DracoDruid |
To start myself I propose the first two changes:
1) Chance the spell progression and spells known so that it sticks to other full casting classes. There is no real reason to not doing so:
Spells per day: Take the cleric/wizard table BUT add 2 spell slots per spell level.
Spells known: Take the cleric/wizard table here too BUT add 1 spell per spell level.
2) Replace the actual bloodline power system with the mechanic from this post.
In short: The sorcerers can use some of his spell slots too activate special bloodline powers.
2.1) Leave the metamorphosis stuff for a coming Prestige Class.
Let's just start discussing about these too and go on about proficiencies and skill points, etc. afterwards.
Smerg |
One of the BIG advantages that Wizards/Clerics have over Sorcerers/Favoured Soul is the ability make Magic Items.
Wizards start with the Item Creation Feat of Scribe Scroll.
Despite talk of Wizards lacking Sorcerer's in the ability to cast as many spells in a day, this feat alone allows Wizards at the cost of a few xp and gp to have hordes of spells for all occassions.
Additional Item Creation Feats allow Wizards/Clerics to have hosts of useful spells on 'standby'.
Compared to this, the Sorcerer/Favoured Soul that wanted to make a similar type of character could normally only produce magic items that stored more of the spells that they were already bleeding out of their noses with (I say normally because if they could find someone else to cast plenty of the same spell then they 'could' make an item for which they lacked the spell knowledge. In practice this really is not very practical).
I propose to fix some of this imbalance that Sorcerers/Favoured Souls around level 3 get the free Item Creation Feat of Recharge Item. The feat would allow the Sorcerer/Favoured Soul to 'recharge' an existing wand, staff, rod or other item that has expendable charges provided that there is at least one charge still left in the item. The cost would be the same as for a Wizard using an Item Creation feat but would eliminate the need to know the spell to do the recharge.
Uriel393 |
Ok, I am trying to bring an end to those endless sorcerer threads floating around, so everybody who got something to discuss about sorcerers PLEASE post in here!
That way Jason and the others will have a better chance of knowing what's going around and will likely adapt our ideas.
The Sorcerer... man, this is the Class that I have always wanted to love, but they just suck.
Ridiculously limited spells, they Tier new spell levels behind Wizards. Nothing about them counters this, they are just Inferior. Not getting your Fireball, as well as Lightning Bolt, and (More Importantly) Dispel Magic until Level six...Ack.You can talk about them as some sort of 'Blaster', with more damage spells per day or what not, but as some other poster mentioned, Wizards get to make Scrolls. And there is another word that made them completely obsolete as the 'Damage Badass'...Warmage.
What I did to help the Sorcerer in my Campaigns.
We gave them a Sudden Metamagic Feat every 5 Levels, let them switch out spells slightly faster than 3.5 did. Since a Sorcerer is a bit of an outcast, I gave them Survival,Sense Motive and Intimidation as a Class Skills, as well as proficiency with one Martial weapon. The Intimidation was because they are supposed to scare the crap out of folks. Someone with Dragon blood and who can manifest magic on their own? That should make the populace really nervous...
Where I found the Sorcerer to really excel is as a tool of a DM. No pesky Spellbook Libraries for the PCs to raid (Hehehe). An NPC Mage never gets off more than a handful of spells anyways, unless you have some way of getting them an escape for a later encounter (Which is great, but difficult, with those darned PCs close on their heels).
Heck, you had to make the Sorcerer a level higher to get the same spell choices of a Wizard,but that's more XPs for the PCs (I like giving characters XPs, I'm easy like that...).
Yep, the Sorcerer...man he sure SEEMED cool at that WotC preview, way back in 2001 or so (Sigh)
Ernest Mueller |
I'm not sure a lot of the sorcerer complaints are well founded.
Having the at-will spell choice and more spells/day makes up for being one caster level down in terms of what max spell level you get.
Sure, sorcerers don't get Scribe Scroll for free, but they can take any item creation feat they want; it's not like they're blocked from it.
The Pathfinder version basically adds the bloodlines on top of the 3.5e sorcerers, giving them a more than adequate power boost. They're not supposed to be just like wizards; if you want to play a wizard play a wizard. This conception of a sorcerer does a good job, IMO, of mixing the old sorcerer with a hint of warlock (so I don't have to use warlocks :-P). It has more endurance than the wizard (more spells, abilities that are there when your spells are gone), and it has more flexibility. A sorcerer isn't supposed to be as good in "one combat," just like the barbarian, with its rage powers, beats the fighter in "one combat."
Zombieneighbours |
Spell progression:
We know its not changing. Jason Bulmahn has said it will not be, so discussing it doesn't really help.
Its also entirely argueable that the additional spell use and flexablity within an adventure day make up for the slow gain in spells.
The much talked of Claw aka The touch attack
Firstly in the case of the abyssal bloodline, i love the claw. And i really dont want to see it go.
I think however that there have been to much of an enphersis on the touch attack with sorcerer.
Things i'd like to see:
- Counter Magic: In the first few levels i would love to see the sorcerer gain a number of uses of dispell magic which can only be used for counter magic.
- Removel of meta magic restrictions from this class, as this would make the most of the sorcerers advantages.
- Each bloodline bloodline gets an at will, low lvl effect
- aberation: disguise self
- arcane:Identify
- and so on...
Other thoughts:
In a way i really think maybe we should be more certain as a community exactly what we want the sorcerer to actually be. I doubt their is any concensus currently.
Zombieneighbours |
You can talk about them as some sort of 'Blaster', with more damage spells per day or what not, but as some other poster mentioned, Wizards get to make Scrolls. And there is another word that made them completely obsolete as the 'Damage Badass'...Warmage.
It doesn't really matter how it compairs to Warmage, why?
Because war mage isn't OGL.
It needs to be balanced against the other classes in the book not Warmages or any other splatbook PGWD classes.
As for scrolls, sorcerers can make or perchase scrolls also. Ofcause the wizards can a produce them somewhat cheaper by my understanding(i would usually check but i am at the wrong computer), which does go some way to evening this out.
seekerofshadowlight |
While sleep deprived yesterday I messed with this a bit. The at will powers are a good ideal also why not give em Eschew Materials at 1st.
Some thought I had that I'll look back over now that I've had some sleep.
Bloodline spells: an extra spell maybe every 2 levels or so chosen from a list they get a +1 or +2 DC to this spell.
Eschew Materials Give it to em at 1st and make it improve as they level maybe at 5/10/15/20 or/6/12/18
Sacrifice the flesh Allow them to burn HP for extra spell's when they run out or to add metamagic without the level incress may something like 3x1, 2x1 and 1x1 progression at 6,14,18 maybe
Kelvar Silvermace |
It's funny...different groups I've gamed with have had different views of the Sorcerer. To some groups, the Sorcerer is the best because of his versatility...to others, he is gimped because of his slower spell progression. I'd say that makes him about right.
I do think there is something to be said for the Sorcerer's ability to say, "Wow, good thing we needed three (name of spell here)'s today! I can still cast it again if we need to..." Compared to the Wizard who must prepare his spells ahead of time.
I think the Sorcerer should expect to give up something for that kind of flexibility. I don't think having to wait one more level behind the Wizard is too great a penalty. And what do you expect from folks who can cast spells sort of...naturally...without having to devote years of study to it?
