Krome |
CRAP! I didn't know they were coming out with a new edition of Better Joy Cookbook!
What do they expect me to do with all the other Better Joy Cookbooks I so heavily invested in? Just throw them out the door? NOPE! I will fight them to the bitter death!
I think I will go to the Better Joy Cookbook and spam my hatred of them!
Brilliant :)
Hydro RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
Not a perfect comparison.
No one actually regards cookbooks as rules, they're guidelines. However, rulebooks are.. well, rulebooks, and most people play most games by the official rules.
Likewise, even though they're just guidelines, most cookbooks work. And some D&D rulebooks.. well, don't. No one appreciates paying for a game that doesn't work without tinkering.
This is still very insightful, though. Maybe more gamers should approach rulebooks more like cookbooks- as guidelines.
Also very funny, and thanks for the link.
Illessa |
Likewise, even though they're just guidelines, most cookbooks work. And some D&D rulebooks.. well, don't. No one appreciates paying for a game that doesn't work without tinkering.
Not true, I've had plenty of recipes that just plain didn't work, presumably they did for someone, but not me (or maybe they just got the numbers wrong). There are some cookbooks that don't work, there are some RPGs that don't work. Equally there are plenty of both that do (I'd argue you could easily play core 3.5 as written, house-rules just help iron out the kinks, like adding more chili to a recipe so it's more to your taste. There are also plenty of none-D&D games out there that work without tweaking the rules at all).
Though on the other hand recipes almost never work for me, if I measure everything out and do all the timings and temperatures precisely, it all goes horribly wrong. I tend to treat recipes a list of techniques and ingredients that possibly go well together, then combine several interesting ones into one crazy mutant whole, utterly ignoring quantities, it works pretty well!
Though admittedly I tend to play very fast and loose with RPG rules too when I can, the only ones I don't do that are the ones that are so rules-light that it's all already pretty streamlined anyway. So maybe it's a personal thing, I just hate numbers getting in the way of a good story/meal :P.
Krome |
Not a perfect comparison.
No one actually regards cookbooks as rules, they're guidelines. However, rulebooks are.. well, rulebooks, and most people play most games by the official rules.
Likewise, even though they're just guidelines, most cookbooks work. And some D&D rulebooks.. well, don't. No one appreciates paying for a game that doesn't work without tinkering.
This is still very insightful, though. Maybe more gamers should approach rulebooks more like cookbooks- as guidelines.
Also very funny, and thanks for the link.
Actually the "Rulebooks" are just guidelines. Otherwise house rules would be, well, against the rules.
Way back when, in the DMG, there was what we called Rule 0, which stated that all rules presented were subject to DM decisions.
And while I may not be a big fan of 4E, I would say that I have not found a rulebook that does not work. Some rules don't work for all people, but that is a very different thing. And since RPGs are subjective, and not defined solely by rules, there will always be tinkering to suit individual prefrences.
The day you find rules that require no tinkering at all is the day you are only playing World of Warcraft.
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
CRAP! I didn't know they were coming out with a new edition of Better Joy Cookbook!
What do they expect me to do with all the other Better Joy Cookbooks I so heavily invested in? Just throw them out the door? NOPE! I will fight them to the bitter death!
I think I will go to the Better Joy Cookbook and spam my hatred of them!
You're still using The Better Joy Cookbook? Dude, The Lucky Joy Cookbook kicks it to the CURB. THE CURB, I tell you! All you gotta do is look at Basic Fried Chicken. Flour-Egg-Flour will change your life. Fluffy, crunchy, stays on the chicken. I wouldn't use The Better Joy Cookbook to line my catbox.
MarkusTay |
Personally, I was waiting until the Pathfinder Cookbook Alpha comes out. I heard they made all the aromas stronger (though they nerfed Oregano).
I bet that scum over at Better Joy has secretly been working on this new edition behind our backs for the past three years, the whole time selling us those terrible 5x8 Recipe card booster packs...
Chef Justice |
You're still using The Better Joy Cookbook? Dude, The Lucky Joy Cookbook kicks it to the CURB. THE CURB, I tell you! All you gotta do is look at Basic Fried Chicken. Flour-Egg-Flour will change your life. Fluffy, crunchy, stays on the chicken. I wouldn't use The Better Joy Cookbook to line my catbox.
