Doctor Who Series 4


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Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Pat Payne wrote:

a penultimate episode

Don't Ever use that word one these forums!!!!

trust me ;-)

Dragnmoon wrote:
Pat Payne wrote:

a penultimate episode

Don't Ever use that word one these forums!!!!

trust me ;-)

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm anaspeptic, phrasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericombobulation." :P ;)

So I take it if you're watching Dr Who on Sci-fi there are commercial breaks all the time?

Dragnmoon wrote:


If you have not see then episode... Fight the urge to hit the spoiler button ;-)

** spoiler omitted **

Yeah, you really don't want this one spoiled - Davies seems to be pulling out all the stops!

I don't think the Doctor is going to have a normal regeneration, given the way they've used it as a cliffhanger. My guesses are that either Rose will use energy from the Heart of the TARDIS to heal him, or that he will "regenerate" into an earlier incarnation, temporarily - or both! It's also possible that the Medusa Cascade being one second out of step with the rest of the universe will interfere with the regeneration.

The 2008 series just started here in Australia last night. SO far it looks to be continuing all the stuff I've been loving from the series for the last few years. And my fanboy head just about exploded when I learned that ...

...Davros returns at the end the season.

mwbeeler wrote:
I hereby volunteer to play the evil Doctor. Because if the Doctor turns evil, it should be an American.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing the next doctor played by an American actor, or at least someone who knows the history of the series. But Tennant is doing such a wonderful job, it would be hard for me to see him go.

It will be five more weeks until I see the series Finale of Dr. Who (Season 4). I'm already edgy as to what happens and what happens to whom.

Damn you Sci-Fi channel! ;-D

BTW, MWBeeler, how goes the war on the insect kingdom?

Callum wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:


If you have not see then episode... Fight the urge to hit the spoiler button ;-)

** spoiler omitted **

Yeah, you really don't want this one spoiled - Davies seems to be pulling out all the stops!

** spoiler omitted **

Who knows? Maybe

this has to tie in to why Jenny didn't regenerate properly, if she's a clone of the doctor...maybe the Doctor still has a buildup of the terraforming gas from "The Doctor's Daughter" that gives him, for lack of a better term, a 1UP.
Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Pat Payne wrote:

Who knows? Maybe ** spoiler omitted **

He turns into Mario?

R-type wrote:
So I take it if you're watching Dr Who on Sci-fi there are commercial breaks all the time?

If you mean here in the states, yes. And they're too long. It breaks up the momentum of the story.

BluePigeon wrote:
R-type wrote:
So I take it if you're watching Dr Who on Sci-fi there are commercial breaks all the time?
If you mean here in the states, yes. And they're too long. It breaks up the momentum of the story.


Does BBCiplayer work for you guys then?

R-type wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
R-type wrote:
So I take it if you're watching Dr Who on Sci-fi there are commercial breaks all the time?
If you mean here in the states, yes. And they're too long. It breaks up the momentum of the story.


Does BBCiplayer work for you guys then?

Nope, I've tried and they flat-out say if you're not residing in the United Kingdom, you can't access the video content. The same thing happens, maddeningly, on the Beeb's official YouTube channel. I've only been able to see the Catherine Tate/David Tennant "Lauren Simmons" sketch (where Tennant plays an English teacher continually harassed about looking like the Doctor by Lauren)

The site says it has something to do with the licensing fee structure -- in other words, since we outside the UK don't pay Her Majesty's TV tax, we don't get all the internet goodies.

R-type wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
R-type wrote:
So I take it if you're watching Dr Who on Sci-fi there are commercial breaks all the time?
If you mean here in the states, yes. And they're too long. It breaks up the momentum of the story.


Does BBCiplayer work for you guys then?

I don't know. We have BBC on cable here in Las Vegas, but any attempts to subscribe to it have fallen on deaf ears. And I'm really interested in Torchwood. It looks like I'll get the series on DVD.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

BluePigeon wrote:
I don't know. We have BBC on cable here in Las Vegas, but any attempts to subscribe to it have fallen on deaf ears.

I think you're talking about BBC America... which is, well, it's not the same as BBC1 (or 2, or 3, or CBBC...) BBC America is currently showing reruns of series 3. As with Sci-Fi, the showings are interrupted by commercials and edited for length.

BluePigeon wrote:
And I'm really interested in Torchwood. It looks like I'll get the series on DVD.

Do! It's a lot of fun.

Scarab Sages

Pat Payne wrote:
I've only been able to see the Catherine Tate/David Tennant "Lauren Simmons" sketch (where Tennant plays an English teacher continually harassed about looking like the Doctor by Lauren)

I'm so glad you mentioned that, because I hadn't heard of it before and a moment's quick googling turned it up here. Brilliant!

