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joela wrote:Charles Evans 25 wrote:Charles Evans 25, I've seen your name on the Paizo board long enough to know that you know I'm not "rabid" about anything. Well, except Lilith's cookies :D(Edit for clarity: This is an irreverant, humorous, observation)
I do not frequent other boards, so had not particularly noticed this, but when I read this post, for a moment I took you to be a rabid Paizo supporter, Joela, trying to rally the Paizo posters to go off and storm the message boards of the infidel hordes... :D'Oh hush the noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing'
-Line from the christmas carol 'It came upon the midnight clear'.So Heathansson being turned loose on RPG.net as one consequence of this thread (or at least he posted that he's been looking over their forums) was an entirely unintended consequence??? (:shock:) I'm sure that that will be a great reassurance to the wives/husbands and girlfriends/boyfriends cashing in their late partner's life insurance policies.... :D
I just lurkin. I got nothing to say over there.

Charles Evans 25 |
Charles Evans 25 wrote:I just lurkin. I got nothing to say over there.joela wrote:Charles Evans 25, I've seen your name on the Paizo board long enough to know that you know I'm not "rabid" about anything. Well, except Lilith's cookies :DSo Heathansson being turned loose on RPG.net as one consequence of this thread (or at least he posted that he's been looking over their forums) was an entirely unintended consequence??? (:shock:) I'm sure that that will be a great reassurance to the wives/husbands and girlfriends/boyfriends cashing in their late partner's life insurance policies.... :D
That's a relief... :D
Edited my previous post to mention Kobold Cleaver and his Dire Pigeons, too, in case they were feeling left-out.Ummm. That might not have been a good idea actually.... <D'oh moment>

Emperor7 |

Pete Apple wrote:James Jacobs wrote:We have fans running websites dedicated to Paizo, chatrooms for us, they've ordered us pizza on days we're on huge deadlines, and they even threw together a small convention for all-things Paizo.
Yes, but have you met those people? They're... disturbed. I wouldn't use them as references for my daycare. Just sayin'.
Mwah-hah-hah! :D
*makes cookies*
me want cookies!

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James Jacobs wrote:Look at the guy who asked Nick to write an adventure about hillbilly ogres and then proceeded to publish it. What I'm saying is that I'm probably more disturbed than most of Paizo's readers.I'd love to see the unedited version of that module. "Sick & Twisted", indeed :)
yeah, I'd be curious as well ...

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Really? I thought ToH was a brilliant way to get monsters into the field. It gave necromancer a good product and saved WotC the effort to translate the monsters themselves. In the alternate reality where WotC never abandoned their plans listed in the Monster Manual II it would be a win all the way around.

hogarth |

Really? I thought ToH was a brilliant way to get monsters into the field. It gave necromancer a good product and saved WotC the effort to translate the monsters themselves. In the alternate reality where WotC never abandoned their plans listed in the Monster Manual II it would be a win all the way around.
I didn't say it was a bad product, I just said it was not very creative.

Jason_Langlois |

I sometimes wonder how much of the Pathfinder "bashing" is an attempt to make someone feel better about adopting 4e. It seems to go hand in hand with claiming that 3.x is broken, unplayable and unfun. Having a product like Pathfinder RPG, which suggests that 3.x may be fun, that other people are having fun with it, and that with some tweaks, it could be even more fun, may threaten some peoples' sense of themselves.
A lot of the 4e "bashing" seems motivated from the same place (or, for that matter, bashing just about any entertainment other people enjoy that you do not). It's almost a matter of self-protection to claim that something you don't enjoy is inherently worthless and, by extension, those who manage to find something enjoyable about it are themselves worthless... because to admit otherwise would be to admit that you might be wrong.
Since Paizo has stepped up as the most visible target, they're getting most of this effect... but I've seen similar anger directed Chris Pramas (and Green Ronin) for not joining with the "4e is perfect" wave, too.

pres man |

Personally, if I thought that Paizo was going to publish a clone of the 3.5 Player's Handbook with just the minimum number of changes to avoid a lawsuit, I'd consider that a bit weak creatively (just as I consider a book consisting solely of 3.0/3.5 translations of 1st edition monsters a bit weak). But from what I've seen there has been a good faith effort to make something different and (hopefully) better. YMMV.
Perhaps, though in my opinion, the decision not to change things can in some cases be a sign of maturity, to set aside one's ego as "game-designer". Though it is a bit unrealistic to assume that game-designers aren't going to (re)design games, or as an analogy for law-makers not to make laws.