WalkerInShadows |
Things i'd like to see:
- Removel of meta magic restrictions from this class, as this would make the most of the sorcerers advantages.
I've been lurking for awhile, reading various threads, and after seeing this come up repeatedly, I just had to post.
While this may seem like a good idea, it's not. In Neverwinter Nights, sorcerers don't suffer the increased casting time for metamagic. I play in an NWN persistent world (basically an NWN MMO); not long ago, a bunch of us were talking about sorcerers vs. wizards, and I asked - since the sorcerer doesn't suffer increased casting time, how does he stack up against the wizard? One player, who has a L33 sorcerer (L39 overall, and one of the most powerful PCs in that world) said that pre-epic, a sorcerer will wipe the floor with a wizard of equal level. After 20th, when the wizard gets Auto-metamagic (remember, back in 3E they added 3 levels of spells each), the playing field is levelled.
Now, you might say "Well, that's one player, with a powerful sorcerer." Sure... but he also does a lot of coding for the team who runs that world, mostly spell systems. He's been playing that PC for years, and he's not a stupid person either - he's going to school for a law degree. Several other sorcerer players also chimed in with similar sentiments - unlimited metamagic gives sorcerers too much of an edge over wizards, even with the limited spell selection.
I personally wouldn't mind seeing them get their spells earlier, though (and be able to swap spells more than once/2 levels); I think the increased casting time is enough to balance out the spontaneous metamagic. Limited spell selection is balanced by lack of versatility. Nothing, however, balances out the delayed spell progression.
Gorum |
First of all, what they need is UNLIMITED CANTRIPS PER DAY. They're Sorcerers; why should they be getting fewer cantrips than Wizards or Clerics? Maybe they only know certain specific ones and can't change that, but they shouls have them AT WILL like non-spontaneous casters.
Sorcerers will be getting unlimited cantrips. This was an oversight on my part. As for the rest, I think I we should wait till we see some playtest feedback before we pass judgement.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
This has already been addressed
nightflier |
My group played day before yesterday using Alpha 2 rules, and we;ll play tomorrow again, but with some modifications. The group consists of drow sorcerer, quagoth figter, thri-kreen ranger (modified fighter, becouse 3.5 ranger sucks) and dwarven cleric. They are all level 6. The guy who plays sorcerer wants the following changes: better BAB (but not necessarly hd per level), light armor on first level, one exotic or martial weapon feat and spellpoints. That way he can be of some use in melee. We'll try that tomorrow and I'll post results here.
Lord Tataraus |
well the BAB is tired in the HD so that would bump I'M not for giving them armor and making em into warmages however
Not warmage, battle sorcerer. Looking over the bloodline abilities, it seems to go into that direction and if you think about it, sorcerer's are natural casters, why can't they cast in armor? I'm not asking for full plate, but leather armor, why not?
DracoDruid |
Yeah, but the bloodlines are all but fixed for now!
I think the idea posted earlier to clearify the view (=goal) for the sorcerer.
For myself, I am not quite sure about it. I have a strange feeling of turning him into a battle sorcerer.
Actually, I always thought, as the sorcerer being a natural on magic, that giving him a very limited amount of spells was just the wrong way round.
I posted this earlier, but I know it's never gonna happen, I thought about reducing his spells per day to "wizard -1",
but giving him full access to all spells in the list.
niel |
I like the core concept of the sorcerer and definately prefer the bloodline version, but I'd still like to see it tweaked.
As so many of the bloodlines give a melee attack, I'd like lt. armor proficiency, with a reduced casting failure rate (possibly tied to my casting level: %failure-casting level?)
If all my spells are inate, why do I need multiple pieces of junk to cast spells? Why not let me substitute a focus for a material component. Then I could carry all these odd little items and explain how I imprinted on each one when I learned each spell. Or 'Eschew Materials' would work, too.
If wizard spends his time studying to learn spells, but the sorcerer doesn't need to, why doesn't the sorcerer get to learn something else? A sorcerer gets the same skill points, and at least in 3.5, fewer skills. (I don't have Pathfinder in front of me, but I think its still true.) He gets the same hit die, a few more weapons, and (in 3.5) never gained automatic feats. What does he spend his time doing- comtemplating his navel? Or partying? Give the sorcerer something- either more skill points and more skills, or a higher BAB progression, or add more rapid access to bonus feats to the bloodlines.
A familiar is iconic to the arcane caster. Give it to all bloodlines. While I think all familiars should be nicknamed 'Hostage', a loyal friend can be important to a class that is known for how uncomfortable it makes the normals feel. And the bonded item side offers an add on to any caster, even one that doesn't need another spell slot.
More spells- preferably of some mechanic that adds spells based on the bloodline.
'Read Magic' as a free cantrip for all sorcerers. I dislike needing to chose it as one of my few cantrips just so I can use scrolls. Wizards gain it as part of their training, why not add it to all sorcerers as an result of their innate feel for magic.
I agree with the removal of the added time for meta magic. Since the meta magic feats reguire higher slots, that is enough of a limitation to the sorcerer, who lags behind in gaining higher level spell slots. Bonus 'sudden' style meta-magic could also alleviate this problem, but I don't like the idea of giving more abilities rather than tweaking the offending mechanic.
seekerofshadowlight |
Yeah, but the bloodlines are all but fixed for now!
I think the idea posted earlier to clearify the view (=goal) for the sorcerer.For myself, I am not quite sure about it. I have a strange feeling of turning him into a battle sorcerer.
Actually, I always thought, as the sorcerer being a natural on magic, that giving him a very limited amount of spells was just the wrong way round.
I posted this earlier, but I know it's never gonna happen, I thought about reducing his spells per day to "wizard -1",
but giving him full access to all spells in the list.
sounds cool but alittle much.
LazarX |
First of all, what they need is UNLIMITED CANTRIPS PER DAY. They're Sorcerers; why should they be getting fewer cantrips than Wizards or Clerics? Maybe they only know certain specific ones and can't change that, but they shouls have them AT WILL like non-spontaneous casters.
It's an admitted typo, will be fixed in Alpha 3.
LazarX |
Despite talk of Wizards lacking Sorcerer's in the ability to cast as many spells in a day, this feat alone allows Wizards at the cost of a few xp and gp to have hordes of spells for all occassions.
Once the spell level and the caster level increase that "few" becomes quite a lot. Price a teleport scroll (minimum caster level 9 x spell level 5). That's 45 x the price in both coin and xp of a 1st level sheild spell or mage armor.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
I'm throwing out this as another suggestion for sorcerors. Instead of changing their spell progression (which Jason has stated he's very reluctant to do), how about giving them +1 caster level at 1st level, and then again at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th?
This would do several things:
1) give them reasons not to prestige class
2) give them an edge over wizards, sure they may get new spell levels 1 level slower, but their spells are more powerful than an wizard of the same level (since the sorcerer's spells are inate, I don't see a logic issue with this)
So, a 6th level sorcerer casts fireball at 8th level, for 8d6, and a 2nd level sorcerer casts burning hands at 3rd level for 3d4 as examples. Their spells would also be harder to dispel and penetrate spell resistance easier.
