![]() I know people want prisoners to be punished, but remember that a good portion of those people will be coming back out ^_^, they still need their outlets or else they literally do go crazy o_o we don't need criminals coming out even more screwed up than they already are ^^ Yes there is precedence of folks doing 25-30 years coming out of jail and so forth... that squeaky chick that went after reagan is being let out, that guy who shot the pope in the 70s(?) is being let out. So you have to ask yourself how badly can you punish someone yet still humane? O_o tough questions. ![]()
![]() Nicolas Logue wrote:
![]() I highly doubt it. It's too tall, being half dragon doesn't make you a size bigger. Kobolds have the horns all over the back of their head (this is still 3.0-3.5 D&D kobolds not pathfinder) i have never been able to figure it out. The closest thing it looks like is some sort of weird black-skinned really small-faced (compared to an orc's) orc. And even if it is an orc, there is definitely some templates on it. If someone knows for sure x.x probably the artist and staff unless other people know, an answer to this question that has bugged me for so so so so long would be appreciated. ![]()
![]() This creature is from issue #304 of dragon and in the whole nameless legion article. His skin is black and I have no idea what he is, he carries an axe in one hand. I was looking for pics of half dragons and his pic showed up on the net and it reminded me of this situation so here is the pic to help jog any memories. http://www.horhaus.com/weblogs/archives/karlgallery/halfdragon.html ![]()
![]() Farthing wrote:
You could also think of it as that you are using the gloves/wrappings as somewhat of a foci for your ki and inner concentration to help better guide your attacks. Though not the best example, many anime things have examples of items that concentrate an energy into a single focal point. ![]()
![]() I'm not sure where (i'm thinking magic item compendium) there was a kama that let you use your unarmed strike damage, that was REALLY nifty. But back on topic (i think?) I LOOOOOOOOOVE the idea of enchanted hand wrappings or perhaps fingerless gloves or something like that. Heck in whatever form they take (probably hand wrappings) it takes like one or two lines of text to say that they can take the shape of gloves too and whatnot. ![]()
![]() SirUrza wrote:
I will agree with this statement. A hot chick bard doing some belly dance should be able to fascinate people >.> ![]()
![]() baaaaaards. I have never played a bard, not even once. Some months ago I started getting the itch to play one but for some reason I just can't bring myself to play it, maybe how you feel that you are suddenly only have 1 available role as a bard and thats a buffer. Probably why i never played a cleric either so i'm not seen as a heal battery. I would be so ever grateful if bards are given either feats or powers or anything so that they more options other than (i give my team +2 ac). This song of doom seems fun, I wouldn't mind seeing some good debuffers be in their also. And how about some mastery over sonic?! ![]()
![]() I'm still getting 4e, but mainly to see what its all about and try some online post by post games with it.... but THIS this is truly incredible news o_o i was liking what I saw in pathfinder already but GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! I just sithed in my pants.
I got a ton of these. All of which somehow express my joy. Monte to me is probably THEE biggest name in the industry right now. At least to me regardless of who actually is. ![]()
![]() Holy kerschnikeys! this topic is still around? sweet. Nice to see some discussion about this and still be a lively topic. My experience in a nutshell is that again it did not feel like a barbarian to sit there and try to plan ahead of what i'm going to do with my points. You usually want to blow it all on the first battle. ![]()
![]() SirUrza wrote:
Touch attacks DO = bad. He's not supposed to be so up close all the time. Maybe on occasion jumping in to unleash some sickening touch attack spell then retreating. Thus why I like prc's or abilities or something that let you use touch attacks at a range. ![]()
![]() the monk will go to d10, right? Every other class besides those already d10's were upped by one dice. d4 classes became d6, d6 became d8. I'm not sure if that happened with the cleric and ranger though. I am not sitting on a comp that has the alpha releases, not at my house. I just am perplexed that they make a class that is SUPPOSED to be fighting and entering melee yet they have a D8 hit dice AND 3/4 bab. I think a monk's flavor is that he is a fighter just trained in the mystical fantasy-ish martial arts. I mean you look at fantasy kung-fu movies and even some real world martial artists out in asia that are masters of what they do. They can do some superhuman things! You tell me they aren't tough enough for a d10 or not disciplined enough in combat to get a full BaB. Even some asian aestetic monks have been known to sleep out in the freezing winter cold in just their normal robes with no blankets, wake up, and walk away as if nothing happened. Their mind over matter and pain is incredible. ![]()
![]() Well first of all if he doesn't change the spell progression we can still complain ^.^ I know I will, and enough voices with me will change their minds at some point. Can't give up, even when things look bleak and people say they are highly unlikely to do such things. as for all these mentions of evocations... why must the sorcerer be stuck in a blaster position? This is bullcrap :\ What if I wanted an Abjuration sorcerer or a summoner sorcerer, hmm!? It doesn't always have to be big pretty flashy booms! ![]()
