Pathfinder 8

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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Dark Archive

Ok. When is scheduled the shipment of Pathfinder 8?

elnopintan wrote:
Ok. When is scheduled the shipment of Pathfinder 8?

Pathfinder #8 is scheduled to arrive at our warehouse tomorrow and it will begin shipping immediately. For those that have subscribed to multiple lines, please keep an eye out for an email discussing the shipment for this month. We have quite a few new products arriving and we're building some new code to handle it.

Dark Archive

Good to hear. I was starting to feel withdrawal symptoms, and I just needed my PF fix. ;-)


Jeff Alvarez wrote:
elnopintan wrote:
Ok. When is scheduled the shipment of Pathfinder 8?
Pathfinder #8 is scheduled to arrive at our warehouse tomorrow and it will begin shipping immediately. For those that have subscribed to multiple lines, please keep an eye out for an email discussing the shipment for this month. We have quite a few new products arriving and we're building some new code to handle it.

WOOHOO to new products - and to more CotCT! but now you have me refreshing my email inbox every minute!

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one Jonesing for the next release. The Edge of Anarchy is playing though a lot faster than I thought it would and we'll probably finish it Saturday. I'm glad the next issue will be up and running by then.

Soo . . Any updates on when this may ship.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Gray wrote:
Soo . . Any updates on when this may ship.

So... it was *supposed* to arrive Wednesday, but still hasn't turned up. We're investigating.

Vic Wertz wrote:
So... it was *supposed* to arrive Wednesday, but still hasn't turned up. We're investigating.

Thanks. I can quit checking my e-mail every few minutes.

8? Haven't even gotten 7 yet. Delivery's quite slow this time.

Dark Archive Contributor

PF8 arrived pretty late in the afternoon yesterday.

Just so y'all know. :)

Mike McArtor wrote:

PF8 arrived pretty late in the afternoon yesterday.

Just so y'all know. :)

Thanks Buddy!

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mike McArtor wrote:

PF8 arrived pretty late in the afternoon yesterday.

Just so y'all know. :)


I am nit sure what is coming with my Pathfinder so I'm interested in knowing what Jeff was talking about above...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Good to hear, I presume it will be sent out soon then?

KaeYoss wrote:
8? Haven't even gotten 7 yet. Delivery's quite slow this time.

Same here. Maybe Deutsche Post is to blame ;).

Anyway, good news on #8.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Deutsche Post can be quite painful. I am also a Deutsche Post dependent subscriber, and only got the package on Thursday. So i guess there is not cause for alarm yet.

Silver Crusade

Has anyone gotten the pdf set to them? Have not gotten the "we will shipping e-mail yet"

Paizo Employee Creative Director

brent norton wrote:
Has anyone gotten the pdf set to them? Have not gotten the "we will shipping e-mail yet"

That's probably because it came in late on Friday, and we haven't started shipping yet. I suspect that'll change come Monday...

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
brent norton wrote:
Has anyone gotten the pdf set to them? Have not gotten the "we will shipping e-mail yet"
That's probably because it came in late on Friday, and we haven't started shipping yet. I suspect that'll change come Monday...

Thank you James.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

That's probably because it came in late on Friday, and we haven't started shipping yet. I suspect that'll change come Monday...

We are PaizoAddicts!!! We need our product!!! XDDD

Really, you are one of the best customer service I know.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
brent norton wrote:
Has anyone gotten the pdf set to them? Have not gotten the "we will shipping e-mail yet"
That's probably because it came in late on Friday, and we haven't started shipping yet. I suspect that'll change come Monday...

Nice to hear on Monday morning, the Pathfinder fix is on its way... :-D

KaeYoss wrote:
8? Haven't even gotten 7 yet. Delivery's quite slow this time.

Me neither.

1. Steal all PF#7 copies heading outside of the US.
2. ???

It's those gnomes again, I tell you!

Tim Franklin wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
8? Haven't even gotten 7 yet. Delivery's quite slow this time.

Me neither.

1. Steal all PF#7 copies heading outside of the US.
2. ???

It's those gnomes again, I tell you!

Nah, I've been dubbed "Gnome-friend" for defending them against those evil mages of the beach. It's fun to run laughing under ladders chasing black cats, knowing that nothing can happen to me. When I'm bored, I smash mirrors!

Watcher wrote:
Thanks Buddy!

I'm not your buddy, friend!

Dark Archive

Dance of Ruin wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
8? Haven't even gotten 7 yet. Delivery's quite slow this time.

Same here. Maybe Deutsche Post is to blame ;).

Anyway, good news on #8.


Mine arrived a week ago and I found it quite late...

Absinth wrote:
Dance of Ruin wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
8? Haven't even gotten 7 yet. Delivery's quite slow this time.

Same here. Maybe Deutsche Post is to blame ;).

Anyway, good news on #8.


Mine arrived a week ago and I found it quite late...

Rub our noses in it, will ya?

It does say 9-36 days, so there's still hope. If it's not getting here this week, I really start to worry.

Takasi wrote:

I'm not your buddy, friend!

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days folks. I've been trying to make money on the internet to give to Takasi.