Well the finale rocked.
The best part was.........................................

Sorry, not giving anything away! :-)

Whilst I would agree that most of the first three quarters of 'Journey's End' were fairly good, I was disappointed by the last ten minutes- which seemed to me to squander storylines they could have built on in the future, to 'fudge' one particular prophecy, and to fall somewhat flat overall in consequence. Others will disagree with me on this, I am sure.
Great form by the absolutely insane (by now) Davros though.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I loved the daleks speaking German!

"Extermineren! Extermineren!"

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Dragnmoon wrote:


If you have not see then episode... Fight the urge to hit the spoiler button ;-)

** spoiler omitted **

WoW!!!... Nice season Finale!!!!!

Spoiler.... Don't hit it if you have not seen the episode

And I was right about the hand ;-)

No more Doctor Who until Christmas :-(....

They bringing back Torchwood?


according to Wikipedia Torchwood is coming back as a 5 hour mini series, spring 2009

Sovereign Court

Well despite the somewhat fudged ending it was....EPIC and a fine ending to RTDs run as executive producer.

Now if only we could get Joss Wheedon to write a story...sigh

Wellard wrote:

Well despite the somewhat fudged ending it was....EPIC and a fine ending to RTDs run as executive producer.

Now if only we could get Joss Wheedon to write a story...sigh

Please. NO.

at least we wouldn't have to worry about rose or the other companions anymore

I really think extermineren made the show for me, and davros made the show I think. A little disappointed by the prophecy stretching BUT i consider it a fate worst than death so its not too bad by my book.

While I could appreciate the archeaologist I would really enjoy the doctor finding out his daughter is alive and traveling with her for a bit. I honestly think that him interacting with family/clones is interesting, and lets tennant flex his acting machismo a little.


Pat Payne wrote:
The site says it has something to do with the licensing fee structure -- in other words, since we outside the UK don't pay Her Majesty's TV tax, we don't get all the internet goodies.

Which I'd be ready to believe if only the law-abiding citizens of the United Kingdom did not have themselves to pay extra to see the shows on iPlayer. So basically they are paying twice for content.

And I would not mind paying a bit more (as a non-tax paying outsider) to be able to see the show in all legality and in good quality. But this does not seem to be an option either.

My bet is that the BBC hopes to make more money by selling the show in dubbed version to local TV channels and they are afraid that their bargaining position would be weaker if the hard-core Dr Who fan already saw the show on iPlayer.

Anyway, the finale was grand and got my eyes all wet and I laughed so much at "Exterminieren! Exterminieren!". Good times.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Bocklin wrote:
Pat Payne wrote:
The site says it has something to do with the licensing fee structure -- in other words, since we outside the UK don't pay Her Majesty's TV tax, we don't get all the internet goodies.

Which I'd be ready to believe if only the law-abiding citizens of the United Kingdom did not have themselves to pay extra to see the shows on iPlayer. So basically they are paying twice for content.

And I would not mind paying a bit more (as a non-tax paying outsider) to be able to see the show in all legality and in good quality. But this does not seem to be an option either.

My bet is that the BBC hopes to make more money by selling the show in dubbed version to local TV channels and they are afraid that their bargaining position would be weaker if the hard-core Dr Who fan already saw the show on iPlayer.

Anyway, the finale was grand and got my eyes all wet and I laughed so much at "Exterminieren! Exterminieren!". Good times.


Well there is always the chance that it will end up on Itunes.

They just started offering BBC shows but not Doctor Who yet. Right now they are offering Robin Hood and Torchwood.

Bocklin wrote:

My bet is that the BBC hopes to make more money by selling the show in dubbed version to local TV channels and they are afraid that their bargaining position would be weaker if the hard-core Dr Who fan already saw the show on iPlayer.

That makes a lot of sense -- also, the Beeb has "local affiliates" in some countries (here, for instance, BBC America) that get first crack or darn near at Beeb shows (I think IINM, Doctor Who is broadcast near-simultaneously on both BBCA and Sci-Fi), and if we could get them almost as soon as the British home viewer, that's ad revenue that they're losing.

Which brings up the question: Why just not release the damn eps on TV everywhere at around the same time as the British broadcast? It's the same complaint I have with anime...they embargo it for months after the Japanese broadcast or DVD release before it can go international.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Pat Payne wrote:
Which brings up the question: Why just not release the damn eps on TV everywhere at around the same time as the British broadcast? It's the same complaint I have with anime...they embargo it for months after the Japanese broadcast or DVD release before it can go international.

