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Rise of the Runelords

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vocaldc wrote:

Here's a link to download the Sandpoint map as a MapTool campaign file. It's to scale with vision blocking. It does not have light sources, but I may add them in the future.

Sandpoint Map for MapTools (.cmpgn file)

There's a token of Sheriff Belor Hemlock just west of the Sandpoint Cathedral you can use to "explore" the town and see how the vision blocking works. :-)

Please let me know if there are any problems accessing the file or downloading it. Thanks.

This is amazing. I wish I'd had this for the goblin attack, but this will be ideal for giant's raid on PF4. The image looks like it'll work well as long as you don't zoom in real close.

ziltmilt wrote:
vocaldc wrote:

Here's a link to download the Sandpoint map as a MapTool campaign file. It's to scale with vision blocking. It does not have light sources, but I may add them in the future.

Sandpoint Map for MapTools (.cmpgn file)

There's a token of Sheriff Belor Hemlock just west of the Sandpoint Cathedral you can use to "explore" the town and see how the vision blocking works. :-)

Please let me know if there are any problems accessing the file or downloading it. Thanks.

This is amazing. I wish I'd had this for the goblin attack, but this will be ideal for giant's raid on PF4. The image looks like it'll work well as long as you don't zoom in real close.

Yeah, unfortunately the resolution was a limitation, so you can't zoom in too much before it starts to look like poo. I had considered re-doing the buildings in MapTool for about a minute (if anyone else wants to take on that job, feel free!). But it's definitely usable as is. I'm glad you found it useful!

Hello - I don't see any battle maps for Fort Rannick up yet, so I whipped one up in DJ today. It lacks objects at this point (I'm going to add them later in MapTool), and it's slightly larger than the map in the module.

Here it is. Hope it's useful. When I get all the furniture, gore and so forth loaded into it I'll link that version too.

This thread is full of win, by the way. Finding lots of good stuff in here for my RotR play-by-post.

treehouse916 wrote:

Hello - I don't see any battle maps for Fort Rannick up yet, so I whipped one up in DJ today. It lacks objects at this point (I'm going to add them later in MapTool), and it's slightly larger than the map in the module.

Here it is. Hope it's useful. When I get all the furniture, gore and so forth loaded into it I'll link that version too.

This thread is full of win, by the way. Finding lots of good stuff in here for my RotR play-by-post.

Very Nice!


treehouse916 wrote:

Hello - I don't see any battle maps for Fort Rannick up yet, so I whipped one up in DJ today. It lacks objects at this point (I'm going to add them later in MapTool), and it's slightly larger than the map in the module.

Here it is. Hope it's useful. When I get all the furniture, gore and so forth loaded into it I'll link that version too.

This thread is full of win, by the way. Finding lots of good stuff in here for my RotR play-by-post.


Looking forward to using this.

vocaldc wrote:

Here's a link to download the Sandpoint map as a MapTool campaign file. It's to scale with vision blocking. It does not have light sources, but I may add them in the future.

Sandpoint Map for MapTools (.cmpgn file)

There's a token of Sheriff Belor Hemlock just west of the Sandpoint Cathedral you can use to "explore" the town and see how the vision blocking works. :-)

Please let me know if there are any problems accessing the file or downloading it. Thanks.

I've never used MapTools... so forgive the newbie question.

Do you need a projector or something to use this properly? It sounds like a great idea though... I might need to look into that.

Joseph Reynolds wrote:

I've never used MapTools... so forgive the newbie question.

Do you need a projector or something to use this properly? It sounds like a great idea though... I might need to look into that.

You can use it with a projector and a single computer. It is designed to allow groups to play over the internet (or a local network), and even if you are playing with a projector in person it is best to have at least two computers (one for the GM screen and one for the player view).

In order to get started with MapTool, you'll need a java-friendly computer (if you have to ask, you probably have one). Got to and download the client. Build 63 is a good, reliable version.

Because it is an free, open source program, the documentation is always playing catch-up with the features. For general guidance on just how the heck to use all those features, go here.

For a nuts-and-bolts level guide to how to create your own rules and automation in maptool, you want the wiki.

The rptools forums are pretty responsive and helpful as well. And, if all else fails, post here on the paizo forums and I'll answer your questions as best I can.

Hey, I figured out where that Gargantuan Spider paper mini in the list comes from!

The deathwebs in the side entrance to Jorgenfist!

Joseph Reynolds wrote:

I've never used MapTools... so forgive the newbie question.

