Ghetto's Nentir Vale Campaign


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Beyond the double doors, you see more alcoves, each one containing an upright sarcophagus. The lid of each of these sarcophagi bears the graven images of an elf or human warrior. Etched into the lid of each sarcophagus is the name of the warrior sealed within, written in Elven or Common.

Nothing moves in the hall. On the bodies, you find 25 gp and a potion of healing. The statues are angels and dragons, but hold no particular religious significance. The sarcophagi also have no historical or religious significance.

Male Human Warlock 4

"A shame. I would of thought this tower would contain more references to its time, or at least have entombed a famous warrior. Truly a shame..." "Whoo" "Well, just because the necromancers could have reanimated any famous warriors doesn't mean they would have. After all, they didn't break the seals on any of the rest."

They're still sealed, right?

The sarcophagi aren't sealed, but the heavy lids appear undisturbed.

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

Slowly move up the hallway, checking for traps. Just take 10s (giving Latro a 16 on his check). Peek around the corner. Wait for the remainder of the party and then move around the corner to the double doors. Latro will make two checks for traps at the door.

"While you guys search the bodies, I'll move up the hallway and make sure there aren't anymore traps. I'm going to wait for you all before I go around the corner."

With that, Latro begins slowly making his way up the hallway, checking the stones, statues, and walls for any sign of additional traps.

Stepping on a hidden pressure plate causes the iron sarcophagus in the nearby alcove to open, revealing a lid lined with spikes. Animated chains lash forth from inside the sarcophagus to pull Latro in.
Chains vs. Latro's Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 251d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

The chains wrap around Latro and pull him into the iron maiden. The lid slams shut!
Latro is hit for 8 damage and ongoing 5 damage. He is grabbed and pulled into the iron maiden. Other creatures lose line of sight to the target, and the target loses line of sight to everything outside the iron maiden.

We're just going to use the old initiative chart.
Latro's turn
The Map
Latro - 14 (22/35 hp; grabbed; ongoing 5 damage; no line of sight)
A'loran - 6 (32/32 hp)
Kava - 2 (32/39 hp)
Canas - 20 (39/40)
Rulf - 14 (36/36 hp)

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

*CLICK* "Uh oh. What the...? HEY!! Chains...grabbing me...GAH...SPIKES!! Not the lid!" Latro's voice becomes meaningless mumbles as the lid closes on him.

Use Acrobatics - +12 - to escape the grab. Try to push out of the iron maiden - +8 Athletics.

Latro manages to force open the iron maiden and free himself. Latro succeeded on an Athletics check (21) and is freed. He's in AA27.

So, what now?

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

"Well that was no fun. You were right A'loran. This place is full of traps. I'm going to have to be more careful. We should take our time. Anyone disagree?"

Latro moves out from the iron maiden. He then begins carefully searching for the pressure plate that went "click" under his foot. He continues his slow movement up the hallway, hoping to avoid any more traps.

Move out of there. Try to find the pressure plate, taking his time. 26 perception. Take 20 to search the rest of way to the doors, including the doors.

Latro found a pressure plate right in front of the sarcophagus. He also realized the sarcophagus across the hall is another iron maiden.

BTW, no taking 20.

Male Halfling Rogue - 4
Ghetto DM wrote:
BTW, no taking 20.

Well then...take 3 rounds to search each square three times. No more creepy chains and getting locked in a box! Is there a way to disable the pressure plate? Thievery +12.

"Hey all. Here's the pressure plate I stepped on. Don't step on it or you might find yourselves in the same predicament. Oh. And there's another iron maiden on the other side. I'm going to look for a pressure plate there. I'm not sure I can disable this, but I'll sure try."

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"THRIC!" Hearing a yell from up ahead Kava bolts from the bandit she's searching with Rulf and A'loran and runs past Canas instecting the coffins. Quick as she's up Latro bounces out of the Iron Maiden scratched but none the worse for wear. Pulling up near him "It seems the pearl has escaped the clam."