I don't know for sure, but I don't think the BBC would have a problem with that. I think it's more that the licensees aren't generally choosing to do it. (25 years ago, "The Five Doctors" was actually shown in the US a few days *before* it aired in the UK!)

This year, Torchwood series 2 was airing just a couple of weeks behind here in the US, and Doctor Who Series 4 is less than a month behind. So when Australia is more like three months behind, I have to think that's by their choice.

My big problem with international syndication is that they let international networks run edited versions.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Logos wrote:
A little disappointed by the prophecy stretching BUT i consider it a fate worst than death so its not too bad by my book.

I'm totally not kidding about the spoiler link below. If you haven't seen" Journey's End," you really don't want to click this.

I think the prophesied death is that of the Rose universe's Doctor, not what happened to Donna.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

By the way, I loved "Journey's End." None of it was as powerful as the end of "Doomsday"—but frankly, what is?—yet, as a whole, it was better. This series, for me, was paced like a locomotive—it took a while to get going, built up some decent momentum in the middle, and was hurtling unstoppably at the end.

Vic Wertz wrote:

I'm totally not kidding about the spoiler link below. If you haven't seen" Journey's End," you really don't want to click this.

** spoiler omitted **

Again, don't click on this until you've watched the episode...

But Rose's Doctor didn't die, did he? Unless you're suggesting that dalek Caan's prophecy refers to the fact that Rose's Doctor is mortal. That doesn't seem like much of a prophecy to me!

Caan's original prophecy was "everlasting death for the Doctor's most faithful companion," as I recall. Later, he reaffirmed that "one of them will still die." But no-one died. When K-9 showed up just near the end, I felt sure it was going to be him!

Could it be that this is a series-crossing prophecy?

I thought it was a great episode overall!

Personally I was surprised that K9 didn't get more of a look in during the last couple of episodes of this most recent season, and I certainly would have preferred him as 'the Doctor's most faithful companion'. (Although there have been at least two different K9's as far as I recall, as I believe that one got left behind on Gallifrey during the Tom Baker/Fourth Doctor years.)
But maybe as others have suggested they're saving that prophecy for another series.... I didn't notice any obvious follow up in this one on the woman's (?) hand which snatched The Master's ring at the end of the previous season.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Re: Callum's spoiler:

Callum wrote:
But Rose's Doctor didn't die, did he? Unless you're suggesting that dalek Caan's prophecy refers to the fact that Rose's Doctor is mortal. That doesn't seem like much of a prophecy to me!

Well, that he *will* die...

Callum wrote:
Caan's original prophecy was "everlasting death for the Doctor's most faithful companion," as I recall.

...but that point blows my notion out of the water.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

(Although there have been at least two different K9's as far as I recall, as I believe that one got left behind on Gallifrey during the Tom Baker/Fourth Doctor years.)

The original K-9 was left with Leela on Gallifrey in "The Invasion of Time."

K-9 Mark II was left with Romana in E-Space in "Warrior's Gate."
K-9 Mark III was given to Sarah Jane in the 1980 "K-9 & Company" spinoff (one episode, which was recently released in the UK on DVD—along with "The Enemy Within"—and is due for US DVD release in September). Mark III bit it in "School Reunion," which also introduced the current K-9, designated "Mark IIIb."

He doesn't appear in the series much because the BBC doesn't fully own the rights to use him—they have to get the permission of Bob Baker and the Estate of Dave Martin, his creators. They're using him in a non-BBC animated spinoff called K-9.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Vic Wertz wrote:

Re: Callum's spoiler:

** spoiler omitted **

isn't his most faithful companion Sarah? or the TARDIS?

Matthew Morris wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Re: Callum's spoiler:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

I once heard that his most faithful companion is...

the audience.

"Vic Wertz wrote:
This year, Torchwood series 2 was airing just a couple of weeks behind here in the US, and Doctor Who Series 4 is less than a month behind. So when Australia is more like three months behind, I have to think that's by their choice.

You're right...I guess my "months on end" comment was more in line with anime.

"Vic Wertz wrote:
My big problem with international syndication is that they let international networks run edited versions.

Lowest common denominator -- we can't have innocent eyes sullied by what the BRITISH feel is appropriate on TV! :P Seriously, as much as I'd love to see them drop the editing, they can't, because the FCC (and media regulatory commissions in other places which are even less pleasant) would then hound them like Javert and Valjean (or Zenigata and Lupin :P).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Pat Payne wrote:
"Vic Wertz wrote:
My big problem with international syndication is that they let international networks run edited versions.
Lowest common denominator -- we can't have innocent eyes sullied by what the BRITISH feel is appropriate on TV! :P Seriously, as much as I'd love to see them drop the editing, they can't, because the FCC (and media regulatory commissions in other places which are even less pleasant) would then hound them like Javert and Valjean (or Zenigata and Lupin :P).