Do you need a projector or something to use this properly? It sounds like a great idea though... I might need to look into that.

My group uses MapTools by plugging a laptop into my TV via an HDMI cable. Basically it's just like an old-fashioned tabletop session, but a 50" widscreen replaces the table! There's no need for a projector, because "tokens" replace miniatures and are built right into the software. For best results, use two computers -- one for the players and one for the GM (only the PC computer needs to be hooked up to a TV). As Evil Lincoln stated, you can get info on how to run two computers and have them connected and stuff through the RPTools website. It's really not difficult at all (I'm no computer wiz), so don't be discouraged! But those resources will do a better job explaining it than I can do right here. :)

I'm a little buoyed by these posts, my second RotR campaign has changed from a regular several players tabletop session into a 1on1 game, where the player will be abroad on business for several months at a time.

People reporting that this works perfectly well on Maptools means that we can continue with the game ;)

Liberty's Edge

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I couldn't find one elsewhere so I mapped my vision of the Paradise Barge from HMM. I made it out of a turtle shell and gave it oars so the gambling patrons could go on little cruises powered by wisdom-drained charm zombies (that will include my PCs if I can manufacture a TPK back at the clocktower in Skinsaw).

It's here.

Sovereign Court

First, thanks to everyone who's made awesome things and shared them!

Finally got to the point in the campaign where the maps made by everyone here get scarce.

Here's some quick ones I put together this past month from all the excellent mapping resources that are far too numerous to name. Not really perfect, but good enough for battle maps. :)

I'm using d20Pro to project them onto my game table, so they are only 100dpi. Not really high-res... I think I'm going to start making the maps at 200dpi default and scale down from now on so they will look better for people printing them.

Anyway, hope they're useful to someone!

Currently has:
Foxglove townhouse - All Levels
The Seven Sawmill - All Levels

Grand Lodge

Fantastic thread, nice work everyone.

Second, given that Evil Lincoln is hovering in this thread, I have a maptools (and general VT question) that I'm guessing has been asked before:

You're dealing with a map that already has grids drawn on it, and are DMing either online or HDMI'd onto a big TV. The pre-drawn grid is irregularly shaped, and so attempts to impose a digital VTT grid on top of the map fail, and thus some of the main benefits of the VTT - like using tokens, or area of effects - become almost unusable.

Any clever solutions around this problem?

sozin wrote:

You're dealing with a map that already has grids drawn on it, and are DMing either online or HDMI'd onto a big TV. The pre-drawn grid is irregularly shaped, and so attempts to impose a digital VTT grid on top of the map fail, and thus some of the main benefits of the VTT - like using tokens, or area of effects - become almost unusable.

Any clever solutions around this problem?

Photoshop works for me if the grid is just not a perfect pixel-width in size (I've found a few maps with 37.6 pixels/grid in the Pathfinder PDFs). But for varying sizes or scales of map, I actually create two maps in MapTools using the same background image (like for Fort Rannick, where the given map has a different scale for the "outdoor" quadrant) and use the Fog of War feature in MapTools to block out the other area.

sozin wrote:
The pre-drawn grid is irregularly shaped, and so attempts to impose a digital VTT grid on top of the map fail... Any clever solutions around this problem?

How irregular is the shape? If it is uniformly distorted (maybe the space on the horizontal is wider than the vertical), you might have a solution. If not (either vert or horiz are not evenly spaced amongst themselves), I'd guess you have some time in photoshop ahead of you. (or... I have been known to grab bits of grid on a distorted map and just adjust the grid when it got out of hand... but that shouldn't happen for any Runelords PDF map, see below)

The solution to uniform distortion: I don't often use the adjust grid mode when I first lay down maps. Rather, I drop the map on the background layer (not loading it in the new map dialog), and then I resize it using the border resizing tool (with show grid on obviously).

Your best bet is to get a zoom level that lets you see the to left corner while you drag the bottom right out to the appropriate size. If you drag the bottom right corner too far, your original line will end up off target. Then you need to stop, drag it back into place, and try the bottom left corner again. Eventually you will get a nice fit. Do this enough and it becomes second nature. There are no grid maps published in the Runelords AP that can't be sized in this way. Lazz is awesomely consistent with his gridlines.

This technique is more finicky, but it allows you to correct uniform distortion — especially of the type where horizontal and vertical lines are slightly different distances. It gives you a little more control over the gridlines on the map.

Hope that helps!