I haven't thought this idea out enough to find any fatal flaws, but figured the boards as a whole will find them if there are some, and I haven't seen this idea suggested before.
Fox_Reeveheart |
Well first of all if he doesn't change the spell progression we can still complain ^.^ I know I will, and enough voices with me will change their minds at some point. Can't give up, even when things look bleak and people say they are highly unlikely to do such things.
as for all these mentions of evocations... why must the sorcerer be stuck in a blaster position? This is bullcrap :\ What if I wanted an Abjuration sorcerer or a summoner sorcerer, hmm!? It doesn't always have to be big pretty flashy booms!
Alsharad |
I have been reading several threads on the sorcerer. As written, it has a few extras, but I won't be able to get anyone in my group to play one. In general, though, I really LIKE the idea of the sorcerer having a bloodline.
I like the balance mentioned above in giving them increased caster level, and I am one of those that doesn't want the sorcerer to become a gish character.
Perhaps the Sorcerer could be given extra spells known based on their bloodline? Perhaps even go so far as one extra spell per two character levels. Giving them one per two would offset their spellcasting slower spell progression. A choice of possible spells wouldn't be too outrageous IMHO.
bkdubs123 |
I'm throwing out this as another suggestion for sorcerors. Instead of changing their spell progression (which Jason has stated he's very reluctant to do), how about giving them +1 caster level at 1st level, and then again at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th?
This is intriguing. Something I'll have to look into houseruling. I like the suggestion a lot.
delabarre |
I'd replace the existing bloodline abilities with the bloodline feats from Dragon Magazine (reprinted in Dragon Compendium).
An additional spell known at every level you can cast, thematically linked to the bloodline and generally not spells a sorcerer would normally choose.
Dragon Magazine content is all non-OGL and copyright WotC, just like the splatbooks etc.
eric kim |
I've played sorcerers and wizards in the Living Greyhawk campaign (I state this so people know the perspective I'm coming from). I am in the camp that most people here say is that sorcerers are underpowered in a Living Greyhawk 3.5 campaign. If you check the nyrond.org site and do a player search on wizards versus sorcerers, I think it is like 2:1.
Other campaigns, they might not be that bad. If you focus only on combat and limited role playing and limited situations, then sorcerers aren't that bad. Also, if all you've faced are sorcerer opponents, then they really kick a party's butt. However, NPC sorcerer's job is to destroy PCs. They don't have to be diplomatic, they don't need knowledge arcana, they don't need spellcraft, they don't need Craft Wondrous Item, they don't need balance checks, they don't need to breathe underwater, etc. I state this to address some of the counter arguments.
What are the limits of a sorcerer/wizard in 3.5?
1) poor BAB
2) one good save
3) d4 (in 3.5) HP
4) 2 skill points per level
What are the problems a sorcerer has compared to a wizard in 3.5
5) limited spell selection
6) delayed spell progression
7) slow metamagic application
8) limited prestige class qualification
9) charisma as a primary stat (it doesn't gain you much as a class and effectively gives them fewer skill points compared to a wizard)
10) no class abilities/feats
11) almost all magic items are designed for wizards and work better for wizards than sorcerers.
What are the strengths a sorcerer has compared to a wizard in 3.5
12) can use their spell slots for any equivalent level spell or lower
13) can apply metamagic feats "on the fly", with an extended casting time (this makes quicken spell not an option)
14) at levels 7 and above, sorcerers have more spell slots (though pearls of power negate this ability)
Most of these statements are essentialy more factual than opinion (#11 has my opinion thrown in there, but most people should be able to come to the same conclusion).
After looking at the strengths and weakness, in my game play experience, these weakness of the sorcerer don't balance out that of the strengths. The question is how to balance these out--especially in Pathfinder since these listed items are changed (d6 HD, the bonded object is great for a wizard, sucks for a sorcerer because it effectively gives them one more highest spell slot, where a wizard can cast ANY spell they know).
Part of the direction forward is the vision Jason has for Sorcerers. I think he said spell progression, BAB, are going to be unchanged. I do like the idea of the bloodlines as flavors to distinguish them from wizards. However, are sorcerers suppose to be an "equivalent" arcane caster, a weaker arcane caster, a stronger one? If you add cool bloodline abilities, I'm am personally fine with sorcerers being a weaker arcane caster. HOWEVER, the bloodline needs to balance out the for the listed weaknesses compared to a wizard.
Zombieneighbours |
Well first of all if he doesn't change the spell progression we can still complain ^.^ I know I will, and enough voices with me will change their minds at some point. Can't give up, even when things look bleak and people say they are highly unlikely to do such things.
as for all these mentions of evocations... why must the sorcerer be stuck in a blaster position? This is bullcrap :\ What if I wanted an Abjuration sorcerer or a summoner sorcerer, hmm!? It doesn't always have to be big pretty flashy booms!
I made the Evocation blaster arguement because it so very clearly demonstrates that their are conditions under which having more of a lower level spell can off set the faster access to higher level spells. With a little imagination and time, other examples could be made.
As much as anything, it was because some may voice that where saying 'sorcerer is not as good as wizards!' where what they should have said is 'For my style of play, sorcerer is not as good as wizards!'
But then again, in the case of several of the most vocal proponents of this view, you have people who think that adventures are static events which a part can walk away from and then return too, without anything at all changing.
To a wizard player who can refresh his spells after every two encounters and change his entire spell make up, to deal with any change in an adventure, just by going away and comming back again. Ofcause the sorcerer will seem less powerful, because his two real benifits have been sidelines by play style.
Thomas Higgins |
Apparently I am staunchly in the minority here, but I find the Sorcerer imminently more powerful than the Wizard in every campaign I have been in simply because you can choose your spells at the time of need. That flexibility is HUGE! I think most here are greatly undervaluing it. I usually play wizards, because I like their flavor better, but that whole versatility thing can not be understated.
I have not played the PRPG version of either yet, but I think from what I have seen, if anything, this version of the Sorcerer widens that gap rather than narrowing it. However, the Wizard has some pretty powerful upgrades too, so I will keep that comment conditional until I play both.
brent norton |
I'm sorry, I would still rather play a warmage or a beguiler. I like the bloodline idea. Now give the sorcerers specific spell list per bloodline. I know this would be alot of work. But I think it fits better. With the same spell machanic as the warmage for using any spell from the list without the studying.
Oh, Jason why wasn't there a beast bloodline that would have been cause from the lycanthrope line.
Lord Tataraus |
Apparently I am staunchly in the minority here, but I find the Sorcerer imminently more powerful than the Wizard in every campaign I have been in simply because you can choose your spells at the time of need. That flexibility is HUGE! I think most here are greatly undervaluing it. I usually play wizards, because I like their flavor better, but that whole versatility thing can not be understated.
I have not played the PRPG version of either yet, but I think from what I have seen, if anything, this version of the Sorcerer widens that gap rather than narrowing it. However, the Wizard has some pretty powerful upgrades too, so I will keep that comment conditional until I play both.
But the wizard has more versatility than the sorcerer because he isn't limited to a number of spells known and with the new magic item creation rules the wizard can just make wands or staves of those spells that would need to be cast more often. The only reason my players ever choose a sorcerer over a wizard is that they are too lazy to prepare spells every day, otherwise they'd go wizard.
