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Hey there all,
To get things started, I thought I would open the floor on Combat Feats. These are tactical maneuvers you can perform in combat in addition to the standard lists (bull rush, grapple, sunder, etc).
Here is the thing. I have room to add some additional Combat Feats to the book and I would love to get your suggestions on what to add.
Let me see what you can cook up.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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I like the idea of combat Feats that jave a certain DC you have to beat to be effective. If you beat it by x (say 5) or more, the effect lasts longer/is stronger/has a side effect.
Say there is a Feat with which the Fighter can blind an opponent for one round.
By every 5 with which the figher beats the result, the blindnes last one round longer.

Kruelaid |

This is a 'combat feat' that could be very useful in slowing down exceedingly fast opponents. I’m not sure if it exists in some other rule form, if it does, I’ll still give my 2c on it. I’m not going to worry about the exact mechanics of it yet, just tell you what I know about it in reality, based on a few decades (and change) of martial arts training.
Most people who spend a good many years training will acquire a number of ‘combat feats’ that allow them to limit the opponent by damaging him. The most well known of these are kicks to the legs, in particular to the knee, instep, and ankle. This limits the opponent’s movement and limits his attack options resulting, I suppose, in a -5’ penalty to movement and a -1 penalty to attack bonus until medical attention magical or otherwise is received in game terms. One could even argue, and having seen knee injuries during a match I would agree, that a leg attack would also limit someone’s ability to defend (perhaps a -1 Dex bonus to AC). See Karate Kid. Similar attacks to the wrist and elbow, although not resulting in any more net damage and not slowing movement, limit that opponent’s ability to attack and defend in the same way.
Clearly it does not work on things that don't have limbs, and would not affect anything that does not need to move or use gestures in order to attack.
Some of these techniques are fairly simple to execute, some of them are more difficult and require feints to be achieved. In reality, several such attacks would add to the effect, ‘stacking’ in game terms.
What do you guys think?
RANGED: I might allow either a ranged equivalent of this feat OR allow it to be used by ranged attacker with added requirements such as Dex>15, precise shot, less that 30’ feet away. As I’m not a bowhunter I can only speculate about this. What do you guys think?

Kruelaid |

Kruelman talked some empty hand techniques here, but it works with weapons, too.
Of course we'll need a crane kick, too, right?
Mechanical notes
Actually using a disabling technique is sometimes easier than attacking the center of mass, and sometimes harder. But for game terms this should obviously have an Attack Bonus penalty.

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Arcane Strike..
It seems like an ability some might use every round.. why put the 1 round limit on it? A character isn't going to be using their weapon when they're using Conduit Spell and Arcane Buildup anyway.. so why put the limit on it when there's no "cost to use" on it?

Kenku |

Acrobatic Fighter: You are particularly good at dodging out of the way of your foe's attacks. At any point in combat, as a swift action, when wearing light armour or no armour you may roll a DC 10 acrobatics check. If you make the check you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC for the remainder of the combat. For every 5 points by which you beat the DC, you gain an additional +1 bonus.
I think PH's idea would make a preety good combat feat, especially if Acro becomes a fighter class skill.

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How does Dodge work? Do you get a +1 dodge bonus to AC all the time, so long as you say "I'm using my Dodge feat"? If so, why bother specifying?
Unless they change something, Dodge only works for 1 enemy. If a character is fighting 2 orcs at once, he picks an orc and until his next turn, he only gets the +1 against that one orc.. even if it dies. That's why you specify.

The-Last-Rogue |

Acrobatic Fighter: You are particularly good at dodging out of the way of your foe's attacks. At any point in combat, as a swift action, when wearing light armour or no armour you may roll a DC 10 acrobatics check. If you make the check you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC for the remainder of the combat. For every 5 points by which you beat the DC, you gain an additional +1 bonus.
This would allow a fighter to use light or no armour and still have a decent AC if he sunk some ranks into his Acrobatics skill.
Something like this would help make swashbuckling fighters viable.

Nyarlathotep |

How does Dodge work? Do you get a +1 dodge bonus to AC all the time, so long as you say "I'm using my Dodge feat"? If so, why bother specifying?
Unless I missed something, the reason is that you can only use 1 combat feat per round. Using Mobility for example would mean that you don't get the benefit of the Dodge feat.
BTW - the Dodge to set up Mobility is pure coolness.

DMFTodd |

Grapple needs a lot more. Where's damaging someone in a grapple? Moving someone while grappled? Throwing someone?
I like the "how well you do determines how well you grapple" and also the "grappling get easier". Nice and simple.
CMB always being based on STR is a little weird. Why must an Overrun be physically knocking someone aside - why not a DEX-based Overrun to simulate wiggling past? Or trip, why can't I nimbly dodge the guy trying to trip me rather than it always being STR?
Every move there could be explained as DEX as well: Sunder - I move my weapon before it is hit; Overrun - I wiggle past or trip the guy trying to go past; Grapple - I wiggle free or I'm just quick enough to grab you; Trip - I jump over your sweeping leg. Seems like CMB could be the better of STR or DEX.
And what's with Feint? A completely new mechanic to handle one little thing. How about Deception skill Vs. Armor Class? And why do animals (low Intelligence) get a pass on this? My dog reacts to feints when I fake-throw-the-ball. Feinting a torch at a wolf or Frankenstein is always effective in the movies. It's not worth it when someone wants to feint to first look up the INT of the creature and then look up Feint to find the modifier.
OK, new maneuver:
You do your best to slow your opponent down either by getting in the way, throwing your weapon at their feet, or knocking a table into them. For every point your roll beats the DC, the target loses that many points to their initiative. You can hinder from up to 20 feet away if you have something to throw but you take a -5 to the roll.
Alternatively, you can Hinder someone in the midst if spellcasting. The spellcaster must make a Spellcraft check equal to 15+every point you beat the CMB DC by.
Sand in the Eyes
You distract your opponent by throwing sand in his eyes, tossing a cape over his head, or flashing your ample cleavage. If your CMB is successful, you do not take an AoO this round for an action that would normally provoke. Handy when you want to stand up from prone or drink your healing potion. (Admittedly, this makes no sense with a STR-based CMB).

