Looking to start a D20 Apocalypse PbP game

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see working

as you can see not really a dog man...only kinda

Back when I played Gamma World the worst thing about being a mutant animal was not being able to use most human gear because it didn't fit. But back then, a mutant could get by on mutant powers for attacks and defenses.

Kruelaid- we didn't have a carrot in a jar, we had a catus in a pot and it grew fruits to feed the party. Of course whole party died trying to use some piece of old tech gear.

Humm gunslingers are fun

Larcifer wrote:
Hey Patrik is Magic a viable option I am looking at the Technomage advanced class and it tickles me, please let me know...

Magic is not usually an option, but if you have yer heart set on it, perhaps the world is changing and magic is becoming viable.

niel wrote:

Back when I played Gamma World the worst thing about being a mutant animal was not being able to use most human gear because it didn't fit. But back then, a mutant could get by on mutant powers for attacks and defenses.

Kruelaid- we didn't have a carrot in a jar, we had a catus in a pot and it grew fruits to feed the party. Of course whole party died trying to use some piece of old tech gear.

Niel you want in on the party go ahead! Love to have you aboard.

Kruelaid wrote:
Dude, I've had The Dark Tower on my mind all week.

The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.

Hey patrick, whats the price on pistols. And horse or what ever we use for mounts. Take a look at oliver he seems a little munchy to me may redo a few things.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Hey patrick, whats the price on pistols. And horse or what ever we use for mounts. Take a look at oliver he seems a little munchy to me may redo a few things.

I am starting you off as millita members, so you get the basic supplies I wrote about before. A good (new) pistol will cost you either 200 Noratom Credits or 2 GP. I am assuming you all have mounts, either horse, or mutated horse (and before anyone gets ideas, no fracking laser-beam eyes or any foolishness like that with your mounts, cosmetic mutations for flavor only)

Oliver looks OK to my untrained eye, but since you are the rules guru I will defer to your judgement. Adjust away!

not with modern I am not.He looks fine rules wise just well...muchy ya know.oh and started off as an adventurer occupation do I need to change that to military?

How much do we have? How much is a rifle? And does it bother you if my dude rides a giant chicken (no laser eyes, but its eggs are Torque Grenades)?

oh and we talking 9mm smi-autos or what.

this is what he said we started with

This is sturdy clothes(hat, belt and boots included), backpack, a semi-automatic rifle with 90 rounds in 3 magazines plus bayonet(as per M16 stats), rations for 7 days, matches, canteen, basic first aid kit, 1 stun and 2 regular grenades. You will also have 500 Noratom Credits to your names, as well as 10 1oz gold coins (worth 100 Noratom Credits ea).

Just kidding about the eggs. But I am enamored of the assassins from Wizards and I would like some kind of two legged mutie steed cuz I just can't help myself when I play GW.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

this is what he said we started with

This is sturdy clothes(hat, belt and boots included), backpack, a semi-automatic rifle with 90 rounds in 3 magazines plus bayonet(as per M16 stats), rations for 7 days, matches, canteen, basic first aid kit, 1 stun and 2 regular grenades. You will also have 500 Noratom Credits to your names, as well as 10 1oz gold coins (worth 100 Noratom Credits ea).

Oh yeah....

Oops. Brain cloud.

I'm taking scrounger profession.

And can I take the monocular vision disadvantage from the mutation chapter, but still have two eyes, just one of them is milky white and blind? Two extra points baby!

I want 2 15 clip 9mm.with 6 clips or ammo and a ammo belt.

So thats 400 for the two good pistols. Ammo,clips and belt now.

You all can be whatever you want. The Noratom millita is a volunteer service, not a profession in itself. Just lately you have been on high alert as refugees have been streaming into your valley from points west, ratcheting up the tension level. You can get a nice M9 analog for your 2 GP Seeker, that's fine, that tech can be fabbed (or a nice M1911, much more stopping power if not as much range)

Kruelaid, anything that riffs on Wizards is cool, but the eggs will have to be for omelets only. Go ahead and make a chicken steed!

Do M16s suck in this world, too?

m9's it is. going gunslinger on him. and I wast a stetson

Kruelaid wrote:
Do M16s suck in this world, too?

M16s suck in any world. I should just let you get AK47s, every infantryman you ask would prefer this rifle over the high-maintenence abortion that is the M16. Plus the AK47 is easier to make with more primitive tech.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
m9's it is. going gunslinger on him. and I wast a stetson

Stetsons are easy. Even today that part of the world is more 'country-western' than 'New England' anyway.

yay AK clones and 9mm's. sounds like this is gonna be fun.AS my mount I'll just take a horse nothing fancy.

Snarls: "Touch me. I hurt yous. Touch me burna. I hurt yous. Frigin check at me. I hurt yous."

Waves his thumb at the giant emu he rode in on.

"Touch me chikun. I kill yous."

"Thas it. Don evun check at me chikun."

Points at you with two fingers. Then jabs them toward the road.

"Eyes. Horizun."

Liberty's Edge


sorry. threadjack over. it just felt right.