Oh please. They totally stole that recipe from The Happy Lucky Cookbook that came out last year. How did you even miss it; it won the freakin' Oven-gins Award for Best RPG (Recipes Pleasing Gastronomes). There are more options out there than your Joy-Joy cookbooks, you know.
The Black Bard |
The day you find rules that require no tinkering at all is the day you are only playing World of Warcraft.
Patch 2.4.3 in the wings gives shows that even this WoW is subject to frequent and dramatic tinkering. Its just the Big DM in teh Internet thats doing the edition changes, and us poor PC on my PC has to abide by the change, like it or not.
Mounts at 30 instead of 40? 35 gold instead of 90? Awesome!
If I hadn't already gotten to 40 and bought all my 90 gold mounts on all my characters already.... >_<
Such is life.
Dark Psion |
Well, I've seen a pdf leaked on BitBacon and the new bok is ALL MICROWAVE!
They say nobody cooks with gas anymore and electric cooktops are just mistakes waiting to happen.
Plus I've heard that Betty Crocker is going to release a Cooking System License and you will not be allowed to change any of her recipies or you loose the license to using her recipies.
MarkusTay |
To be fair, she is allowing Oregano to be Open Source.
If you want to use Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, or Tyme though, your s__t out of luck - even though they aren't covered by the current license, if she decides to use them later she can stop you from using your modified recipes.
To be fair, the cooking podcast that came out announcing the book was pretty funny - I like the part where Gordon Ramsay (Hell's Kitchen) says "I'm a monster! Rrrraaarrr!", and then Rachel Ray wacks him in the head with a fryimg pan and takes his stuff.
jmberaldo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |
All this talk reminds me I got some kraken rings sitting in the freezer waiting to be fried...
You know, that would be interesting... Picture a fantasy world's restaurant where the chef keeps monsters caged so he can cut pieces for his esquisite cousine, but, OK! 'Cause the pieces just grow back with a healing spell or regeneration ability!
Subject for an adventure? ;)
Lilith |
To be fair, she is allowing Oregano to be Open Sauce.
But Oregano without Parsley, Sage, Rosemary or Thyme makes no sense! Why would they include the one without the other? Why do I have to wait six months to get a NEW cookbook when the old one was perfectly fine the way it was? Now they've stopped selling the old cookbook, and I can't get Zotzihalan Creme Puffs anymore, because nobody liked the recipe!
Snorter |
You people are so limited in your thinking, with your 'rules' and 'recipes'. God help us if someone should try something that's not covered in your precious books.
It's all a big con! But then you all deserve to be fleeced, for your lack of imagination!
Any TRUE afficionado of the craft OBVIOUSLY prefers a free-form, rules-light approach.
Which in my case, means draping roadkill over a power line till it goes crispy, or hanging round other people's bins and eating their leftovers.
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Why do I have to wait six months to get a NEW cookbook when the old one was perfectly fine the way it was?
Bah. I hear the only thing they're changing is they're adding "salt and pepper to taste" to the end of every recipe (except for the desserts, where they're *removing* that phrase—and it's about time!).
"Betty Crocker," you say? I say "B€TT¥ ¢ro¢k€r!"
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Patrick Curtin |
They are trying to make their recipies seem like World of Bakecraft, and I am not going to buy some cookbook that shows me how to replicate microwaved mac and cheese with regular ingrediants! No thank you! I'll keep my old books, and I'll keep trolling eBay for that first edition Fannie Farmer that will make my collection complete!
The monkey runs off to lovingly peruse his stacks of old cookbooks.
Illessa |
Yeah, those ba$tard$ are so not getting my money. I downloaded the PDF that leaked three weeks before release. Soylent Green is PEANUTS? I do not think so.
They totally sanitised it, anything to stop all those accusations that their cookbooks make kids violent and encourage them to sell their soul to Satan to attain greater cooking power.
Mac Boyce |
Vic Wertz wrote:Yeah, those ba$tard$ are so not getting my money. I downloaded the PDF that leaked three weeks before release. Soylent Green is PEANUTS? I do not think so.They totally sanitised it, anything to stop all those accusations that their cookbooks make kids violent and encourage them to sell their soul to Satan to attain greater cooking power.
