Kruel PBP Playtest Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Let me have a look... Male it would seem Giant Dwarf... yup Geek 8/Jock 4 (Am. Football)
Kruelaid wrote:

Dial up.

Ahhh. Memories: looking at porn thumbs back in 1998.


Waiting for pre-rolls from GentleGiant, Arctaris, and Mr. Shiny.

Also awaiting GentleGiant's PC and story.

Development notes 1.1, racial changes that affect a few of us (Tobus, Shiny, Jon, and Rad):

EDIT:Oops, fabes has reminded me you are an elf, Tobus.

PFRPG wrote:

• Half-Elf Racial Traits (pg 6): Remove the following

sentence of the Adaptability ability. “In addition,
half-elves are proficient with any one weapon of
their choice, in addition to those granted by class
• Human Racial Traits (pg 7): Add the following ability
to the human racial traits. “Weapon Training:
Humans are proficient with any one weapon of
their choice, in addition to those granted by class
proficiencies. This weapon must be chosen at 1st
level and cannot be changed.”

PFRPG wrote:

Cleric Class Features (pg 10): Add the following

sentence to the Domain Powers class feature. “A
cleric gains both of the listed powers granted by
his domains.”

"PFRPG wrote:

Spells and Magic

• Arcane Schools (pg 46): Replace the last sentence
of the first paragraph with the following sentence.
“Wizards without a favored school gain access to
the universal school and do not gain a specialist
bonus ability.”
• Abjuration School (pg 46): Replace the Specialist
Bonus text with the following text. “Specialist
Bonus: You gain resistance 5 to an energy of your
choice, chosen when you prepare spells. This resistance
can be changed each day, at 11th level, this
resistance increases to 10.”
• Evocation School (pg 48): Replace the 1st-Level
Ability with the following text. “Energy Ray (Su): As
a standard action you can unleash an energy ray
targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch
attack. The energy ray deals 1d4 points of damage
+1 for every two caster levels you possess. The type
of damage is acid, cold, electricity, or fire, chosen
by the caster when the ray is unleashed. Your specialist
bonus does not apply to this ability.”
Universal School (pg 49): Delete • the Universal
Bonus paragraph and replace it with this text.
“The universal school does not grant a specialist
• Universal School (pg 49): Replace the 8th-Level
Ability with the following text. “Metamagic Mastery
(Su): You can apply any metamagic feat that you
know to a spell you are about to cast. This does not
alter the level of the spell or the casting time. You
can use this ability once per day per two caster levels
you possess. Any time you use this ability to apply
a metamagic feat that increases the spell level
by more than 1, you must use an additional daily
usage for each level above 1 that the feat adds to
the spell.”

"Any of ye who complains'll be cast overboard."

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I thought Tobus' fella was a full elf?

"Ye be right. But not fer long."

Male Half-orc Fighter 2

"Ya give honest sailors a bad name, mate."

BTW, your captivity is going to be restricted adult, I hope this doesn't bother anyone.

The scoundrels I have created have tendencies that you will... frown upon.

Syd wrote:
"Ya give honest sailors a bad name, mate."

"I'm not a sailor, boy."

<He spits on you.>

"I'm a pirate."

Male Half-orc Fighter 2

Syd takes the spittle stoically.

Don't fink I'll forget that...

Male Human 17thFighter
FabesMinis wrote:
I thought Tobus' fella was a full elf?

He is...

Let me have a look... Male it would seem Giant Dwarf... yup Geek 8/Jock 4 (Am. Football)
Kruelaid wrote:

Waiting for pre-rolls from GentleGiant, Arctaris, and Mr. Shiny.

Also awaiting GentleGiant's PC and story.

Should be coming up later tonight (CET).

Liberty's Edge

My pre-rolls (20)


5 19 10 15 4 18 17 6 11 11 18 10 7 4 10 13 8 11 9 16

BTW, I am on GMT + 8...