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CMB always being based on STR is a little weird. Why must an Overrun be physically knocking someone aside - why not a DEX-based Overrun to simulate wiggling past? Or trip, why can't I nimbly dodge the guy trying to trip me rather than it always being STR?
Every move there could be explained as DEX as well: Sunder - I move my weapon before it is hit; Overrun - I wiggle past or trip the guy trying to go past; Grapple - I wiggle free or I'm just quick enough to grab you; Trip - I jump over your sweeping leg. Seems like CMB could be the better of STR or DEX.
There's actually a feat in the Alpha called 'Agile Maneuvers' that lets you substitute Dexterity for Strength for the CMB. This actually makes sense to me becuase it takes more ability, skill and practice to do these things via finesse rather than through brute force, hence requiring a feat.

tussock |
Grapple needs a lot more. Where's damaging someone in a grapple? Moving someone while grappled? Throwing someone?
Most of that can be mirrored by grappling one round and doing the other the next. Trip, bullrush, whatever, they just end up free again.
Something that lets you do an extra attack or combat maneuver after the grapple could work though. Damage via unarmed strike or natural weapons, moving via Bullrush, throwing via Trip, disarming via Disarm. Possibly all at some small bonus. Probably not in the first round, like the follow on feats but from improved grapple.
Add my great approval for the grapple rules. Presumably things with improved grab will be able to wail on you while grappling as before, I like that effect.
Oh, I think I should be able to avoid pinning if I want, as it carries negatives for me. And I should probably be able to return the grapple instead of breaking free, unless pinned. Too fiddly?
Seems like CMB could be the better of STR or DEX.
Agile Maneuvers feat does just that, Dex in place of Str. {edit} as someone already said, better than I.

Brian Dunnell |

A couple of thoughts for feats -
You have received training in skirmish tactics and how to take advantage of difficult terrain.
Prerequisites: Wis 12, Dex 14, BAB +1
When fighting in difficult terrain you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC as you take advantage of available cover. In addition, you can run and charge in difficult terrain.
Normal: You cannot run or charge through difficult terrain.
Special: A fighter may choose Skirmisher as a bonus feat.
You have been trained in coordinated combat and are skilled in small unit tactics.
Prerequisites: Wis 12, BAB +1
When in base to base contact with two or more allies who have the Tactical Training feat, you and your allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus to melee attack rolls and AC from coordinating your actions.
Special: A fighter may choose Skirmisher as a bonus feat.
I'd also like to see some new combat maneuvers as well - something that allows for realistic hostage situations - the classic dagger at the throat scenario. I'd also like to see some rules for garroting enemies like those in Dragon #355.
EDIT: Corrected BBCode tags.

parcival42 |

I think the combat feats are a horrible. They spread the functionality of some of the "old feats" out across multiple feats, basically nerfing the fact that everyone gets 3 extra feats over the course of their careers. On top of that, you can only use ONE combat feat per round. You can't rapid shot and precise shot at the same time? You can't use dodge and mobility and spring attack at the same time? I understand that they've changed the functionality of some of these, but, unfortunately they've made them more complex to use and harder to keep track of.
Actually, they've gone for the 4E "per encounter" model in a surreptitious fashion. By having to use power, I mean feat, A in the first round, feat 2 in the second, and feat 3 in the third round, they are effectively relegating certain powers to be used once or twice a combat.
Would the Pathfinder RPG break if we used the feats that we're used to using?

Karelzarath |

I'm not certain that Dodge and Mobility really fit in the Combat Feat model. They don't really seem to be maneuvers like the other Combat Feats but rather flat benefits that should, IMO, always be in effect. Having a +1 to your AC every X rounds doesn't seem terribly useful. Also, Shot On The Run does not carry the "must have used Mobility" requirement despite almost the same feat requirements.