"Selling their soul to Satan for greater cooking power."
Love it!
KaeYoss |
Where's the entry that says:
Those books suck. Where are the sauces? Who are they to tell me that sauces aren't tasty? No cakes, either, and I have yet to find eggs in any recipe, despite the fact that some things really need them.
And those idiots don't even know what a Pizza is. For countless years and editions of cookbooks everywhere - not just this cookbook, every cookbook - knows that a pizza is dough rolled out flat with stuff put on. And everyone who doesn't even use a cookbook knows that, too. Sure, there might be some squabbling over the toppings, like whether pineapple is an abomination or not. But now they come and say that a Pizza's now a sort of noodle with salami, or mushrooms, or paprika (nothing else. They say that other ingredients will be in their Pizza Power book), and with yoghurt dressing (since sauces aren't fun).
And their marketing stinks. If a company tells me: "Well, our old cookbook was just not healthy. No one is ever to eat fat, it's just not good for you and WILL make you fat, no matter what you do. In fact, some people probably got food poisoning from our old recipes, and I think one or two died... But our NEW book is SO MUCH BETTER. It's healthy now. We can't tell you the details, but we can tell you it will be SO HEALTHY. Because we say so. We're the big 800lb gorilla with the kiss the cook apron and the chef cap." I'm sure I'll stick to my old recipes - or to Pie Tso, the great company that's going to keep the old recipes and try to improve them instead of scrapping them all along with half the possible ingredients. In fact, they let you test the recipes they want to put in their new "Great Cooking" book, and they actually listen when we tell them that chocolate really has no place on the standard hamburger recipe.
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
You're still using The Better Joy Cookbook? Dude, The Lucky Joy Cookbook kicks it to the CURB. THE CURB, I tell you! All you gotta do is look at Basic Fried Chicken. Flour-Egg-Flour will change your life. Fluffy, crunchy, stays on the chicken. I wouldn't use The Better Joy Cookbook to line my catbox.
Word of warning, though—the first supplement for The Lucky Joy Cookbook is called "Burnt Offerings." I'm pretty sure I don't want that....
Krome |
To be fair, she is allowing Oregano to be Open Source.
If you want to use Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, or Tyme though, your s__t out of luck - even though they aren't covered by the current license, if she decides to use them later she can stop you from using your modified recipes.
To be fair, the cooking podcast that came out announcing the book was pretty funny - I like the part where Gordon Ramsay (Hell's Kitchen) says "I'm a monster! Rrrraaarrr!", and then Rachel Ray wacks him in the head with a fryimg pan and takes his stuff.
Ok ok ok this almost got me in trouble! I started giggling at work and trying not to be heard... didn't work... so a few folks come over to see what is so darn funny... and they just look at me like I'm an alien from mars...
lastknightleft |
The new Better Joy book is a crock. I heard that they made it impossible for you to burn anything anymore! What is the point of cooking if there is no danger of burning something? Now everybody can cook and nobody will be an artist anymore!
Yeah except someone following the recipies made a meal that made all the other recipes taste like cardboard in comparison, and there are ingredients that are allready proving to be overpowering to the tastebuds so that theres no point in using other ingredients. So someone may not be able to burn their food, but if they are in a competition with the a meal made by someone whos using those recipes he might as well have burned his food.
Golbez57 |
I heard that Better Joy is releasing a new oven, and you need a special code from your new cookbook to get the oven to bake anything.
Of course, that is whenever your new oven arrives, until then you can eat the pictures in the book.
Yeah, I LOL'ed. It was sort of a chortle-ly LOL, but a LOL nonetheless!
Stephen Klauk |
Dammit! They took out all the Cajun recipes. :(
How am I supposed to make Jambalaya now, if I don't have an official recipe?
What makes me even more angry is that the wonderful Cajun recipes have been replaced with Velvet and Rum cake recipes, just to appease the sweet tooth cookers. And what's with the Cupcakes, Cakes and Pastry sections? We don't need three ways to make those things - Cupcakes are just small cakes after all! They could have used that space to put some Cajun recipes back in the book!!!!