Thomas Higgins |
But the wizard has more versatility than the sorcerer because he isn't limited to a number of spells known and with the new magic item creation rules the wizard can just make wands or staves of those spells that would need to be cast more often. The only reason my players ever choose a sorcerer over a wizard is that they are too lazy to prepare spells every day, otherwise they'd go wizard.
Well as I said, I haven't played the new ones yet, but if you follow 3.5, the item creation trick only works if you don't take into account the creation costs (both in gold and in XP). Granted, you can make several scrolls, but at some point you have to stop. Moreover, how many leafs of paper can you rifle through to find just the right spell in 3 seconds (estimated time of a move equivolent action). Granted, it may not be in the rules, but for sanity and some sense of realism, can you really believe that you have two or three books that you instantly find what you need? Oh, sure, two of those aren't even bound, but they have instant spells...Oh, they are indexed? But you only have 1 sheet of magic missle left, whereas you have 10 detect magic, and 7 ray of frost sheets on either side of that one. Roll to see if you can find it among them...30% chance since you know it is approximately middle of the pack...
I don't know how your games go, but there is a limit to the suspension of belief that my group goes with, and that is past that point.
Sir Hexen Ineptus |
2) Replace the actual bloodline power system with the mechanic from this post.
In short: The sorcerers can use some of his spell slots too activate special bloodline powers.
2.1) Leave the metamorphosis stuff for a coming Prestige Class.Let's just start discussing about these too and go on about proficiencies and skill points, etc. afterwards.
I am sorry but I disagree with you. I love these blood lines. Hope they make a lot more. The Sorcerers have always had the fluff of a mystical heritage and it is about time this became part of the class. Personally I would absolutely LOVE playing a draconic battle sorcerer.
Praetor Gradivus |
We happen to be at the point that we should be evaluating wether the alpha2 sorceror is balanced vs the alpha2 other core classes... comparing the sorceror to (let's say) the beguiler isn't really productive right now. So how about we test the alpha2 sorceror and it's power level vs the othe classes released so far.
And really, the beguiler is broken (that is to say, IMHO, the beguiler is too powerful when compared to the wizard and sorceror).
seekerofshadowlight |
We happen to be at the point that we should be evaluating wether the alpha2 sorceror is balanced vs the alpha2 other core classes... comparing the sorceror to (let's say) the beguiler isn't really productive right now. So how about we test the alpha2 sorceror and it's power level vs the othe classes released so far.
And really, the beguiler is broken (that is to say, IMHO, the beguiler is too powerful when compared to the wizard and sorceror).
really good point
Geron Raveneye |
While sleep deprived yesterday I messed with this a bit. The at will powers are a good ideal also why not give em Eschew Materials at 1st.
Some thought I had that I'll look back over now that I've had some sleep.Bloodline spells: an extra spell maybe every 2 levels or so chosen from a list they get a +1 or +2 DC to this spell.
Eschew Materials Give it to em at 1st and make it improve as they level maybe at 5/10/15/20 or/6/12/18
Sacrifice the flesh Allow them to burn HP for extra spell's when they run out or to add metamagic without the level incress may something like 3x1, 2x1 and 1x1 progression at 6,14,18 maybe
Heh, this board always makes me grin when I see how often different people come to similar ideas. Parallel developments and all that. For example, I gave the sorcerer
- Bloodline abilities (basically cribbed the stuff from Unearthed Arcana)
- Bloodline bonus spells levels 1-9, trying to fit the selection to the theme of the bloodline.
- Eschew Material ability at 1st level, but requiring costly components to be replaced with XP = 1/25th of the GP price
- Overchannelling from the Wheel of Time D20 Channeler class, which basically allows casting a spell either without a slot, or a few slots higher than the lowest available spell, with a Concentration check and the risk of serious harm or permanent burn-out.
Gave the sorcerer a lot more flavour, I believe. I'll wait and see how Pathfinder continues with this class, I've half a mind to steal the bloodline abilities for my version already.
Chris Gunter |
First things first. I would like to thank DracoDruid for creating a new thread that will serve (hopefully) as a final, central point for sorcerer discussion and suggestions, without harsh and unhelpful criticisms. It's about time.
There. Now that that's said...
I have to be honest. I haven't been eager to sit down and give my opinions on the sorcerer. So many people have already done so and Jason has already had to endure some pretty harsh posts. (Not that my post is going to be harsh- give me a chance here.) It's just that I have alot to say. So here goes.
The sorcerer is my favorite class. I have always felt as if though the class got screwed in terms of class abilities ever since 3.0. Things got worse for the class with 3.5 when so many other classes recieved new abilities and the sorcerer was left further behind. I was like a little boy on the way to the toy store waiting for the Alpha 2 version to come out. I found myself fantasizing about what would be done with the sorcerer. What kind of changes would Paizo make to the class? Would they be able to come up with new class features yet still maintain it's mysterious and mystic nature? How would they address the problems so many people had with the class (it's metamagic handicap, for example)?
When Jason's version came out I was both thrilled and disappointed. I loved the new bloodlines. The bloodlines not only provided several new class features, but also a list of bonus feats specific to each one (including metamagic feats)! I read the new bloodlines over and over exploring all the possibilities in my mind. They certainly added flavor! But the complaints of the fans hadn't seem to have been addressed. The sorcerer still required a full round to use metamgic feats. He still had a slower spell progression than the wizard.
But there was no way I was going to post my concerns without playtesting the new version first. (Unlike some people I might add.) So playtesting began. My group created 2 sorcerers, a wizard, a barbarian and a cleric. All were created at level seven. (I created my own personal sorcerer just for the fun of it, even though it didn't see play.) We have played three games so far and are ready to offer our opinions and suggestions.
For starters, what is important for a class revision? Feel free to argue these criteria, but we feel as if the important standards are 1)backwards compatibility, 2)addition, never removal, 3)faith to the original concept and 4)game balance.
The first is backwards compatibility. We feel as if though this standard was met wonderfully! There is almost no math at all involved with changing your old sorcerer to the new system. There are only two exceptions. The new D6 hit die and the new system for cantrips. Easy to implement and understand. Bravo!
The next is addition, never removal. This standard was mostly met. Many people have complained about the familiar and wonder why it was given to sorcerers in the first place. In an attempt to address these complaints, yet still allow for a way for hardcore fans to receive one, it was changed into an optional trait for one of the bloodlines, but removed as a class feature in general. This is creating problems. For example, I have an 11th level sorcerer with both the Draconic Heritage feat (from Dragon Magic), making him dragonblooded, and the Draken Familiar racial substitution level (same book), making his familiar dragonblooded as well. Under the new system I would of course take the dragon bloodline. Where does my familiar go?
I can understand many people's complaints. The sorcerer uses his magic on instinct. The process of gaining a familiar is a learned and complicated ritual. How in the heck did he learn it? But there are to many players with familiars already. Either the ability to summon a familiar should be returned to sorcerers or a new feat should be created that is available to all arcane casters at level one.
The next tenent is faith to the original concept. I quote, "sorcerers create magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories- just raw power that they direct at will." Sorcerers are about power. Not necassarily the power to smite your enemies, but raw, barely contained power. This is why the sorcerer can cast his spells more frequently than the wizard, and without preparation. It's also why he gains access to more powerful spells more slowly than the wizard. He has to learn to control that barely contained power. Does the new bloodlines system meet this criteria?