GVDammerung |
I frequent several boards and noted many Paizo and Pathfinder threads. I've noted a marked change of tone of late, a growing hostility. . . .
Has anyone else who frequents other boards noted the same as well?
No. You are imagining things or giving over much credence to the wailing few.
Paizo has the weather gage, the high ground, the initiative - choose your metaphor. If you compare the number and volume of the complainers, comparing Pathfinder/Paizo vs 4e/Wotc, Pathfinder/Paizo is getting the better of things by both measures.
The really amazing thing, and why you may hear the 4e advocates wailing more piteously of late,is that the launch of 4e only temporarily dominated the RPG conversation before Pathfinder crept back into the mix. Of course, part of this was due to 4e's horrible presentation in the 4e PHB etc. In short, Wotc gained the advantage with their Big Brand, but the details then lost them that advantage. Brand gets you into the game, execution keeps you there. Paizo is executing with surgical precision while Wotc executes with an apparent hubris that supposes that the mere invocation of the name "D&D" is the beginning and end of the conversation and all that they need do. Not so.
Paizo's rep for quality, customer focused design was built through Dungeon and Dragon. Gamemastery/Pathfinder products have only burnished that rep.
Wotc's rep? 4e too soon after 3.5 too soon after 3.0. 4e change for change sale. 4e too focused on tactical combat. 4e PHB not user friendly. GSL a deal breaker. Kill Dungeon and Dragon. Promise a great DDI, deliver a something much less.
While Paizo has hardly put a foot wrong, Wotc staggers loudly about as if drunk on their own importance.
The 4e folks who are getting nervous about Pathfinders' persistence and forward momentum are on to something and crying in their beer for a reason - 4e is in trouble out of the gate and Pathfinder is moving up fast. Wotc is either unaware of this, unwilling to acknowledge it or unwilling or unable to do anything about it. Probably a combination. The fermenting split even among 4e supporters - 4e 3PP's going copyright and publishing for 4e without the GSL - only makes matters worse. Wotc has a triply fractured market - 4e (and 3PP using the GSL), 3PP 4e that doesn't use the GSL and Pathfinder. Of the lot, Pathfinder is the one with its stuff all in one bag, and widely acclaimed neat stuff that that.
So, yes, you are probably hearing more bleeting from the 4e flock but, no, sentiment is running strongly in favor of Paizo. In fact, matters are proceeding well enough, although Paizo folks could never say this, that Pathfinder may just give 4e more than a run for its money - assuming the present status quo continues.

hogarth |

The 4e folks who are getting nervous about Pathfinders' persistence and forward momentum are on to something and crying in their beer for a reason - 4e is in trouble out of the gate and Pathfinder is moving up fast. Wotc is either unaware of this, unwilling to acknowledge it or unwilling or unable to do anything about it. Probably a combination.
That's odd. From my point of view, 4E had a lot of momentum when it was first announced, but then gradually started losing it during the lengthy waiting period before it was actually released, then experienced another small spike when the game actually came out.
I think the same thing applies/will apply to Pathfinder: there was a big spike of interest when it was first announced (from what I saw), which will gradually decline until the final rules are released in 2009, which will cause interest to have another spike.

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That's odd. From my point of view, 4E had a lot of momentum when it was first announced, but then gradually started losing it during the lengthy waiting period before it was actually released, then experienced another small spike when the game actually came out.
I think the same thing applies/will apply to Pathfinder: there was a big spike of interest when it was first announced (from what I saw), which will gradually decline until the final rules are released in 2009, which will cause interest to have another spike.
I'll be curious to see if the Pathfinder Society's participation at GenCon and the release of the beta will cause any spikes as well.

hogarth |

I'll be curious to see if the Pathfinder Society's participation at GenCon and the release of the beta will cause any spikes as well.
Good question. I don't go to conventions, so I don't really think about that kind of stuff.
I wonder if there's a Pathfinder Society group forming up in the Toronto area...