BTW this character is Kruelaid’s fault.
When I see a new game I almost always think of a character for it. So when Patrick said Gamma world, I conceived of a mutant cougar with a prehensile tail and blaster eyes. This is sufficiently close to the character I’m running is ‘Ars Magica’ I could have avoided building him, but then Kruelaid said something about building a mutant based on a monster race. So I was browsing the monster manual. That’s when Billy-Ray jumped me.

Billy-Ray and his family are mutants. Being able to eat anything that is or was alive means and being tough enough to winter in a cave or live in a swamp meant that they could live in places where no one else could. So they didn’t worry much when they were warned about the Wreckers, they didn’t see the need to move out. But when Billy-Ray returned from hunting and found the mutant-hating army had mowed down his parents and sister and thrown the bodies into the family cabin before burning the homestead, he realized Pappy had been wrong about that ‘live and let live’ thing. Billy-Ray is out for revenge. Now he’s headed off to get the skills necessary to kill as many Wreckers as he can before the smoke from his burnt body rises to the sky to join the smoke from his kin.

Billy-Ray is based on the troll. A troll is a +5 level adjustment creature, so its too much. ‘Savage Species’ claims that reach and Scent are each worth a +1 la, so if they are removed the la becomes +3, letting Billy-Ray have one level of Tough. The ‘Monster Manual’ says going from medium to large gives +8 St, -2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Natural Armor, and -1 AC/Attack. Reversing that and adjusting the troll stats,, and removing Scent and Darkvision leaves:
+4 str +6 dex +8 con -4 int -2 wis -4 cha
Med size (move 30’, reach normal)
Low-light vision
+3 natural armor
natural weapons: claw/claw/bite 1d4+str/1d4+str/1d4+half-str
Special quality; regeneration 5
Special attack: rend 2d4+(1.5Xstr)
After that I get confused. A La+5 troll has six hit die, three feats, and five levels of skills. So what does the La+3 troll get? 4 hit die, two feats, and three levels of skills? I tried looking at the troll racial class in ‘savage species’, but it made my head hurt.

More importantly, is this in line with the power levels that Patrick wants? Regen 5 is pretty strong, and a 36 pt. buy with racial bonuses means physical stats around 20. Billy-Ray will have mostly primitive skills and weapons (though I could see him with a LaMat style revolver). He’s a tough with a rural background. I’m planning on picking up the d20 apocalypse book today (I have Modern, but not Future), so I don’t know if something more appropriate is in that.

Patrick, will this concept fit or is it too much?

"Billy-Ray, yous iz neva takin' watch again. Yous ate me backpak!... Fok. Yous took da rations hout. Why djous take da rations hout? Yous eat da rations not da frigin' backpak. What yous thinkin' in dere?"

<Clacks his knuckles on Billy-Ray's head.>

<Turns to the emu.>

"Colonel, why yous let Billy-Ray eat my craps? Fok. Coca-man raises you up from an egg and what's 'ee get? No frigin' backpack!"

Liberty's Edge


Grand Lodge

niel wrote:

After that I get confused. A La+5 troll has six hit die, three feats, and five levels of skills. So what does the La+3 troll get? 4 hit die, two feats, and three levels of skills? I tried looking at the troll racial class in ‘savage species’, but it made my head hurt.

You get nothin' - no feats, no skills, no hit dice. The way the system works, a normal troll has 6 HD and a +5 LA - that means it is the equivalent of a level 11 character. Similarly, your reduced, +3 LA troll with 4 HD is the equivalent of a level 7 character. If you want to stay within the 4-level framework, it means that you get your one level of Tough Hero and nothing more. Thus, you'll have very few hit points and crappy saves and BAB compared to the other party members - but you'll also have regeneration, awesome stats and natural armour. It's your call, really.

Also, this looks absolutely awesome - I love all the concepts and the background. Just for reference - what is a Helix Warrior?

Hey Guys Larcifer here can someone look over EVA she seems a bit..stacked.... Also what are we doing for Hitpoints

<DM convulsed in a fit of hilarity ... please talk amongst yourselfs while he composes himself.>

Vattnisse wrote:

Also, this looks absolutely awesome - I love all the concepts and the background. Just for reference - what is a Helix Warrior?

It helped me suck up my carrying ability so I took it.

I think it's some kind of genetically enhanced soldier.

"Robo wimmin. Backpacks eatin' trolls. Giant chikuns. Mamma said Coca-man shoulda sticken tuh farmin'. OOOOooohhh Mama! Yous so right!."

<Jaw clenches. Veins bulge.>


Patrick wrote:
... a semi-automatic rifle ...

Should this be fully automatic?

I ask because I have advanced weapons proficiency and burst fire feats.

Coca-man is gonna get himself one of them m1911 pistols with his spare cash.

2 gp right? How much ammo do I get with it?

Coca Cola wrote:
Patrick wrote:
... a semi-automatic rifle ...

Should this be fully automatic?

I ask because I have advanced weapons proficiency and burst fire feats.