Unfortunately, we feel as if though it does not. At least, not as well as it should. Most of the bloodline traits are about changing the character physically to more resemble his mystic influencer. That's transmutational. Make no mistake, I love some of the abilities. Many of the bloodlines give claws or touch attacks at level one. Not only do such abilities make sense, but they keep with the alien and disturbing nature of the sorcerer. They're creepy. But the damaging (Infernal's Hellfire) and aura (Aberrant's Alien Resistance) powers fall short. Many of the 9th and 15th level powers just don't measure up to the spells the character is capable of casting at said levels.
Also, none of the bloodline powers affect your spellcasting. There are no abilities that make spells of certain schools or descriptors more potent. Nothing that makes your spells harder to resist or dispel. It seems that power as a thematic element was neglected in favor of flavor. (Although I'm sure not intentionally. And I'm not saying that flavor is unimportant.)
Last is game balance. This is a difficult tenent to meet. I have to confess a certain amount of struggle as I've tried to revise core classes (or create new classes) in the past. The ability to cast spells without preparation is powerful. The number of spell slots available to the sorcerer is immense. By the time a character is 10th level he rarely completely runs out of slots anymore. But I am of the honest opinion that in the attempt to make sure the sorcerer didn't eclipse the wizard he was accidentally shortchanged. Again, many of the bloodline powers that do damage are radically outshinned by the damage dealing spells available at the same level. And some have very tough restrictions on them. (The Breath Weapon for the draconic bloodline, only usable once a day, comes to mind.) So why use them? The wizard has abilties from his domains that mirror the power level of the spells he is capable of casting at that same level. Not so for the sorcerer, who's damaging and aura powers never really move past the power level of lvl 2 or 3 spells.
So, why such a long winded essay? I'm trying, Jason, to convey people's concerns and crticisms in a respectful and constructive manner. Make no mistake, I'm one of the biggest fans of your work! But I think that the bloodline system, though sound, stills needs some tweaking. It should be made "firm", as you put it. But some more abilities dealing with spellcasting, and the power of such, should be considered (at least in my humble opinion).
Some quick suggestions and I'll shut up:
1)Almost everybody agrees that all sorcerers should receive the Eschew Materials feat for free at level one regardless of bloodline. This represents very well the arcane font of energy deep within the sorcerer's soul.
2)All sorcerers should have the ability to acquire a familiar at level one if they want one, be it by class feature or available feat. This is in the interests of backwards compatibility as well as the demands of "familiar lovers". (And I'm one of them.)
3)There should some be some abilties, be they bloodline powers or standard sorcerer class features, that represent the raw arcane power of the sorcerer. Perhaps an ability that increases the sorcerer's caster level by one or two temporarily, an ability that increases his caster level or save DCs for certain schools or descriptors, or a feature that allows him to make his spells uncounterable. The possibilities are endless. (Come on people, make some suggestions! We're an imaginative lot!)
4)ALOT of people want the "full-round action" tax on metamagic feats for spontaneous casters eliminated. This especially makes sense for the sorcerer (you know, the whole arcane font thing). The need for higher spell slots should be requirement enough. (I'm a strong proponent of this one, too.)
I greatly appreciate everyone's time and attention. I feel very strongly about these issues and wanted to share my ideas, concerns and suggestions.
To Jason specifically, I want to thank you for such imaginative and wonderful work. I'm already dying to see Alpha 3 and I'm sure others are too. Thank you for your patience and for being so open to constructive criticism. Your doing something that fans of D&D have been wanting done for years. Way to go, man.
P.S. I'll be back with more suggestions and ideas. MWUHH HA HA HA HAAA!
raven1272 |
Unfortunately my sugestion is going to fail rule #1: backwards compatability. But I'll give my thoughts as they may be useful in suggesting a cohesiveness that the sorcerer may lack.
If a sorcerer is supposed to be a magical being with innatley magical power, logical I beleive she should have a mixture of spells and spelll-like abilities. I also believe she should deal with "unbridaled" or "primodial" magic. In my mind that means spellfire (Forgotten Realms) and elemental magic.
I would personally start with the warlock (which I realise is closed content), more specifically the eldritch blast. A raw magical energy blast. I believe there is an OGL precident for a similar ability in Arcana Evolved's witch class (specifically things like icefire) but I make no claim to be a lawyer =)This would also be akin to the spellfire notion. To see his ability go to the open concent section of the AE wiki. Personally I would make it at will though.
Given a blast like that, I'd stunt the sorcerer down to Bard level spells right off the bat, and limit the spell list to Wizard and Druid spells that deal with the elements or raw magic (such as read or dispell magic). I would explain off the stunted spells as balance, but in a fluff sense I would say that a sorcerer never spent years of time studying ways to twist and expand magic. They only understand it in it's raw and elemental form.
Eschew materials at level 1 would be a must IMO.
The warlocks fiendish resiliance could be converted to a spellfire like ability as well. Sacrifice an unused spell slots to gain Fast Healing X for a number of miniutes = spell slot level / 2, requires 2nd level or high spell slot. In essence the pure raw power of magic has the ability to revitalize and recharge the sorcerer's body.
Arcane blood could aslo be used. As was suggested a couple of posts before... allowing the sorcerer to temporarily make their caster level higher than normal for a single spell cast. I go back to the idea of raw chaotic spell power. Since a sorcerer is naturally magical, I see this as a fit.
I don't know if any of this specifically helps, but I would suggest defining what a naturally magical being is first and what that really, really means.
Thanks for your eyes and ears =)
KnightErrantJR |
First off, I realize that the sorcerer isn't perfect, and I like the Alpha 2 sorcerer more than previous versions, but I think that sometimes in the quest for the "perfect" class, we loose sight of why classes worked the way they did in the first place.
It may not be popular, but sorcerers are kind of the "entry level easier" arcane caster. If a player wants to be an arcane spellcaster and doesn't want to plan out what they are going to cast ahead of times, they pick a sorcerer, no matter meta game analysis of the class says.
Taking away the flexibility to pick whatever spells they want makes them less attractive, and adding something that is too complicated or that takes the focus away from them being "easy wizards" makes them stray from what they should be.
That having been said, I agree that every sorcerer should have eschew materials as a bonus feat, and I think that, perhaps, allowing a sorcerer one "floating" spell known that the sorcerer can swap out each day would be interesting, i.e. the sorcerer makes a spellcraft check and see a spell that one of the bad guys is using, figures out the basics of it, and can use it himself from that point on, unless he "unlearns" it the next day.
I think something like that would show that the sorcerer is naturally gifted with magic, but not studious in the way wizards are.
Praetor Gradivus |
For example, I have an 11th level sorcerer with both the Draconic Heritage feat (from Dragon Magic), making him dragonblooded, and the Draken Familiar racial substitution level (same book), making his familiar dragonblooded as well. Under the new system I would of course take the dragon bloodline. Where does my familiar go?
The rest of your post is long and i would comment on some other items but i'm tired but i'll give this item a shot. Hopefully, my brain is working right...