newless cluebie |

The thread seems to have derailed into a general discussion of the viability of the new combat feats, rather than suggestions. Sadly, I have no feats to suggest per se, but I do have ideas for the combat feat system itself.
I want to address the problems I see first, and then I'll throw some ideas out there that I think could be helpful.
Making combat feats usable once per turn feels a little like the combat rite system from Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved. Personally, I like the concept, but here, I agree with some other posters that only having access to one combat feat per round feels kind of limiting when they're so similar to things we're used to having all the time in the core rules (Cleave and Dodge being the most clear examples).
This effect also diminishes the value of feats when someone who finds a fighting style that works sticks to the same narrow set of feats/actions every round throughout their career (especially with feats that require specific actions in sequence), perhaps working against the goal that we want player characters to become more robust and interesting as they progress in level.
Now, I still haven't playtested this, but if the once per turn system doesn't work so well, I've been trying to think of ways to improve it based on this element. I've tried to come up with a few solutions that build upon the existing system:
1. One possibility that I've considered is that player characters get extra attacks of opportunity in a round, and each use of a combat feat exhausts one attack of opportunity. This allows them to use more than one, but at the cost of a valuable resource. In this scenario, the fighter might warrant getting bonus attacks of opportunity as a class ability.
However, giving players more attacks of opportunity - which by their nature interrupt the flow of initiative and can slow combat - in order to make the feats usable more often may or may not be the right direction to go in.
2. Another option is to allow players to use a number of combat feats in a round equal to the number of iterative attacks they possess. A 1st level fighter can use one, a sixth level fighter can use two, and so on. Thematically, this feels kind of appropriate because martial classes will scale a little bit faster than classes who aren't devoted to combat.
3. Make other feats that let you use more combat feats in a round.
That's all I can think of for now.

DMFTodd |

Now, I still haven't playtested this, but if the once per turn system doesn't work so well, I've been trying to think of ways to improve it based on this element.
Other random thoughts on how to do it:
1) Style it after the Grapple rules. If you hit, you get Overhand Chop. DC+5 allows a Backswing, DC+10 turns it into a Devastating Chop.
2) Don't "reset" it. If I hit with Overhand Chop, round 2 can feature Backswing. If that hits, I can use Devastating Chop on round 3. If I miss/attack elsewhere; it moves back down 1 on the progression.

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How about some things like these:
Onslaught (Combat) / Volley (Combat)
You are skilled at landing multiple blows on an opponent.
Pre-requisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: For this round, the base attack bonus of your second and subsequent attacks are only penalised by -2. For example, a 16th level fighter would have a base attack bonus of +16 / +14 / +12 / +10
Normal The base attack bonus of your second and subsequent attacks are penalised by -5
(One feat, or one feat each for melee and ranged?)
To get to your allies, your enemies have to go through you first.
Pre-requisite: Improved Initiative, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As an immediate action you may make a partial charge against an enemy that is charging one of your allies. Your initiative count is now placed immediately before your enemy’s.
Rapid Offensive (Combat)
You are almost as dangerous on the offensive as you are standing still.
Pre-requisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As a full attack option you may sacrifice one of your iterative attacks to receive a move action. This move provokes attacks of opportunity as normal and may be taken between attacks.
Normal You may only take a 5’ step as part of a full attack.
Special You also sacrifice one iterative attack gained from Improved Two-weapon Fighting.
Blitzkreig! (Combat)
Your battlefield mobility is unmatched.
Pre-requisite: Base attack bonus +11, Rapid Offensive
Benefit: As a full attack option you may sacrifice two of your iterative attacks to receive a double move or charge action. This move provokes attacks of opportunity as normal and may be taken between attacks.
Normal You may only take a 5’ step as part of a full attack.
Special You also sacrifice two iterative attacks gained from Greater Two-weapon Fighting.

Burrito Al Pastor |

Most all the D&D video games have treated Dodge as a flat +1 dodge bonus to AC, and it works. It's good, but not tremendously powerful, and it's a dramatic improvement in paperwork; instead of remembering to declare your dodge target, you just add one to your normal AC and touch AC scores, and you never have to muck about with it again.

Randy Hurlburt |

I would prefer to get rid of the Rapid Shot feat, for a couple of reasons:
1. Multiple attacks are already part of the rules (iterative attacks). The better you get, the more attacks you can make. Having a feat that allows you to make yet another attack, with another modifier, is an unnecessary complication.
2. Archers can be dangerous enough without it. They can get just as many attacks as any non-two-weapon close combat fighter can. They can get strength bonuses to damage, just as any close combat fighter can. But they don't have to put themselves in danger to dish out their damage the way a close combat fighter does. In my experience, giving them an additional attack through Rapid Shot makes them too powerful.

Christopher Carrig |

I have someone who's having trouble understanding my take on the new Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack tree. I think the problem he's having is that he sees Mobility as overpowered, but he doesn't grasp that it's an activated power and that you can only have one at a time. So to the designers, let me make sure I am interpreting these correctly.
Round 1: You activate Dodge. Monsters attack you, or they don't, but you take attacks of opportunity as normal with your +1 to AC.
Round 2: You choose Mobility. You lose the +1 from Dodge, but now monsters watch with mute rage as you saunter past them. No attacks of opportunity.
Round 3: You may now choose Spring Attack. You move at least 10 ft, attack, move on out of there. You still don't have +1 to AC from Dodge, but you don't take attacks of opportunity from Spring Attacking.
Round 4: You provoke attacks of opportunity against until you complete the little dance again.
Basically, you are vulnerable to attacks of opportunity for one round in between mobility and spring attack.
Is this right? And does anyone else think movement free of all attacks of opportunity is too powerful for two feats?