Brent Stroh |
Brent wrote:Like having a Paragon Path in their PHB called the Pathfinder and having one of its abilities called "Wrong Step".Yeah, I thought that was pretty pathetic.
Can anyone who was involved in the playtest prior to the Pathfinder announcement confirm that this ability was or wasn't there? I'm not usually big on conspiracy theories, but if this was added or changed after the Paizo announcement, that is sort of lame.

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I think the same thing applies/will apply to Pathfinder: there was a big spike of interest when it was first announced (from what I saw), which will gradually decline until the final rules are released in 2009, which will cause interest to have another spike.
I don't see that happening, mainly because unlike 4e... WE HAVE THE RULES.
Fact of the matter is, until 4e actually came out, we had nothing but a few scattered events and a 2 books that told us nothing about the actual game mechanics to use and mess around with. We've had Alpha, now we'll get Beta.
We're also still getting Pathfinder offerings that still mean something in the other product lines. All of the 3e offerings leading up to the release of 4e were a joke. A book of villian npcs? A book of super villian npcs? A book about old modules? Who cares? WOTC was telling us out of the gate it wasn't compatible.
4e lost it's steam because WOTC let it lose it's steam and released meaningless product building up to 4e's release.

Dennis da Ogre |

That's odd. From my point of view, 4E had a lot of momentum when it was first announced, but then gradually started losing it during the lengthy waiting period before it was actually released, then experienced another small spike when the game actually came out.
This sounds about right, though I think by the time 4e was released many people were quite skeptical about it and once the initial rush was over demand dropped quickly. It's hard to say, we aren't privy to their sales figures.
I think the same thing applies/will apply to Pathfinder: there was a big spike of interest when it was first announced (from what I saw), which will gradually decline until the final rules are released in 2009, which will cause interest to have another spike.
I'm not sure this is the case. I came here looking for the Alpha then got interested in their other products. Based on Erik's comments about increased sales post 4e I get the impression that a lot of people did the same thing.
The beta release plus the beta update releases will keep people interested and involved in Pathfinder. Sales for the Pathfinder hardcover will no doubt be highest for the first couple weeks after released as backorders get filled and pend up demand is released but by that time I think their customer base will be well established. I don't see a lot of new people jumping on board immediately following the release.

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SirUrza wrote:Eric Mona vs Bill Slavicsek in a cage match!Well, I'd have thought Bill would beat me in a "spell my name incorrectly" contest, but I guess not. Fret.
Lol.. sorry, you know I'm not the only one that puts a C instead of a K. :)
As for spelling his name, I cheated, I typed "dungeons dragons bill" into Firefox's amazon.com search box and got his last name off the D&D from Dummies entry. :)

Dennis da Ogre |

We're also still getting Pathfinder offerings that still mean something in the other product lines. All of the 3e offerings leading up to the release of 4e were a joke. A book of villian npcs? A book of super villian npcs? A book about old modules? Who cares? WOTC was telling us out of the gate it wasn't compatible.
4e lost it's steam because WOTC let it lose it's steam and released meaningless product building up to 4e's release.
Indeed. Prior to the 4e announcement I frequently checked in on the WotC D&D page and it had interesting content, articles. Post 4e announcement the WotC website became one giant advertisement for vaporware. There is only so much blatant in your face self promotion a person can stand.
Whether the first three 4e books themselves were decent or not was irrelevant. By the time 4e was finally release Wizards had demonstrated beyond a doubt that they were incapable of producing a continued stream of quality products. One of the biggest problems with 3.5 was the fact that wizards had horrible quality control over the life cycle of the product and the build up to 4e proved it beyond doubt.