MidnightLightning wrote:
Photoshop works for me if the grid is just not a perfect pixel-width in size (I've found a few maps with 37.6 pixels/grid in the Pathfinder PDFs). But for varying sizes or scales of map, I actually create two maps in MapTools using the same background image (like for Fort Rannick, where the given map has a different scale for the "outdoor" quadrant) and use the Fog of War feature in MapTools to block out the other area.

For Ft. Rannick (and Skull's Crossing) I just sliced up those maps into their sections and resized them using the method described in my last post. Players ended up filling only 1/4 of a showing square, although if you turned the MT grid on they had their own squares. All four maps were on a single layer, though.

Using FOW to hide sections of maps is fine, but I am a little anal about keeping my resource sizes down. Unused image plus the VBL needed to hide it is a double whammy that would keep me up at night. Most basic image software (I know you can use Mac OS X's "Preview") should let you cut up that big resource into smaller ones so you're not loading unnecessary maps on a given layer and then hiding them!

Grand Lodge

Great suggestions, very helpful, thanks EL!

Get a very small, transparent .png and make a token out of it. Put the token on the Object layer and resize it to match any building on the map. Open the token and put the description from Pathfinder #1 into the "Notes" or "GM Notes" tab (it can help to convert the PDF to plaintext first). When you return to the token layer, the notes will now be a tooltip on each building that you have done this for.

Question 'bout this - I tried doing this, everything worked fine, up until the point where I hover the mouse over the transparent token: all it shows is the name of the token, and not the "Notes" or "GM notes". Searched through all the maptools forums, didn't find anything obvious. Am I doing something stupid? PS if you want to take it over to email, I'm sozinsky at gmail dot com


sozin wrote:

Great suggestions, very helpful, thanks EL!

Get a very small, transparent .png and make a token out of it. Put the token on the Object layer and resize it to match any building on the map. Open the token and put the description from Pathfinder #1 into the "Notes" or "GM Notes" tab (it can help to convert the PDF to plaintext first). When you return to the token layer, the notes will now be a tooltip on each building that you have done this for.

Question 'bout this - I tried doing this, everything worked fine, up until the point where I hover the mouse over the transparent token: all it shows is the name of the token, and not the "Notes" or "GM notes". Searched through all the maptools forums, didn't find anything obvious. Am I doing something stupid? PS if you want to take it over to email, I'm sozinsky at gmail dot com


I've tried to start Maptool Q&A threads here before, they never take off. Runelords has so many MapTool friendly resources in this thread alone, it's as good a place as any.

To answer your query: Place the transparent token on the OBJECT layer, then switch to the TOKEN layer. Token is the only layer available to players, BTW. If (and only if) you have set notes in the player or GM section on the token properties, your cursor will show as a little pointy hand instead of a mouse when you are over the transparent token while on the token layer. If you switch back to the object layer, it will lose it's tooltip qualities and become like a token again.

It's a little convoluted, but super cool once you know how to do it.

EDIT: another potential problem would be if you have the "statsheet" or "tooltip" or whatever preferences messed up. Check out your preferences in the MapTool application menus — statsheet should be set to appear on mouseover, you should have a reasonable tooltip time set. I don't have the panels memorized, but if part 1 of this post doesn't help you, check out the prefs.

EDIT 2: Also, I can only guarantee the functionality of build 63. There could be something in a more recent build I don't know about.

Grand Lodge

Ah, duh. Your original instructions were perfect, I was just being dumb and moving the token out of the object layer and back into the token layer. So when you leave it in the object layer you get what you want. (It's odd that that can't get the same "Show notes as popup text" behavior for tokens, as you can for objects, but, whatev.) Thank you for clarifying!

How irregular is the shape?

here's an example from the awesome Sandworks remap.

As you can see, its pretty much impossible to line up the grid without, as you say, significant Photoshopping.

I think a nice feature of Maptool would be to be able to have multiple grid settings for a single map...I'll mention it over on rptools forums.

EDIT: In case you're wondering, the transparent token trick works fine in b75.

Hi there,
the links to the battle maps for THE CATACOMBS OF WRATH seems to be dead?
anybody knows where I could get these?

thanks in advance,

Okay, Tintagel had it (and loads of other cool stuff:-)
Thanks Tintagel, you've done a great job!!


Sovereign Court

I was searching for stuff in here and noticed that the links for Thassilonian runes are down.

I donwloaded them when first posted and I've still got them.

