F33b |

"are so insecure in their own decisions..." and something else along the lines of cannot withstand civil debate about 4th edition.
Did you actually read steerpike7's post? He stated the following:
1. He supports 4e.2. He doesn't like the behavior on both sides of the fence.
3. The "insecure" reference was specifically about the WoTC/Gleemax forums. Have you been over there recently? Those forums can be quite hostile to anything perceived as remotely anti-4e, including errata, rule concerns and requests for clarity on mechanics.
I understand the intent of your post, but I think you directed it at the wrong poster.


3. The "insecure" reference was specifically about the WoTC/Gleemax forums. Have you been over there recently? Those forums can be quite hostile to anything perceived as remotely anti-4e, including errata, rule concerns and requests for clarity on mechanics.
I hope this is a joke. I've had nothing but hasty, excellent help in clarifying 4E rules issues on the WotC boards.
Let's put a stop to spreading falsities.

bugleyman |

bugleyman wrote:It's going to be okay. Close your eyes and count to 10. This too will pass.crosswiredmind wrote:Stereofm wrote:Take a break, rest yourself, enjoy yourself with 4e and your group, and come back after a short while. We'll miss you if you don't come back.I hear ya. Trouble is this, for all of the trolls this is the best place on the net for solid discussion. I am just going to try and chill.Make no mistake...as dramatic as it sounds, I believe the Paizo boards are at a crossroads. If people can't learn to self-moderate and Paizo itself doesn't step in, these boards will become all but useless. I've seen it happen all too often.
A few people keep insisting that they be allowed to behave in any anti-social manner this wish, or they're being "censored." Sorry, but that isn't the way things work in civil society. If Paizo won't put a stop to it, we should. If people are told repeatedly and in no uncertain terms that being rude and inconsiderate are not acceptable, they'll get the hint. No doubt they'll complain about how their rights are being violated and the thought police are right around the corner, but eventually they'll stop.
Substance == 0 FTL

Kruelaid |

Make no mistake...as dramatic as it sounds, I believe the Paizo boards are at a crossroads. If people can't learn to self-moderate and Paizo itself doesn't step in, these boards will become all but useless. I've seen it happen all too often.
Paizo has had moderation since I first started posting here, and I believe we left the crossroads in the dust during the Trollman wars.

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F33b wrote:3. The "insecure" reference was specifically about the WoTC/Gleemax forums. Have you been over there recently? Those forums can be quite hostile to anything perceived as remotely anti-4e, including errata, rule concerns and requests for clarity on mechanics.
I hope this is a joke. I've had nothing but hasty, excellent help in clarifying 4E rules issues on the WotC boards.
Let's put a stop to spreading falsities.
But they are definitely hostile to anything anti-4th edition. Which I can kind of understand since they are trying to promote 4th Edition; but it doesn't help their case since it shows that they don't wish to deal with the bad blood their PR tactics and too-soon release have caused amongst a large percentage of their customer base. Maybe if they hide their heads in the sand, the hard feelings will pass? And some people are still waiting for promised 3.5 errata that will never come.

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dmchucky69 wrote:So posts about a game should be devoid of substance? Doesn't follow. Please refer to my last post.bugleyman wrote:Substance == 0 FTL
Substance isn't important in this case. It's a game. :)
I wish I could care, but I can't. Sorry. See you around. And have a nice day. :)

Patrick Curtin |

Fatespinner wrote:Patrick Curtin wrote:If I diablerize Sebastian what gen to I become?Lawyers have acid for blood. They can't be diablerized without obscene levels of Fortitude.But, for the record, it's sixth.
::proceeds to spend five of his 20 point blood pool in one round::
Does my aura get pinstripes?

bugleyman |

I wish I could care, but I can't. Sorry. See you around. And have a nice day. :)
Your post amounts to sticking your fingers in year ear and chanting "nah, nah, nah, I can't hear you." Hence your dubious attempt to claim the moral high ground has failed. Especially since, if you actually didn't care, you wouldn't still be posting.
Or can I assume you won't be posting in this thread any more? That would be nice...

Kruelaid |

Thank you for making yourself look far more ridiculous than I ever could.
It has become painfully obvious tha some of you are way out of your depth.
Who else have you made personal remarks about while arguing that Paizo needs moderation?
Incidentally, the "crossroads" you talk about were left in the dust during the Trollman wars and there has been moderation on the boards since I first arrived.

bugleyman |

to Kruelaid, bugleyman wrote:Thank you for making yourself look far more ridiculous than I ever could.to hazel monday, bugleyman wrote:It has become painfully obvious tha some of you are way out of your depth.Who else have you made personal remarks about while arguing that Paizo needs moderation?
Incidentally. The "crossroads" you talk about were left in the dust during the Trollman wars and there has been moderation on the boards since I first arrived.
Sorry, I'm finished taking people more seriously than they deserve. If some people find that offensive, so be it. And if *I* get moderated, at least that means someone is actually DOING SOMETHING.