![]() I agree on this. Sorcerers REALLY get shafted. Not only do they at least "feel" inferior to wizards..but.. They have to have their own feats in sourcebooks just to be able to use their equivalent of metamagic (sudden metamagic, etc.). Because They can't really use the metamagic in the PHB like the wizard. And I have noticed they are screwed on item creation...seriously :\ I never EVER liked that. I didn't like the XP cost of item creation but when I wanted to actually go through with it I was horrified at how sorcerers get the shaft AGAIN! How many times must we beat them with the "suck" stick? ![]()
![]() ckafrica wrote:
Thats my concern, I would like to see some playtest reports if people blow through these rather quickly. ![]()
![]() What I really don't like is the increased cost of raging as you get better rages. I dunno maybe the system works out, I have not yet tried it. I just thought that maybe you get better at raging and can become stronger when you rage. But with increased costs of raging it makes it seem like you have to put more effort in as well to do something you shouldn't have to put more effort into because you got better at it. This makes prc'ing seem nicer in a way. you go barbarian to 10th level and you have a load of rage powers. Now you can go prc and you are still only paying 1 point of rage per turn. Just an example... my kobold barbarian idea with 14 con lvl 1: 4+2 rage points = 6
11th level... now have 46 points so now 44 points to spend and each round it goes down by 2.. lvl 20.... *does math* 19... 38+38+6 = 82. so 82 to use but 78 after rage. thats either 19 rounds of raging or however many after you spend your rage points. But now it feels like that 14 con doesn't add really to my point total, I mean it does but those 4 points of each level really just let the rage go on another round, really aren't contributing to anything I could use for powers unless I wanted to use powers instead of a longer rage...hmmm... i suppose thats the trade off. Either way as I suggest in another thread. A barbarian rage feat to give you +6 rage points would really be nice. And also when you gain con through levels you gain rage points also. ![]()
![]() Jason Bulmahn wrote:
I always saw it as sorcerers could cast only a smaller number of spells but more each day. ![]()
![]() Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Someone said it's the problems you inherited and thats really the problem. There was glaring problems with the sorcerer that needed fixing long before pathfinder rpg was even announced... infact it's problems that have been around since 3rd edition. For me the most glaring problem is later spell progression. So for me when I heard sorcerer revisions I'm sitting there thinking "Alright, wizard spell progression here we come!" But alas that has yet to be. Why DO sorcerers get spells later anyways? This is what keeps me from ever playing one, I hate this glaring GLARING problem so so so so so so much. now not counting the pathfinder I can do a little comparison of wiz/sor strengths and weaknesses. -Wizards can learn any spell
-Sorcs can only learn a smaller number of spells and that is IT
so you make your comparisons from that. aside from the flavor that I like more (but that is more based on opionion than anything else) I felt the sorcerer has always been either stuck in a blaster position because of their small spell selection and higher spells per day. And sorcerers were inferior to wizards due to slower spell progression. It was more of problems that we are SURE you noticed like many other people that we hope would be fixed and don't seem to have been. You see, sure you gave the sorcerer some gifts BUT you gave the wizard gifts too! Just for arguements sake if the wizard was a 5 in power and the sorcerer a 4 well then the wizard is better. Now you gave them gifts now the wizard is an 8 and the sorcerer is a 7... well you gave them both gifts but still haven't really addressed those big differences that the wizard really has over the sorcerer, mainly being spell progression. Wizard is still favored over the sorcerer. I couldn't tell you how happy I would be if spell progression matched the wizards. Did nobody even talk about that when doing class revisions? o.o I don't think giving it wizard progression would be altering it to the point of no longer backwards compatible :o ![]()
![]() My first is this.. Rage feats. Sure we have rage powers but I mean something simple, like maybe the pathfinder equivalent of extend rage by giving you more points if you take the feat. Everlasting Fury (General)
This kind of feat would help some of the barbarians without fantastically high CON scores. Suggestion: It's not said anywhere but how about when you gain more constitution through natural means of level gain (4th lvl, 8th, etc.) you gain rage points equal to your barbarian level so it works sort of like hitpoints? say you had 14 con to start, then at 4th you made it 15, then 16 and 8th level. Well now you would gain 2+3 rage points first for the level, right? Well now you gain 7 more for those last 7 barbarian levels. More will come as I think of it ^.^ ![]()
![]() Epic Meepo wrote: Love the concept, though I'm a little bit confused by some of the powers. A few of them don't seem to have anything to do with rage. For example, how does going berserk improve one's eyesight? That makes no sense. Somehow all the andrenaline pumping through you not only beefs you up and makes you hardier, but you can somehow focus this to enhance your eyesight. Lets put it this way. Actually controlling your eyesight is not outside the realm of possibility in real life to be possible in the future. Some people with multiple personality disorders (now called dissociative identity disorder or DID) have multiple lens perscriptions because somehow even their alternate personalities have alternate eyesight levels. ![]()