They're not editing them for "decency" (well, maybe some bits of Torchwood, but not Doctor Who or the Sarah Jane Adventures)—they're editing them for time. Most episodes run 50-plus minutes, and, on BBC America and Sci Fi, they're trimmed by 5 to 7 minutes (about 10%!) to fit in 13 minutes of commercials and still only take an hour-long block.

If I had my way, they'd be shown in a 90-minute block, with the extra time after the episode filled with some of the BBC web videos for that week, or sections from the "Doctor Who Confidential" for that episode.

At least HDNet shows Torchwood uncut, uninterrupted, and in HD... but they won't carry Doctor Who (at least while it's not being produced in HD).

Sci-Fi channel has finally gotten around to airing the last two episodes of Dr. Who Season Four. The Season Finale and last epsiode of series four is next week but I'll say they are making this epsidoe unforgettable.

(1) Someone's been stealing planets, 27 to be exact. Dear God.

(2) The Crew for the last four season has been there including Sarah Jane, Rose Tyler, and Captain Jack.

(3) Big Guns

(4) Exploding Daleks. I'd thought I'd never see that happen....


(5) Rose Tyler and the Doctor almost reunited.


THe Doctor is shot by a Dalek.


The Doctor is taken back to Tardis and undergoes regeneration. Is this the end of Dave Tennant's run on the series

Looks like I'll be there next Friday.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Couple other details I liked.

1) My vision is -not- impared.

2) the gun Captian Jack grabs is the defabricator from Bad Wolf.

3) Sarah Jane recognizing Davros. Thank you!

4) Jack hitting on Sarah Jane

5) Donna wanting to hit on Jack.

6) Harriet Jones' redemption.

7) "When I was a child, just 90."

Two things I wish we could have seen:

Brigadiers Stuart and Bambara reactions

A brief scene of Tegan in Austrillia.

My own list of favorite things from the episode:

1) Davros' reveal -- dramatic, even when everybody in the unverse knew he was in the episode. They were able to give everyone a gasp even when there was no surprise.

2) The insane Dalek Caan -- I don't think we've evere seen a insane Dalek before. Creepy to the max!

3) The Harriet Jones running gag -- "Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister." Jack: "Yes, I know who you are." Martha: "Yes, I know who you are." The Daleks: "Yes, we know who you are!"

4) The genuine emotion and little gracenotes throughout the episode -- such as when the Daleks are revealed as the big bad, we see a shot of Sarah Jane recoiling in terror, and Jack kissing Ianto and Gwen goodbye (believing them all to be as good as dead)

5) Rose kicking ass. Need I say more?

6) The Return of Sarah Jane Smith.

7) The Doctor's line to Davros: "I have only one thing to say to you -- BYE!" That's classic Doctor -- laughing in the face of certain death.

8) Julian Bleach as Davros -- he is the best of them at least fro what I saw int his episode, even over Michael Wisher. His understated performance invested him with a large amount of authority and menace missing from the often cartoonish Davroses of the past.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Saw the conclusion this weekend.

For some reason, Rose's resolution was very unsatisfying, but not in a legitimately tragic way. The conclusion of Series 2 was tragic, and satisfying. This time 'round, I really think she ended up with the wrong man.

EDIT: A friend of mine suggests that Rose's fate was a deliberate move on the part of the Doctor, the same way he locked Susan out of the TARDIS and promised to return for her. Maybe. Maybe it's a side of the Doctor being ruthless and high-handed. It still feels unsatisfying.

Should we expect to see two new stars on Torchwood now?

Am I the only person who thinks Davros' dialogue, and the actor's delivery, pretty much give us Emperor Palpatine with depth perception issues?

But Davros was wrong. The Doctor's companions aren't his blood-thirsty little mob. The more each of them hangs around the Doctor, the more humane each of them becomes. (Yes, even Turlough.) The threats came from UNIT and from Jack, who really didn't spend much time with the Doctor.

And, as we saw in "Turn Left", the universe would be far, far worse without the Doctor. Of course, he doesn't know that....

It was a perfect ending except for one thing. I don't get BBC america but they put Tourchwood on On Demand so I get to see the whole series 1 & 2 except the last episode which they didn't put on air. Thats bad enough but now I know that my two fav characters on the show were killed. Hoping they come back but Dr. Who gave heavy hints that they are being replaced. Very much too bad.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Chris Mortika wrote:
EDIT: A friend of mine suggests that Rose's fate was a deliberate move on the part of the Doctor, the same way he locked Susan out of the TARDIS and promised to return for her. Maybe. Maybe it's a side of the Doctor being ruthless and high-handed. It still feels unsatisfying.