The troubling thing is my sudden popularity in Japan. :/

Jon Brazer Enterprises

I really hope I get mine soon. I've licked all the pages of AP7 completely blank.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

It's sitting in my sidecart now, supposedly waiting for #9 to arrive. Doesn't really make sense...

Ditto that. A huge stack of items, waiting for PF #9. Hmm...

Dark Archive

Dance of Ruin wrote:
Ditto that. A huge stack of items, waiting for PF #9. Hmm...

Me too.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Check out Gary's post in this thread. He says they're waiting on the Gazetter before shipping them out.

Sovereign Court

what about those of us with no pathfinder chronicles subscription?


All I care about is the fact we do have a PDF available to us. Well it helps anyway...

Nightfall wrote:
All I care about is the fact we do have a PDF available to us. Well it helps anyway...

We'll only get those after the shipment, since they won't charge our credit cards before that, and we only get the PDFs after payment.



Well does that mean you have read it all then?! Spill!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Skimmed through it. Adventure looks great. I love how you have various levels of "Saviour-hood" for the PCs depending on how quickly/successful they act/are to stop/in stopping the plague. The BBEG is mean, mean, mean!

Did FWS use Scarlet Monastery encounters in WoW for inspiration? Love the last encounter. And...BBEG is hawt!

The monsters are hella' sick! Daemons, daughters, vampires, oh my!

As usual, the deity write-up is top-notch as well.

Still need to read the Pf Journal from 7, so haven't touched the latest installment. Land sharks...bad though from the pic' I saw.

Scarab Sages

Looks very promising, wish I'd been able to check my email before eleven last night so I could do more than skim it, or that I was free to read it tonight, now I'm going to spend the next two days resisting the temptation to download and read at work!
The plague aspect looks very very interesting and it's all a lot more continuous than PF7; should make an interesting contrast as the players suddenly have something very specific to concentrate on rather than having to dart about engaging in damage control for a city going mad. Also there are some scary enemies in there.
*Glares at download* must... not... click...

Scarab Sages

I love the monsters, and I love the artwork for the Gray Maidens. I haven't finished reading through the adventure yet, but what I have read is really great so far.

Dark Archive


why must I be so cheap as to not pay separate shipping, and must wait for MCR to read the PDF? Gods damn it, this is difficult.

Scarab Sages

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Check out Gary's post in this thread. He says they're waiting on the Gazetter before shipping them out.

I've got to admit - that's really starting to annoy me.

I set up my subscriptions to ship when Pathfinder arrives - not Chronicles or anything else. If they're not going to bother, why give the option in the first place?

Ok, so I just looked through my PDF of CofCT #8. I did not get my Merciless Accountants of Abadar, but hey, there should be a Justicar of Abadar on every street corner in Korsova. Is that a standard issue uniform?

Aberzombie wrote:
I love the monsters, and I love the artwork for the Gray Maidens. I haven't finished reading through the adventure yet, but what I have read is really great so far.

I was a little upset that the Gray Maidens have to

disfigure themselves.
One of my players has been trying to set up a relationship between her character and Sabina. Finding out that Sabina
willingly disfigures herself
will be quite a shock!


Sabina always struck me as willing to do anything the Queen tells her. So therefore, unsurprised.

In any case I'm glad to see this next part has something for everyone.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Trojan Dwarf wrote:
but hey, there should be a Justicar of Abadar on every street corner in Korsova. Is that a standard issue uniform?

Hopefully, that's not the male uniform too...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

doppelganger wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I love the monsters, and I love the artwork for the Gray Maidens. I haven't finished reading through the adventure yet, but what I have read is really great so far.
I was a little upset that the Gray Maidens have to ** spoiler omitted ** One of my players has been trying to set up a relationship between her character and Sabina. Finding out that Sabina ** spoiler omitted **will be quite a shock!


Sabina's going to be one of the main bad guys of the last adventure, just so you know. Which should make for a pretty entertaining encounter when you get there!


I think that's the idea he had...

I hope so anyway.

Had a chance to pick this up in PDF. Wow. I thoroughly and unequivocally LOVE the planar structure of Glorian(sp). While I'm kind of missing my old "yugoloths" the planar structure for daemons rocks socks. I especially love

The Four Horsemen aspect

Just two questions for James and company

Can I have the names of Four Horsemen? Also are they in any way related the Four Horsemen Template found in Advanced Bestiary?

Dark Archive Contributor

Nightfall wrote:

Just two questions for James and company

** spoiler omitted **


Bob, Larry, Sam, and Zarakushiel the Unmaker

doppelganger wrote:
Finding out that Sabina ** spoiler omitted **will be quite a shock!

What?! Sabina's a man!?

OK, so I didn't click on the Spoiler...



:p Thanks a lot. Seriously though at least I got one question answered.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The names of the four horsemen aren't all out there yet. Although I suspect we'll end up making Charon the horseman of death. They aren't going to be tied to the template in the Advanced Bestiary though... although you could certainly use that template to make some of their minions, I suppose. But I'd rather have the four horsemen be unique creatures rather than templated everyday schmoes.

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