Actually I know the M16 is auto with optional semi(burst) or single shot settings. AK 47 I have to check ..to the internet! M1911 is 2 gp, the ammo is 1 Noratom Credit per shell.

Vattnisse wrote:
niel wrote:

After that I get confused. A La+5 troll has six hit die, three feats, and five levels of skills. So what does the La+3 troll get? 4 hit die, two feats, and three levels of skills? I tried looking at the troll racial class in ‘savage species’, but it made my head hurt.

You get nothin' - no feats, no skills, no hit dice. The way the system works, a normal troll has 6 HD and a +5 LA - that means it is the equivalent of a level 11 character. Similarly, your reduced, +3 LA troll with 4 HD is the equivalent of a level 7 character. If you want to stay within the 4-level framework, it means that you get your one level of Tough Hero and nothing more. Thus, you'll have very few hit points and crappy saves and BAB compared to the other party members - but you'll also have regeneration, awesome stats and natural armour. It's your call, really.

Also, this looks absolutely awesome - I love all the concepts and the background. Just for reference - what is a Helix Warrior?

Thanks for the thumbs up Vatt. There's still room if you wanna roll up a character ;) Just remember this is the first D20 Apocalypse I've done and bear with me :)

Grand Lodge

From my own army experience, the AK is fully automatic - actually, it is best thought of as "mostly automatic". The safety catch sequence goes from 'safe' to 'family' to 'single', and the accuracy, even with a good one, is pretty rotten. With the AK, the philosophy is "give it lots".

AK 47 linky

Since people of the apocalypse can't be bothered with constantly clearing their foulled weapons and searching endlessly for CLP, all automatic rifles are based on the tried and true AK 47 model.

Grand Lodge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Vattnisse wrote:
niel wrote:

After that I get confused. A La+5 troll has six hit die, three feats, and five levels of skills. So what does the La+3 troll get? 4 hit die, two feats, and three levels of skills? I tried looking at the troll racial class in ‘savage species’, but it made my head hurt.

You get nothin' - no feats, no skills, no hit dice. The way the system works, a normal troll has 6 HD and a +5 LA - that means it is the equivalent of a level 11 character. Similarly, your reduced, +3 LA troll with 4 HD is the equivalent of a level 7 character. If you want to stay within the 4-level framework, it means that you get your one level of Tough Hero and nothing more. Thus, you'll have very few hit points and crappy saves and BAB compared to the other party members - but you'll also have regeneration, awesome stats and natural armour. It's your call, really.

Also, this looks absolutely awesome - I love all the concepts and the background. Just for reference - what is a Helix Warrior?

Thanks for the thumbs up Vatt. There's still room if you wanna roll up a character ;) Just remember this is the first D20 Apocalypse I've done and bear with me :)

I almost like Bob-Ray better this way - he has a glass jaw, but he gets up again! And again and again and again...

As for me - I don't have any rulebooks, and only the faintest familiarity with d20 Modern. I'll be lurking, though!


Rasions taste lahk crap. Bags gots lossa fibur, gud fer Billy-Rays gut.

Billy-Ray wrote:


Rasions taste lahk crap. Bags gots lossa fibur, gud fer Billy-Rays gut.

ROTFLMAO I am going to have to figure out a fair way for billy ray the redneck troll to be in this game.

I's Billy-Ray. Bob-Ray- she gots et by beg ole peg coupla snows bak.

How about 3la troll, one level of tough, and some mutations? I think I saw 'vomit acid' somewhere.

Grand Lodge

Hey Patrick, does that offer still stand? I just found a d20 Modern SRD. I'll see if I can cook up something today. If you have room, of course.

Check Patrick's Gamma World links for some other ideas, too.

Vattnisse wrote:
From my own army experience, the AK is fully automatic - actually, it is best thought of as "mostly automatic". The safety catch sequence goes from 'safe' to 'family' to 'single', and the accuracy, even with a good one, is pretty rotten. With the AK, the philosophy is "give it lots".

I fired a Chinese AK at a PLA shooting range over here (good to have friends, isn't it?) and it's pretty slippery. The first shot was accurate though, not like the hunting rifles I've handled, but I wasn't complaining. On auto, standing 50 feet away, I once put three of four rounds into a torso target. Usually it was only one or two though.

Vattnisse wrote:
Hey Patrick, does that offer still stand? I just found a d20 Modern SRD. I'll see if I can cook up something today. If you have room, of course.

The easiest way to do this is browse the rules and use the pathguy generator.

Patrick posted a six player max:

That's five. Did I forget anyone?

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Billy-Ray wrote:


Rasions taste lahk crap. Bags gots lossa fibur, gud fer Billy-Rays gut.

ROTFLMAO I am going to have to figure out a fair way for billy ray the redneck troll to be in this game.

Yes, I vote we allow it.

I'm not too gooned out, we really need a meat shield.

Our ten mutation points are probably equal to a +1 LA, and Billy isn't going to be able to use firearms cuz he's just too f$~!ing big. SO I don't think the balance issue is going to be too serious.

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