@ Latro "si iaco rauhiss, we need to be extra careful with this tomb. It does not recognise us from any other intruder. Little Manticore toss me the end of your rope and I will belay you. No doubt the next trap on the list is a pit with spikes and dragons."

Latro tries to disable the pressure plate in front of the sarcophagus. And tests it by moving out to examine the floor on the other side. He spends 3 minutes looking, before attempting to disable a second pressure plate.

What now?
The Map
Latro - 14 (22/35 hp; surges used 2/7)
A'loran - 6 (32/32 hp; surges used 2/8)
Kava - 2 (32/39 hp; surges used 6/11)
Canas - 20 (39/40; surges used 0/10)
Rulf - 14 (36/36 hp; surges used 5/9)

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

Grab rope out of pack, tie it around waist, toss other end to Kava. Point out pressure plate, check next set of statues - more iron maidens? Continue checking each square on the floor three times each, all the way to the door....unless of course Latro finds another trap.

Latro grabs a rope out of his pack and ties it to his waist. He tosses the other end to Kava. "Good idea Brave Lady. I didn't like going into the dark there. And if there is a pit filled with dragons, I want to avoid that for sure!"

"Hey Rulf. Those spikes hurt quite a bit. Can you give me a healing boost?"

Spend surge if Rulf gives Latro a boost.

"I'm going to keep moving forward...slowly. Hopefully there aren't any more traps.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4 (battle)

Mighty Kord, Grant yer boon ta Latro here, a young scamp in thine service, Rulf says as his outstretched palm sends a glowing light at the halfling, soothing his injuries.

Healing word on Latro, surge value + 1d6+3 hp. Is there any way to spike the iron maidens closed so they won't open again if we pass back this way? I've got rope we could use to tie it shut but some spikes or pitons could do the trick.

Latro spends nearly half an hour making his way to the doors, but find nothing else.

Spiking the iron maidens closed is only likely to damage the iron maidens, but you're free to do that.

What now?
The Map
Latro - 14 (35/35 hp; surges used 3/7)
A'loran - 6 (32/32 hp; surges used 2/8)
Kava - 2 (32/39 hp; surges used 6/11)
Canas - 20 (39/40; surges used 0/10)
Rulf - 14 (36/36 hp; surges used 5/9)

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

"Sorry to take so long, but those chains and the spikes...too much to ignore the possibility that there were more traps. I assume we are going through these doors?"

Check the doors for traps (unless Latro already did that). Make three rolls at +6. Then stand back and let someone else open the door.

Latro starts examining the doors, at first only looking, then gently tapping and probing.

Doors look clear.

In the name of moving things along...
The rest of the party cautiously advances down the trapped corridor and Kava opens the doors, without incident. Another set of double doors stands open several feet away.

The centerpiece of this 20-foot-high room is a monstrous stone cauldron (red squares) nearly 5 feet tall and 10 feet in diameter. Black, fetid tar fills the cauldron to the brim. Surrounding
it are seven piles of goblin skulls (lower case "s"). Each pile contains skulls painted a specific color. Four statues (marked *) depicting elf warriors and human warriors
stand atop daises (noted with slash marks) in the corners of the room. Fifteen-foothigh iron doors stand closed to the south.

Each pile contains goblin skulls of a specific color. The number of skulls in each pile varies, with no less than 30 of each color. Beginning with the northernmost pile and moving clockwise, these colors are: black, green, red, gold, purple, white, and blue.

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

"Well that's creepy. Rulf, did they paint those for some religious rite, or do goblins from different tribes have different colored bones? Seems to me that things get more nefarious as we go along in this forsaken place. Does anyone see anything or anyone hiding in here?"

Male Dwarf Cleric 4 (battle)

Creepy, that's beyond creepy. It sent a chill up me spine an all. Rulf comments as he starts studying the rooms contents.

use History +6, Religion +6 and Insight +9 to get some kind of idea as to what on earth they're doing here.

Rulf wrote:

Creepy, that's beyond creepy. It sent a chill up me spine an all. Rulf comments as he starts studying the rooms contents.

use History +6, Religion +6 and Insight +9 to get some kind of idea as to what on earth they're doing here.