Your sorceror under 3.5 used a feat and a draconic class feature to gain to get the flavor you want. With pathfinder you would still need to use a feat (Obtain Familiar from Complete Arcane and the same draconic class feature. Along with draconic bloodline, your pathfinder sorcer has a very similiar flavor to your 3.5 sorceror and is in my opinion stronger.
Sir Hexen Ineptus |
Here is a thought. With the current set up with bonus feats and some melee abilities, wouldn't the sorcerer be more effective with the battle sorcerer variant with the way it is now?
Maybe they should just impliment this variant as the main sense it is SRD, with the current changes???
What do you think?
http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#sorce rerVariantBattleSorcerer
Sorcerer Variant: Battle Sorcerer
The battle sorcerer is no weak arcanist, hiding behind the fighters. Instead, she is a capable physical combatant who mixes magical prowess with fighting skill.
Hit Die
d8. (D10 with the current HD?)
Base Attack Bonus
The battle sorcerer uses the base attack bonus progression of the cleric.
Class Skills
Remove Bluff from the battle sorcerer's class skill list. Add Intimidate to the battle sorcerer's class skill list.
Class Features
The battle sorcerer has all the standard sorcerer class features, except as noted below.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
At 1st level, a battle sorcerer gains proficiency with any light or one-handed martial weapon of the character's choice. She also gains proficiency with light armor.
A battle sorcerer can cast sorcerer spells derived from her class levels of battle sorcerer while in light armor without the normal arcane spell failure chance.
A battle sorcerer has fewer daily spell slots than a standard sorcerer. Subtract one spell per day from each spell level on Table: The Sorcerer (to a minimum of zero spells per day). For example, a 1st-level battle sorcerer may cast four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells per day (plus bonus spells, if any).
A battle sorcerer knows fewer spells per spell level than a standard sorcerer. Subtract one spell known from each spell level on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known (to a minimum of one spell per spell level). For example, a 4th-level battle sorcerer knows five 0-level spells, two 1st-level spells, and one 2nd-level spell. When she reaches 5th level, the battle sorcerer learns one additional 1st-level spell, but doesn't learn an additional 2nd-level spell (since two minus one is one).
Smerg |
Okay, let us do a comparison of two builds of PRPG Wizards to Sorcerer. (warning this is a long 8 level comparison with additional thoughts on levels over 8)
Let us assume a reasonable 16,15,14,12,10,8 distribution of attributes.
For the Wizards, let us look at the Invoker and the Conjurorer Specialist Wizards because they are two of the more offensive style of Wizards.
For the Sorcerer, let us look at the Elemental and the Abyssal (Chosen because Elemental grants some more invocation style damage in the bloodline and Abyssal grants some more conjuration/summoning in the bloodline).
Attribute Distribution for the Wizard is fairly simple to choose with Int 16 and Str the dump stat at 8. Dexterity and Constitution are likely the 15 and 14. Wis and Cha are like the 12 and 10.
Attribute Distribution for the Sorerer is not so simple to choose. Cha is the 16 but what do you choose as the dump stat? The level 1 bloodline abilities favour melee. Elemental touch seems a straight d6 regardless of Str but Abysall is clearly affected by size which suggests it is affected by Str too. If you are going close to melee range then Dex and Con still need to be 15 and 14. That likely means Str is 12 or 10. That leaves Int or Wis as the dump stat. You thus choose to take a -1 on Will saves or -1 Skill point on a class that has 2 skill points to start. This is before racial modifiers.
The Wizard thus enters the game with Skills points of 2+2=4 per level.
The Sorcerer enters the game with Skill points of likely 2.
You can argue the point of Str, Con, and Dex as being the 2nd through 4th highest attributes but why have a level 1 power if you are going to immediately ignore it and declare that it has no value?
For calculation of the Wizard Spells they get;
i> Wizard Table of Spells per level
ii> Int Bonus of Spells using 16 Int and assuming all progressions of attribute go into Int.
iii> Bonded Object bonus (always applied to the highest level of spell known)
iv> Any additional Spell or Spell like abilities that the Specialist School grants
For calculation of the Sorcerer Spells they get;
i> Sorcerer Table of Spells per level
ii> Cha Bonus of Spells using 16 Cha and assuming all progressions of attribute go into Cha.
iii> Any additional Spell or Spell like abilities that the Bloodline grants
Evocation (Minimum known spells is 3+3=6 1st level spells in the spell book.)
Level 1: 1+1+1=3 1st level spells per day plus as a standard action may cast Energy Ray, 30 feet, for 1d6+1 per 2 levels damage with a choice of 4 damage types.
Conjuration (Known Spells is 6 1st level spells)
Level 1: 3 1st level spells per day plus as a standard action may cast Acid Dart, 30 feet, for 1d6+1 per 2 levels of Acid damage.
Elementalist (Known Spells is 2 1st level spells)
Level 1: 3+1=4 1st level spells per day plus Elemental Touch, melee touch attack, for 1d6+1 per 2 levels damage corresponding to chosen heritage.
Abyssal (Known Spells is 2 1st level spells)
Level 1: 4 1st level spells per day plus Claws, melee touch attack, for 1d6 or 1d4 damage with a possible progression up to being counted as magical at level 5, damage upgrade to 1d8 or 1d6 at level 7 and a bonus 1d6 damage at level 11.
The spells per day for the four comparison groups start with the Sorcerer up 1st level spell per day if you conisder the Wizard goes the power route of the Bonded Object (used in this comparison). Wizards though get ranged 1st level at will abilities and start with the Scribe Scroll feat as an additional bonus. Wizard appears to start with an edge here in value though not a great one as the Wizard is more likely spread out in the memorization of two of their three spells.
The Evocation School does get the extra bonus of +1 damage per spell cast of Evocation type.
Conjuration offers a +2 to Armour class as an additional starting perk.
This tips the scale to the Wizard Specialists slightly at level 1.
Evocation (Known spells minimum is 8 1st level spells)
Level 2: 2+1+1=4 1st level spells per day plus Energy Ray at will and Magic Missile once per day per two caster levels (hereafter tracked as an additional 1st level spell). This makes it fully 5 1st level spells per day plus Energy Ray for the Evocation Specialist.
Conjuration (Known spells minimum is 8 1st level spells)
Level 2: 4 1st level spells per day plus Acid Dart at will and Summon Monster I once per day per two caster levels (hereafter tracked as an additional 1st level spell). This makes it 5 1st level spells per day plus Acid Dart.
Elementalist (Known spells is 2 1st level spells)
Level 2: 4+1=5 1st level spells per day plus Energy Touch at will.
Abyssal (Known spells is 2 1st level spells)
Level 2: 5 1st level spells per day plus Claw at will.
The Sorcerer is now tied with the Specialist Wizard in spells per day. The Sorcerer though only knows two spells while the specialist wizard without adding any spells to their spell book from additional sources has 8 1st level spells.
Evocation (Known spells is 8 1st level and 2 2nd level)
Level 3: 2+1=3 1st level spells plus Magic Missile gives 4 1st level spells. 1+1+1=3 2nd level spells plus Energy Ray at will.
Conjuration (Known spells is 8 1st level and 2 2nd level)
Level 3: 3 1st level spells plus Summon Monster I gives 4 1st level spells. 3 2nd level spells plus Acid Dart at will.