Let me have a look... Male it would seem Giant Dwarf... yup Geek 8/Jock 4 (Am. Football)

Here are my pre-rolls:
1d20=20, 1d20=5, 1d20=5, 1d20=4, 1d20=14, 1d20=7, 1d20=19, 1d20=7, 1d20=10, 1d20=9

Just adding the finishing touches to my character (i.e. doing the PF skills).

Kruelaid wrote:
Yes, there are cannons, too - cannons being all that much easier to build. I'm totally with JJ on the idea that technology in Avistan got knocked back rather far, so you tend to not see it here, it's very exotic. It's more common where magic is suppressed, and I'm waiting on the Gazetteer to find out where that is.

As a human, I'll take firearms as my racial weapon proficiency bonus if that's alright with you?

I only need spells, then I should be done.
The rest of the character sheet is up, let me know if anything is missing.

The Deceiver wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Yes, there are cannons, too - cannons being all that much easier to build. I'm totally with JJ on the idea that technology in Avistan got knocked back rather far, so you tend to not see it here, it's very exotic. It's more common where magic is suppressed, and I'm waiting on the Gazetteer to find out where that is.
As a human, I'll take firearms as my racial weapon proficiency bonus if that's alright with you?

No problem. I'll see if we can't have one pop up somewhere. There is a chance you guys may be visiting the most wondrous bazaar in Avistan.

BTW, I haven't really checked your characters very well. I hope you'll do it yourselves as you browse the rules and get s&!~ straight.

Like maybe you could look at each other's characters and help me out - just be nice, it's easy to make a mistake with a new ruleset. I'll get around to it but I'm prepping the game AND learning the new rules.


Arctaris - pre-rolls.

Bohdan - background. If you don't get the background up by the time I start (probably Sunday morning, Americans) he'll have to be thrown into the brig somewhere on the Inner Sea, which would make him the last guy to be taken.

Let me have a look... Male it would seem Giant Dwarf... yup Geek 8/Jock 4 (Am. Football)
Kruelaid wrote:


Bohdan - background. If you don't get the background up by the time I start (probably Sunday morning, Americans) he'll have to be thrown into the brig somewhere on the Inner Sea, which would make him the last guy to be taken.

I'll have something cooked up by tomorrow, right now I'm just checking some threads and then I'm off to bed.

"Zetisris pai de, raed."

"Shut yer yap, Righty. Ye knows we don't unnerstand yer babblin'"

"I'm gonna go check the pigs, Captain."

"Keep your root out of 'em, Mooj."

"You are making a big mistake, Book! Release me! Or everything that happens from now onwards shall be on your head!"

"Ye know, the one thing I just don't unerstands, Cordoba, is why ye smiles when I hits ye."

"Cuotsa wed feseti Ra, he coa cocmgo."

Captain Gravid Book wrote:
"Ye know, the one thing I just don't unerstands, Cordoba, is why ye smiles when I hits ye."

Just imagining how you would look sold as slave meat, Book.

Nerius Bluff to avoid having his Wisdom and Intelligence docked

"A wizzy? Nah. I'm jes a simple minstrel with black luck. Had a run in with one o' those magic bastards though; bout six weeks back. I mean, how was I to know she was th' Baron's daughter? I thought she was jes a pretty little thing who liked me act. And then, ya know what? You know what the ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng had the nerve to do to poor ol' Nerius? The son of a b%!&@ locked me up in his dungeon for weeks an' weeks 'fore comin' down to tell me they'd passed judgement. He said I could either have me arms ripped off and animated so that I'd be beat ta death with me own arms. Imagigine that! A fellow beat ta death with his own bloody arms! Anyway, or I could carry some s!** for him ta ol' Korvosa and ne're return to their town. Course I agreed. What else'd I do in a spot like that? Gave me a big chest an' twenty lashes 'fore runnin' me outta town with pitchforks and rocks. Bastards. That's when ya caught me, cap'n."
Bluff 15

"Lemme alone! I'm composing a sonnet."
20 rolls added to my profile. They mostly suck.