The Dalesman |

The thread seems to have derailed into a general discussion of the viability of the new combat feats, rather than suggestions. Sadly, I have no feats to suggest per se, but I do have ideas for the combat feat system itself.
I want to address the problems I see first, and then I'll throw some ideas out there that I think could be helpful.
Making combat feats usable once per turn feels a little like the combat rite system from Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved. Personally, I like the concept, but here, I agree with some other posters that only having access to one combat feat per round feels kind of limiting when they're so similar to things we're used to having all the time in the core rules (Cleave and Dodge being the most clear examples).
This effect also diminishes the value of feats when someone who finds a fighting style that works sticks to the same narrow set of feats/actions every round throughout their career (especially with feats that require specific actions in sequence), perhaps working against the goal that we want player characters to become more robust and interesting as they progress in level.
Now, I still haven't playtested this, but if the once per turn system doesn't work so well, I've been trying to think of ways to improve it based on this element. I've tried to come up with a few solutions that build upon the existing system:
Maybe they could just be modified so that if Fighters use them, they can use them at will. One of the perks for taking that class and 'ruling the battlefield', so to speak. Just my humble 2cp.... :)
Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

Randy Hurlburt |

I don't like the various shield feats in the Alpha Pathfinder book. They all focus on using the shield offensively. I would rather see some shield feats that improve defense. Here are a couple that I use in my D&D 3.5 games.
Shieldman (General, Fighter)
You are trained to protect others in combat.
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency, Improved Shield Bash.
Benefit: When using a small or large shield, you may use the Aid Another action to allow one adjacent ally to add your shield bonus to their AC, in addition to the normal +2. You retain your shield bonus to your own AC as well. This feat may not be used with a buckler or a tower shield.
Improved Shield Defense (General, Fighter)
You have learned to get the best use out of your shield.
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency, BAB +5.
Benefit: When using a shield and fighting defensively, you get +4 to your AC instead of +2. When using a shield and using the Total Defense action, you get +6 to your AC instead of +4. The only movement allowed while using this feat is a 5’ step. This feat cannot be used with a buckler or a tower shield.

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I like those, how about these two, rough forms.
Intercepting shield: You add your shield bonus to reflex saves as an immediate action. After using this move, you lose your shield bonus until you use a swift action to ready it.
Distracting shield: Your skill at interposing your shield allows you to apply your shield bonus to touch and ranged touch attacks.

Stephen Klauk |

I would really like to see Combat Feat progressions that the fighter can amp up - there's really no new feats once you get past about 8th level.
Combat Feat Tracks should have abilities at say 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th and 17th level (yeah, just like spells). I don't want the effects to be supernatural in nature like Tome of Battle, but I think you can make feats that will somehow properly scale - perhaps more along the line of say, warlock abilities. It'd also be silly to always require the attacker to start at the 1st level power and work their way up to the 17th level ability. But I'm not sure how to mitigate that. Perhaps start with the ability 2 or 3 down the line from the top?
Hmmm. Warlock abilities. That gets me thinking. Perhaps combat feats can be divided into Least (1st and 3rd level feats), Lesser (5th & 7th level feats), Greater (9th & 11th level feats) and Master (13th, 15th and 17th level feats).
Just off the top of my head, tackling the "Dodge" track
Dodge, Mobility
Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Reaving Pass, Pouncing Charge
Reaving Pass would be a spring attack where you make 2 attacks on the move
Pouncing Charge would allow you to make a full attack when charging
Path of Destruction,Circle of Death
Path of Destruction would allow you to double move and attack. If you drop the foe, you continue your movement to the next attack (like a cleave on the move)
Circle of Death would be where you take a move and attack a single opponent. For every 5' of movement you make around a creature (who gets no AoO against you), you make an attack. Against a medium creature, this would burn up to 40 ft. of movement with 8 attacks, vs. large up to 60 ft. of movement with 12 attacks, etc.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
If the 1/round limit on combat feats gets dropped:
Battle Dance (Combat)
You can dance circles around your opponents.
Benefits: As a standard action, make a melee attack against a foe within your reach. If your attack hits, your target cannot make attacks of opportunity until the end of your turn.
Battle Stride (Combat)
You can withdraw from melee after scoring a hit.
Prerequisites: Battle Dance, base attack +6.
Benefits: Whenever you hit an opponent with Battle Dance, you can move up to half your speed as a swift action.
Dance of Death (Combat)
You can move in and out of melee with ease.
Prerequisites: Battle Dance, Battle Stride, base attack +11.
Benefits: If you used Battle Stride this turn, you may make a melee attack against a foe within your reach as a move action. This attack uses your full attack bonus.
(Notice how these gives high level characters the option to make multiple attacks without standing in one place. Characters can also choose to make only one attack, but move farther than normal. More options, more mobility, more yummy tactical goodness.)

K |

Exotic Style
You've mastered a unique combat style of surprise and deception incorporating an exotic weapon.
Prerequisites: Must be proficient in an exotic weapon
Benefit: When using an exotic weapon you are proficient in, you get a +1 to hit and a +2 Dodge bonus to AC
Exotic Maneuver
Foes don't know how to react to your exotic style and you can surprise them with an unexpected maneuver.
Prerequisites: Exotic Style
Benefit: If you successfully damage a foe with your exotic weapon, you get one extra attack against that foe which may only be used to perform a Disarm, Trip, or Feint. You may only get one such extra attack per round.
Special: Must have used Exotic Style in the previous round.
Exotic Surprise
Your mastery of exotic fighting styles makes you a surprising opponent, able to use enemy's misconceptions about your chosen exotic weapon against them.
Prerequisites: Exotic maneuver, +6 BAB
Benefit: All Fients, Disarms, or Trips made this round are made with a bonus equal to you Dex modifier.
Special: Must have used Exotic Maneuver the previous round.