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We're also still getting Pathfinder offerings that still mean something in the other product lines.
That is a good point. Paizo has modules and if there's anything time-strapped DMs desperately want are good, easy to use, modules.
I wonder: if Paizo's seen a surge of sales from the PfRPG announcement, have other companies like Louis Porter Jr. Design, Kobold Magazine, etc., seen increased interest and, possibly, sales rise in their 3.x offerings in the wake of 4E?

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Can anyone who was involved in the playtest prior to the Pathfinder announcement confirm that this ability was or wasn't there? I'm not usually big on conspiracy theories, but if this was added or changed after the Paizo announcement, that is sort of lame.
Since we announced Pathfinder the same day we announced the loss of the magazine licenses, yes. This was well before WotC announced 4th Edition (we had Pathfinder #1 for sale at the Gen Con where WotC first announced 4th edition, for example), and since playtests didn't happen until after that... yes. Paizo using the word "Pathfinder" has been public knowledge since early 2007. The first ads for Pathfinder ran in Dragon and Dungeon magazine, several issues before they ceased being print magazines. I have no idea how far along 4th edition was in development in early 2007, though, but I do know WotC knew about Pathfinder the same day they announced that the magazines were cancelled.
I'm relatively positive that the paragon Pathfinder path's "Wrong Step" and a few of its other abilities are in-house jokes or "easter eggs." And I pretty much agree with Erik on the thought that it's a pretty pathetic little bit of sniping, but I'm not letting it get under my skin like one of Hellboy's tooth fairies.

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Since we announced Pathfinder the same day we announced the loss of the magazine licenses, yes. This was well before WotC announced 4th Edition (we had Pathfinder #1 for sale at the Gen Con where WotC first announced 4th edition, for example), and since playtests didn't happen until after that... yes. Paizo using the word "Pathfinder" has been public knowledge since early 2007. The first ads for Pathfinder ran in Dragon and Dungeon magazine, several issues before they ceased being print magazines. I have no idea how far along 4th edition was in development in early 2007, though, but I do know WotC knew about Pathfinder the same day they announced that the magazines were cancelled.
Wouldn't the relevant timeframe be after Paizo announced that it did not intend to convert to 4e? It'd be surprising if WotC would make the "wrong step" joke at the time you announced Pathfinder unless they had some reason to believe you wouldn't be converting to 4e.
(That being said, I think the announcment re: 4e was made during the window in which WotC could have made the change, but I am not certain.)

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Wouldn't the relevant timeframe be after Paizo announced that it did not intend to convert to 4e? It'd be surprising if WotC would make the "wrong step" joke at the time you announced Pathfinder unless they had some reason to believe you wouldn't be converting to 4e.
(That being said, I think the announcment re: 4e was made during the window in which WotC could have made the change, but I am not certain.)
I'm relatively certain that substantial changes were made to 4E up to the day before the books were sent to the printers earlier this year, actually. Plenty of time to hear about Paizo's plans.

blope |

I have seen some discussions on WoTC's boards that discussed Pathfinder and had those for and against. Didn't seem to be getting too much moderation.
Keep in mind that those who are attacking Paizo are actually a good thing. Negative/shocking publicity gets the word out. (Celebrities use it all the time.) The more people are talking about Pathfinder, the more that weren't even aware of it will meander over here and check it out.
All we need now is a sex scandal!

