstration of a new way to
deliver a lander and rover to Mars. The lander operated nearly
three times its design lifetime of 30 days, while the rover
operated 12 times its design lifetime of seven days.

During the mission, the spacecraft relayed 2.3 gigabits of
data to Earth. This unexpectedly large volume of information
included 16,500 images from the lander's camera, 550 images from
the rover camera, 16 chemical analyses of rocks and soil, and 8.5
million measurements of atmospheric pressure, temperature and

Sounds like it functioned just fine to me.

I like the name, but if I had to rename it, I think I'd go with something like.........hmmmmmmm?


Although I don't know how I'd market that.


seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Gonna have to say again I love the name pathfinder for the game it gives it a good feel I think.

I don't have a problem with the "feel" of the name, particularly. But there's not really a short way of referring to Pathfinder (the game). If you just say "I was playing Pathfinder", that's not really specific enough; you have to say "I was playing the Pathfinder RPG", which is a bit clunky (IMO). I'd rather say "P&P" or something like that.

Sovereign Court

I suggest find-pather. Come on!

... It'll grow on ya.

Ungoded wrote:
Kyrinn S. Eis wrote:
Pathfinder is in the passive voice, whereas Trailblazers is in the active voice.
How is the word "Pathfinder" passive voice?

Actually, it can't be passive voice. "Voice" is an element of verb type/usage; "pathfinder" is a noun.

Scarab Sages

Ixancoatl wrote:
Ungoded wrote:
Kyrinn S. Eis wrote:
Pathfinder is in the passive voice, whereas Trailblazers is in the active voice.
How is the word "Pathfinder" passive voice?
Actually, it can't be passive voice. "Voice" is an element of verb type/usage; "pathfinder" is a noun.

That was my point.

Ungoded wrote:
Ixancoatl wrote:
Ungoded wrote:
Kyrinn S. Eis wrote:
Pathfinder is in the passive voice, whereas Trailblazers is in the active voice.
How is the word "Pathfinder" passive voice?
Actually, it can't be passive voice. "Voice" is an element of verb type/usage; "pathfinder" is a noun.
That was my point.

I figured. Just wanted to add in my agreement.

Oh ... and "trailblaizers" is not active for the same reasons ... lol

The Exchange

Pathfinder is an Awesome Name! This was brought up before and the response to this was pretty much the same. Let it go already. The vast majority thinks this is a great name.

Couldn't we just change it to a symbol?

"The RPG formerly known as Pathfinder"?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
darth_borehd wrote:

Some people. myself included, have stated that they like Pathfinder but prefer it to have a better name. In trying to get people to try it, a common misconception is that it is based on that Viking movie of the same name.

We all know "Dungeons & Dragons" and other names have been taken, so what would you rename it?



labyrinths and liches

messy :-P

Sovereign Court

cinderember wrote:
I am a satyrist at heart. I have the best intensions, really.

You have sex with satyr's I didn't even know those were real?

How about Best Damn Role Playing Game Ever? Or BDRPGE for short....

Sovereign Court

cockatrice and crenellations

Sebastian wrote:
I think the name is perfect. The awareness of the bad viking movie is very low within my circle - there's no danger of anyone making that mistake.

What he said.

By the way...

There are plenty of of roleplaying games out there where the setting and the rules are linked. It doesn't mean you have to play in the world presented, but they give you a backdrop of a world so that you can understand what the context of the game is.

D&D has used Greyhawk extensively in the past to illustrate basic world design.

Other games in which the rules and the setting are distinctly merged:

Ars Magica
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Scarab Sages

Callous Jack wrote:
damnitall22 wrote:
I think "Alleys and Allipps" would be best!
Bridges and Bullywugs!

Caverns and Cloakers!

Flame Boy.

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