Not a clue.

Male Human Warlock 4

"Well, there certainly is precedent for necromancers keeping large amounts of skulls sitting around their laboratories. The coloration seems to be somewhat unnecessary..."

Arcana and History, both +7, can I tell anything about the random piles of skulls?

Male Eladrin Wizard 3

"Lets see if there is any magic in this area."

detect magic and do some knowledge checks
Arcana: 12
Dungeoneering: 7
History: 12
Nature: 7
Religion: 5

A'loran and Canas also come up with nothing.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"This caldron would indicate a magic ritual correct A'loran? Is this tar some magical substance or something used in a ritual?"

She then moves to examine the skulls for dust and to see if they have been disturbed recently "Latro, do you have any tracking skills that might tell us more about these coloured skulls" She touches one to see if it has been recently painted "the skulls in the first room were just old bleached bone, maybe someone has been cooking goblin heads? And an odd assorment of colours too. I wonder if it has anythign to do with the yellow skulls on the bandits faces?"

The paint is old and there is dust on all the piles, and the way it's disturbed indicates that a one or two skulls have been removed from each pile.

Male Eladrin Wizard 3

"Maybe we should just leave it alone and continue on. We might find more clues to help us with this mystery. My concern is we cause something worse to happen."

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"Well said. The mystery before us is bringing these skull bandits to justice, careful with the door."

The door refuses to budge. There's no sign of a lock or bar, it just won't open.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

Running a gauntleted hand down the seem of the door "Anything special about this portal Mr Ciniri? I take it that this is not arcaniss ifni ... majik doors." Turning about she looks at the cauldron and skulls, and sighs.

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

Anything special about the door? +6 Perception. 3 checks.

"Aye Brave Lady. The mysteries of this place abound. Least of which right now is this door." To the door, "Now, what do we have holding you shut?"

Latro moves to examine the door.

There is no reason the doors shouldn't open, yet they won't.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4 (battle)

Might be someat ta do wit these skull here. Maybe we should try putting one in the cauldron, Rulf says speculatively as he counts the piles.

how many skulls are in each pile and does it look like any have been more recently disturbed ie less dust and cobwebs etc on some piles etc.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

Kava sings out her discovery "The piles have been painted a long time ago but recently disturbed, I suspect that our bandits tried a few fome each pile by the looks of it, but I doubt that these have been put here by them from the dust on them ... hmmm" she muses on the puzzle "what do we know about these colours? They are non standard. Do colour represent something in arcane studies? And what about the regions heraldry, is there a color for the Vale that might suggest an order or pattern?" Silently Kava curses her lack of attention to logic and mathematics often harped onto her by her priestly instructors.

Rulf wrote:
how many skulls are in each pile and does it look like any have been more recently disturbed ie less dust and cobwebs etc on some piles etc.

The number of skulls in each pile varies, with no less than 30 of each color.

Kava wrote:
"And what about the regions heraldry, is there a color for the Vale that might suggest an order or pattern?"

The ruler of Winterhaven, Lord Padraig's colors are purple, black, and silver.

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

"I don't know why these doors won't open. There does not seem to be any rational reason behind it. And didn't A'loran say there was not magic in the room? Well, maybe we should just bust them down. Unless someone sees a secret door around here."

Perception +6 to see if Latro finds a secret door somewhere in this room.


Male Dwarf Cleric 4 (battle)

mayhap the original occupants a this here tower had heraldic colours that would be proper. Rulf muses trying to think back on the knowledge he had when the lightning came down earlier, he picks up one of the gold painted ones and starts tossing it in the air and catching it again while he thinks.

were there any associated colours from the history of this place or any legends about this puzzle room Rulf can remember from his studies. +6 history or even using insight +9 to get a clue before he starts randomly throwing skulls in the cauldron.

The large crest painted on the southeast wall of the tower depicts a two-headed golden hawk against a shield of purple and black.