![]() If you gain constitution through gaining levels (4, 8, 12, 16, 20) do you get any additional rage points? This question might be better for a seperate thread. Ok here is a little review of each power: First of all.... why make everything in multiples of 3? Animal Fury: Though not exactly what I would call powerful. It's certainly useful AND flavorful. If by some unlikely event your barbarian is grappled suddenly he/she tears into the foe's flesh with their teeth. Clear Mind: This is some good stuff, can't say anything more. Increased Damage Reduction: I say this is too expensive.. WAYYY too expensive for the benefit. 6 points for 1 damage for ONE round? 3 for 18 points for one round? *gasp!* A better number would be 4, at the very most 5 but 6 is way too much. Elemental Rage: This is really a massive gamble and thus I probably wouldn't ever find myself using it for the price of 12. I figure the first attack will hit and good chance the second. Assuming these hit you are adding anywhere between 2-12 damage, but more than like 6-8 damage in all and thats if they hit. 9 points is nicer. Guarded Stance: Great stuff, but is there a minimum of 1 if you are level 1? Intimidating Glare: Nice stuff =) I don't think i'd ever use it personally but i'm sure someone will. Though maybe 4 points is better or 5, i mean isn't shaken a -2? I dunno nobody has ever been shaken in my games so I can't give any experienced input on it. Knockback: Nifty, though would you be able to walk the 5 feet with them with each hit? Low-Light Vision: Nice Mighty Swing: I'm loving this. Even with a price of 12 you are taking away a roll that has to be done. Now with my barbarian wielding a dire pick an automatic x4 damage is nice without having to worry about if its a crit or not. Moment of Clarity: THANK YOU Night Sight: Again, nice. Quick Reflexes: Good stuff, though i was never one that dealt with many AoO's. Renewed Vigor: Oh I am so digging this, though a standard action? I mean do you really expect a barbarian to be in the middle of battle to basically down the equivalent of a cure light potion? Rolling Dodge: See Guarded Stance. Roused Anger: Good for those emergencies when you absolutely need it. Strength Surge: Wow, thats all I can say. Make him unable to be disarmed or tripped or bullrushed :O sweet. Surprise Accuracy: Another good emergency power =) Me likey. Swift Foot: Nice, really nice. Nice and cheap. Suddenly a barbarian has a speed of 70 and just tears S--- up! This would be sick with spring attack ~.^ Terrifying Howl: Panicked is a much more appealing status and I could see my future barbarian taking it. Unsuspecting Strike: Oh now you are just WANTING to make them powerful. Kudos. ![]()
![]() Zohar wrote:
WOW! never thought I would see any class from kingdoms of kalamar brought up. i have the book but I don't feel like looking it up. An interesting class to say the least. As for the bard. He needs a niche I think, personally. And not this buffing thing. ![]()
![]() Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Oh i'm REALLY Liking these ^.^ I'm already thinking up a kobold barbarian for some online freeform rp. That will be REALLY keen. Holy apple sauce Jasonman... i mean batman! ![]()
![]() *falls to knees* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo*gasp*oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......o. I was so looking forward to a weekend of updated sorcerers and barbarians too Q.Q i PRAY sorcerers are equal to wizards in when they get their spells now. I always found that as underpowering and unnecessary. ![]()
![]() I have yet to pick this up but I am becoming convinced. I have been looking for a dueling/swordplay system for quite a few years and found one in a older issue of dragon... so i HAVE to ask. Does dragon issue #301 have anything to do with all these swordplay rules, parrying? ;) I loved all that good stuff. Just wondering if that had anything to do with this. ![]()
![]() I see it in a balancing sort of view. Fighters are the more armored types. They can walk around in heavy armor and such. Barbarians cannot and some abilities want them in only medium armor. Their rage also lowers their ac by 2. That sucks. The current playtest fighter has them gaining bonuses to AC at incremental points in levels. Either way the short answer is. Barbarians are easier to hit than fighters, so thus the need for a block more hit points is needed. And yes.... give the d12 some love. ![]()
![]() I find the idea of rage points a neat idea at that! I would like some versatility in my raging. I have never played a barbarian but amiri and this whole slew of options added onto rage has put me into serious thought about playing one. But the question becomes. Are rage points renewed daily or after the encounter is over? The latter being that the pool of rage points is regenerated for each rage that you do per encounter. I think a per encounter deal sounds best. Maybe, maybe not. But for those doing more than one encounter per day it would be best that you don't have to worry about spending all your rage points in one encounter and then can't use them in the next battle...hmmm... I think I might make a thread of this... ![]()
![]() Am I the only one that finds this new pathfinder fighter to be rather stale still? Now its indeed an improvement but... 3-3.5 fighter: feat, feat, nothing, feat, nothing, feat, nothing, etc.