LOL. Excellent, I've got your rolls logged. You can find out what happens when I start the game thread.

You will all die!you hear hear me Book, I's gonna kill you !!!

For Kruelaid:

Things I think that would influence the Deception check for spellcasters:
One - Presence or Absence of Spellbook
Two - Presence or Absence of Spellcomponent Pouch
Three - Presence or Absence of Holy Symbol
Four - Appearance of the Character (Physical Build, Manner of Speech, Callous - scholars usually have soft hands, Costume/Outfit, Weapons wielded)

The Deceiver wrote:
For Kruelaid:** spoiler omitted **

Totally agree.

Kruelaid wrote:
The Deceiver wrote:
For Kruelaid:** spoiler omitted **
Totally agree.

For Kruelaid

Nerius Daergal wrote:

Nerius Bluff to avoid having his Wisdom and Intelligence docked

** spoiler omitted **

"Lemme alone! I'm composing a sonnet."
[ooc]20 rolls added to my profile. They mostly suck.

Bluff is rolled up with Sense Motive into Deception now. You don't have to re-roll, but I just wanted to remind you to take a look at the new skill description, and don't forget you can use your Deception skill to both lie AND to detect lies.


I rolled with what you wrote in your background, and it sees you getting caught dead to rights as a caster, so Pulsifer is going to start the game immaculately stoned. Book has had problems in the past with casters using their arcane trickery to escape.

Is this ok?

Ryor Saar'Narlok wrote:
You will all die!you hear hear me Book, I's gonna kill you !!!

"Another admirer of yours, Book? My... you are popular, aren't you?"

Male Half-orc Fighter 2

Syd treats this turn of events with his usual quiet nature.

"No use goin' off on one, mate. Won' do us no good 'ere. Only make fings worse. Keep yer 'ead dahn and try t' not get noticed, eh?" he says to the shouting elf.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3
Kruelaid wrote:
Nerius Daergal wrote:

Nerius Bluff to avoid having his Wisdom and Intelligence docked

** spoiler omitted **

"Lemme alone! I'm composing a sonnet."
[ooc]20 rolls added to my profile. They mostly suck.

Bluff is rolled up with Sense Motive into Deception now. You don't have to re-roll, but I just wanted to remind you to take a look at the new skill description, and don't forget you can use your Deception skill to both lie AND to detect lies.

I know, but when I'm lying I still call it bluff. Old habits die hard I guess.

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:


I rolled with what you wrote in your background, and it sees you getting caught dead to rights as a caster, so Pulsifer is going to start the game immaculately stoned. Book has had problems in the past with casters using their arcane trickery to escape.

Is this ok?

Not a problem.

It's about 8 AM my time now. I'd like to start the game thread this evening, that's about 12 hours from now.

Dark Archive

Copy that! :D

Background has been posted.
Where exactly this placed happened to be I'll leave up to you Kruelaid, it's just somewhere along the coast (although probably somewhere along the Chelaxian coast, since I imagine Chelaxia as slightly Eastern European tilted, thus the names I've used - Bohdan is Slavic in origin and means something akin to Gift of God).

Bohdan wrote:

Background has been posted.

Where exactly this placed happened to be I'll leave up to you Kruelaid, it's just somewhere along the coast (although probably somewhere along the Chelaxian coast, since I imagine Chelaxia as slightly Eastern European tilted, thus the names I've used - Bohdan is Slavic in origin and means something akin to Gift of God).

Chelaxia is great. Last man onboard.


You guys will be taken on board one at a time, but for the sake of scheduling ease and fun, everyone will be considered captured when we start.

You have a few days of role-playing, although you can try to esccape immediately if you want.... hehe. poor bastards

During this time the pirates will give you some pirate love and I'll check out everyone's sheets (although I'm kind of lazy there, it's your job dammit).

Then some s*$~ should really start going down.

Dark Archive

Awesome flavor text!


Just finished editing now Rad.

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