I see it as a the Doctor knowing that things don't often end up well for the people he loves, and he'd rather she lives a good life with a human substitute than allow her to end up like Adric or Lynda with a Y.

Chris Mortika wrote:
Should we expect to see two new stars on Torchwood now?

I'd like that... but I don't know.

Chris Mortika wrote:
Am I the only person who thinks Davros' dialogue, and the actor's delivery, pretty much give us Emperor Palpatine with depth perception issues?

I did get that, but Davros is even more mental.

Liberty's Edge

Richard Pett wrote:

I though Forest of the Dead was amazingly good and a return to form -Tennant was quite brilliant at portraying the ups and downs of the story and I though Catherine Tate was also very strong. Alex Kingston was also great.


This episode just screened here last week. Fantastic episode, very powerful (along with the first part). Probably my favourite of the series so far.

Liberty's Edge

Just finished Series Four--'Silence in the Library' and 'Forest of the Dead' are the best Doctor Who episodes I've ever seen.

As to BBC shows edited for US and Canadian viewers-- you can always watch BBC programs on BBC iPlayer or just get a British friend to record the shows and mail you a DVD. US editing is the worst--it's why Spooks has routinely done so poorly on BBC America--they edit a full 18 minutes out of each episode, and then show them out of sequence!

ericthecleric wrote:

Well the finale rocked.

The best part was.........................................
** spoiler omitted **

How do you set that spoiler bit?

Pat Payne wrote:
Bocklin wrote:

My bet is that the BBC hopes to make more money by selling the show in dubbed version to local TV channels and they are afraid that their bargaining position would be weaker if the hard-core Dr Who fan already saw the show on iPlayer.

That makes a lot of sense -- also, the Beeb has "local affiliates" in some countries (here, for instance, BBC America) that get first crack or darn near at Beeb shows (I think IINM, Doctor Who is broadcast near-simultaneously on both BBCA and Sci-Fi), and if we could get them almost as soon as the British home viewer, that's ad revenue that they're losing.

Which brings up the question: Why just not release the damn eps on TV everywhere at around the same time as the British broadcast? It's the same complaint I have with anime...they embargo it for months after the Japanese broadcast or DVD release before it can go international.

I had the same problem with Babylon V when they showed the pilot there was considerable interest over here and when they showed the series I believe the networks didn't have as much interest as over here but when they found out the last season was being shown over here first it was then checked and finally the last few episode were shown across christmas EARLY in the morning with precious little warning when those of us working couldn't see it!

So yes I know what your're talking about but unless you're willing to you tube i guess you do have good reasons.

Bocklin wrote:

Which I'd be ready to believe if only the law-abiding citizens of the United Kingdom did not have themselves to pay extra to see the shows on iPlayer.

Er... we don't. iPlayer's free within the UK.

Faithful Companion:

It's definitely Donna. The person that she's become over the course of the series dies.

Sure, the person she used to be is alive... but the Donna we love is no more.

Liberty's Edge

Pat Payne wrote:
R-type wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
R-type wrote:
So I take it if you're watching Dr Who on Sci-fi there are commercial breaks all the time?
If you mean here in the states, yes. And they're too long. It breaks up the momentum of the story.


Does BBCiplayer work for you guys then?

Nope, I've tried and they flat-out say if you're not residing in the United Kingdom, you can't access the video content. The same thing happens, maddeningly, on the Beeb's official YouTube channel. I've only been able to see the Catherine Tate/David Tennant "Lauren Simmons" sketch (where Tennant plays an English teacher continually harassed about looking like the Doctor by Lauren)

The site says it has something to do with the licensing fee structure -- in other words, since we outside the UK don't pay Her Majesty's TV tax, we don't get all the internet goodies.

iPlayer works in SK; it doesn't work in the US or Canada?

hopeless wrote:
ericthecleric wrote:

Well the finale rocked.

The best part was.........................................
** spoiler omitted **
How do you set that spoiler bit?

To create a spoiler button, you type: *spoiler* hidden text */spoiler*

Note: replace the asterisks with square brackets.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Andrew Turner wrote:
iPlayer works in SK; it doesn't work in the US or Canada?

According to the iPlayer site, "Downloadable BBC Content is available for download within the UK only."

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
iPlayer works in SK; it doesn't work in the US or Canada?
According to the iPlayer site, "Downloadable BBC Content is available for download within the UK only."

Hmm...maybe I should just be quiet, as it seems I'm getting through anyway...

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