Elementalist (Known spells is 3 1st level)
Level 3: 5+1=6 1st level spells plus Energy Resistance 10 based on Heritage and Energy Touch at will.
Abyssal (Known spells is 3 1st level)
Level 3: 6 1st level spells plus Electricity Resistance 5 with +2 Save verses Poison and Claws at will.
The Sorcerer is now up two 1st level spell but down three 2nd level spells per day when compared to the specialist Wizard. The specialist Wizard clearly wins this level. The third level defensive gain of the Sorcerer is a situational defense that could have value but likely no more value then one 2nd level spell slot per adventure since the ability is not transferable and relies on the damage type coming into play against the Sorcerer.
Evocation (Spells known minimum 8 1st level and 4 2nd level spells)
Level 4: 3+1=4 1st level spells plus 2xMagic Missiles gives 6 1st level spells. 2+1+1=4 2nd level spells plus Scorching Ray once per day gives 5 2nd level spells plus Energy Ray at will.
Conjuration (Spells known minimum 8 1st level and 4 2nd level spells)
Level 4: 4 1st level spells plus 2xSummon Monster I gives 6 1st level spells. 4 2nd level spells plus Web once per day gives 5 2nd level spells plus Acid Dart at will.
Elementalist (Spells known 3 1st level and 1 2nd level spell)
Level 4: 6+1=7 1st level spells per day. 3+1=4 2nd level spells per day plus Energy Resistance and Energy Touch at will.
Abyssal (Spells known 3 1st level and 1 2nd level spell)
Level 4: 7 1st level spells per day. 4 2nd level spells per day plus Electricty Resistance 5, +2 Save verses Poison, and Claws at will.
The Sorcerer is up one 1st level spells and is down one 2nd level spells when compared to the specialist Wizard. The specialist Wizard maintains a slight lead in spell power but flexability is much higher with 4 2nd levels known verses the Sorcerer known 1 2nd level spell. Int or Cha is considered to have received the +1 at this level.
Evocation (+2 Damage per evocation spell) (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 2 3rd)
Level 5: 3+1=4 1st level spells plus 2xMagic Missiles gives 6 1st level spells. 2+1=3 2nd level spells plus Scorching Ray gives 4 2nd level spells. 1+1+1=3 3rd level spells. Plus Energy Ray at will.
Conjuration (+3 AC now) (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 2 3rd)
Level 5: 4 1st level spells plus 2xSummon Monster I gives 6 1st level spells. 3 2nd level spells plus Web gives 4 2nd level spells. 3 3rd level spells. Plus Acid Dart at will.
Elementalist (Spells Known 4 1st, 2 2nd)
Level 5: 6+1=7 1st level spells. 4+1=5 2nd level spells plus Energy Resistance and Energy Touch at will.
Abyssal (Spells Known 4 1st, 2 2nd)
Level 5: 7 1st level spells. 5 2nd level spells plus Electricty Resistance 5, +2 Save verses Poison, and Claws at will.
The Sorcerer is up one 1st level and one 2nd level spell. The specialst wizard though wins the level with 3 3rd level spells.
Evocation (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd)
Level 6: 3+1=4 1st level spells plus 3xMagic Missiles gives 7 1st level spells. 3+1=4 2nd level spells plus Scorching Ray gives 5 2nd level spells. 2+1+1=4 3rd level spells plus Lighting Bolt once per day gives 5 3rd level spells. Plus Energy Ray at will.
Conjuration (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd)
Level 6: 4 1st level spells plus 3xSummon Monster I gives 7 1st level spells. 4 2nd level spells plus Web gives 5 2nd level spells. 4 3rd level spells plus Stinking Cloud once per day gives 5 3rd level spells. Plus Acid Dart at will.
Elementalist (Spells Known 4 1st, 2 2nd, 1 3rd) (May exchange one 1st level spell for another)
Level 6: 6+1=7 1st level spells. 5+1=6 2nd level spells. 3+1=4 3rd level spells. Plus Energy Resistance and Energy Touch at will.
Abyssal (Spells Known 4 1st, 2 2nd, 1 3rd) (Exchange one 1st level spell)
Level 6: 7 1st level spells. 6 2nd level spells. 4 3rd level spells. Plus Electricty Resistance 5, +2 Save verses Poison, and Claws at will.
The Sorcerer is tied for 1st level spells, up one 2nd level spell, and down one third level spell. The specialist wizard is still the better equiped mage for number of level of spells.
Evocation (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 2 4th) {still using minimum value here as worst case}
Level 7: 4+1=5 1st level spells plus 3xMagic Missiles gives 8 1st level spells. 3+1=4 2nd level spells plus Scorching Ray gives 5 2nd level spells. 2+1=3 3rd level spells plus Lightning Bolt gives 4 3rd level spells. 1+0+1=2 4th level spells (no bonus for Int till level 8). Plus Energy Ray at will.
Conjuration (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 2 4th)
Level 7: 5 1st level spells plus 3xSummon Monster I gives 8 1st level spells. 4 2nd level spells plus Web gives 5 2nd level spells. 3 3rd level spells plus Stinking Cloud once per day gives 4 3rd level spells. 2 4th level spells. Plus Acid Dart at will.
Elementalist (Spells Known 5 1st, 3 2nd, 2 3rd)
Level 7: 6+1=7 1st level spells. 6+1=7 2nd level spells. 4+1=5 3rd level spells. Plus Energy Resistance and Energy Touch at will.
Abyssal (Spells Known 5 1st, 3 2nd, 2 3rd)
Level 7: 7 1st level spells. 7 2nd level spells. 5 3rd level spells. Plus Electricty Resistance 5, +2 Save verses Poison, and Claws at will.
The Sorcerer is down one 1st level spells, up two 2nd level spells, up one 3rd level spell, and down 2 4th level spells. The specialist wizard at will attacks are now doing 1d6+3 damage which makes them mostly a back up spell instead of using a crossbow. The sorcerer will likely mostly be using their melee attack only if they have good equipment to keep them protected plus a to hit bonus to make contact.
Evocation (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 4 4th)
Level 8: 4+1=5 1st level spells plus 4xMagic Missiles gives 9 1st level spells. 3+1=4 2nd level spells plus Scorching Ray gives 5 2nd level spells. 3+1=4 3rd level spells plus Lightning Bolt gives 5 3rd level spells. 2+1+1=4 4th level spells (Int now 18) plus Elemental Wall (which has great flexability as you can choose how to spend spread the usage throughout a whole day. 8 rounds of wall at level 8) This gives at least 5 4th level spells (though the value of elemental wall could be argued to be 2 or higher due to the flexablility as the character levels). Plus Energy Ray at will.
Conjuration (Spells Known 8 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 4 4th)
Level 8: 5 1st level spells plus 4xSummon Monster I gives 9 1st level spells. 4 2nd level spells plus Web gives 5 2nd level spells. 4 3rd level spells plus Stinking Cloud once per day gives 5 3rd level spells. 4 4th level spells plus Dimensional Step (another great power with 30 feet per level teleportation usable in increments of 5 feet at any time causeing no attacks of opportunity and can bring other people with you if you spend the same amount for them. 240 feet of hopping at level 8). This gives at least 5 4th level spells (though again the value of dimmensional step could be argued to be 2 or higher due to the flexability as the character levels). Plus Acid Dart at will.