GVDammerung |
From my point of view, 4E had a lot of momentum when it was first announced, but then gradually started losing it during the lengthy waiting period before it was actually released, then experienced another small spike when the game actually came out.
I think the same thing applies/will apply to Pathfinder: there was a big spike of interest when it was first announced (from what I saw), which will gradually decline until the final rules are released in 2009, which will cause interest to have another spike.
Interest usually waxes and wanes. The trick is, of course, to see interest wax more than wane. I trust Paizo on this front. Look at the record.
Paizo announced Pathfinder, open play test and 3.5 compatibility pre-4e. Result – Pathfinder dominates the news cycle for months prior to the 4e launch.
4e debuts. Paizo wisely does nothing in the face of the Big Release. “A man’s got to know his limitations.” Result – Wotc wins the news cycle but Paizo, by refusing to fight on Wotc’s home ground, avoids any perception of “losing” to 4e.
4e FR and Living FR prepare to followup the 4e launch at Gencon. Paizo counterprograms with the Pathfinder Beta and organized play. Result – unclear. I’ll venture to guess, however, that if 4e FR gets as mixed a reception as 4e has gotten, Paizo will walk away with a draw at least, which is saying something when you are in the ring with Wotc.
One point does not fit neatly into the above. Pathfinder wins the newscycle when 4e looses it, because a stumble by 4e is big news and Pathfinder is perceived to be an “alternative.” Again, Paizo can’t possibly say this but 4e’s missteps are Pathfinder’s gains in the newscycle. While Pathfinder is fully capable of succeeding for Paizo with no reference to 4e, Pathfinder’s greater success in the market is dependent on 4e failing or being perceived to be less than what it was hoped or thought to be. So far, Wotc is accommodating Paizo by making serial missteps with 4e. So what next?
Wotc willlikely move to “adjust” 4e’s positioning in the market to the greatest degree they can – which is another and open question. Wotc will also rely on the Big Brand to eventually wear down resistance to 4e. This puts the onus on Paizo not to get beat by standing pat. While Paizo can have some thought that Wotc will continue to misstep with 4e, basing a strategy on that contingency would not be wise. Paizo cannot simply be reactive with Pathfinder. I believe they will continue to press their advantage. Look at the schedule.
Pathfinder is scheduled to enjoy a wealth of support products, many by “name” designers. 4e FR, by comparison, will have comparatively few releases – 3 core books then . . . nothing . Maybe an adventure here or there? In this way, Pathfinder stays on the offensive and in the news.
I suspect, but cannot say, that Paizo will also have a few “surprises” along the way. I suspect a few between now and the 2009 Pathfinder release. More thereafter. Such “surprises,” and Paizo’s ability to deliver them, will in combination with how well 4e recovers after stumbling out of the gate, ultimately tell the tale.
It is too early to declare any victor or even a tie. I would not, however, bet against Paizo. Wotc has the brawn. Paizo is nimble and quick. Both are smart in their fashion. Should be an interesting tussle.

DaveMage |

All of the 3e offerings leading up to the release of 4e were a joke. A book of villian npcs? A book of super villian npcs? A book about old modules? Who cares? WOTC was telling us out of the gate it wasn't compatible.
Yeah, but in those books it says that you can find the 4E conversions on the D&D Insider!
So all you need to do to use them in 4E is log on and there are the 4e conversions!
What? They're not there? WotC said they would be there. Surely they wouldn't claim something that isn't true....
Must be a glitch...

Mace Hammerhand |

James Jacobs wrote:Look at the guy who asked Nick to write an adventure about hillbilly ogres and then proceeded to publish it. What I'm saying is that I'm probably more disturbed than most of Paizo's readers.I'd love to see the unedited version of that module. "Sick & Twisted", indeed :)
Man, that would be something... a "Director's Cut" for Hook Mountain! Count me in!

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Sebastian wrote:......blah, blah, intelligent stuff galore......Are you Really a Bella Sara Charter Subscriber, as your tagline suggests, or has the joke gone on too long and Cosmo needs a flogging?
Cosmo definitely needs a flogging, but that's entirely independent of the joke going on too long. I don't think there is a Bella Sara charter subscription, but I'm just happy to have my cranky dwarf avatar back and don't mind the funny tag.

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Fake Healer wrote:Cosmo definitely needs a flogging, but that's entirely independent of the joke going on too long. I don't think there is a Bella Sara charter subscription, but I'm just happy to have my cranky dwarf avatar back and don't mind the funny tag.Sebastian wrote:......blah, blah, intelligent stuff galore......Are you Really a Bella Sara Charter Subscriber, as your tagline suggests, or has the joke gone on too long and Cosmo needs a flogging?
I hope you are at least receiving Bella Sera product for your pain....or would that just be salt in the wound?