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I'd certainly like to see those Divine feats (Divine Vengeance, Divine Shield, etc.) from Complete Warrior included in the game as updated Combat Feats.
I know that this is not a proper thread for it, but I just have to mention here that I'd also like to see more Metamagic Feats in the game (both for Divine and Arcane spellcasters). Perhaps you we could start another thread for them? :)

Nighthunter |

Just a little something for characters who want to play a more cerebral warrior.
Strategic Evaluation (COMBAT)
You have learned the basics of tactics and strategy, giving you and your allies an edge in combat.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Base Attack Bonus +1
Benefit:You may make a Perception check as a move action, vs your opponent's Maneuver DC (15+ their Combat Maneuvre Bonus). If you succeed you know their CMB score, Success by 5 or more reveals their attack bonus with their primary weapon, and their AC and success by 10 or more reveals their Flat Footed and Touch AC as well as attack bonuses with the rest of their weapons. You may share this information with your allies as a free action. If a group of opponents have the same statistics then you may use the other strategist tree feats against them as well.
Battlefield Command (COMBAT)
You have learned the art of controlling the battlefield, and its effect on combat.
Prerequisites: Int 15+, Base Attack Bonus +4, Strategic Evaluation
Benefit:You may make a Perception Check as a move action against a DC of 10. For every 5 points you beat the DC one ally may ignore 1 square of difficult terrain. (For example if you get 20, then 2 allies may ignore 1 square each, or 1 ally may ignore 2 squares of difficult terrain) as you find a safe path through that you or your allies may walk through. Furthermore you gain a further +2 bonus from any cover you may benefit from for 1 round, against the opponent type you used Strategist combat feat against in the previous round.
You must have used Strategic Evaluation in the previous round to use Battlefield Command.
Strategic Gambit (COMBAT)
You have learned to see the battlefield as a chess player sees a board, you are always thinking 2 moves ahead.
Prerequisites: Int 17+, Base Attack Bonus +6, Battlefield Command, Strategic Evaluation
Benefit: If you successfully used the Battlefield Strategist feat against an opponent in the last round, then you may use the delay action this round. Whenever the opponent takes an action this round it announces its action and you may decide to act before it actually performs the action.
You must have used Battlefield Command in the previous round to use Strategic Gambit.
Strategic Order (COMBAT)
Your strategic genius is nearly unrivaled, and you are capable of coming up with brilliant strategies in mere moments against strange opponents.
Prerequisites: Int 17+, Base Attack Bonus +10, Strategic Gambit
Benefit: If you used Strategic Gambit against an opponent in the previous round, any standard action you take against an opponent this round gives your allies a +2 bonus on all rolls if they perform a similar action on the opponent or similar opponents for each one that has performed the action before hand. Up to a maximum of +10 for 5 allies.
For example - Gogo the Wizard makes a standard attack against his ogre enemy this round. Coco the Cleric gains a +2 bonus to his standard attack and damage against an ogre. Jojo the Rogue gets a +4 bonus on his standard attack and damage against his ogre. Then Momo the Fighter gains a +6 bonus to his standard attack and damage against his ogre.
Design Notes - To get the best use out of master strategist, your allies should Delay their actions until you have taken your action so that they can get the most out of the bonus. The strategy bonus can't be applied to a full round action, only a standard action (such as a combat maneuver or standard attack, but could also apply to a skill check made as a standard action such as Intimidate).
What think you all?

Edal Edals |

I really like the almost combo aspect to the new feats, how you have to do one thing one round in order to do the next feat, however, I think there should be at least two options for any feat with only the most power feats as exceptions. I say this because I can see the Weapon Swap/ Two Weapon Rend / Weapon Swap / Two Weapon Rend back and forth combo getting old really fast. But if you could do Two Weapon Rend after Two Weapon Defense or the like, then combat has a much more interesting flow to it.
At the same time, it shouldn’t get so complex that you need a flow chart to figure out what you can do in a round. Maybe breaking up Feats into broad categories, Defensive, Heavy Weapons, Two Weapon Fighting, and so forth. Then you could require that certain Feats can only be used if you have used a specific type of Feat last round. While other Feats can be kept as is, where a specific Feat had to be used last round in order to use them.
That being said, I really like where this product is going. Thanks for doing this.

slayer_of_gellcor |

Riposte: While using expertise, if an opponent attacks you and misses, you can make an immediate attack with your full attack bonus against that opponent. Prereqs: Int 13, Expertise
Batter's Up (lame name, I know): As a standard action, make an attack against an opponent. You deal damage as normal, but may also initiate a bullrush. Prereqs: Str 13, Power Attack, Base Attack Bonus +6
Hurling Charge: As a full round action, you launch your melee weapon at an opponent within your 30 ft. This attack gets the +2 bonus for charging. You finish the move by moving to the nearest adjacent square and retrieving the weapon. Prereqs: Improved Initiative, Throw Anything, Base Attack Bonus +11
those are my thoughts.