Elementalist (Spells Known 5 1st, 3 2nd, 2 3rd, 1 4th) (Exchange 2nd level spell)
Level 8: 6+1=7 1st level spells. 6+1=7 2nd level spells. 5+1=6 3rd level spells. 3+1=4 4th level spells. Plus Energy Resistance and Energy Touch at will.
Abyssal (Spells Known 5 1st, 3 2nd, 2 3rd, 1 4th) (Exchange 2nd level spell)
Level 8: 7 1st level spells. 7 2nd level spells. 6 3rd level spells. 4 4th level spells. Plus Electricty Resistance 5, +2 Save verses Poison, and Claws at will.
The Sorcerer is down two 1st level spells, up two 2nd level spells, up one 3rd level spell, and down one 4th level spell though the flexability on the specialst 8th level abilities makes this far more. This level is a pretty clear winner by the specialist wizards.
From this level on the pattern is pretty set. The sorcerer which is supposed to have the edge in spells available really does not have the edge in the current progression. They start to get some edge in the lower levels (though not at 1st level which specialist is constantly growing though the value of those 1st level spells could be argued to diminish over more levels but magic missiles in those 1st level spots still do 5d4+5+2 for evocation specialists at 9th level).
The Sorcerer 9th level Elementalist ability is Elemental Burst which is a once per day effect equivelent to a fireball but with damage of 1d6 per level. I would value this as a spell slot of the current highest damage type for the Elementalist.
The Sorcerer 9th level Abyssal ability is a +2 to inherant bonus to Str that increases with further levels. Bull Strenght is a +4 bonus at level 2 casting and is available usually cheaply as an item to wear or a wand to cast when needed. The +2 to Str for the Sorcerer to be used requires getting close to melee range which likely not what a Sorcererer should be doing. I personally could not value this situational value gain despite the application to having claws better then a 2nd level spell slot for the Sorcerer who was aimed at melee would need more than a +2 to Str to be dangerous.
The Sorcerer 15th level bloodline ability as an Elementalist is Elemental movement which is associated to the type of heritage for the Sorcerer. Thus if you have not picked up Fly from 3rd level, Dimmension Door from 4th level, Teleport from 5th level, or anything of value at level 6th or 7th spells for movement then you have a new free boost to movement that is likely situational.
The Sorcerer 15th level bloodline ability as an Abyssal is Added Summoning. This power comes late but is quite good as it give plus one extra of whatever Monster Summoning that you use provided it fits with the Abyssal outlook. The value is a multiplier on all summoning spells used worth anywhere from +100% on the highest spells to +33% on the lower spells.
The Specialist Evocation Wizard continues to get their Specialist spell worth 1 extra spell slot per day. None of the abilities is extreme like the 8th level Specialist ability.
The Specialist Conjuration Wizard continues to get Specialist spells worth 1 extra spell slot per day. None of the abilities is extreme like the 8th level Specialist ability.
It takes a long while for the Sorcerer to get enough spells that they actually can say that they have more casting spells then the Wizard. There are a few particularly bad levels at the lower end for the Sorcerer.
I think it is the number of known spells that most hurts the Sorcerer at the lower spells. Jason has said that for backward compatability that there will be no adjustment to the basic tables. I would though suggest adding a few bonus spells known to the bloodlines.
The bloodline abilities while flavourful do not really have as much impact on the game as they might if they were more relevant for spell purposes. There is also a high emphasis on melee related abilities which is odd when the class has a low BAB. A gish type is not going to go deep enough into the Sorcerer class to pick up many of the abilities without hurting their melee ability.
The specialist wizards keep up with the sorcerer but some of their spells are fixed. This though is comparable to the lack of choice that the Sorcerer faces in having a small pool of spells known. A specialist wizard though could keep some more flexablity by leaving some slots open to fill during an adventure by taking a 15 min memorization break to fill some slots. This though brings up the risk of carrying your spell book with you into the adventure.
I have not discussed feats in this comparison as there are far too many feats and it really is subjective on the build as to what value particular feats could have.
nightflier |
Arghhhh! Do something with this stupid board. It ate a detailed report of today's game session! Ahem. Ok, again, much shorter this time: Suggested changes to the sorcerer class: 1) One bonus martial or exotic weapon feat; 2) skill points: 4 + INT modifier (this goes for the wizard as well); bonus class skills: diplomacy and Knowledge skill, depending on bloodline (i.e. Knowledge (planes) for celestial bloodline; 3) modified familiar ability (for wizard as well, but I don't have the nerves to type it again!); most of all: spell points as an option, not replacement of standard spells per level (total number of spell points is equal to total of all spell levels + INT modifier per level; i.e. fireball is a 3rd level spell = 3 spell points; a sorcerer could chose to cast one fireball or three magic missiles). I just describe how that method saved the pc's in my campaign today, but I realy don't want to type all that again. So, that's it for now.
Chris Gunter |
First off, I realize that the sorcerer isn't perfect, and I like the Alpha 2 sorcerer more than previous versions, but I think that sometimes in the quest for the "perfect" class, we loose sight of why classes worked the way they did in the first place.
It may not be popular, but sorcerers are kind of the "entry level easier" arcane caster. If a player wants to be an arcane spellcaster and doesn't want to plan out what they are going to cast ahead of times, they pick a sorcerer, no matter meta game analysis of the class says.
Taking away the flexibility to pick whatever spells they want makes them less attractive, and adding something that is too complicated or that takes the focus away from them being "easy wizards" makes them stray from what they should be.
That having been said, I agree that every sorcerer should have eschew materials as a bonus feat, and I think that, perhaps, allowing a sorcerer one "floating" spell known that the sorcerer can swap out each day would be interesting, i.e. the sorcerer makes a spellcraft check and see a spell that one of the bad guys is using, figures out the basics of it, and can use it himself from that point on, unless he "unlearns" it the next day.
I think something like that would show that the sorcerer is naturally gifted with magic, but not studious in the way wizards are.
Thanks, KnightErrantJR. I did indeed come to the same "fix it". In my attempt to remember everything that I had typed previously (see my above post) I completely left out the point I was trying to make. Even though I mentioned that my character is currently 11th level, I made those choices at first level. Anybody else trying to do the same would be unable, since the Obtain Familiar feat requires a caster level of 3 (and thereby at least 3 character levels). Sorry for leaving that part out and thanks for trying to help!
As for the sorcerer being the "easy wizard"... well... I'm forced to agree (reluctantly). I always recommend the sorcerer over the wizard to newtime players because of it's ease of use. But veteran players who love the sorcerer do so because of it's mysterious and powerful nature. The concept of the sorcerer working that way in the past may be true, but I think it has evolved into more now.
I love your idea of the sorcerer being able to emulate magic he sees! Such an ability would probably also allow spells to be emulated from wands, scrolls and staffs, too. Unfortuanely, there may be no room for it now. If such a class feature was added, I would suggest it be available to all sorcerers, and not dependent on a bloodline. (Not knocking the bloodlines, here. I love the bloodlines.)
And thanks for your support on the Eschew Materials issue! Anybody else?