I'll figure out a hosting site and put them up, or I can send them to someone else who already has a host?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

vocaldc wrote:

Here's a link to download the Sandpoint map as a MapTool campaign file. It's to scale with vision blocking. It does not have light sources, but I may add them in the future.

Sandpoint Map for MapTools (.cmpgn file)

There's a token of Sheriff Belor Hemlock just west of the Sandpoint Cathedral you can use to "explore" the town and see how the vision blocking works. :-)

Please let me know if there are any problems accessing the file or downloading it. Thanks.

maptools newbie here; I plan on learning to use this program in the future (and in that respect this looks fantastic!), but for now I'd really just like a high-res map of Sandpoint (without street names) that I can post in an RPOL thread. Is there an easy way to extract the map as an image file from this?

Several Sandpoint battlemaps have been mentioned but I couldn't find any working links (let me know if I've missed anything).

Hydro wrote:

maptools newbie here; I plan on learning to use this program in the future (and in that respect this looks fantastic!), but for now I'd really just like a high-res map of Sandpoint (without street names) that I can post in an RPOL thread. Is there an easy way to extract the map as an image file from this?

Several Sandpoint battlemaps have been mentioned but I couldn't find any working links (let me know if I've missed anything).

The best available map is in the Runelords Player's Guide. You can use Adobe Acrobat Reader v8 (but not later versions!) to extract the image layer without the text, I believe.

The resolution of the image is, unfortunately, not great. Also, it is a violation of the CUP to use the Maps and Portraits from the AP in a campaign file and then distribute it (alas!).

You've got to do it yourself for the foreseeable future.

Sovereign Court

These maps are a godsend! It honestly never made much sense to me how something as simple as a battle map was so hard to find in a prewritted adventure. Thanks a ton!

Prior to searching for these I had a campaign file set up with custom properties and the maps from the other portions of Burnt Offerings. I was wondering if there is a way to import maps from one campaign file and import to another? I just don't want to lose 4 hours of work.

Thanks, and great job with the map. The VBL is sexy ^_^ d

ZangRavnos wrote:
Prior to searching for these I had a campaign file set up with custom properties and the maps from the other portions of Burnt Offerings. I was wondering if there is a way to import maps from one campaign file and import to another? I just don't want to lose 4 hours of work.

That's a question for the MT forums really. I can tell you it is a feature in development, but since I run b63 and the current build is b76 (I think) I can't tell you whether it works or not and if it is a stable version.

Grand Lodge

I'm playing around with building a flow diagram of the main plot line for this AP. Here's a prototype.

Feedback welcome

Assuming (hell, HOPING, given the amount of pages here) that the very first post is being updated, I would like to point out that the link to the combat map for the initial encounters is pointing to a dead page.

Does anyone have a source for another usable map for the fights in RotRl 1?

Unfortunately, Paizo's forum software prevents anyone from editing their post after 1 hour from its initial posting. So, no, the first post isn't being updated.

I imagined the song a bit differently when I ran the initial attack during Burnt Offerings, so here is my version of the goblin song:

Goblin Battle Song

I have a WIP of the song in Goblin as well, as I imagine they would be singing in their native language, I'll post once complete. I can say that my group liked it, please let me know your thoughts.

Now, I tried to find such a thing, but failed miserably. Can someone point me to battle maps for RotRl 1 - for now specifically the initial attack of gobos on Sandpoint? That would be AWESOME!

Dark Archive

Feel free to use these f you think the are useful.

liondriel wrote:
Now, I tried to find such a thing, but failed miserably. Can someone point me to battle maps for RotRl 1 - for now specifically the initial attack of gobos on Sandpoint? That would be AWESOME!

Hmm, none of the original links appear to be active. But I found a nice-looking map of the town square on with low-res and high-res versions. You might be able to use it for all 3 of the initial goblin encounters.

Thank you Starfury, THAT is exactly what I need. :D *happy camper*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I took the liberty to change the goblin song made by PandaGaki a tiny little bit. The voice were too "male human" for my liking, now it sounds a bit more like gobos. As I did not have the raw audio material I merly took the file with no screams, pitched it up by 20% and faded the screams in from the other file which I first tried to isolate with an equalizer. The fact that those screams still come with the human voice singing is luckily hardly noticeable.

Gr4ys wrote:

Audio file of the Goblin Song with screams

My version

Thanks for this great resource

Liberty's Edge

Don't know if this the right place for this, but I'm working on a model of Thistletop for my campaign. We got sidetracked by real life, so I had a lot of time on my hands. I'm at work, so I will post pictures tonight.

