8 word Lord of the Rings Game

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daughters of Thorin: Thera, Hilda, and Trogliditya

Scarab Sages

all decided on a road trip to the

Liberty's Edge

city of Austin. They got a flat tire

and Glaurung ate them.

Back in Osgilliath, Faramir

pouted. Boromir, Boromir, Boromir! It's always about Boromir!

He gets all the easy missions whilst I

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

must range rangerly in Ithilien! Never again shall

Liberty's Edge

the orcs of this world, or any other,

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

wear white suits after Labor Day! O, Elbereth,

Liberty's Edge

if you could just see those rubes, sauntering

around, their robes dazzling my bowmen; but Boromir

Liberty's Edge

was nowhere to be seen. He was getting

drunk in a bar in Rivendell." Faramir bitterly

Liberty's Edge

buffed his nails with a kukri, polishing the

Liberty's Edge

cuticles ‘till they bled, but that still wasn’t

enough to tame his angry heart. "Time to

Scarab Sages

dazzle everyone with a beautifully choreographed dance routine."

Faramir put quarters in the 'Dance Dance Gondorian'

Scarab Sages

Jukebox while screaming "Let's get this party started!"

Grand Lodge

Upon hearing the music, Elrond twirled about doing

the Funky Werebear. Arwen blushed and screamed "DAD!

Liberty's Edge

No, my elf dad, not the heroin monkey

Scarab Sages

on your back! Don't even think you can

act like you are under 500! you're embarrasing

me in front of Arwen!" Hands palm up,

Arwen stalked off to Narsil, looking for Strider

Scarab Sages

while reciting a very long and somewhat boring

rondo about fair Galadriel and her acne years.

She remembered the logic problem her gnome teacher

Buboe Pestiferous once told her about while she

tried to tie her boot laces. "How did

the chicken cross the road? He crossed without

looking, and had an even chance of being

slain by Ringwraiths or run over by FedEx

how many times can cross before he dies?"

Scarab Sages

Later that evening, Galadriel decided to throw a

net over a girl, and harshly ravage her.

Scarab Sages

"The net is very important." she explained, "Otherwise,

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

how does one know who is in charge?"

Grand Lodge

"This is all very interesting", said the strange

Scarab Sages

gentleman in the black cloak, "However, I fail

to see why the Queen of Lothlorien is

Scarab Sages

wearing all seven Dwarven rings of power, given

that she promised to sell them to the

Scarab Sages

hobbits for some gold and quality pipe weed.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Galadriel had foreseen that the weed was unsatisfactory

Scarab Sages

due to a late season infestation of vicious

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Mirkwood spiders, whose vile waste contained a toxin

Scarab Sages

that was known to cause intense visions of

sugarplums that would dance through one's head. All

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