noah mclaughlin |
After ruminating about cool things a fighter should be able to do without magic, here are some feats that give him some great versatility. I'd especially like feedback about the prerequisites: too lenient? too harsh? superfluous?
Harrying Strike [Combat]
Your expertise in mêlée combat inflicts debilitating injuries.
Prerequisites: Str or Dex 13, BAB +1
Benefit: You perform a combat maneuver that dazzles (DC), fatigues (DC +5) or sickens (DC +5) an opponent. This condition lasts until the end of your next round.
Staggering Blow [Combat]
You press your advantage, rendering your opponent's condition even worse.
Prerequisites: Str or Dex 15, BAB +3, Harrying Strike
Benefit: You perform a DC +10 combat maneuver to exhaust, nauseate or stagger an opponent. This condition lasts until the end of your next round.
Special: You must have used Harrying Strike on this opponent in the previous round. If the target is already fatigued you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to exhaust him; you gain a similar bonus to nauseate a sickened target.
Disabling Strike [Combat]
You press your advantage to the point of disabling your foe, limiting his options in combat.
Prerequisites: Str or Dex 17, BAB +5, Harrying Strike, Staggering Blow
Benefit: You perform a DC +15 combat maneuver to disable, deafen or blind an opponent. This condition lasts until the end of your next round.
Special: You must have used Staggering Blow on this opponent in the previous round. If your combat maneuver was successful, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to your Disabling Strike this round.
Knockout Blow [Combat]
Your unrelenting mêlée onslaught can render your opponent helpless.
Prerequisites: Str or Dex 19, BAB +7, Disabling Strike, Harrying Strike, Staggering Blow
Benefit: You perform a combat maneuver that dazes your opponent (DC +15) or knocks him unconscious (DC +20). This condition lasts until the end of your next round; unconscious characters fall prone.
Special: You must have used Staggering Blow on this opponent in the previous round. If your combat maneuver was successful, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to your Knockout Blow this round.
General Feats
Harrying the Mob [General]
You can harry, even disable, multiple opponents in mêlée.
Prerequisites: Str or Dex 15, BAB +8, Harrying Strike
Benefit: You may attempt the same combat maneuver from the Harrying Strike combat feat chain on multiple opponents within reach. As a full-round action, you make a single maneuver at your highest bonus. You may attempt this against one opponent within reach for every +2 BAB (two opponents at BAB +4, three opponents at BAB +6, etc.). For every opponent against whom you perform this maneuver, subtract a -2 penalty from your roll.
Special: A fighter may select Harrying the Mob as one of his bonus feats.
Harrying Master [General]
You are especially adept at harrying and disabling opponents.
Prerequisites: Str or Dex 15, BAB +6, Harrying Strike
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to combat maneuvers when using any feat from the Harrying Strike combat feat chain.
Special: A fighter may select Harrying Master as one of his bonus feats.

David Jackson 60 |

Wow... I really like the ideas in the above posts... good stuff.
Some that I thought up to Once again improve some of the options for the Melee classes, that really need a boost.
Improved Combat Expertise [General]
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13, Base attack bonus +8, Combat Expertise
Benefit: When using the Combat Expertise feat, you can take an additional -2 to your attack rolls to get an additional +2 dodge bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus to saving throws. These bonuses only stack with the bonus from combat expertise.
Stalwart Defender [combat]
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: You can use this as a standard or move action to receive a +2 to attack and damage rolls for any area of attack until your next turn, and tumble checks within your threatened area increase by 1/2 your character level.
THOU SHALL NOT PASS [combat] (I couldn't help it)
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Stalwart Defender
Benefit: In place of a move action, you increase your threat range for area of attacks by 5 feet. If you attack somebody in this new 5 foot space, you move into the square adjacent to you in the direction of the attack; if such movement isn't possible due to an opponent or obstacle, the attack of opportunity cannot be made. This movement does not threaten attacks of opportunity.
Special: You must have used Stalwart Defender or THOU SHALL NOT PASS the previous round to use this combat feat.
I liked these ideas because:
1) If I played a fighter, I really couldn't justify ever getting combat expertise...but if I can use the feat above as well then it would be worth the cost of having, but not stack the bonus until a slightly higher level where the bonus is more appropriate.
2) The fighter sucks at defending, which he should be good at. The two feats above give him the ability to do something that he always should have been able to do. If you note, the THOU SHALL NOT PASS feat can maintain itself...something I think that is important for a few feats to do.

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How about these:
Vigilant Defender (Combat)
Prerequisites: BAB +1
Benefit: All squares you threaten are considered to be difficult terrain for the purposes of movement for your enemies.
Opportunistic Defender (Combat)
Prerequsities: BAB +6, Dex 13 +, Combat Refelxes, Vigilant Defender
Benefit: You can make an attack of opportunity against any opponent that enters a square you threaten. You can only make one attack of opportunity against each enemy per round.
Special: You must use vigilant defender in the preceeding round to use this feat.

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How about these:
Vicious Strike (Combat)
Prerequisites: Str 13+, BAB +4, Weapon Focus
Description: You know how to hit where it hurts, literally.
Benefit: As a standard action you can make an attack against a living creature with a weapon with which you have the weapon focus feat for. If your attack succeeds, the opponent is dazed for 1d4 rounds. A fortitude save with a DC = 10 +1/2 character level + Str modifier negates this.
Critical Strike (Combat)
Prerequisites: Str 15 +, BAB +8, Improved Critical, Power Attack, Improved Critical, Vicious Strike, Weapon Focus
Description: You have learned how to strike vital areas with deadly efficiency.
Benefit: As a standard action you can make an attack against a foe dazed by your vicious strike from the previous round. It is automatically considered a critical threat, and does an extra 1d6 points of damage per critical multiplier. In addition, the creature is stunned for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed on a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 character level + Str modifier.