as said, it's an improvement, but still the class doesn't seem exciting at all. Now what I really liked was the options and feats presented for the fighter in PHB2. Made myself a kobold fighter that took ranged weapon master, weapon focus, greater weapon focus, weapon spec. greater weapon spec. feats for crossbows, PLUS crossbow sniper. He would be doing something like +8-10 damage with each crossbow shot and it was wonderful. But what made it nice was the feats that i decided to use on upping my damage. I dunno if this makes sense, i'm typing this rather tiredly. I don't know if just giving + to armor/hit/damage makes for better fluff or excitement. Maybe this is why i like the 4e changes to the fighter so much, rather like abilities more than just flat bonuses. And on the weapon training bonuses. In reality you just need maybe 2 weapon bonuses instead of you ending up with 4 different weapon groups being upped. I mean you have your melee weapon you are specialized in and probably have weapon focus in, then you have your ranged weapon (or this could be in reverse). I have never met a fighter in any of my campaigns that ever used any sort of backup weapon. Maybe they do though in many campaigns, i don't know. I'm just talking from my personal experience. It's the idea of increasing your specialization in a weapon vs. maybe some exciting abilities or "maneuvers" like the ones you gave to the rogue, that was really spiffy. ![]()
![]() I swear the day 4th edition comes out I will post a "5th edition wishlist" topic or something of that matter, asking when it will come out. We are buying new PHB's at 4 years intervals! what the hell?! I want an chat with one of these people that decided to do such a stupid thing. like a... "Talk to the game designers between 5pm and 9pm on saturday, sept 13" i dunno if setp. 13 falls on a saturday i'm just giving an example, I WANT TO GIVE THEM A PIECE OF MY MIND! ![]()
![]() sigh i'm going to be sick :( as I said on the D&D forums I have heard before that 4e was well a ways off, I was hoping that would be at least more than a year FOR THE LOVE OF GOD 3.5 IS ONL LIKE 4 YEARS OLD! good lord! 3.0 came out in like 2000 didnt it? something like that. I WANT AT LEAST A DECADE OUT OF MY BOOKS BEFORE NEEDING TO UPDATE! ![]()
![]() Where the hell were these girls when I was gaming? :( THE ONLY GIRL WE EVER HAD PLAY WITH US Q_Q was a bulldyke lesbian... she wasnt fat... but when i first saw her I literally thought she was a guy for 3 hours. had this really really really short bleach blonde hair and looked like this jock guy i knew from school and there was NO femininity in her voice whatsoever. It wasn't until like hours later my buddies was pointing to her and I remember the words "she" being blurted out. Obviously I didn't say anything as to avoid creating an awkward moment o_o SNEAK ATTACK! but honestly I would kill to have a hottie like darlene at my games O_O rawr! hmm.... i do have a philipino hot chick friend.... ![]()
![]() sexi golem 01 wrote:
You're DM sounds like the kind that is just out to kill your players Oo, should have him tone it down a bit. obviously I don't think you would have been able to take on all that anyways even a bit at a time >.> seems like WAY too much ![]()
![]() My biggest disappointment i see from pathfinder is the look for kobolds in their books.... bleh.... now they just look truely evil. I love the other kobolds better, sure they may be evil but they have this rather neutral look about them and i know a few girls who even say they look cute with their lizardy-rat hybridness. Sucks, kobolds are my favorite race. These ones look all evil half-dragon-ish with all their multitude of colors, blech. I will still play regular kobolds though >.> just say there are some species differences in appearance or something, i dunno.