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Brent wrote:I am giving my opinion about a companies business practice in a thread in which that is the topic.No, you're not. You're making an accusation based on what you think is a company's business practice. Which incidentally means you are attacking people, even if not to their face.
David Fryer wrote:Can't we all just get along guys?At this point, no. Sorry.
lets kill'm all and let the gods sort them out :)

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Yeah, but in those books it says that you can find the 4E conversions on the D&D Insider!
So all you need to do to use them in 4E is log on and there are the 4e conversions!
What? They're not there? WotC said they would be there. Surely they wouldn't claim something that isn't true....
Yep, I would have liked to have that bonus content before I got locked out of DnD Insider. Is anybody else locked out? It seems like everything their boards go down I lose access again.

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Heathansson wrote:Charles Evans 25 wrote:I just lurkin. I got nothing to say over there.joela wrote:Charles Evans 25, I've seen your name on the Paizo board long enough to know that you know I'm not "rabid" about anything. Well, except Lilith's cookies :DSo Heathansson being turned loose on RPG.net as one consequence of this thread (or at least he posted that he's been looking over their forums) was an entirely unintended consequence??? (:shock:) I'm sure that that will be a great reassurance to the wives/husbands and girlfriends/boyfriends cashing in their late partner's life insurance policies.... :D
That's a relief... :D
Edited my previous post to mention Kobold Cleaver and his Dire Pigeons, too, in case they were feeling left-out.
Ummm. That might not have been a good idea actually.... <D'oh moment>
??? I'm just know I'm missing something here. I'm not familiar with "Heathansson" or his(her?) humor. :(

Pangur Bàn |

You're right. My apologies Pangur Ban. It is paranoid and not supported well by objective evidence. I apologize for attacking you personally and talking about you in a derogatory manner. I also apologize to the rest of you for sullying the board by engaging in this sort of behavior. I don't want to ruin this place for anyone, and Ixancoatl makes good points about the ridiculousness of my behavior.
Now that, that gets my respect. I do believe we can get along. Like a house on fire even, which you can take any way you like. ;-)
Anybody else thing Pangur Ban keeled over with a heart attack when got a sincere apology from Brent in an internet discussion? :P
You're wrong, sir, entirely wrong. In fact, the emotional intensity that ripped through me upon reading said post may well have saved me from a coronary after my over-abundant feasting on baked banana and peanut butter sandwiches. Elvis is dead, but his recipes for a light snack between meals may still cause me to join him soon.
I'm relatively positive that the paragon Pathfinder path's "Wrong Step" and a few of its other abilities are in-house jokes or "easter eggs." And I pretty much agree with Erik on the thought that it's a pretty pathetic little bit of sniping, but I'm not letting it get under my skin like one of Hellboy's tooth fairies.
I'm not exactly part of the in-crowd so I'm not well-placed to judge these things, but do you honestly think that was meant as a sneer of sorts? It's a paragon path (paragon, as in shining example) and Wrong Step is a power that lets the Pathfinder sets his enemy up for a trap.
I'm frankly surprised you're not grinning and saying what a fine joke WotC played on themselves here.

Emperor7 |

SirUrza wrote:All of the 3e offerings leading up to the release of 4e were a joke. A book of villian npcs? A book of super villian npcs? A book about old modules? Who cares? WOTC was telling us out of the gate it wasn't compatible.Yeah, but in those books it says that you can find the 4E conversions on the D&D Insider!
So all you need to do to use them in 4E is log on and there are the 4e conversions!
What? They're not there? WotC said they would be there. Surely they wouldn't claim something that isn't true....
Must be a glitch...
Yep, a glitch. Definitely a glitch.
Just like the frequency of their boards crashing. And the NEED for Errata for a LOT of the books.

pres man |

Yeah, but in those books it says that you can find the 4E conversions on the D&D Insider!
So all you need to do to use them in 4E is log on and there are the 4e conversions!
What? They're not there? WotC said they would be there. Surely they wouldn't claim something that isn't true....
Must be a glitch...
I thought they had some conversion articles up recently.