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Hey there all,
To get things started, I thought I would open the floor on Combat Feats.
I like them, but I don't like some 3.5 feats being turned into "one per turn" deals.
I like the chain feats for new abilities, but doing things to dodge, spring attack, etc is a bad idea. Doing this to existing feats is something I'd prefer we stay away.

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Perhaps some high-level feats are also in order:
Battlefield Inspiration
You have a spark for executing the perfect manoeuvre in a crisis.
Pre-requisite: Base attack bonus +16, Int 13
Benefit: Once per day for one round, you may use any feat that is listed on the fighter bonus feat list that has a base attack bonus requirement of +15 or less, even if you do not meet the pre-requisites.
Normal You may only use feats you have selected
Special This feat may be selected as a fighter bonus feat.
Battlefield Genius
Your intense training regime allows you to tailor your abilities for the fight ahead.
Pre-requisite: Base attack bonus +18, Battlefield Inspiration, Int 15
Benefit: At the beginning of each day, you may choose any feat that is listed on the fighter bonus feat list that has a base attack bonus requirement of +15 or less, even if you do not meet the pre-requisites. You may use the selected feat any number of times during the day.
Normal You may only use feats you have selected
Special This feat may be selected as a fighter bonus feat.
Unstoppable Force
Nothing can stand in your way. That last doughnut will be yours!
Pre-requisite: Base attack bonus +16, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Str 19
Benefit: You ignore the hardness of non-magical items. You may damage otherwise invulnerable objects (such as wall of force and forcecage) treating these as having hardness 20 and 100 hp per 5’ section
Special This feat may be selected as a fighter bonus feat.

Rob Heath |
Here are a few basic combat feats i can think of the pre-reqs will probably need fine tuning as would the actual abilities but i think something along these lines would add to the game.
Blocking Strike(would have used thou shall not pass but someone beat me to it :D)
Pre-requisite: Combat Reflexes
Benefit: Whenever you hit with an attack of opportunity caused by movement it ends that targets movement for that round.
Special This feat may be selected as a fighter bonus feat.
Shield Wall
Pre-requisite: Shield Prof.
Benefit: If there is a ally adjacent also using a shield you can add an extra +1 shield bonus to your ac if you are effectively flanked by allied shield users this bonus increases to +3 (no more than +3 can ever be gained by using this feat)
Special This feat may be selected as a fighter bonus feat.
Back Rank Warrior
Pre-requisite: Weapon Focus with a reach weapon
Benefit: By taking a -2 to your attack roll you can ignore any cover provided by an ally in an adjacent square to an opponent within your melee reach
Special This feat may be selected as a fighter bonus feat.
Reactive movement
Benefit: once per round as an immediate action you can take a 5 foot step but only for keeping in melee range with an opponent
Special This feat may be selected as a fighter bonus feat.

tussock |
Something that lets me do unarmed strike damage as part of the grapple (BTW, it doesn't say you need a free hand or similar). Same for an unarmed trip. Unless perhaps you're saving both for Monk class tricks, which might be OK too.
Perhaps something that lets you trip after a successful attack with a tripping weapon, standard action at BAB +6. Tripping weapons being otherwise fairly sub-par.
Some of the monster feats, like Wingover.
Things like skill tricks, if you're not otherwise implementing them; wuxia jumping strikes, climbing the big guys, using distracting banter, and so on.
Allow Bardsong + attack as a standard action, or just make it the norm for the class, with penalties that a combat feat removes.
Allow Spell + single attack as a full-round action, with extensive prerequisites for multiclass Ftr/Wiz types (Clr and Drd mostly far too good as is, pure Wiz not really wanting to attack anyway).
Multiple attacks on charges, spring attacks, and with a standard action, at the appropriate BAB or one step later. Probably only against separate targets using thematically appropriate weapons.
Possibly something like two-weapon spring attack. Or just improved spring attack that allows you to use any standard action combat feats as the attack. Ditto for focused chargers.
Something for defensive combatants, like a single AoO on the first attacker who misses, specifically as a trip, disarm, or similar by feat.
And as an aside, a fantastic new discovery just now is that firefox saves this editing box full of text as I go, and it reappears as if by magic after a powercut. Go Ext3, go firefox.

Bradford Ferguson |

I think the overall sense of streamlining these rules is a bit half-arsed. Maybe the goal isn't to streamline the system, just streamline the rules that folks thought were unmanageable...?
If Mobility now makes there be no AoO for moving through threatened squares, that is a streamlining feat (eliminates tumble checks) and one that players will be motivated to take.
Why not add a feat that allows casters to cast on the defensive automatically (as long as not grappled)? Spellcasters should be able to cast spells... If rogues can sneak attack much more stuff, then spell casters should be able to cast spells more easily. Damage calculations and concentration checks? Heck no.
Look to add feats that streamline the game.
As far as brainstorming, look to the general categories:
Movement, attacks, defenses, magic, maledictions (blindness, etc), buffing, etc.
If combat feats are a class feature, why not make them like class abilities (or PrC abilities)? Also if you are looking to add options to characters so they aren't always doing their full attack...? Feats that: buff an ability score 1/day (duration: encounter), blind an opponent 1/day, damage opponent's AC by 4 for the duration of the encounter. If it hurts an opponent, you would make it contigent on hitting the opponent (maybe with a power attack hit, or with a combat expertise hit). AND to go with streamlining, no saving throws.