Would it be possible to get that Sandpoint maptools file in jpg form?

I need a map of the Cathedral square for an upcoming game, with those links dead, and print screen and piecing the files together in paint is proving ultimately too frustrating having never used maptools before in my life...

Presumably this clean map came from somewhere, no?

Twigs wrote:

Would it be possible to get that Sandpoint maptools file in jpg form?

I need a map of the Cathedral square for an upcoming game, with those links dead, and print screen and piecing the files together in paint is proving ultimately too frustrating having never used maptools before in my life...

Presumably this clean map came from somewhere, no?

Best version is in the Runelords Player's Guide. Use Adobe Reader 8 or earlier, or get a dedicated PDF image extractor, and use that to grab the map.

Reposting the extracted map is a CUP violation. If it weren't, I could should you people a campaign file beyond your wildest imagination. ;)

Grand Lodge

Evil Lincoln wrote:

Reposting the extracted map is a CUP violation. If it weren't, I could should you people a campaign file beyond your wildest imagination. ;)

Yeah, I'm in the same boat...

This might make an interesting product for paizo: a superscriber network, that allows folks like myself Evil Lincoln to share things like VTT files in a paizo-blessed closed system. Give that I own everything paizo's done in the last 4 years - both digital and physical - I'd -love- to have EL's Maptool campaign files, as it is very time consuming for me to build it myself. (My party just finished Burnt Offerings.)

Dark Archive


May be useful. The early stuff has a map of the Cathedral area, not great, but functional.

I need to restart that Sandpoint map sometime....I keep forgettng about it.

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Reposting the extracted map is a CUP violation. If it weren't, I could should you people a campaign file beyond your wildest imagination. ;)

Ah, perfect. Thanks for the help everybody.

And I would kill for that campaign file. My first Runelords game is running entirely on Maptools. Damn shame.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have been working on a 3D model of fort Rannick, it is far from done but I thought I might share my progress on the project so far.

I plan to complete the outside, and then model all of the building interiors.

you can check it out here


It is being modeled in google sketchup a free 3d modeling program

I am no expert or architect just a hobbyist, please feel free to comment, but try not to be too harsh I am more interested in looks then exact architectural accuracy...

That model would have helped immensely when I ran Ft. Rannick. There's a specific miscommunication that it would have prevented! Kudos!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evil Lincoln wrote:
That model would have helped immensely when I ran Ft. Rannick. There's a specific miscommunication that it would have prevented! Kudos!

I also am working on 3D models of Thistletop, in my game the PC's took over the giant head and are making it into a stronghold, so the map is slightly modified from the original but may be of some interest to some

Here it is


Evil Lincoln wrote:
That model would have helped immensely when I ran Ft. Rannick. There's a specific miscommunication that it would have prevented! Kudos!

Ok, now I'm curious: what was the miscommunication?

TwoWolves wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
That model would have helped immensely when I ran Ft. Rannick. There's a specific miscommunication that it would have prevented! Kudos!
Ok, now I'm curious: what was the miscommunication?

Whether or not it was possible for an ogre degenerate to "sneak" by climbing along the inside of a wall.

Oooo-kay... still confused, but ok

I noticed that the maps for Hook Mountain have been uploaded over at the Creative Gremlins site. I was waiting for Tintagel or someone to link to them, but if he won't, I guess I will:

Hook Mountain Massacre Maps

I have Noticed that Erian_7's maps for the first two encounters for Sand point have been removed so Here are a couple I knocked up for my run of ROTRLs

DIe Dog DIe

Initial Assault

Best way to print them for use is the 2x2 poster print setup in your print setup However you printer does it. Then stick them together

If your wondering I used Neverwinter Nights toolset to create them

willot wrote:

I have Noticed that Erian_7's maps for the first two encounters for Sand point have been removed so Here are a couple I knocked up for my run of ROTRLs

DIe Dog DIe

Initial Assault

Best way to print them for use is the 2x2 poster print setup in your print setup However you printer does it. Then stick them together

If your wondering I used Neverwinter Nights toolset to create them

These are very well done! I look forward to your future submissions.

willot wrote:

I have Noticed that Erian_7's maps for the first two encounters for Sand point have been removed so Here are a couple I knocked up for my run of ROTRLs

Yeah :) great maps. they will be used by me next month as the campaign starts off. Thank you

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