Male Halfling Rogue - 4

"I think Rulf might be onto something. Maybe there is a pattern we need to figure out. It seems that some skulls have been removed from each pile, so perhaps if we get the right combination of colors, the door will open. I don't remember finding any scraps of paper with combinations on any of the dead, but perhaps there is something we overlooked? Maybe it's just gold, purple, and black? I never paid much attention in school to these types of tasks. I was too busy trying to get around the rules!"

Male Human Warlock 4

"Well, it couldn't hurt to try. So, toss the yellow, purple and black skulls in?"

Male Dwarf Cleric 4 (battle)

well thats good enough fer me Rulf says as he tosses the gold head in the cauldron quickly followed by a purple and a black one. If nothing happens he tries throwing in a second gold one to match the two headed hawk.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"Aye the heraldric colour are black, purple and gold similar to Winter havens own b;ack, purple and silver but ..." Kava braces as if for an impct as Rulf starts tossing in skulls, standing between the cauldron and the rest of the party - sheild up.

Each skull hits the surface of the black tar and floats there for a moment before quickly sinking, leaving behind a puddle of paint at the top. When the last skull sinks the paints swirl together.

The iron doors part loudly, drawing you into a great vault illuminated by stone-rimmed wells of belching fire. At the far end of the vault, broad steps climb 15 feet to a platform supporting two stone sarcophagi and a pair of braziers. Statues of armored warriors stand at the base of the steps, to either side of which is a raised gallery 20 feet above the floor.

Zombie Yellowskull bandits stand silent in the vault, reeking of death. Behind them, at the top of the stairs, a human wearing a golden mask shaped like a skull limps forward, drawing a crimson orb from the folds of his black robe. His voice is hollow and hateful. “This tomb will be yours unless you leave, now.”

The blocks of 4 yellow squares are flaming wells. The single yellow squares are braziers. The "L" is a heavy iron lever. An asterisk "*" indicates a statue, they provide cover and cannot be moved through. Slashes and "\--/" are stairs. The lighter gray squares are 15' high. The darker gray squares are 20' high.

Jeras Falck Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
S initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Z initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17
B initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Grinning yellowskull bandits rattle into position in the galleries. They draw bows, revealing skeletal arms and hands.
S1 and S2 vs. Latro's AC: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 191d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 71d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 111d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
S3 and S4 vs. Latro's AC (with cover): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 201d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 101d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 71d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Arrows fly through the open doorway. Two bounce off the stone floor, but two more find their marks in Latro's chest.
S1 hit Latro for 7 damage. S3 hit Latro for 10 damage.

Canas' turn.
The Map
Canas - 20 (39/40)
A'loran - 18 (32/32 hp)
B - 17
Z - 17
Latro - 15 (18/35 hp)
Kava - 13 (32/39 hp)
Jeras Falck - 11
Rulf - 2 (36/36 hp)
Skeletal Archers - 20

Male Human Warlock 4

"Latro!" Canas dashes into the room and fires a bolt of eldritch energy at the undead.

Move to T8(Shadow Walk triggered), curse Z4, then use Eldritch Blast on him: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 1 = 191d10 + 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (9) + (5) + 5 = 19

After a couple steps, Canas becomes a blur that resembles some other man. He stops inside the room and throws magical flame at the closest zombie, completely incinerating it. Canas hit and killed Z4.

A'loran's turn.
The Map
A'loran - 18 (32/32 hp)
B - 17
Zombie Rotters - 17
Latro - 15 (18/35 hp)
Kava - 13 (32/39 hp)
Jeras Falck - 11
Rulf - 2 (36/36 hp)
Skeletal Archers - 20
Canas - 20 (39/40; concealment)

Male Eladrin Wizard 3

"Time to clean some filth from this world."

move to T10 Target K10 with Freezing Cloud
Area Burst 2 (Enlarge to 3 with WarStaff ability)
Target each creature within burst

JF 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 vs Fortitude
B1 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
B2 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Z1 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Z2 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
S3 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
S4 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Hit 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 cold damage
Miss half Damage
Effect Cloud lasts until the end of your next turn and any creature that enters or starts there is subject to another attack. can dismiss as minor action.

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