Bradford Ferguson |

I did some crazy streamlining stuff with 3.5 and my players didn't like it because (1) I didn't present it to them on paper [they just had character sheets and me as a reference] and (2) I nerfed the flexibility of the arcane classes (the 4e idea of making each spell list different, therefore I restricted choices at each level for each spellcasting class), otherwise it worked. (each wizard and sorcerer level had 12 spells to choose from and they didn't overlap much). I can share these spell lists if it would aid your thought process (though I'm sure you wouldn't go this direction)
Some other feat/ability ideas are:
grappling. the only things that can invoke grappling rules are things with tentacles or stuff that swallows its prey.
feat trees where the player must land a power attack at -3 or -5 in order to get an add-on affect (stripping AC, tripping, disarming), and it is successful (no opposed roll) as long as the attack hits. One roll. Or Combat expertise and a hit to land a trip (and melee damage) or blindness (dirt in the eyes). these would be once per encounter.
I like the idea of CMB because it is one roll. If you take the idea of CMB further then the spellcaster PC should roll when they cast spells to defeat a static saving throw (10+save). One roll and power to the players. PCs would roll to save against spells cast on them though (sounds a little complicated, but still is one roll and power in the player's hands). (Spell DC) If monsters Ref bonus is +5 then you must roll above 15 (additive still being spell level & ability mod).
I like what you did with entangle, web should be about the same. I don't think entangle should be a 1st level spell (even for druids), but then that would hurt compatibility. Haste should be one target (to mirror bestow curse of 3rd level clerics), Mass Haste at 6th level. Fly too powerful at 3rd level, but that affects some adventure writing (and angers long-time wizard lovers). Pett wrote Skinsaw Murders thinking that fly would be handy in the last battle (6th level PCs).

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How much different (for better or worse) would it be to change Backswing so you could choose to make the extra attack on your first successful attack, rather than only when your first attack for the round is successful? In this case, the extra attack would have the same modifier to hit as the successful attack that triggered it.

Cainus |

Second time posting it, lets hope this is the charm. With grappling loosing a lot of its ability to damage here are some feats to suppliment that. The first three are linked.
Dirty Boxing
you are skilled at grappling with a small weapon in your offhand.
Pre req
Imp Grapple
You do not suffer the -4 penalty to grapple when wielding a light weapon in your offhand. The weapon may be used to attack with any result of grappled or higher, suffering all normal offhand penalties.
Take Down
You are skilled at taking an opponent to the ground while grappling them.
Pre Req
Imp Grapple, Dirty Boxing
You may make a free trip attempt, that does not provoke an AoO, with a grapple result of Grappled or higher. If the trip result succeeds you go prone with your opponent. If the trip attempt fails by 10 or more the grapple is broken.
You are skilled at attcking your foe once he is pinned.
Pre Req
Imp Grapple, Dirty Boxing, Take down
You may make a full attack against an opponent when a pinned result is achieved. these attacks are made with whatever weapon is in hand or with unarmed attacks. The grappler does not gain any bonus to grappling for pinning or for consecutive rounds grappled until the next round.
The rest are just some assorted grappling feats.
Monster Wrassler
You are skilled at grappling non-humanoid foes.
Pre req
Imp Grapple
You gain +2 to you CMB when grappling non-humanoid foes.
Giant Bender
You are capable of almost superhuman feats of grappling.
Pre Req
Imp Grapple, size small or medium, BAB +10
You can attempt a grapple against a foe up to three sizes larger. Creatures three sizes larger can move as normal on any grappling result other than a pin.
Mass Grapple
Pre Req
Imp grapple, BAB +8
You may attempt to grapple a second foe after the first foe is pinned. You suffer a -10 to your CMB against both foes.
Master of Escapes
You may use you Escape Artist check instead of BAB plus Str against the initial grapple attempt.
More, non-grappling, feats to come.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Here's a few ideas.
Greater Manyshot (Combat)
You can fire multiple arrows at multiple targets.
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When making a full-attack action with a bow, you can fire one additional time this round. You do not take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, as you would if you were using Rapid Shot.
Off-Hand Feint (Combat)
When wielding two-weapons, you can use an off-hand weapon to quickly feint.
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Double Slice, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You must be wielding more than one weapon to use this feat. As a full-round action, perform a feint, then make a full attack using only one of your weapons.
Normal: Using feint in combat is a standard action.
Off-Hand Parry (Combat)
When wielding two-weapons, you can use an off-hand weapon to deflect attacks.
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Double Slice, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Off-Hand Feint, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
Benefits: You must be wielding more than one weapon to use this feat. As a full-round action, gain the benefits of the total defense action, then make a full attack using only one of your weapons. You cannot fight defensively, make attacks of opportunity, or use the Combat Expertise feat this round.
Normal: Using total defense is a standard action.
Two-Weapon Tempest (Combat)
You are more than a master at fighting two-handed.
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Rend, Weapon Swap, base attack +16.
Benefits: You must be wielding more than one weapon to use this feat. As a full-round action, make a full attack using only one of your weapons. Each time one of your attacks with this weapon hits, you also automatically hit with any one other weapon you wield. This automatic hit does not score a critical hit, even if the attack that triggered it did.