Patrick Curtin |

Unfortunately, people have missed the truly horrifying part of this whole thread - Sylvestor Stallone was quoted! ~shudder~
In the spirit of gamers everywhere, I believe the following quote should be inserted in its place:
Never lose you. Never.
- James T. Kirk in "The Naked Time"
How 'bout this one instead?
A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
-Bill S.

bugleyman |

bugleyman wrote:Sorry, I'm finished taking people more seriously than they deserve.Those who are taken seriously by you must be quite lucky indeed!
Lucky? No. They simply put the care into their posts that I put into mine. They actually bother to understand my points, and if they disagree, their response is cogent and on topic, which unfortunately many of the posts on this thread aren't. Including, sadly, many of yours.
Whoops! Broke my own rule.

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Sure here i will kick it off for you.
damn wow kidz wanna take our game!HISSS BOOOOO!
Pssst. over here! Yeah you mummy guy. you know i was kidding, right?

XxAnthraxusxX |

XxAnthraxusxX wrote:Pssst. over here! Yeah you mummy guy. you know i was kidding, right?Sure here i will kick it off for you.
damn wow kidz wanna take our game!HISSS BOOOOO!
Yeah. You couldn't tell I WAS KIDDING?

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dmchucky69 wrote:
I wish I could care, but I can't. Sorry. See you around. And have a nice day. :)Your post amounts to sticking your fingers in year ear and chanting "nah, nah, nah, I can't hear you." Hence your dubious attempt to claim the moral high ground has failed. Especially since, if you actually didn't care, you wouldn't still be posting.
Or can I assume you won't be posting in this thread any more? That would be nice...
(pulling fingers out of ears)
Well, I can't be responsible for making you happy. That would run counter to my programming. Once again, there IS no moral high ground. It is a game. If we were talking about Darfur, waterboarding, going to war under false pretenses, or other incredibly IMPORTANT issues; then I can see moral high ground entering as an valid term. But we are talking about rules systems here. Granted, I feel very strongly about one rules system (3.5) over another ($ Ed); but I would never claim to have any moral superiority over another during a discussion about such. Neither should you.
Guess I woke up in what they call an adversarial mood this morning. So now I AM done with you. Why don't you take the 'moral high ground' and let me have the last word. No? Well, guess I made my point.
Seriously, have a nice day. Really. :)

Daeglin |

Daeglin wrote:Unfortunately, people have missed the truly horrifying part of this whole thread - Sylvestor Stallone was quoted! ~shudder~
In the spirit of gamers everywhere, I believe the following quote should be inserted in its place:
Never lose you. Never.
- James T. Kirk in "The Naked Time"How 'bout this one instead?
A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
-Bill S.
Not bad. I was going for levity myself, but I suppose a classic is a classic. You should add it to the quotes thread.

Kruelaid |

Lucky? No. They simply put the care into their posts that I put into mine. They actually bother to understand my points, and if they disagree, their response is cogent and on topic, which unfortunately many of the posts on this thread aren't. Including, sadly, many of yours.
Whoops! Broke my own rule.
You can't be blamed for misunderstanding my sense of humor. Irony doesn't work well on message boards. Nor can you be blamed for misunderstanding posts that were not directed at you, because they weren't directed at you. Nor can you be blamed for responding to my joke with an insult because that seems to be your customary mode of reply on this thread. Nor can you be blamed for breaking your own rules, because you are clearly treading deeply in hypocrisy by cutting people with your left hand while calling for moderation with your right.

Kruelaid |

They actually bother to understand my points, and if they disagree, their response is cogent and on topic, which unfortunately many of the posts on this thread aren't.
You made a point? That the boards need moderation (which they already have).
Or was your point that I am ridiculous or that hazel monday is shallow or that Paizo is not doing its job?

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I've suppressed a number of posts by XxAnthraxusxX, who is by his own admission, "yanking chains" for the fun of it. I'd like to thank the rest of you for not taking his bait.
Crosswiredmind, you've been awfully close to being suppressed yourself over the last couple of weeks—as many have said, you are, in your own way, as responsible for the level of noise and fury on the paizo boards as anyone else. You've turned way too many threads into argumentative messes full of back-and-forth sniping, and creating threads with titles like "Abandoning the fans?" and "4e board - unwelcome?" is, quite literally, *asking* for people to argue with you.
Knock it off.
Consider it knocked. Wait - knock opens stuff up. Consider it done.

Kruelaid |

I have learned in my time here that if people rip at each other every time someone says something that does not live up the those standards of cognition held by their fellow posters this place falls apart.
Sometimes you just have to let the jokers joke and the trolls troll.